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Accepted GG_Gremlin's English Professor Application


Level 37

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What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:






Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
7/10, I am usually online every day, anywhere from 2-6+ hours; normally around at least 3-5 hours daily. I do online schooling that takes up 3 hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, but that won't interfere with my ability to be active.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I first found the SchoolRP server in late November 2020 where I actively participated and engaged in CrimeRP and GangRP, during this time I developed my skills in DetailRP as I was an intel agent and made myself very familiar with the rules, I also actively participated in classes and played a very social character. Over these three years, I have engaged in GangRP, CrimeRP, AcademicRP and JockRP having been both a member of the high school student council and a member and former captain of the high school swim team I have had a varied experience with numerous characters that each all had their own unique and individual personality, backstory and character design. I would like to continue doing what I have been doing which is expanding my roleplaying horizons and going somewhat out of my comfort zone by playing a more mature, adult character. Before SchoolRP, my main way of roleplaying was through Hypixel Housing in which I mainly participated in plots based on Aphmau's roleplays or participated in other school-orientated plots both mundane and magical, I also dabbled in roleplaying on a Harry-Potter-themed Minecraft server in which I actively took a role as a studious young member of the magical school for witches and wizards.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
[Grade-12] GG_Gremlin
[College][B] dsnylnd
[Cat] GG_Grem

What is the subject you want to teach?:
English, in which my classes will include going through and over various units of the following topics, reading, writing, ****ysing various forms of literature like novels and poems while comparing and contrasting them with films, looking at different literature throughout history and how modern-day literature has changed and influenced us, interpreting text and picking out key features such as the moral of allegories and more.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
My motivation for becoming a professor is to expand my roleplaying horizons as I normally only roleplay characters between the ages of eleven to twenty-two, I wanted to try my hand at playing an older, more mature and adult character while still being in an environment where I am familiar which is the school. I've had a lot of friends roleplay members of school faculty such as nurses, receptionists, professors and teachers so I already know a little bit about how it works and I would like to further my knowledge and experiences within the SchoolRP server by trying something new but also somewhere with a lot of roleplay opportunities not only between student characters but also other adult characters working within the same field of work as my character (education).

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

One of the ideas I had for an interactive class was to go through and discuss old literature, such as poems or novels with a specific allegory or message and have an open discussion about what the class thought it was, we would then discuss the author's original message that they were trying to convey and how we think they conveyed it (whether it was through the use of persuasive text, emotive adjectives that were used to describe the scene in a specific way, etc). We would then discuss why we thought what we thought it was about originally and what the author's text had made us come to that conclusion (if it was different from the author's intended message). This would be a row activity meaning each row of students would be given a token or a point on the chalkboard if they had made a good point. The reward of the token or friendly competition via the chalkboard points is simply to make the class more fun and appealing while providing a visual to look at while we discuss the topic of the lesson. My character would most likely also frequently draw or write words on the chalkboard to engage students' stimuli and make classes more appealing and fun to sit in and interact with.

