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Accepted Governor Application | Bxmo


Level 9

In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have never been banned!

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do!

Timezone & Country:
GMT/BST, England

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

There are probably more, but this was all I could find.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am a reasonably active player. Most of my time on SRP is spent on my college account, cloudyhearts, but I tend to give all of my accounts my attention, and most times, I am on two at a time. My activity does sometimes diminish if there are things that are going on, or I end up busy with other things but I always tend to do my best to let people know when I feel I’m going to go on periods of inactivity. As of recent, my activity has sunk due to things that have been going on, but I am very slowly getting back into it after taking a few days at the beginning of this month to work through it all.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Governor position.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have been playing on the server for some time now, and I have been able to watch it flourish. Over the years I have kept myself relatively silent, sat on the sidelines, and simply watched the changes on this server as they came. In applying for a spot in the government faction, I am hoping to branch out and expand on the knowledge I already have. I want to aid in the changes that are and will be made on this server, and put in my input. I want to try something new. I’ve kept myself in Gangrp, was even EMS at one point, and I spent several months as a priest in the shrine faction, and I’ve decided since then that it’s time for me to give something else a shot. I want to be able to widen my knowledge and the things I can do, and be able to give my input where it’s needed. I want to be able to help with the changes made, even though I am aware that may be a time-consuming task, sure, but I’m more than willing to put the effort that’s needed in.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I have read through them, and I believe I have a good and clear understanding of both the laws and constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
As I have previously stated, I want to be able to make a change. One of my personal goals with applying for governor is being able to help those on the server through IC means, and the same can be said for the character that I am applying with.

The character I am using has, quite frankly, been through a lot. She’s seen all there is to Karakura, and she wants to be able to make a stand. Her main goal is to make Karakura a safer place for the people that live there, and the innocent children that have been affected by things that have happened. She wants to be able to make Karakura a family-friendly place and not have children afraid to go out for fear they could have a weapon pulled on them, or that they may get assaulted in any way. Sure, it might not seem like that big of a thing to most, but to a young, innocent child, it is a very detrimental thing.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governors on the server are different from the ones in real life. On the server, governors act as a spokesperson for the people, serving as a direct link to the Mayor. Governors are normally elected for a term of four years by direct vote from the people. They hold a fairly decent amount of power within the faction, being able to put in input to new laws while keeping the best interest of the people in mind. They issue out IDs on the server to the people who may need them and tend to be in trials to make sure everything is fair and people are truthful. They may also be part of the jury, should there not be enough judges for that specific trial. The Governor is the highest ranking executive in that certain prefecture and is expected to be active within the public eye, always ready to help.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge that I could be removed at any time and I understand.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
I understand the expectation, I can assure you that I will be sure to be dedicated and be sure to keep my activity up.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware of this. I will be sure to keep an unbias OOC opinion, and won’t show favoritism to one party over the other.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read the Government Faction rules, and do agree to follow them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I have a pretty flexible schedule and will be able to attend any meetings or events that I am required to be at.


Full name:

Kireina Tsu

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
March 22nd, 1995


Academic Degree:

Criminal Justice

Political Science

Work experience:
“If I’m honest with you, my previous work experience is rather. . boring. I took on a few odd jobs as a teenager- your usual, like waitressing in a cute little restaurant, babysitting, things like that. However, growing up in a place such as Karakura, you tend to get a little interested in criminal activity, since you’re so close to it. I have always been an inquisitive person, curious about the things around me. On the sidelines, I have always studied things like true crime, and in the end, took to studying law as I racked up the money from the odd little jobs I had done. It’s not been an easy thing to do, at all. Managing several small jobs AND studying, but I managed, and here we are.”

Political background:
“My political background? Well. . I suppose as a child I had no interest in such things, as most children don’t. That’s just a thing for grown-ups, right? To be honest, as I grew up, I had always been a little against the government. I suppose I had a phase where I disagreed with the way things were going, and since I didn’t really feel safe, my frustrations went towards the government. Obviously, I put the blame in the wrong place, and I grew to realize this. As of recently, I suppose that’s changed again. I grew up, and the things around me have changed. Sure, there will always be good and there will always be bad, and things clash, but there have been changes recently that interest me. However, I’m impartial. There can always be a positive change, I’m interested to see it.”

Nationality & born location:
Chinese & Karakura, Japan

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I strive myself on dedication. There has not been a single thing I have done in my life where I only gave half the effort, it’s all or nothing. If that means there are sleepless nights where I’m up dealing with something or doing paperwork, then so be it. I don’t like to sit on a task and leave it waiting, if I start something, I’ll finish it. However, that doesn’t mean I don’t know how to manage my responsibilities healthily. I have always been able to find time between working and being able to live my life to the fullest.

I have seen the damage that this town has done, and even been personally affected by it. My family has been affected by it. I want to be able to help the people of Karakura and make this a safer place, giving people the opportunity to raise a family here. Karakura is such a beautiful place, and we should be able to feel safe here. I want to help make a positive change after everything that has happened here, and I will put in all my effort to achieve this.”


Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply, I've decided to ACCEPT this application!

Please message me on discord - oZinth#0001 to get started!

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