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GangRP Overhaul

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Level 10
Thread starter
GangRP is a must to stay, and for one good reason. It gives a reason for a law enforcement to be a thing. Without crimes, the KPD becomes nearly useless. Plus, it adds something else than just going to school. It gives excitement. If you don't like GangRP, just don't get involved. Don't do anything to give perms to anyone and you're safe.


Level 231
I agree with this, along with that, even I've considered moving to FRP and I've been in CrimeRP for 2+ years. It's sad that since 2018/2019, we've been plagued by gangrp with almost no lore at all. That needs to change, and this is the perfect time to do so. If not, one of these days SRP will lose its entire player base and all that will be left are gangrpers and a few stragglers. Where will the people who left SRP be headed? Straight to FRP.
lets make the greatest FRP group ever


Level 137
I promised myself I wouldn't make a response, but here we are. So, GangRP. It sucks. In my response, I'll be explaining why some points do not make sense. Please do not take this as an attack, but criticism from a long-time RPH member.

Currently, there's a lot of /me stabs carotid and /roll 150
The fact that this is still a thing, even after many (many, many, many) changes in CombatRP's mechanics in SRP, is worrying. Unfortunately, there is not a lot to be done. If you wanted it to be detailed, well thought out, and a fun experience for all parties, then it would need to be the parties that make it so. Neither the server's staff members nor rules can control how this is (excluding the fact you can put "don't be dumb, roleplay with more than three words" in the rules). It is entirely up to how a situation is run by the parties involved, whether they are GangRPers or not, that will depend on how "good" a roleplay can be.

I suggest we made it more difficult to kill someone to allow characters to live longer, develop more lore behind their name and gain battle scars and stories to tell, in a sense.
I do not agree, but I will respect your opinion. I, for one, do think that SRP should bring back its NLR system. NLR was implemented for the one purpose of protecting the people's development. No, there does not have to be a lore reason as to why NLR exists. It may conflict with some roleplay, but SRP needs it.

However, if there needs to be a lore reason for NLR to exist, you can make one in a matter of minutes. For example, Karakura, Japan does not exist. It is entirely made up, and so are many of the technologies in it (MoonTech, MarsTech, whatever MoonTech copycat there is). It could be written that medical technology in Japan has progressed so far, it can save lives.

There should be an increase in the amount of blunt objects/weapons. Have Kill Permissions more difficult to gain and nerf what you can do with Major Assault Permissions.
There should be no nerfed actions, nor should there be an increase in weapon production. If you are wanting to make characters harder to kill, you shouldn't want more weapons to be produced.

GangRP can be extremely toxic, so to change that, I suggest an application wall. I suggest we place an application wall for GangRP. For example: FRP has a pretty big player base, it's completely organized, very very few cases of bad failrp, toxicity, and everyone complies very well with the lore.
An application wall does not stop everything. Applying a whitelist to a section of roleplay is not good. FRP has a whitelist for quality management, but, even then, we are still supportive of players "testing the waters." We are, in no way, perfect, even with the whitelist. If you truly knew FRP, you would know that the environment can (only sometimes) be worse than GangRP. Toxicity still brews, FailRP can still be present, and rules are commonly broken-- if it were so few of those, the moderation team would not be so big!

GangRP takes more than just learning; It takes mastery to enjoy, to develop genuine lore, and much more.
Easy to use, hard to master; that sort of thing, yes? It is similar to any form of CRP. I will ignore the fact you said it needs someone to be a master to enjoy it because you may have been confused.

It will be purely P2L (Play to Lose).
Even in FRP, we do not force P2L on players. It should be recommended, but not the only option you should take. Allow both parties to decide on what they should be using. And, even in P2L, rolls will be used, but not how you may think.

Sometimes, both parties cannot decide who goes first or what action happens first (because two actions may conflict with each other, but still make sense). So, you roll out of 100 or 20, and whoever with the highest roll will have their action first or will have it happen.

SRP will get it's very own application team.
No, it won't. This will be tossed to the already existing team that handles character authorizations if the suggestion is accepted.

switching out their current Glock 17 firearm with the more accurate New Nambu M60 that Japanese Law Enforcement use in real life.
Agreed, thank you for making players aware of this.


Level 231
I promised myself I wouldn't make a response, but here we are. So, GangRP. It sucks. In my response, I'll be explaining why some points do not make sense. Please do not take this as an attack, but criticism from a long-time RPH member.

The fact that this is still a thing, even after many (many, many, many) changes in CombatRP's mechanics in SRP, is worrying. Unfortunately, there is not a lot to be done. If you wanted it to be detailed, well thought out, and a fun experience for all parties, then it would need to be the parties that make it so. Neither the server's staff members nor rules can control how this is (excluding the fact you can put "don't be dumb, roleplay with more than three words" in the rules). It is entirely up to how a situation is run by the parties involved, whether they are GangRPers or not, that will depend on how "good" a roleplay can be.

