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GangRP Overhaul

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Level 35
There is barely any character development for characters that players use to GangRP. There are a lot of throw away characters being used for GangRP whilst it being nearly impossible to punish someone for a throwaway character since they're difficult to track down. This is a problem.​
There's a rule that directly goes against this, since 'throwaways' can be used so easily and are hard to trackdown. '
If you were a part of Gang and have died / been arrested and lost that character, you cannot re-join or be involved with the same gang for two OOC days.'
Though, even if a throwaway is caught it'll likely result in a warning or a blacklist from gangrp in most severe instances. I agree though, it's hard to develop a character that's involved in gangrp, but not entirely possible to do so. I've had a character involved in gangrp who's been alive for several months. It's about the type of gangrp situations you get your character into which effect the character development, certain people already invested in gangrp will create characters who are in the gang business for seemingly no reason with no buildup but that's just how they decide to portray their characters.​

I suggest we made it more difficult to kill someone to allow characters to live longer, develop more lore behind their name and gain battle scars and stories to tell, in a sense. There should be an increase in the amount of blunt objects/weapons. Have Kill Permissions more difficult to gain and nerf what you can do with Major Assault Permissions.​

Personally, I partly agree with this. I've always thought their should be another level between major and minor - instead of major being categorised into either a) breaking a limb (not very severe) or b) literally cutting someone's eye/limb off. (which is the complete opposite.) I just feel like these two concepts clash together for no reason and I feel like their should be an extra stage in-between. KPS, though, apart from a few ways you can gain KPS, i think is fine. Cutting off someone's limb is fine in my opinion but I don't agree to snitching equating to killing permissions.​

GangRP can be extremely toxic, so to change that, I suggest an application wall. I suggest we place an application wall for GangRP. For example: FRP has a pretty big player base, it's completely organized, very very few cases of bad failrp, toxicity, and everyone complies very well with the lore.​

I completely disagree with an application wall for gangrp, this wont stop toxicity surrounding it - I think it'd rather increase the toxicity as roleplayers would get angry over being suddenly unable to partake in what they find fun on the server if their application (if it's introduced) is denied. It would also ruin character's with gangrp histories in the case their applications do get denied too. Why would, let's say, a gangleader randomly stop being involved in gangs after one day? It makes no sense. Maybe harsher punishments should be introduced instead though.​

I get that SRP is more of a "tutorial" roleplay server as people can just join like that and get a sense of roleplay but, GangRP takes more than just learning; It takes mastery to enjoy, to develop genuine lore, and much more.​

When I first started gangrp it was alot more fun being unknown to the concepts, but of course this is all based on opinion. Gangrp when you've learned it feels more like a chore then an enjoyable activity in some occasions - but like i said this is opinion-based and some people may still have fun even when they're new/having been in the scene for a while.​

So, to really develop GangRP's lore and allow you to enjoy your time playing it more, I suggest: as you get accepted for the GangRP Application, you must cease using rolling within combat situations. It will be purely P2L (Play to Lose). If you don't know what that is, then here is a brief explanation from a friend of mine (with his example)​
Forcing someone to commit to a certain style of roleplay is a bad idea in my opinion, not because of repercussions or certain people disliking P2L. I feel like the rolling system doesn't particularly cater to a certain style of roleplay - a new player has the same advantage with rolling as a veteran does - while with P2L a newer roleplay might have a significant disadvantage when it comes to actions. Also P2L can be easily powergamed and knowing gangrp, people would do this.​

The last suggestion is to use the new tunnel next to the powerplant. If every section of the series of suggestion in this post is accepted, SRP will get it's very own application team. Once someone is accepted, the team member is to add the username to a door or something to allow them to travel through the tunnel, whether it be on a bus or not, and gain access to a large, run down, crime sector. Something like the powerplant, but dark, using a large solid dome in the sky to make it more dark than usual, assuming large plumes of smog and such collect there. It would also be a "minor assault permissions all the time" location, though with the new system, there wont be random attacks just because. The 24/7 minor assault permissions allow for a street fight to start from an argument or "bumping into someone" if you decide to, like what you can see in some crime shows.