Another idea I had for an interactive class was one of many for an over-arching creative writing unit where one lesson would be the students participating in groups of four and writing and discussing a world to build for a later short-story narrative they would each be writing from a different characters' perspective. During this, they would create different regions of the world, describe what it looks like such as the man-made structures and vegetation and note down any references they had inspired their world upon i.e. if there was a futuristic world with ships similar to those in Star Wars, they would write that Star Wards influenced their creativity and ideas. This would be a full-period activity and the next period would probably lead to a lesson about creating characters to fit into the world they have created and start drawing and writing up character sheets for the main members of their story.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
One of the ideas I had for an interactive field trip outside of the school grounds would be to take my college class to the library in the business park and have them read a light novel and discuss it as a group of three people before giving them a small piece of paper with a narrative/plot diagram drawn on it and ask them to write down and discuss each point of what they thought the orientation, rising action, falling action, climax and resolution of the story was before then taking them to the cinema (perhaps in the next period depending on how long the activity would take) and have them watch a clip from a movie of the same light novel and discuss and write down the similarities and differences between the clip they saw and how it was written in the book in the same groups as before.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
Sophia Silvian, in a calm manner, would approach the group of college jocks asking them to please not surround other students before asking all parties involved if anything more was happening and if everything was alright; making sure the situation wasn't or hasn't already been escalated to a fight. After assuring that a fight was not taking place, she would then explain to the college pupils that it can be overwhelming, unnerving and upsetting to be surrounded by a group of people when you are only one person and would ask them to please refrain from this behaviour with other students in the future, she would then quietly pull aside the high-school pupil and confirm that what they were saying was the truth and that no fight had occurred out of earshot of the college pupils to make sure they weren't just agreeing with the group out of fear of retaliation. Once she had again confirmed that no fight had happened, she would give a warm smile to the high school student and ask them to please let any member of the school faculty know if they ever feel uncomfortable with either another student or a faculty member's actions.

Your character would be supervising detention, and one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Sophia Silvian would first politely excuse herself and inform any other faculty members supervising the detention beside her that she would handle the situation in a quiet voice before gently walking up to the student and ushering them to the corner of the room, asking them to speak with her privately one-on-one, she would remain level-headed and calm making sure the way she spoke wasn't rude and asked the student to please refrain from that behaviour during detention and that if they had a question they could raise their hand first before asking a question and to ask it politely and calmly while explaining that the student's current behaviour is affecting the other students in the detention room who are trying to complete their tasks. She would then explain to the student that there was a list of rules and expectations up on the board at the front of the classroom and if they thought their question could be answered with a glance up to the front of the room or by the use of common sense to please keep their question to themselves.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Sophia Silvian would address the cheerleaders by name, asking them to please turn off their phones and to stop disrupting the class while using a calm yet firm tone and manner making sure to project her voice explaining that it is very distracting for other students and derailing the lesson, after three warnings of similar phrasing, tone and explanation; should they continue disrupting the class with music and speaking out of turn she would tell the group of cheerleaders that they had one final chance to turn off their phones completely and stop causing ruckus or else she would be handing out detention slips to each of them. If they continued with the behaviour after being warned of detention, Sophia Silvian would issue them each a detention slip and ask them to see her after school before removing them from her class. She would then apologise to the remaining students and smoothly segway back into her lesson.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Sophia Silvian, upon encountering a fight between a couple of students and attempting to break it up; would first dismiss any crowd of students who may be gathered around the scene and radio a colleague for backup; asking them to please help her deescalate a physical fight and telling them her location before pocketing her radio and once again, trying to break up the fight by getting in-between the group of people; trying to force them apart from each other. Once she was successful, she would then pull each member of the fight to the side and ask them to recount their version of what happened and ask her colleague to do the same with the other members. She would then reconvene with her colleague, share information and then talk and discuss an appropriate punishment such as detention for all people who were involved in throwing punches or kicking; making sure that no one who was purely acting out of self-defence and blocking themselves would be caught with a detention slip unless they had instigated a physical fight with verbal abuse; in which case, she would then continue to hand out a detention slip to all party members involved while explaining that physical and verbal assaults were strictly against school policy and that she would see them after-school in detention.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?
Sophia Silvian is a French-American woman with bright, blonde hair gently waving down to her upper back and compassionate, caramel eyes, and she stands at just below the 5'6" threshold with a slimming figure with narrow shoulders weighing around 138 lbs. Inside of work, Miss Silvain can normally be spotted wearing a simple brown sweater with a long, white skirt neatly clasped with buttons and tied up with a sophisticated belt as stockings and simple, dark brown, winter, lace-up boots finished off her outfit alongside her usual accessory of a scarf, a hat, jewellery or a watch. While this was her everyday work outfit, it sometimes varied to other, similar clothing that would fall under the 'Light Academia' fashion category. Outside of work, Miss Silvian's fashion greatly varied from her mundane beiges, off-whites and brown colour palette; instead wearing, sportswear when out for a jog consisting of a multi-coloured pink and teal jacket with a simple crop top and dark blue jean shorts, if there was one thing that carried over throughout all of her fashion; it was that everything was deliberately and perfectly placed and made to look effortlessly stylish.