I do not agree, but I will respect your opinion. I, for one, do think that SRP should bring back its NLR system. NLR was implemented for the one purpose of protecting the people's development. No, there does not have to be a lore reason as to why NLR exists. It may conflict with some roleplay, but SRP needs it.

However, if there needs to be a lore reason for NLR to exist, you can make one in a matter of minutes. For example, Karakura, Japan does not exist. It is entirely made up, and so are many of the technologies in it (MoonTech, MarsTech, whatever MoonTech copycat there is). It could be written that medical technology in Japan has progressed so far, it can save lives.

There should be no nerfed actions, nor should there be an increase in weapon production. If you are wanting to make characters harder to kill, you shouldn't want more weapons to be produced.

An application wall does not stop everything. Applying a whitelist to a section of roleplay is not good. FRP has a whitelist for quality management, but, even then, we are still supportive of players "testing the waters." We are, in no way, perfect, even with the whitelist. If you truly knew FRP, you would know that the environment can (only sometimes) be worse than GangRP. Toxicity still brews, FailRP can still be present, and rules are commonly broken-- if it were so few of those, the moderation team would not be so big!

Easy to use, hard to master; that sort of thing, yes? It is similar to any form of CRP. I will ignore the fact you said it needs someone to be a master to enjoy it because you may have been confused.

Even in FRP, we do not force P2L on players. It should be recommended, but not the only option you should take. Allow both parties to decide on what they should be using. And, even in P2L, rolls will be used, but not how you may think.

Sometimes, both parties cannot decide who goes first or what action happens first (because two actions may conflict with each other, but still make sense). So, you roll out of 100 or 20, and whoever with the highest roll will have their action first or will have it happen.

No, it won't. This will be tossed to the already existing team that handles character authorizations if the suggestion is accepted.

Agreed, thank you for making players aware of this.
I also agreed I wouldn't make a formal statement or response, however upon reading this - i've come to the conclusion that he said anything and everything I would've said. I agree full heartedly with Mils. However, gangrp needs to be fixed, not removed.


Level 134
I promised myself I wouldn't make a response, but here we are. So, GangRP. It sucks. In my response, I'll be explaining why some points do not make sense. Please do not take this as an attack, but criticism from a long-time RPH member.

The fact that this is still a thing, even after many (many, many, many) changes in CombatRP's mechanics in SRP, is worrying. Unfortunately, there is not a lot to be done. If you wanted it to be detailed, well thought out, and a fun experience for all parties, then it would need to be the parties that make it so. Neither the server's staff members nor rules can control how this is (excluding the fact you can put "don't be dumb, roleplay with more than three words" in the rules). It is entirely up to how a situation is run by the parties involved, whether they are GangRPers or not, that will depend on how "good" a roleplay can be.

I do not agree, but I will respect your opinion. I, for one, do think that SRP should bring back its NLR system. NLR was implemented for the one purpose of protecting the people's development. No, there does not have to be a lore reason as to why NLR exists. It may conflict with some roleplay, but SRP needs it.

However, if there needs to be a lore reason for NLR to exist, you can make one in a matter of minutes. For example, Karakura, Japan does not exist. It is entirely made up, and so are many of the technologies in it (MoonTech, MarsTech, whatever MoonTech copycat there is). It could be written that medical technology in Japan has progressed so far, it can save lives.

There should be no nerfed actions, nor should there be an increase in weapon production. If you are wanting to make characters harder to kill, you shouldn't want more weapons to be produced.

An application wall does not stop everything. Applying a whitelist to a section of roleplay is not good. FRP has a whitelist for quality management, but, even then, we are still supportive of players "testing the waters." We are, in no way, perfect, even with the whitelist. If you truly knew FRP, you would know that the environment can (only sometimes) be worse than GangRP. Toxicity still brews, FailRP can still be present, and rules are commonly broken-- if it were so few of those, the moderation team would not be so big!

Easy to use, hard to master; that sort of thing, yes? It is similar to any form of CRP. I will ignore the fact you said it needs someone to be a master to enjoy it because you may have been confused.

Even in FRP, we do not force P2L on players. It should be recommended, but not the only option you should take. Allow both parties to decide on what they should be using. And, even in P2L, rolls will be used, but not how you may think.

Sometimes, both parties cannot decide who goes first or what action happens first (because two actions may conflict with each other, but still make sense). So, you roll out of 100 or 20, and whoever with the highest roll will have their action first or will have it happen.

