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Denied Gl1ky | P.E. Teacher Application


Level 0
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Gl1ky

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): msvzt

Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

What is your time zone?: EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I acknowledge that if I am inactive I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server: I have recently come back to the server and plan on playing very often like I used to, once upon a time. Summer is approaching and I will finally be free of school which will allow my activity to increase significantly. Ideally, if things go as planned, I’ll be playing for 3-4 hours every day.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server: (the following is all the ones I could find)
Math Teacher Application
Librarian Application
Shop Application 1
Shop Application 2

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
High School [18]


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Physical Education

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
School faculty is lacking. When you press tab, most of the time the faculty is empty or has one or two people online. I’d love to see a more active faculty and I believe that I am capable of being someone who is consistently online. I’d love to be someone who can enhance the experience of the other players and bring more joy to the school day in-game by bringing entertaining classes and gameplay. On top of those factors, physical education, sports specifically, are a big part of Karakura. The teams are always active and searching for new members. Many players are unfamiliar and unaware of all the amazing opportunities around them. As a P.E. teacher, I can introduce all those players to the beautiful world of sports and teams. Encouraging players to be more active in the community and find something to be good at is something that excites me. I’d love to be given the opportunity to educate players on the rules of all the sports and activities around the school and community in general.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?: Yes.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?: Yes.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are a way for teachers to keep track of how many classes they've taught in a month. This is important because teacher’s have to meet a quota per month for their classes. It ensures teachers stay active.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  1. Interruptions will not be tolerated.
  2. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
  3. Stay seated unless told otherwise.
  4. Phones must stay in bags or pockets while on the court as well as during lectures.
  5. No vulgar language.
  6. Respect classmates.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have experience in casual roleplay as well as highly detailed roleplay. I’ve been in a few situations where I needed to combat-rp, but other than that my roleplay experience is casual.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:

- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The head of the department is in charge of their department (in this case, teaching is their department) and more important decisions for the teachers like assisting with events, gathering teachers, disciplining, etc. They have a lot of experience in their role because of the amount of time spent as a faculty member and the knowledge they’ve gotten during this time.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A qualified teacher is a teacher that has gone through the training already and has been working long enough to no longer be considered new. They work under the head department and teach like normal.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A newly qualified teacher is a teacher that has recently gone through training and is new to the department, they are less experienced and are still learning as they go but are qualified nevertheless.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: An unqualified teacher is a teacher that has just been accepted and has not undergone training yet. They are not allowed to teach and host classes yet or supervise any clubs.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teaching is such an important job. Those qualified teach the youth and get them ready for the future. They prepare the young minds and give them the knowledge and resources to succeed. Teachers do the best they can to help the lives of children and guide them to make good choices. In game and out of game, teachers do the same thing. It may not be as serious or impactful in game, but teachers make a difference.

Despite the importance, teachers don’t get paid much. They make as little as $17.00 sometimes and it’s truly disappointing. Teachers do so much for the children of the world and get so little in return. Luckily, Karakura doesn’t have that issue. Teachers get paid a hefty amount of ¥350,000 if their quota of 10 classes per month is met and even have the opportunity to earn ¥500,000 if they do a maximum of 5 bonus classes.

Outside of the school, teachers don’t have much free time. During off hours teachers are found making lesson plans and assignments for their future classes. Even when they aren’t working, teachers are putting in the work to challenge and educate children. Their free time isn’t very freeing but they give it their all anyways. Teachers are such an important part of the world and do so much for parents and students everywhere.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Teachers are a staple to the Karakura school. SchoolRP wouldn’t be SchoolRP without them. Teachers introduce a new way to roleplay. It adds in so many difference experiences and scenarios. Whether it’s being a teacher’s pet or rebellious troublemaker, it gives players a new way to play. Teachers bring excitement and entertainment to the long school days in Karakura. If you took away the teachers, the school day would be dull. There would be very little to do other than socialize and not everyone is good at that. Having teachers push so many players to try something new and socialize with those around them. Karakura wouldn’t be the same without the great teachers there.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
There is no official lesson planning system but in the past "MoSCo" which stands for:
- Must have.
- Should have.
- Could have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on students and their co-workers? What are their plans for the future?

Kaleo Usenko, a man with a deep, raspy, Russian accent. Descended from Russian and Hawaiian parents. His skin is caramel, sweet. Dark chocolate orbs stare at the crowd of students in the lobby with a stern expression. His muscles bulge through his button up as his arms are crossed over his chest and his thick veins push against his skin. His black hair stays out of his face, giving a good display of his chiseled face and the small scar that went over his right eye. His appearance makes it clear he takes no shit. He has a strict “no bullshit” policy.

As his bitter eyes follow the students, making sure they are following the rules of the school, he keeps his eyes on the particularly troublesome students. Those who are known within the staff to be delinquents are usually watched by Mr. Usenko. His tolerance is low when it comes to rules. He doesn’t accept disrespect. Those who respect him receive respect. Otherwise, he ensures all rules and policies are followed.

His coworkers whisper of his unfriendliness. Although Russian men are stereotyped to be heartless, emotionless even, this was not the truth. Hearing the childish rumors going around the workplace about his past and what he has been through in Russia caused Kaleo a lot of pain. It hurt to know that people who were supposed to see him as their equal thought he was just an angry, bitter man with a bad past. He keeps his distance, never getting too personal with his coworkers, but keeping things civil. He will work with these people after all. He tries his best to avoid another situation where immature rumors are spread.

In the future, Kaleo plans to remain at Karakura’s school. It’s a place he sees himself in ten years and a place he sees himself retiring from in twenty years. Physical Education is something Kaleo Usenko is extremely passionate about and prides himself in. He would never give it up.

