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GangRP Suggestion & Removal of a certain 'Rule' | Ruin06

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Level 121
Thread starter
Also, please remember that SRP is not supposed to be a highly-realistic server or anything, yes there is realism but most of us just play it for the fun of it, some people play because they like roleplay, some people play it because they like the gangrp side of it, not get too deep about smthing


Level 134

I don't even have to explain why I don't like this suggestion, you probably already know my reasoning.


Level 331
Reminder that both sides must be respectful and talk from a professional point of view towards the opposed party. The point of having threads like these is the possibility of discussing topics civilly without having to resort to unnecessary comments​


Level 211
Okay, hear me out. I'm not a Gang RP specialist but I'm someone that is almost online from the moment I wake up till I'm going to sleep and I've seen and monitored multiple situations like those.

For me, this rule should exist, yeah. But it has to be for those that are like "No cops on, lemme pull out two nagis to do random stuff at spawn" (don't tell me they don't exist, they do and a few names can come to your mind if you are an active player)

The thing is, the people that are trying to kill a random guy and saw them distracted at the plaza WHY NOT kill them? If the police are online or not, what will possibly stop you from killing the dude you want? If you are at the plaza, you'll deal with the consequences but ever since the rule about not being able to change skins for 45 minutes after committing a crime is gone you pretty much can go put on a full-body suit, kill the person you have to kill, change clothes somewhere and WHO will know it was you? Even though you don't use a suit and people take pictures of you, you'll be wanted by the police and that's a consequence every gang 'rper' know they will pass through. That's what you'll get by committing a crime in a public space.

Spawn is not a safe zone, there is no reason why crimes shouldn't happen there.


Level 110
there isn't even any rule written down at the moment about "fearRPing a public area" and the only exception i could see to that is 5.6c...........i think this suggestion resulted from a situation regarding what was mainly unserious roleplay and not an issue of failure to fearRP. there shouldn't be any kind of restriction on where crime takes place minus the safe zones, really (because there are already a lot of restrictions on crime). let's just try to limit the amount of arguing / lack of thoughtful replies to this as the thread's only going to continue to grow out of hand in the end


Level 172
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Pretty sure I've explained why in an older suggestion but long story short:
Keep gangrp away from people who don't want to be involved with it, it's afterall a school roleplay server. Gangs / criminals should be feared of people calling the cops (even though this doesn't happen that often due to how our rules are and they don't want to lose their characters, it is still realistic to be feared of this possiblity). Gangs / criminals should be planning out their attacks better if this is an issue, e.g. kidnap before killing and not the other way around.


Level 121
Thread starter

Pretty sure I've explained why in an older suggestion but long story short:
Keep gangrp away from people who don't want to be involved with it, it's afterall a school roleplay server. Gangs / criminals should be feared of people calling the cops (even though this doesn't happen that often due to how our rules are and they don't want to lose their characters, it is still realistic to be feared of this possiblity). Gangs / criminals should be planning out their attacks better if this is an issue, e.g. kidnap before killing and not the other way around.
There are actually alot of stuff ppl who dont want to be involved with gangrp can do, these are just 3 I'll be using as an example.
1. is simply ignoring
2. not doing weird & stupid stuff against people who'd use the perms they recieve in an instant
3. simply being more involved with the citizen / schoolrp side of the server instead of gangrp

Also, why is gangrp a thing if its just going to be schoolrp? Why does city tab exist in the first place? Cops shouldnt exist then, neither should Adult role if we go by your logic of "its school roleplay server"


Level 35

Pretty sure I've explained why in an older suggestion but long story short:
Keep gangrp away from people who don't want to be involved with it,
They don't have to get involved, keeping gangrp away from people will never be a thing. if someone doesn't want to be involved with gang they can go ahead and walk away from the gangrp situation and not do it. There's no real reason to gatekeep an area away from a certain playerbase to cater to another's needs. If someone doesn't want to be involved, they can just leave, the map's massive.
it's afterall a school roleplay server. Gangs / criminals should be feared of people calling the cops (even though this doesn't happen that often due to how our rules are and they don't want to lose their characters, it is still realistic to be feared of this possiblity).
" (even though this doesn't happen that often due to how our rules are and they don't want to lose their characters, it is still realistic to be feared of this possiblity)." What do you mean by this? Calling the cops/snitching was changed from KPS to major months ago, they have nothing to fear about losing a character. While, yes, it is a school roleplay server, gangrp has been authorized and promoted in the server on some occasions, there's no need to ostracize it now, years after it's implementaton.
Gangs / criminals should be planning out their attacks better if this is an issue, e.g. kidnap before killing and not the other way around.
This is much harder to do then you put it up to be. I referred to it in my response to polar/yonio.

View attachment 31040

is the 2nd half a made up thing then
I was warned for this too.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Tippie brings up an extremely valid point. If this “rule” is removed, GangRP will ofc dominate plaza more often than not and negatively effect the other factions trying to roleplay at plaza. You can GangRP without the use of stabbing at plaza just bc it’s the most convenient. Think outside the box with GangRP!


Level 45
you've never gangroleplayed in your life so this is expected of a response. To be completely honest, I'll say this bluntly.


No-one in the crowd will do anything, CCTV in all black clothing masked is going to catch me? No.
i dont disagree with this suggestion but do u think it would be different if u pulled out a katana infront of 10 cameras and 30 people if there were cops on? i think a majority of gang roleplayers wouldnt, they'd probably attempt to do da lure thing


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your feedback.

- As this rule doesn't technically exist (note that this was a warn reason, not a direct rule reference), the staff team have discussed a solution to this issue.​
- To prevent perm-baiting and unnecessary situations we ask for players to ensure that their character has an In-Character reason for drawing/holding a weapon out in public spaces; especially if they aren't using it. You can find this new rule under 8.10 in the rule book.​
- There is no direct rule against committing crimes, or kidnapping someone in spawn. However, we generally discourage this as it disrupts others, instead we recommend you drag the player away from spawn and roleplay the crime in a more logical location.​
tl;dr You can commit/roleplay crimes at spawn, though we generally discourage it & You must have an In-Character reason to draw a weapon in public spaces.​
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