No, it won't. This will be tossed to the already existing team that handles character authorizations if the suggestion is accepted.

Agreed, thank you for making players aware of this.
I've read over these replies and I do agree with the point of not forcing P2L.

FRP and SRP cannot be compared, SRPs standing gangrp wise is quite horrible, and having players "test the water" has done nothing but make it worse. I don't think you understand the situation the schoolrp server is in due to things like improper CombatRP and gangrp. For FRP it is quite a bit easier to say as CRP is not the main focus, there are many things such as politics, nations, banditrp, etc. The factions on schoolrp can be quite controlled and they get boring quickly, pushing people into a "gangrp mindset" as a way to get some excitement in their RP. While I do understand that people want their RP to be more exciting, there is nothing exciting about ruining perfectly well-written characters over your competition with another gangrper.

For the NLR suggestion, despite the fact the city is indeed fictional, there are rules that prevent things like future technology and extreme scientific breakthroughs from being possible. I remember back a few years ago players would purposely bait NLR, and it was severely easy due to the lack of a proper ruleset.

Here is a screenshot to show just how bad it's gotten.
(I've blurred the names for the protection of the people partaking in this act, along with that, this is not meant to offend or harm anyone, so much as prove a point.)


Level 40

GangRP can be extremely toxic, so to change that, I suggest an application wall. I suggest we place an application wall for GangRP. For example: FRP has a pretty big player base, it's completely organized, very very few cases of bad failrp, toxicity, and everyone complies very well with the lore.

GangRP in itself isn't a faction. There are no benefits to be gained apart from the core roleplay itself, you don't get any more perks than a normal player would have as every other faction that requires an application does. It would not make sense to hinder a large portion of the server by putting up an application wall that prevents them from roleplaying how they'd like. Everything a player does when participating in this form of roleplay comes out of their own pocket & at their own expense as it is (weapons, tailored skins, bails). A whitelist or application process would be a step backward, less people would be inclined to partake due to all of these factors combined thus killing the groups that do participate.

I suggest we made it more difficult to kill someone to allow characters to live longer, develop more lore behind their name and gain battle scars and stories to tell, in a sense. There should be an increase in the amount of blunt objects/weapons. Have Kill Permissions more difficult to gain and nerf what you can do with Major Assault Permissions.

- The death timer is an interesting idea however it would be unfair to everyone else & their characters.
- The verified weaponry system encourages more usage of blunt objects for unverified gang members.

So, to really develop GangRP's lore and allow you to enjoy your time playing it more, I suggest: as you get accepted for the GangRP Application, you must cease using rolling within combat situations. It will be purely P2L (Play to Lose).

P2L is a great combat alternative however it's very messy (messier than rolling) during large group combat interactions, players also have trouble with walking the fine line between realism & PowerRP when it comes to P2L. There is absolutely no way an entire team will be created just to determine whether or not players understand P2L.

The last suggestion is to use the new tunnel next to the powerplant.

I like the atmosphere however this would defeat the entire purpose of the power plant. You could suggest changes to be made to what we currently have, however another giant area on the map built specifically for crime will not happen as we have an amazing one currently as is.

Almost all of these points you've brought up have either already been suggested in the past, or are simply complaints with no viable solution that can't be solved by the staff team. These are issues that can only be solved by the players. You're what makes up GangRP, it's up to you to change the roleplay how you see fit by setting an example for everyone else. Whether or not they choose to follow is up to them.


Level 231
You're damn right, if you want GangRP to be better then show people how it can be better

easier said than done. but facts
its as easy as making kanto a p2l only gang, and hoping other gangs follow suit


Level 129
To be fair, for me, killing developed characters is actually fun. Not because they're developed, but because the person who made the character actually can RP. Let's say LEWK for example, Ryo was a WELL developed character, 5 years is what I was told. It is accomplishing because we know he isn't going to create Ryo again and play his new character as he played Ryo, but it is also fun because he roleplayed the death and events leading to it properly.

Most GangRPers don't get all giggly over killing a developed character because they wanna see people suffer, its because in GangRP people just create the same character over and over again with a new base and new name, it's like taking a bite out of one skittle from a skittle bag when you kill a GangRP'er. But when you kill a good RP'er it's way more refreshing, and almost every good RP'er has a developed character, so it just falls into place.

But if you kill a well-developed character with "/me stabs carotid" /it 10 minutes, /it lay." then that shit is mad annoying and boring, what's the point. No one is gonna be proud of you man, it's kinda lame. Legit the only time I condone simple actions is if you're being pressured really hard and it's not P2L or planned out, just a buncha people that wanna neck you.
Exactly, like if my character got killed by gangrp at some point, I would prefer that the kill had proper development previously leading up to it, and that the killing happened with proper roleplay y'know. I would be absolutely fine with that.

