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ggggh's College Council Application


Level 21

What is your Minecraft username?: ggggh

Any previous warns/kicks/bans?:
I have only experienced one ban on the server. When I was new to the server (estimately two years ago), I reached the warn limit of five warns. Due to this, I received a temporary ban for thirty days.

What is your timezone in GMT?: GMT-7

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)?:Yes, I do. My Discord is chase#3748.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

History Teacher Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
School Receptionist Application - Denied due to the roster being full.
School Head Nurse Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
First Police Application - Denied due to inactivity.
Doctor Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
College Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
Language Application - Accepted
Event Team Application - Accepted
Journalist Application - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
On the server, I am online excessively. From Monday-Friday, I come online in between 10:00 - 13:00. I usually then stay online one of my accounts up until 23:00 - 02:00. This all depends on the day, and whether or not I have online class. On weekends, I am commonly online from 08:00 - 05:00. On weekends I am often attending Highschool Football practice and/or spending time on my Hospital Staff account. Of course, the account I amplying for is ggggh, which is also currently my Journalist account. My activity has increased strongly on the account due to that factor - so inactivity will not be a problem.

I have an unhealthy obsession with the forums, I always have them open. I also have the #forums notifications enabled in the Roleplay Hub Discord, which allows me to be updated when a post has been updated. I always confirm my activity, or leave a "I was here" with a like. In total, I have given over 11,800+ likes. By the time this application has been reviewed, this number could be greatly increased. I mainly pay attention to Character Authorization applications, alongside with ban appeals and requests.


What is the student council?:
From my understanding, the student council puts many responsibilities not only into the school, but into their own faction. The assemble and monitor students, alonside planning school events for all players to enjoy. The status and reputation of the Student Council strongly depends on their behavior, responsibility, and academic skills. Without these (few) qualifications, the student council would not be as well-ran as it is currently.

Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc):
I have previously had interest in the student council to begin with, despite it being a faction the SchoolRP. As many players know, the anime Kakegurui contains a series of iconic characters which are located in the student council, which is something to be inspired for (character-wise). Outside of this factor, an old SchoolRP player known as zxxo enjoyed their time in the council faction, which has strongly determined me to apply. While I've contained many leader-ship roles in SchoolRP, being in the student council faction will heighten my roleplay exprience and knowledge of the SchoolRP community base.

What does the school council of Karakura do?:
As I am not on the student council, I will be describing what they do from an outside eye, and from what I understand. During school days, the student council often montiors the campus of Karakura Academics building, insuring students' safety. They often supervise classes, and give out warnings if deemed necessary to misbehaving students. However, my only "in-the-know" knowledge contains a few factors. Similar to the teacher role, the student council log detentions that they have given rebelious students. Planning events is also another main factor of the student council; as insuring players StudentRP interest stays consistent.

How would you describe your work ethic?:
Other applicants may describe their work ethic as "better than other's," however I find that mine could be the same just as any other. However, my experience and motivation has allowed me to stay on top of things, which could also be referenced to work ethic. I currently am on the SchoolRP Event Team, which allows me to work with the other members, and considering the playerbase's interests and expectations for entertainment and ammusement. I have had experience in running events, one of them being the Sports Banquet, alongside running the Karakura Hospital's Haunted Asylum event (partnered with aifg). With these experiences in my back pocket, my expectations and knowledge for myself and others have allowed my work ethic and organization to heighten incredibly.

What interests you the most about the student council?:

Dismissing my obsession with Kakegurui, I will further explain my reason stated above in depth. While I have experienced many roles and experiences within the SchoolRP playerbase, I truly think student council could be the most interesting and will require the most effort. Knowing the current expectations and qualifications on the student council - such as grammar, organization, creative writing, and respect are all things I've already required. Considering the difficulty in being accepted to the student council, there must be people who share the same interests and knowledge I do, right? Having a faction that I can communicate and discuss with daily will almost be heaven for me - rather than comitting to just JockRP or MedicalRP.

Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)?:
I have quite a bit of experience in roleplaying, so I will do my best to keep this short and sweet. My experience has contained of TeacherRP, MedicalRP, CopRP, and JockRP. Of course, it sounds rather short, but each role I contained has a lengthy timespan between each experience. My most recent contain of MedicalRP and JockRP, which I strongly put DetailRP into. With the amount of sides I have experienced from each playerbase, I have thought in almost every player's perspective.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?:
It depends on the idea, however as a new member I would decide to go with the flow. Due to my lack of experience on the student council, I would be willing to learn why it could work. However - if the rest verbally opinionized that it was so called "awful," I would offer giving in a collected and organized explanation on why, and possibly give an alternative that still relates to the orignial suggestion.

You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation?:
I am very cooperative, so I wouldn't conisder to "deal" with anything. As I stated above, I am willing to learn and put myself in shoes of the other counselors to learn what they know, and what they have witnessed and experienced first-hand. After this, I would ask for constructive criticism, and take it as a learning opportunity.

There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation?:
Unless I contained a role that aquired some type of authority, I would politely stay out of it. Interefering with arguments is never my speciality, unless I have a chance to posisbly suggest an alternative or a "in-between" choice, and go from there. Otherwise, I will allow the council vice-president and president to deail with that factor.

A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do?:
If deemed necessary - I would bring it up to the council president. Knowing the seriousness and committment that is put into the counsel, I believe the faction should stay as collected and organized as possible. Of course, if it's something little I'll simply choose to ignore it - and the player can get themselves in trouble if it leads to that conclusion.

The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this?:
Without doubt, I would ask the council president to explain why. I always ask for an explanation to allow myself to see their perspective, which may even influence my originial opinion. However, if I still decide to hold my grounds on my opinion, I would ask permission to speak upon it. However, the council president has the authority, and I will therefore choose to stay out of it.

There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help?:
If I believe I'm in the respectable position to interfere, I would do my best to help the two councillors figure it out. My problem-solving skills are reasonably exceptional, as I have previously had to deal with smiliar situations ever since I was accepted into the Highschool Football Team.


Character Name: Susumu Kajiyashiki
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 19
Character phone-number: 625-736-274

Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Susumu's personality is rather complicated, so I will summarize it to the best of my capability. Susumu is stereotyped as "odd" rather than "normal." She often focuses on things such as demeanour, phsyical characteristics, and their energy. She strongly believes that those aspects of one's self is more significant than simple things such as their name or identity. Other than this small quirk, Susumu is a highly inteligent young woman, with often wise commentary.

Character appearance/attire:
Susumu is an average-sized female, standing at the height of 5'4". She has the stereotypical blonde hair with green eyes, and her attire contains of either the school uniform or casual outfits. As this is a short explanation, it's the best way to describe it.

Please note that the following questions are stated In-Character.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
In all veracity, I don't find myself any different than the other applicants. Others may endeavor to convince you by saying they're different, perhaps mentioning their positive attitude or their earnest devotion in a team, but all of those things are a factor I'm sure all applicants acquire in their own way. However, I know that once you get acquainted with me if you aren't already, you'll learn expeditiously that I myself am a quick learner, a flexible cooperator, and an ingenious cogitator. Discussing ideas with others is something I relish, especially when we share a common interest. Even if a conception of mine were to be put down, I would have absolutely no problem in understanding why, and continue to help make-up alternatives, or even a fresh idea. The delectation of SchoolRP players and motivation to authenticate on everyday is my main concern, and I want to keep SchoolRP a frolicsome and fascinating server to roleplay on, which where I personally think events can take a huge part in.

Why do you want this position?:
I am currently a Journalist for Karakura Academics, but I believe I can heighten my obligations within joining the student council. I optate to experience first-hand of how to deal with misconducted students, and how to give them the avail that they require. Of course, there is much more than just dealing with rebellious and edgy teenagers. I have been quite intrigued with the tasks of a councillor alone - including with school placed events and obligations.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
In order to preform my obligations to the best of my faculties, I will plenarily commit in availing my fellow councillors. I believe that participation and teamwork are the two most vigorous factors of a faction; without those two things it wouldn't be a faction to commence with. While there are many devious students around campus, I would ascertain their safety by keeping out a close eye. This could contain in an admonition, calling a teacher, or even requesting backup from a more experienced councillor. While the students safety matter significantly, I additionally want to ascertain that teachers' and professors' jobs are the most facile they can be, without having class clowns interrupting their classes or perturbing their work.

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