In terms of personality, Sophia is a rather introverted individual often preferring to spend her time in quiet, ambient places such as her classroom or the library; due to not being much of a talker, she's relatively observant of those around her however it's about a fifty-fifty chance if she's lost in her thoughts or ****ysing the situation at hand. Her heart and her head are often torn, though when it comes down to it Sophia will always follow her heart in the end; often gaining close emotional attachments to those around her and whom she deems as friends. Once you get to know her, she starts to open up more and you crack open her shell she reveals that she's an incredibly supportive individual who is always willing to give a helping hand to those in need, often offering motherly advice to students around her and sharing her knowledge with colleagues to better enhance the flow within the workplace, she's a very team-orientated person and works well with others despite her quiet demeanour.

In the workplace, some traits about Sophia stick out to other colleagues which makes her wonderful to work with; Sophia is an extremely reliable individual almost always meeting deadlines on time and never leaving things half-done or unfinished, once she sets her mind to getting a task done there is no stopping Sophia, even if it takes her all-night and a few cups of coffee. She often takes a slow and steady approach, planning out what she does before taking steps to complete the task; this makes her work immaculate and ensures every task she completes is done to the absolute full extent of her abilities, often going above and beyond in the work she completes. As stated above, Sophia is a rather observant individual; noticing small details and titbits about others around her and listening intently when they're speaking to her directly, she doesn't always give this information off in the best way due to her socially awkward nature and may appear a bit nosey to those who don't understand her kind-hearted intent which is to get to know more about the people around her so she can find the best ways to help them.

Sophia is immensely enthusiastic and passionate about her work, having always had a hyper fixation with stories and how they're told which leads to her love for theatre, film, novels and her special interest in ancient history. She takes great pride in the work she completes and the work she is doing often forming an emotional attachment to the words she's written down on paper. Despite her immense passion and enthusiasm, her anxieties and humble nature can be her downfall, often leaving her to wonder if she should put in her two cents or stay quiet and patient, Sophia is also overly critical of the work that she does, often down-playing her great efforts and mentioning minor mistakes or aspects of her work that could have been done better when she's praised or thanked. Due to her childhood and her diagnosis of Emotional Dysregulation Disorder (also known as Borderline Personality Disorder or BPD), Sophia can often take criticism from others badly; either simply responding with a small nod and holding back her tears or frustration with herself which she may put onto other people unintentionally. Despite knowing she needs to get better, Sophia is content with her current state as it doesn't affect her too often, however, it does majorly impact her workplace and other relationships. Last but not least, Sophia is rich in generosity and while this is a good thing, it can negatively impact her mental state causing her to be increasingly vulnerable to those who may want to take advantage of her kindness or stand up to people in the workplace who aren't pulling their weight; leading her once again to be closed off and reserved.