But like, the last time something like this happened to me, they failrped the whole situation first of all, lol, kidnapping someone without proper permissions, then one of them failrped out of combat, sneaked up behind me without rolling to wait until I tried to call the cops. Then when I did, immediately called kps in looc and all his fighting friends came over to kill me, with their newly obtained bogus perms (situation was voided because they didn't get perms)

Throughout the whole thing, the only action I would say exceeded more than 5 words was when they attempted to detailrp them stabbing my characters throat, and that's it. It look them like 15 minutes.

I would personally consider getting into gang roleplay if it was harder to kill and it wasn't as toxic as it is, honestly it would be fun to roleplay criminal life- but I don't think I would enjoy it with how the current meta goes on. I don't really wanna flesh out a character for it only to lose it to /me stabs carotid xd lol


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Wait until the Kozlov brothers find you. We finna stuff you in a trunk and make your friends pay us money or you die
Then we finna turn you into a meme and send it to your loved ones

The who?


Level 149
School Clubs Lead
Content Team
Hey guys, it’s ya boy, customable321 here back with another schoolrp forums let’s play video


Level 104
+1 from me because you know... I'm a P2L enthusiast, I even try to teach people P2L every once in a while, another thing you can do to try and improve your gangrp experience is joining a gang that does. Akihito or Hanazono whichever one you choose, joining any of these will improve your experience in gangrp since staff accepting this is very low, maybe an application for creating gangs can be added because every other gang these days are just copy n paste, same old lore same old goals, pretty sure most people know me as that one guy that doesn't combat unless it's P2L.

Writing this on mobile don't mind me


Level 103
+1 I agree with polar above it will be a very low chance staff accepts this suggestion but I do think an application would be good and an application to make gangs as well because this will weed out the /me stabs gangrpers that just say they “kill for lore” but again it’s low this will actually get accepted so it’s better to join either Akihito clan or Hanazono clan as these will give you a better experience in Gangtok


Level 121
I wrote like huge text wall about gangrp application cuz in my opinion it seemed stupid, so I'll just make it simple and small.
I agree with pros and totalore.
tho I'll just say these

When your fighting someone you CAN ask for P2L and if they don't accept, do not be mad at them and call them "Perm thirsty" or "Bad roleplayer" if someone came up to me asking for p2l I would try my best even though I do not know how to p2l very well, but if its a really deep situation where multiple characters lives depend on it, I wouldn't pick p2l just because some dude asked for it, after all time IS a VERY important thing in gangrp, you could leave a situation 2 seconds early and avoid cops or leave it 2 seconds late and cops are there. if pure p2l gangrp would be a thing, PauseRP's would be a REALLY common thing and gangrp would be.. pretty less considering the amount of people who'd just go "Oh why do I even bother gangrping I'll just get arrested, not because I'm bad at p2l or anything, because the dude took his sweet time typing a whole book about stabbing." ...yeah


Level 134
To be fair, for me, killing developed characters is actually fun. Not because they're developed, but because the person who made the character actually can RP. Let's say LEWK for example, Ryo was a WELL developed character, 5 years is what I was told. It is accomplishing because we know he isn't going to create Ryo again and play his new character as he played Ryo, but it is also fun because he roleplayed the death and events leading to it properly.

Most GangRPers don't get all giggly over killing a developed character because they wanna see people suffer, its because in GangRP people just create the same character over and over again with a new base and new name, it's like taking a bite out of one skittle from a skittle bag when you kill a GangRP'er. But when you kill a good RP'er it's way more refreshing, and almost every good RP'er has a developed character, so it just falls into place.

But if you kill a well-developed character with "/me stabs carotid" /it 10 minutes, /it lay." then that shit is mad annoying and boring, what's the point. No one is gonna be proud of you man, it's kinda lame. Legit the only time I condone simple actions is if you're being pressured really hard and it's not P2L or planned out, just a buncha people that wanna neck you.
Japan has the lowest murder rate in the entire world, gangrpers should barely exist anyway. It is UNREALISTIC to go around killing people, even if your roleplay is the best it's ever been. Killing should be a once-in-a-lifetime thing for your character, it should affect their mental state, not kill someone then go run around in a banana costume with your friends. It's not about the fact the characters are killed when they're developed, its the fact that some characters are out here with 50 kills in a week. Also, what gangsters run around in ballistics masks with katanas? Street gangs are horribly RPed, murders in street gangs, while still more common than other types of gangs, are VERY RARE. Almost every type of gang in the world is about business in some way. With street gangs, it's drugs and other small markets. With organized crime it's businesses. If you want to RP a gang, at least go out of your way to RP it realistically and not to flex your kill count.
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