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Accepted FrogRP Shinkan Application [REVISED!]


Level 1
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section


Name: Query
Tag: justaquery

British Summer Time (GMT+1)


As of recently, I have just gotten back into SRP. if I were to put a time on it, about 3 months ago now! i've been a player for almost 5 years, And never once have I claimed to have quit - think it's silly too, it's a roleplay server meant for fun - not a job!

''You never quit, there's only longer times between relapses.''

I am on the server most days! though time fluctuates depending on interactions an what not. usually Im on for about 4-6 hours.

List your current roles on the server:
FrogRP : Grade 12
SensoDojin : Grade 12
MaskedRP : Grade 12

Link any previous applications:

I am applying for the Shinto Priest/ Shinkan.

What is your motivation for applying?
Fun mostly. I wish to experience a new form of roleplay, though I've applied to a few factions before (even being accepted in a few cases), I feel like I squandered it; both coming at a difficult time for me - conflicting with my (at the time) hectic schedule. But now that everything has cleared up within the past few years IN-CONJUNCTION with my reignited love for SRP, I can safely say I am very much excited to give this another go!

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
Having applied for Shinto Priest before (unfortunately, the possession came at a bizarre time for me which fractured my attention away from the job and SRP as a whole). In preparation for this role, I did a deep-dive into the world of Shintoism, which captivated me quickly, finding it very interesting. A friend of mine, who was already a pretty dedicated member of the faction, was a huge help in teaching me various things about the religion during both the time leading up to my application, and my time spent as a priest (Thanks Tsuryoku!).

I think it was a shame that I was unable to showcase my research of the Shinto religion the first time around, prevented by real-life stuff. I have revised my knowledge of the belief, which has rekindled my enjoyment of the subject, having watched docu-series and not to mention independent study on the subject

With that said, I do not claim to be an expert on the subject of Shintoism OR roleplay however, I am always open to learn and improve.

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'' My name is Tadashi Kudo''

CHARACTERS TITLE (E.g. Mr. Mrs. Miss):
''Mr. Fella. Man''

CHARACTERS AGE (E.g. 21-80):
''dawww . . . 41 years old- don't remind me.''

"Single man, reveal yourself"


Degree/Certifications (If applicable): N/A

''De-what now?''

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[!] I know the letter isn't necessary BUT I thought it'd be fun [!]

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'Dear Monastery Lead,'

'My name is Tadashi Kudo, I come to you as a man; on a quest, seeking redemption. Having led a life of petty delinquency, and criminal actions which bordered on absurdity: Has left me scarred, physically and mentally. The actions of my foolish youth, having impacted my present.
I believe I am living on borrowed time, an uneasy weight remains on my shoulders, immeasurable guilt for the harm I have caused others, correlating with my less-than-desirable quality of life, which I wish to change.
I wish to seek refuge within the confines of the Shinsei-Seinaru Monastery, under the role of priest. I wish to live by the ways of Shintoism, a way of life for which I hold a lot of respect. Allowing it to wash over me, setting me on the path of righteousness and all things good.
With the time I have left, I want to make a difference, a good one. I would implore you to keep my application in consideration, as I truly believe this is where I need to be. Thank you.'

'With kind regards, Tadashi Kudo'



How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?

[!] Tadashi a volcano in the guise of a man. keeping this eruption dormant; his daily prayers, affirmations, and Shinkan duties - duties which Kudo vigorously upheld. A feeble man with a stable religious outlook. [!]
[!] Shaken by the Lovecraftian horrors of his past. Kudo strolls, his noticeable limp, soothed by the freshly trimmed gardening of the Shinsei Seinaru monastery. ''Freshly trimmed'' a fact in which Tadashi Kudo took a strange immense pride. [!]

[!] Sculling around the corners of the monastery. Tadashi was soon greeted by the appearance of another Shinsei Seinaru priest. ''Good morning.'' Kudo spoke, holding his accent out of respect. ''Anything planned for today?'' Tadashi smiled through thin lips. [!]

[!] Like droplets of water. Tadashi's responses would be abrupt and short, mostly keeping to himself - allowing his co-worker to control the convocation. [!]

[!] exchanged pleasantries. Tadashi's grip tightened on his walking stick - slouched. His d****d kimono exchanging kisses with the gravel as Kudo made his way to the tea shack. As he approached his one working eye narrowed [!] ''Guests!'' [!] Tadashi exclaimed surprised. both hands cupped around the handle of his waking stick. Kudo bowed his head in greeting. [!] ''Uah - could I offer you some tea?'' [!] He spoke swiftly, his tone wooden. Kudo knew of the calm sanctity of the monastery in which he laid his head at night. The last thing he wished was to disturb someone else's self indulgent indifference. He knew of the want to be alone. [!]

[!] Calmly, the man refused the offer of tea. Instead - making his way up the stairs. bowing at each Torii which came his way [!]