So..just extending powerplant? I don't really see the point of this. Powerplant itself is large enough in my opinion, and unlike the tunnel - leads directly into the sewers.​

My last suggestion is to update the KPD by switching out their current Glock 17 firearm with the more accurate New Nambu M60 that Japanese Law Enforcement use in real life.



Level 104
Gangrp you're basically doing the same thing over and over again, the only problem I have with it is the same as kana. No lore and it's super unrealistic


Level 104
Gangrp you're basically doing the same thing over and over again, the only problem I have with it is the same as kana. No lore and it's super unrealistic
Forgot to mention these are easy fixes and players have suggested them over time but they keep getting denied.


Level 137
I've read over these replies and I do agree with the point of not forcing P2L.

FRP and SRP cannot be compared, SRPs standing gangrp wise is quite horrible, and having players "test the water" has done nothing but make it worse. I don't think you understand the situation the schoolrp server is in due to things like improper CombatRP and gangrp. For FRP it is quite a bit easier to say as CRP is not the main focus, there are many things such as politics, nations, banditrp, etc. The factions on schoolrp can be quite controlled and they get boring quickly, pushing people into a "gangrp mindset" as a way to get some excitement in their RP. While I do understand that people want their RP to be more exciting, there is nothing exciting about ruining perfectly well-written characters over your competition with another gangrper.

For the NLR suggestion, despite the fact the city is indeed fictional, there are rules that prevent things like future technology and extreme scientific breakthroughs from being possible. I remember back a few years ago players would purposely bait NLR, and it was severely easy due to the lack of a proper ruleset.

Here is a screenshot to show just how bad it's gotten.

FRP and SRP can be compared, like how FRP and LoTC are commonly compared. While they sometimes shouldn't, a comparison to see what is going badly is a good thing. Despite not being part of the SRP community anymore, the memories I've had of it still linger. I, of all people, would know how GangRP has gotten, being involved in many situations myself. While my experience is old, I believe that GangRP has not changed in the slightest since my departure.

For any staff members reading this, I urge you to compare the two servers. Do not implement and copy everything from FRP, but find out what your sister server is doing right and work on it for your server.

For NLR, it is the player's decision whether to NLR or PK (Permanently Kill) their character or not. The issue SchoolRP had with NLR when it was still an option is that others would decide whether an NLR was to happen. It should be the player's (of the dying character) decision, not anyone else's. If there is a rule stating that future technology and scientific breakthroughs cannot happen, I vote for that to be nulled and removed immediately. It is a stupid idea that someone cannot make a scientific breakthrough. However, I do agree that students should not be making advanced technology; that is also unrealistic, you're all, like, 15 in roleplay.


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
The whole overall idea you have here is good. It's well thought out and you've put time into thinking about it and the details behind it. And yes I do agree on most of it I also disagree on some parts. I'm aware sounds kind of silly coming from me who gave up and quit GangRP but on behalf of some of the people I know and GangRP'ers, I think having the whole lore and P2L system behind it will get crazy (but this I mean out of hand, arguing and confusion). And yes while it is a good idea there's also flaws in the idea. Having and application and an application team will take time, having to set up all the roles as well as managing and watching over the applications and teams. Now yes it does seem negative but also it's more in between as for it'll open up more staff opportunities. It also gives them the ability to manage and have a safer community.

I totally agree with the character development part. From my perspective when I was GangRPing I'd met so many people who just made characters with no lore or background just a simple common plain backstory with no real intentions on developing the character. I've seen myself why they do this and how come. GangRP'ers make these throw away character for reasons and behind them, they don't want to get attached to a character they use for GangRPing. They make these characters so they don't develop a connection, so when the character does die they don't feel upset or disappointed. However it is annoying and also disappointing having these throw away characters makes no time for development or lore behind the characters, making them almost like vessels or characters that exist but have no real purpose but to be there. The whole idea of not having these throw away characters would be amazing, making it a lot easier to roleplay but it makes it a lot harder to not become affected if a character is injured or something serious happens to them.