/Do not mention use of FearRP/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Mr. Usenko walks down the hall with his eyes trained onto the gang of delinquents taking up the hallway. Their voices are raised and their words are vulgar. Mr. Usenko approaches them. “EXCUSE ME,” Mr. Usenko yells. “You’re causing a disruption. Take your vulgar language elsewhere,” he gestures the group to get a move on. The group looks at the man and laughs amongst themselves. What appears to be the leader of the group steps forward,” Or what, old man?” He snickers and nudges his friends. Mr. Usenko isn’t having any of it, in fact, he is losing his patience for this group rather quickly. “Or they’ll be a desk in detention with your name on it. How’s that sound, kid?” Mr. Usenko’s stern expression never breaks or falters. The boy backs down and scoffs, but insists that he and his group go elsewhere. Kaleo’s job is done and he goes about his day, making sure to keep his eye out for the group in case they decide to cause trouble once again.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Mr. Usenko is stood in front of the class leaning against his desk. “Alright group, what sport would you guys like to do today? Basketball? I know that’s a favorite here.” He looks around the room, realizing that most of the class is busy chatting amongst themselves. He clears his throat, his idea of kindly grabbing their attention. A handful of students look up at him but Mr. Usenko sees that most of the class is still being disrespectful. He clears his throat once more, louder this time,” ALRIGHT. THE NEXT PERSON TO OPEN THEIR MOUTH RUNS TEN LAPS.” Whether it was his tone or the thought of running around the track ten times, the class went silent. Kaleo didn’t make it obvious, but he was satisfied with the quick silence. Class proceeded as normal.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Mr. Usenko reaches for his Gatorade that was left in the fridge in the teacher’s lounge. He leans against the counter, taking large sips of his sports drink. His chocolate eyes scan the room, his posture making him look unapproachable. One of the receptionists walk into the lounge, look towards Kaleo, and scurry past him. A small sigh escapes his lips as he feels the pain of the small gesture. “Morning, Ms. Ichi,” Kaleo attempts a greeting. Ms. Ichi simply gives a polite smile and hurries away.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

stands behind his desk as he looks over the test that he just collected. His red pen marks the pages with circles and exes. A big number is written at the top right corner of each paper. Some retrieve a smile while others retrieve a "study please." He sets the red pen aside as he looks over all the grades, a disappointed expression taking over his face.

/me takes a seat at his desk. His laptop takes up the space in front of him as his mature hands click and clack the keyboard to sign in. The laptop opens onto a Google Doc that holds the next test's questions. The assignment is currently incomplete and Mr. Usenko rushes to complete it, the speed of which his fingers dash across the keyboard changing to a rapid pace.

/me tugs his sleeves up past his elbows. He pulls open the metal filing cabinet and stares into the compartment filled with folders and papers. He flips through them, reading the labels as he goes. He stops when he reaches a file labeled "SECTION 12 CHAPTER 3" and pulls it out. He drops the folder onto his desk, folds it open, and grabs the papers from inside. He walks down the aisles and passes out the papers.

/me holds a wooden clipboard in his hand. On the paper attached was a list of sports. It read," BASKETBALL, VOLLEYBALL, FOOTBALL, DODGEBALL, SWIMMING, TRACK," and each had a line under it with some empty space. He tapped his blue pen against the side of the clipboard as he looked around the room and said," Alright, guys. What sport would you like to do today? Show of hands. Who wants to play volleyball?"


At a young age, Kaleo showed signs of having anger management problems. He struggled to keep his frustration under control and struggled constantly to keep his cool. People around him would push his buttons and test his patience, loving the reactions and finding them funny. Some may say that his father is the reason Kaleo has this issue. His father was an angry man, Russian too. He was strict and hard on Kaleo. His mother always felt guilt because she herself could not stand up to her husband and keep her child safe. Kaleo was taught that violence was the answer to anger, it was the only way to release it. In school, he would bully the other kids. Push them around and kick them while they're down. His teachers took notice of it. It was getting to the point that Kaleo was on the verge of being expelled. Mr. Annikov, Kaleo's favorite teacher, told him that violence will get him nowhere in life, unless his ideal future includes being behind bars. He was heading down a bad path. Mr. Annikov introduced Kaleo to the wonders of fitness and sports. It was to become his new way of releasing frustration. Running on the treadmill or punching the punching bag was more successful then shoving his peers around. He found joy and peace in throwing a ball and tackling teammates. Approaching his high school graduation, he was unsure of what his future would hold, unsure of what he would do with himself. He thought over all the things that brought him happiness and reminded himself of all the people who've helped him get to where he was today. The first person to come to mind was Mr. Annikov, his middle school P.E. teacher. He chose to attend college in America for a degree in Education and Health so he can do something he'll enjoy everyday and teach students the good in fitness like he did. Once he graduated college, he moved back to Russia and worked in Education as a P.E. teacher for 14 years. He's come to the conclusion that he's ready for a change and wants to transfer to Karakura, Japan to teach the students there.

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Kaleo Usenko

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): Leo, Kal

Preferred Name: Leo

Age (Minimum is 25): 38

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: None.

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Hawaiian

Current Location: Russia, awaiting transfer

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
14 years

Academic Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

Year of Graduation: 2009

Major(s): Education and Health

Minors: Biology

Native Languages: Russian, Hawaiian

Other Languages: Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No.


/You may leave this blank/

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
Last edited:


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying! However, after careful consideration, I have decided to deny your application

  • Your application lacked detail in comparison to some others.​
  • The subject you applied for has no open spaces​

Please feel free to reapply! Any questions regarding your application, please DM me on discord.

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