[!] Tadashi Kudo was always good at reading people, one man's introverted display lends well to another's respect. A textbook showcase of restraint - a restraint to haggle. A man's want isn't an obligation. [!]

[!] Waved it off. his face gaunt and unpleasing, a fact out - of his control. [!]
''Pahww.'' [!] Kudo exhaled sharply as he gazed upwards towards the Torii. [!] ''Yarrghn.'' [!] he groaned. a peaceful, confident smile formed [!]

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?

"YAAARRRHH?'' Exclaimed Tadashi. His shocked expression screamed - 'Whatthehell!'. ''WHATS WRONG WID YUH, HAWWW?!'' - ''Dis is a sacred place, yuh-know? not a damn playpen!'' A frustrated silence. "YUH HEAR ME? GET DOWN FROM THERE!"
Kudo somewhat hypocritically spat!

[!] The troublesome delinquent spat out his tongue at Tadashi - a declaration of rebellion. [!]

Mouth laid-agape, shocked. ''Wh- WHY YUUUU LIL-FFFFF-'' Tadashi held his tongue. ''FFRRRIDDDLLEee . . .'' The censor trailed-off - Tadashi Grit his popcorn-kernel teeth. ''Get down.'' Mumbled Kudo. His eye shut as he balled his fist, frustrated.

[!] Tadashi was truly a changed man. And violence didn’t once enter his feeble brain. He knew now that words carried for more weight than violence [!]

Kudo's parched-breathes relaxed. his tongue rested on the roof of his mouth, pursing his lips. ''Allllright.'' Tadashi exhaled. Taking out his '2003' flip-phone. - His revolting teeth formed a equally revolting smile. ''Ohhhh, Karakura police departmeeenntt'' held the upside-down phone to his ear.

[!] Unaware and scared of Tadashi Kudo's devious tricks. The offending hooligan, began carefully making his way down - off the roof. [!]

Once down. Tadashi grabbed the lawbreaker by the collar of his shirt - mashing both men's foreheads together. ''Unless yur wanting to PRAY and REPENT, foh what yuh dun . . .'' - ''I suggest yuh BOG OFF.'' A silence. Kudo's breath smelt like bad decisions. ''Yuh hear me?'' He reiterated sternly.
[!] Tadashi's face contorts in disgust. he released his grip, maintaining a watchful eye on the delinquent, ensuring no further disrespect, not on Kudo's watch. [!]

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
"Redemption, frankly; I've not been the best of fellas, I can admit that. I know that I've been given far too many chances in my life to turn over a new leaf, just to squander it. I know I'm a mess up. But now, I just want to do good, I don't want to cause suffering to those around me no’ more.''

"During my time in Karakura's correctional institution, I had time to reflect. Guided by the honourable jail priest, Smokey Toshima; who by chance was at one time a practitioner working within the Shinsei Seinaru monastery. An unlikely turn of events, which leads me to believe without a shadow of a doubt that this must have been an event shadowed by some form of higher power.’’

“Seeing this as some sort of second chance; A sign if you will; I decided to devote my stay in imprisonment; educating myself on Shintoism, and though god knows I aint’ perfect, I just want with the time I have left, to leave this world a better place. I wish not to be remembered for my ill-choices but my ability to adapt and change, even after all this wasted time.”

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[!] Tadashi’s backstory is purposely disjointed; a fragmented-amalgamation of crime and redemption, a bastardised recollection of vague events [!]

Bad from the start.

Born in the north of England 19##; the bastard son of Haruto Kudo and ###### ######. Tadashi Kudo was a rowdy soul, his bombastic-adventurous behaviour landing him all sorts of bother - bother which his soul guardian and mother Haruto Kudo found too much to bare. With little knowledge or realization; Tadashi sent his mother into an early grave. Sent to live with his aunt in Karakura, his mothers home town. Tadashi found it rather troublesome to assimilate into the culture of the city, quickly finding himself at the mercy of the judicial system aged 13.

Robbed of his youth and lacking in appropriate socialization during Tadashi's stay within juvenile detention system. Kudo's personality stunted; having more IN common socially with a 14 year-old at big age of 18, easily manipulated, maintaining his childish cruelty. Written off as insane and unbearable. Tadashi once again found it hard to assimilate among his peers.


Falling into a bad crowd, which only saw-to-elevate Tadashi's sociopathic, cruelty. Kudo was given an offer, an offer that he couldn't refuse. A family; Akihito, finally a place Tadashi could call home, finally a place to assimilate, finally a place to rest his head.

The Akihito War. Alongside his closest associate, Aki Masahiko. The two ''brothers'' sought to make a name for themselves, in order to prove themselves; a good performance was necessary. Their Kaicho dictated as such.
However, the performance which-took place that day was that of a massacre of disastrous proportion
Akihito like Kabuki, only served to influence Kudo, dictating his morals, perverting them further.