From what I've seen FRP and SRP are to total different places yet they are apart of the same server. SRP with its GangRP makes it quite crazy. I've faced countless GangRP'ers who think they can just get perms out of no where or from some one and try and attack some one. GangRP'ers are not exactly perm hungry they just need to have perms or something to be able to do whilst GangRPing and while yes, it is unfair and seems really rude and off the whole idea with GangRP is to have those perms and go do gang activities. And yes GangRP'ers are competitive making it annoying to RP or CombatRP against them. They push their limits and abilities on what they can do to be able to get the ability to get the perms and use them. This causes the GangRP community to be toxic and uncalled for making it a not so nice place to hang around in. GangRP'ers also strive to make sure they are able to kill and yes it seems totally annoying and all but its the whole idea of GangRP and the ability to roleplay there. FRP has a well thought-out and managed system making it one not only harder to just join and be there but to also be able to do the fighting and CombatRP within the server.

Over all the whole main idea and points are good. You've thought them out well and understand what is wrong and what should be added or changed to make the server a some what better place for the community. While yes I do disagree with some points I agree with most and you've thought through this and put a lot of time into it.


Server Roles/Characters -

Teacher - QT
DivingBluesRP - Yuuki M. S. Ukiyo

DivingBlues - Neomi | Loki | Sea Biscuit | Puppy Malone | Raven

DrivingCrazy - Kitty Potter | Kitty Thee Stallion

HighSchooler - Grade 11
SCP_662(do not own this account it's shared with Reapz999) - Tsuotori Matsuzaki | Kiyomi K. H. Matsuzaki

Discord -
Last edited:


Level 40

Killing should be harder than a simple copy paste or keybind, among other changes to gangRP


Level 121
-1 current gangrp is nice just needs small fixes wich staff knows and is aware, it cant be something perfect, My first character (was an actually developed, had lore, family n stuff) i lost it because of a mistake ive done, though instead of yelling at the people who killed my character "perm thristy" "bad roleplayers" i simply dealt with it icly, he had a nice, small funeral and i moved on.


Level 121
There's a rule that directly goes against this, since 'throwaways' can be used so easily and are hard to trackdown. '
If you were a part of Gang and have died / been arrested and lost that character, you cannot re-join or be involved with the same gang for two OOC days.'
Though, even if a throwaway is caught it'll likely result in a warning or a blacklist from gangrp in most severe instances. I agree though, it's hard to develop a character that's involved in gangrp, but not entirely possible to do so. I've had a character involved in gangrp who's been alive for several months. It's about the type of gangrp situations you get your character into which effect the character development, certain people already invested in gangrp will create characters who are in the gang business for seemingly no reason with no buildup but that's just how they decide to portray their characters.

Personally, I partly agree with this. I've always thought their should be another level between major and minor - instead of major being categorised into either a) breaking a limb (not very severe) or b) literally cutting someone's eye/limb off. (which is the complete opposite.) I just feel like these two concepts clash together for no reason and I feel like their should be an extra stage in-between. KPS, though, apart from a few ways you can gain KPS, i think is fine. Cutting off someone's limb is fine in my opinion but I don't agree to snitching equating to killing permissions.

I completely disagree with an application wall for gangrp, this wont stop toxicity surrounding it - I think it'd rather increase the toxicity as roleplayers would get angry over being suddenly unable to partake in what they find fun on the server if their application (if it's introduced) is denied. It would also ruin character's with gangrp histories in the case their applications do get denied too. Why would, let's say, a gangleader randomly stop being involved in gangs after one day? It makes no sense. Maybe harsher punishments should be introduced instead though.

When I first started gangrp it was alot more fun being unknown to the concepts, but of course this is all based on opinion. Gangrp when you've learned it feels more like a chore then an enjoyable activity in some occasions - but like i said this is opinion-based and some people may still have fun even when they're new/having been in the scene for a while.