As of this moment, Sophia has a few ideas of where she would like her future to go and what she would like to be involved in; these include near-future goals and distant-future goals; right now or shortly she would like to continue teaching the minds of students about the wonderful world of literature and influence their future to bigger, better and brighter and as such, she is going to do her very best job teaching them with the knowledge and skills she has gained from personal experience and her own time in schooling. She would also like to try her best to improve upon her emotional sensitivity and create better, more meaningful and more stable relationships within and outside of her workplace. In the distant future, Sophia would like to settle down with a family and perhaps move on to a more domestic role in her house such as a mother who often stays at home but has a part-time job at a local store or something similar in nature.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Sophia Silvian was born and raised in Toulouse also fondly known as 'La Ville Rose' or 'The Pink City', it is the capital of the Occitanie region in Southern France that sits near the Spanish border. She grew up surrounded by large buildings made out of terracotta bricks, as a child she often used her bike gifted by her father to roam around the city or to travel to places such as her home, school or a nearby café. As a child, Sophia's parents often sheltered her from life's downs causing her to grow up in an unfortunate, ignorant bliss; her childhood was relatively normal, attending school, and making good grades, she lived a pretty ordinary and somewhat privileged life with her parents both being in the upper-middle class; perhaps it was due to her family's financial status that Sophia had felt she had to prove herself; especially throughout her primary and high school years, this is when the most evident of her reclusive personality started coming into play, often withdrawing herself from other students unless it was to offer a helping hand. She only really ever seemed to interact with her teachers and the school-provided counsellors due to her increased anxiety coupled with her fear of loneliness and abandonment; it was about a year later, at age eighteen that she was officially diagnosed with Emotional Dysregulation Disorder; giving her a reason for her strained social relationships and negative image of herself and her accomplishments. During this time, despite the incredible amount of pressure she was putting on herself she was still achieving top grades in her classes and was handling a part-time job at the high school cafeteria, thriving against the adversity she had created in her head. Graduating with honours, Sophia Silvian took a year off of schooling to collect herself and her thoughts, regularly attending an occupational the****** and psychiatrist and participating in weekly counselling sessions to better help and stabilise her mental state. Hence, she wasn't just thriving off of self-inflicted pressure. After a year, she decided it was time to try again and that she wanted to start preparing for a career; as such, she began her first of five years at university; unlike her previous schooling experiences, Sophia didn't achieve top grades or excellent marks but satisfactory results to pass her tests, assignments and exams; now that the self-inflicted pressure of her mind nagging her to constantly study was gone, she finally had room to breathe and started to quietly peek out of her turtle shell and dip her toes in the waters of socialisation and university life. The years flew by and she had a pleasant time, graduating her university at age twenty-five and beginning work as a local teaching assistant due to her mother's career as a previous teacher at the same school Sophia worked at. This eventually led to a career as a full-time English teacher and a part-time, substitute History teacher at the very university she attended; despite her life being good and her job being stable, Sophia couldn't help but feel like she was missing something in her life; socialisation outside of workplaces? Excitement? She loved her job and had great passion and enthusiasm for the subjects she taught but her gut was telling her she needed a change of scenery; after spending her whole life within the confines of her parents' view, she started to make a plan to move, she had always liked the sights of Japan and was even offered it as one of her university language electives to which she opted out of; choosing to study Korean instead due to the only shows she ever watched in university being Korean, Sophia sighed, somewhat ragging on herself for that one as she put in motion a three-year plan in which she would study the language and culture of Japan before looking into residential homes or cheap apartments she could stay in; and that leads into where we are now... Sophia Silvian has found herself in the quaint town of Karakura, Japan after acquiring a small and cheap apartment that she could afford with her saved-up money, she decides to inquire about a teaching position at the local community college and sends in her application.


Full Name: Sophia Silvian.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss.

Given Name(s): Sophia Silvian.

Preferred Name: Sophia to colleagues, Miss Silvian to students.

Age: 39 years old.

Gender & pronouns: Female, She/Her.

Religious Denomination: Agnostic.

Marital Status: Single.

Nationality: French-American.

Current Location: Karakura, Japan.


Teaching Experience (# of years): 7 years.

Working Experience (# of years): 9 years.

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature.

Year of Graduation: 2005 [High School], 2012 [College].

Major(s): English and Creative Writing.

Minors: Film and Television Studies and Ancient History.

Native Languages: French, English.

Other Languages: JSL, Japanese and Korean.

Preferred Teaching Subject: English.

I would also be fine with teaching Ancient History or Theology.

Additional notes about your application (if any):
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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