Horror Story

Escaping death by a hair. Tadashi stumbled, an effort to reconnect with the rest of the clan, his family - who had already begun their departure through Karakura's sewer system . . . Kudo, fell short; collapsing - drowning in his own blood. "Teeth that seemed to move independently of the lips tore at Kudo's body''. Tadashi clung to the pieces of raw sewage, squelching between his gashed knuckles. Eyes bulging, flesh snipping. ''What the hell is going on!?'' he cried in agony . . . Rats - the rats, eating him alive.

A nightmarish end for a man who resented the city of Karakura, to drown in its sewage. there are worse ways to go though - like being eaten alive by rats . . . 13 hours - 13 hours Tadashi spent painfully aware of his situation, each naw at his blood-gushing flesh keeping him aware. he couldn't - he wouldn't die as rat food. Gathering the last vestiges of his strength, Kudo rose . . . The rats' leeched, burrowing into the deformities which used to his limbs . . . And yet, Tadashi Kudo rose.


"Still alive somehow." - "Could've gone down fighting . . . let those monsters finish me off.'' But he didn't. Kudo wondered, the limp which put pressure of his bludgeoned foot keeping him awake - keeping him sane.

Though all seemed hopeless - you must remember, there is always a light . . . at the end of the sewer tunnel?? - matured, cauterized and shamed; Kudo abdicated, he couldn't handle it - this city - the smell - the human rats, no more. harshly deformed, at the age of 20, Tadashi Kudo fled Karakura leaving his criminal life behind.

Karma and Repentance

Years had passed since Tadashi Kudo emerged from the sewers a broken man. Spending his early to mid 20s hopping from place to place, just off the shore of the city that broke him. The struggle of every scar - every bump, on his now fragile body became a constant reminder of Tadashi's own horrors. Soon after, Tadashi Kudo made an honourable vow to walk a new path - a better path, one which he could truly be proud.

Tadashi Kudo didn't believe in redemption - instead, repentance. The thought of his bad deeds being somehow out-weighed by good, gave Tadashi a semblance of hope. So be it; Kudo, a man on borrowed time, wished to dedicate the remainder of his life working with charity. Though, there was only so much his brittle body would allow - still, occasional assistance at food shelters and hospital donations became a regular occurrence within Tadashi's time spent off the shore of Karakura.

Despite Tadashi's efforts, the weight of his past clung to him. the shadow of the Akihito war overcasting his present. The vague memory only perpetuated by - ''Knock - Knock - Knock'' someone at the door . . . no, not 'someone' . . . the law.

Karma is an interesting thing - Karma can never be out-weighed by good - repentance is a moral bandage placed on self-made cuts - blood always manages to seep through. Kudo's face; public knowledge, detested and sought for his crimes during the war, yet another life-altering event due to Akihito's war against Kishi.

Karma and Redemption

Kudo didn't fight it. freedom is a luxury, abuse it - lose it. Like a bad smell Kudo had lingered within small towns, he had long since come to terms with the evil committed in his youth - to him, this was all apart of his repentance. Eventually, he pled guilty. Tadashi Kudo, was swiftly sent back to Karakura. The city that Kudo once felt trapped in had now became his place of imprisonment.

Days marked by isolation and silence - soon gave way to introspection . . . why was he here? - was any of this worth it? Tadashi knew the answers to these questions - questions he's been asking himself long before his imprisonment; was he going mad? wasn't he always. With no family ties - and the one man he had ever respected now residing in mainland Japan. In all of Kudo's travels, never had he been so alone.

A man by the name of Smokey Toshima, a Shinto priest who would often visit Karakura's criminal correction facilitates. Took up fascination with the reserved Tadashi Kudo, in many ways making it his mission to break through to the man, lend his aid where he could, help him see the light "Though all seemed hopeless - you must remember, there is always a light . . . at the end of the sewer tunnel??". Years passed, though originally pensive to the idea - Tadashi soon found love for Shintoism, which he was guided/educated so meticulously by Mr. Toshima. Coming out the other side of that prison a new man - a better man. Prison didn't cut it, Tadashi Kudo now knew what he must do to achieve true repentance - possibly, redemption.

[!] Sat down, his body illuminated by the weak lamp - contrasting the dimly lit room, creating a palpable atmosphere. Tadashi's eye shut. slowly, pressing all the air out of his lungs . . . it was time, Tadashi Kudo picked up his pen, soon putting pressure onto the paper which laid in front of his skeletal body. [!]

'Dear Monastery Lead,'


[!] subliminal messages [!]

OOC NOTE: The black bar not matching the size of the panel underneath (in the letter section) bothers me too.

EDIT OOC NOTE: I actually fixed it and out of respect to my struggle I am not removing the original ooc note.​
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Level 49
Shrine Lead

Welcome to the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery! As a team we have decided to accept your application as a priest.

Make sure you are in the Karakura Town Discord (Here) to get started!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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