Forcing someone to commit to a certain style of roleplay is a bad idea in my opinion, not because of repercussions or certain people disliking P2L. I feel like the rolling system doesn't particularly cater to a certain style of roleplay - a new player has the same advantage with rolling as a veteran does - while with P2L a newer roleplay might have a significant disadvantage when it comes to actions. Also P2L can be easily powergamed and knowing gangrp, people would do this.

So..just extending powerplant? I don't really see the point of this. Powerplant itself is large enough in my opinion, and unlike the tunnel - leads directly into the sewers.

i agree w this one too


Level 86
I'm not gonna address every reply because that'd make this post unnecessarily long. These are the main points I wanted to cover with a reply, I may come back and make a second response or edit this one.

The argument for realism: There is a point where I believe fictional worlds should deviate from real life, after all, we're not in Japan Japan, we're in our own fanon Japan. People are allowed to break the rules and decide they want to roleplay being a gangster (even if everyone wants to do this) and they should be allowed to. If we were being completely realistic, SRP would be incredibly lame with no creative freedom. Even if Japan has low crime rates, it's kinda fun having crime. I don't think gangrpers should be pushed away just because it's unrealistic... to a degree (murderhobo gangs are bad and lame, no one wants them but that's not solely because it's unrealistic). Good gangrp is great, we should have more of it.

Copy and paste/macros aren't roleplay regardless if they're two words or 35: This has been a strong opinion of mine since copy/paste was originally a thing, then banned. They take away the improv aspect of roleplay, it's not fun. It's even WORSE when its like two words. Copy and paste is not roleplay.

The big character issue: man it sucks having a character that's lived for like 2 days kill a character thats been around for a month plus. I don't think that making kill requirements harder to get will fix it, but I do think having a buffer like say.. A character must exist for <duration of time> before they can kill. That at least pushes gangrpers to roleplay a bit more since there is that buffer.

It's not fun losing a fully developed character to /me stabs carotid.. Or in general really. It's hardly ever fun to lose a well-done character unless you agree to it.


Level 134
For NLR, it is the player's decision whether to NLR or PK (Permanently Kill) their character or not. The issue SchoolRP had with NLR when it was still an option is that others would decide whether an NLR was to happen. It should be the player's (of the dying character) decision, not anyone else's. If there is a rule stating that future technology and scientific breakthroughs cannot happen, I vote for that to be nulled and removed immediately. It is a stupid idea that someone cannot make a scientific breakthrough. However, I do agree that students should not be making advanced technology; that is also unrealistic, you're all, like, 15 in roleplay.
I agree with this part; I did not even think of the possibility of the player having the decision when reading over your post last night. I was stuck in the mindset of how NLR used to be, though I do believe the system could have a lot of benefits with some adjustments. While there is no rule stating it, if it were to be an individual player making this scientific breakthrough, staff would likely deny it with something around "it's unrealistic." I've seen many roleplay servers use the R2K (reason to kill) or completely put the fate of their character in the player's hand rather than the opposition. I believe either those two things or allowing players killed to choose to be NLR'd instead would work out a lot better than the current permissions system.
The argument for realism: There is a point where I believe fictional worlds should deviate from real life, after all, we're not in Japan Japan, we're in our own fanon Japan. People are allowed to break the rules and decide they want to roleplay being a gangster (even if everyone wants to do this) and they should be allowed to. If we were being completely realistic, SRP would be incredibly lame with no creative freedom. Even if Japan has low crime rates, it's kinda fun having crime. I don't think gangrpers should be pushed away just because it's unrealistic... to a degree (murderhobo gangs are bad and lame, no one wants them but that's not solely because it's unrealistic). Good gangrp is great, we should have more of it.
I understand where this is coming from, though many other roleplay servers have functioned while sticking to a very realistic mindset. I believe in creative freedom in roleplay, though having everyone with a serial killer psychopath character with 500 kills, all of which have stabbed someone in the carotid and carved "MIYAGI" into their forehead, is NOT creative freedom. It is unoriginal, boring, and has genuinely wanted to make people quit SRP many times. I don't believe crime itself in Karakura should be lowered. I believe that the murder rates should be lowered. There is no point in having a gang that kill spams. If the only point of your gang is to kill people, it simply shouldn't exist. Gangs like that, if at all, barely exist in the real world. Fictional cities, diseases, tech, etc., are all fine, but there comes a line when your idea is no longer creative and simply competing with another. So far, I've seen no interference of this unrealism and creativity with staff.

