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GangRP Rule Fix

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Level 183
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Extra thicc -1
First, beware I never meant removing limbs but stabbing.
I actually can do want. It was a small misunderstanding.
I don't mean people's limbs by the way. I never specified a limb, stop being idiots, I generalized all majors which could also mean any stabbing
Again, my argument was basically the realistic light harm only, nothing huge or unrealistic whilst someone is awake. I never wanted to cause permanent damage either, never specified I did, yet was still told I can't and the player told me to void the stab which was supported by a staff confirmation despite not specifying permanent damage nor taking it out but just stabbing it!

It was some sort of misunderstanding..? I meant just stabbing people generally, anywhere, not removing their limb. Had a situation get voided for it but apparently I could do stab people and my intention was never their limbs x-x so this is resolved, there is nothing to argue against here.

In conclusion, you can shove your "Huge" or "Extra thicc" -1's somewhere else :D


Level 183
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Eyes are considered to be removing a limbs, so you would have to knock them out first
It's either you're lightheaded or you struggle to read a little, because if you check, it says just stab it not take it. According to staff, above, I actually can do that already x-x


Level 146
I know people like to say -1 a lot, but can I -2? Or like, -10? How many minuses can I have per thread? Can I have multiple messages with varying amounts of minuses?

anyway -∞ because i dont like gang roleplay lol (i did not read the suggestion)


Level 183
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I know people like to say -1 a lot, but can I -2? Or like, -10? How many minuses can I have per thread? Can I have multiple messages with varying amounts of minuses?

anyway -∞ because i dont like gang roleplay lol (i did not read the suggestion)
-1 gangrp sux

If you dislike GangRP just leave the thread, it's that simple. Don't reply n say -1 because u hate GangRP. Simply leave the thread, not for you x-x

And next time try just sayin -1 if u disagree, don't try actin funny
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Level 129
If you dislike GangRP just leave the thread, it's that simple. Don't reply n say -1 because u hate GangRP. Simply leave the thread, not for you x-x

And next time try just sayin -1 if u disagree, don't try actin funny
Respect peoples opinions please


Level 183
Thread starter
Respect peoples opinions please
I'm not disrespecting it. . I said if they dislike GangRP, the thread is not for them, and I didn't mean any harm x-x but the thread involving GangRP doesn't justify -1 and I'm basically saying that..

I did and do disrespect the unfunny shit he said though still ._. it was unnecessary, excuse me

Mostly what Zinth, Yonio, & nylu stated in the first few comments of the thread.
If you also read the first few comments below the first few comments, you would figure it was just a little misunderstanding and misinformation^^ I was unaware I could still do stabbing, was told by a staff that misunderstood me I can't.. I hope this keeps things clear. The suggestion got resolved, nothing to disagree on or just throw your "-1"s on.


Level 44

Why +1
Stabbing someone's eye would be pretty immediate but it'd have to imply some sort ot restraint. Imagine someone just stabbing someone eyes like the person getting it couldn't just easily dodge it. Eyes are small, but it you keep their head still somehow then I don't see why it should take a KO.

Why -1
Even if you don't mean limbs specifically, majors imply taking limbs and the fact someone just goes up to you and takes a limb so easily with you being fully awake is what is stupid to me.

I would say I agree to some point but mostly disagree


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
As someone who’s read through all of the comments, it’s a -1 for me


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Yeah, what are you "-1" on then? Explain a part of what u disagree with
My opinion on the matter rides on the fact that I believe players should have more of a chance to defend themselves against major harm. I dislike the idea of someone just walking up to me and performing a one and done action to majorly harm my character.


Level 183
Thread starter
My opinion on the matter rides on the fact that I believe players should have more of a chance to defend themselves against major harm. I dislike the idea of someone just walking up to me and performing a one and done action to majorly harm my character.
Yeah but you claim you went through all comments which should mean,

You must've figured that someone can for a fact majorly harm it but not take a limb. If you refer to some of my replies and the main post as well, you could figure my argument was never about limbs either way. So, what you're disagreeing with happens to actually be a thing.

Also, in a real-fight where someone comes to stab you, he will just pull some knife and do it. While SRP doesn't take all real-life realism, it does make sense that it happens you can do stab someone without knocking them unconscious because it'd be too far off of the limits if not and would be a very stupid thing if a rule such was ever implemented
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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Also, in a real-fight where someone comes to stab you, he will just pull some knife and do it. While SRP doesn't take all real-life realism, it does make sense that it happens you can do stab someone without knocking them unconscious because it'd be too far off of the limits if not and would be a very stupid thing if a rule such was ever implemented
Nowhere in my reply did I say I was referring to cutting off limbs.

That said, my opinion still stands. You should have to KO before majorly harming an individual regardless what type of action it is. As I said it gives more of a chance to get away instead of a one and done action.


Level 50
Hello. I come with this suggestion with pure good intention and heart.




Being able to stab or majorly harm someone without them being unconscious or knocked out.
Please, read below!

I actually can do want. It was a small misunderstanding.

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So I've been inactive on SRP for a long time and recently I've been coming back. I walked upon a new rule whilst attempting to stab someone and believed it was slightly absurd, which was I need to make him unconscious to majorly harm or stab him.
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Argument I:

So, as an old GangRPer, it's really sad to see us getting to this point.. It is really fun being like some street gangster and to take revenge, you run to someone, stab them or something and dip without the funny unnecessary process of K.O - I know I've made many suggestions that people considered lightheaded or so but I truly come with all seriousness and good intention to say this needs a re-look. .
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Argument II:
Imagine someone pulling a weapon to FearRP another, a katana, and the 2nd party pulls another one.. Are they meant to use their legs to fight until one is knocked out?
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Argument III:
And from another perspective, it's hard for people without friends or just a few since outnumbers usually wins in fights when rather, you could be stealthy and just stab someone then dip.
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Thank you for reading. I completely take both opinions and will accept any comments whether it's aside or against me suggestion and with all good heart, as an old GangRPer, think this needs a huge re-look^^

I don't mean people's limbs by the way. I never specified a limb, stop being idiots, I generalized all majors which could also mean any stabbing​
-1 I liked when we could be able to do it, but it just makes majoring more fun and more earnable if you have to KO them before you major. You feel more accomplished
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