I've played a lot of RPs where things like killing were done perfectly fine, compared to SRP. Of course, realism isn't the only reason "murderhobo" gangs are wrong; there are several. All of which are typically prevented in other servers. I believe that if this server continues to be unwhitelisted for gang activity, the rules need to be HEAVILY expanded on. Crime is super fun, and it's one of my favorite things to do on the server. Crime is not going around killing people though, crime is very complex and shouldn't be taken lightly. A true character of criminal mentality is one that not only has a well-written backstory explaining how they ended up in that position, your character, even if a cold-blooded killer, should NEVER brush off murder as if it's a game. IF my criminal character kills ANYONE, even if it's one person, it will forever impact their personality, actions, and other roleplay experience beyond that point. There is no excuse to kill someone, then play around with your friends at school as if the kill never even happened.

As someone aspiring to be a crime fiction novelist, I am pained with the horrible displays of crime and gang violence on the SchoolRP server. I hope that we can continue to grow into a more realistic though creative server as a community.

(Sorry if that was like a rant, I felt passionate abt what I was writing, LOL)


Level 26
why change the glock? does it change anything to make it look different?

overall it looks interesting but idk what to think about it in general so I cant give a direct +1 or -1

Just idk about the glock change, unless its like a good change I don't think its should be


Level 121
Just idk about the glock change, unless its like a good change I don't think its should be
with the glock change officers now wouldnt be able to shoot without caring about the ammunition, they can only shoot 5-6 times so it could be kinda interesting idk


Level 26
with the glock change officers now wouldnt be able to shoot without caring about the ammunition, they can only shoot 5-6 times so it could be kinda interesting idk
we can already only shoot 8 times without riot gear, with we have 1 extra magazine and can shoot another 8 rounds


Level 134
why change the glock? does it change anything to make it look different?

overall it looks interesting but idk what to think about it in general so I cant give a direct +1 or -1

Just idk about the glock change, unless its like a good change I don't think its should be
The Japanese police force doesn't use Glocks, they carry the Nambu Model 60. It is a revolver-type gun and not only would it work better for the RP, but it'd also make the gun model look cool.

dão aula e olham tudo

Level 13
To the posts regarding how mindless the Gang Factions and their members (or simply lone GangRPers) are:

The Staff can't (and most likely won't) change the way that the current criminal factions we have around nowadays work/act. Reforms in the way that GangRP works is a cultural question and won't be made by the Staff, but by the own community. Players who are interested in seeing the current criminal scenario change should open their own criminal factions and show how it's done. If you want a more realistic interpretative environment, start by opening a faction and showing the community how organic developing a realistic criminal character really is, instead of mindless robotic murderhobos.


Level 129
To the posts regarding how mindless the Gang Factions and their members (or simply lone GangRPers) are:

The Staff can't (and most likely won't) change the way that the current criminal factions we have around nowadays work/act. Reforms in the way that GangRP works is a cultural question and won't be made by the Staff, but by the own community. Players who are interested in seeing the current criminal scenario change should open their own criminal factions and show how it's done. If you want a more realistic interpretative environment, start by opening a faction and showing the community how organic developing a realistic criminal character really is, instead of mindless robotic murderhobos.
While they obviously cant change peoples minds, they can most definitely tweak gangrp to encourage more roleplay

For example, simply making perms (major / kps, not minor and all) harder to obtain would discourage people who basically only play to get perms (and don't say people can play how they like, at that point of just playing for perms you're better off playing csgo or something :l), and encourage more character interaction and development yknow


Level 40
The Japanese police force doesn't use Glocks, they carry the Nambu Model 60. It is a revolver-type gun and not only would it work better for the RP, but it'd also make the gun model look cool.
I am personally partial to the Glock being the weapon that the police have on here. First thing first it keeps the recourse pack team from having to make any changes. Second the Glock works better with the idea of the riot gear extra ammo. Third the reload time on a revolver would need to be implemented, I see this as a benefit and a drawback. Forth like it has been stated, this is not actual Japan, it is our own version, not everything needs to be the same.

It's a cool idea, just not needed in my opinion.


Level 84
TheInnocentFool or MedicalRP

November 26, 2021

I want to suggest a complete overhaul to the GangRP system. Don't click away or downvote just yet! My idea is to make GangRP more interesting. Currently, there's a lot of /me stabs carotid and /roll 150 connected to key binds and that is all GangRP is nowadays. I have seen there are more gang wars taking place, but that doesn't change the state of GangRP, it changes the state of the events taking place within the community.


There is barely any character development for characters that players use to GangRP. There are a lot of throw away characters being used for GangRP whilst it being nearly impossible to punish someone for a throwaway character since they're difficult to track down. This is a problem.


I suggest we made it more difficult to kill someone to allow characters to live longer, develop more lore behind their name and gain battle scars and stories to tell, in a sense. There should be an increase in the amount of blunt objects/weapons. Have Kill Permissions more difficult to gain and nerf what you can do with Major Assault Permissions.


GangRP can be extremely toxic, so to change that, I suggest an application wall. I suggest we place an application wall for GangRP. For example: FRP has a pretty big player base, it's completely organized, very very few cases of bad failrp, toxicity, and everyone complies very well with the lore.


I get that SRP is more of a "tutorial" roleplay server as people can just join like that and get a sense of roleplay but, GangRP takes more than just learning; It takes mastery to enjoy, to develop genuine lore, and much more.


So, to really develop GangRP's lore and allow you to enjoy your time playing it more, I suggest: as you get accepted for the GangRP Application, you must cease using rolling within combat situations. It will be purely P2L (Play to Lose). If you don't know what that is, then here is a brief explanation from a friend of mine (with his example):

P2L (Play To Lose) is a combat style that uses full detail and no rolling. The logic and brains of your opponent determine who wins the fight. It is a much more skilled-based combat system than rolling, but it can often be challenging for new players to pick up. Few people teach P2L to the new players of SchoolRP. While there used to be more, P2L has pretty much died out as a fighting style. While it isn’t used often, you should make an effort to ask your opponent if they want to P2L before engaging in a full-on fight. Many people will be willing to P2L with you as long as you make an effort to ask.

The last suggestion is to use the new tunnel next to the powerplant. If every section of the series of suggestion in this post is accepted, SRP will get it's very own application team. Once someone is accepted, the team member is to add the username to a door or something to allow them to travel through the tunnel, whether it be on a bus or not, and gain access to a large, run down, crime sector. Something like the powerplant, but dark, using a large solid dome in the sky to make it more dark than usual, assuming large plumes of smog and such collect there. It would also be a "minor assault permissions all the time" location, though with the new system, there wont be random attacks just because. The 24/7 minor assault permissions allow for a street fight to start from an argument or "bumping into someone" if you decide to, like what you can see in some crime shows.


My last suggestion is to update the KPD by switching out their current Glock 17 firearm with the more accurate New Nambu M60 that Japanese Law Enforcement use in real life.

So, to sum up everything in the top part as how it will benefit the community, I believe it will enhance the idea of GangRP, bring more realism into combat and bring a need for actual knowledge while engulfed in GangRP/CombatRP. No more will there spamming of roll commands of the exact same short 3 word action for stabbing a carotid. With an application in place, there could be less acting on false permissions and less speaking in LOOC as a result. The police force could grow to allow 10 officer raids into the GangRP sector, whilst going after one person since going after everyone wouldn't be possible. It could grow the GangRP community, given time, and improve it as well.


I will obviously help work out the kinks and help develop the idea further if it is received positively within the community. I may help plan and create this new GangRP sector and give suggestions on updating the rules to pair with it.

I wrote this suggestion based off of a lot of complaints about the current GangRP community and I hope everyone else will help me bring GangRP into a new age!​

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