Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):
Yes, my Discord tag is nai#1856 .
Do you have a microphone?
Yes, I have a working microphone.
List your timezone and country:
I live in the United States of America and my time zone is Eastern Standard.
How active are you on the server?:
Over the course of the past few months, my activity came close to nothing due to many reasons. These reasons were mostly involving my own well-being and in real life situation. I originally stopped getting online because of the lack of roleplay I had found myself doing, which ultimately just led to me stop playing Minecraft as a whole. However, as grief recently struck me, I decided I needed something I enjoyed doing to benefit myself mentally. Though I have only been active for the past few weeks on some accounts (mainly dognapping2_), I've found myself fond of the server again, and I believe my activity will only rise from this point on. So, while currently this probably does not look the greatest for me (as it does say in the rules, activity alone can determine whether or not I be accepted), I can fully assure you that I'll be 100% reliable, and that it will not be an issue leading into the future.
(Oh yeah, school shouldn't be too much of an issue either since on weekdays I get home around 4:15pm EST and am available anytime past that!)
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
I do not have any previous bans.
Link any past applications below:
College https://schoolrp.net/threads/nick-polliweighs-college-reapplication.22678/ - Accepted
Ukrainian Lang https://schoolrp.net/threads/ichigos-ukrainian-application.23071/ - Denied
Spanish Lang https://schoolrp.net/threads/ichigos-spanish-application.23072/ - Denied
Ukrainian Lang https://schoolrp.net/threads/ichigos-ukrainian-application.23075/ - Accepted
Spanish Lang https://schoolrp.net/threads/ichigos-spanish-application.23076/ - Accepted
French Lang Swap https://schoolrp.net/threads/ichigo-bellerose-language-swap.27611/ - Accepted
College: https://schoolrp.net/threads/catnapping_s-college-application.27738/ - Accepted
Student Council https://schoolrp.net/threads/dognapping_s-college-student-council-application.27753/ - Accepted
French Lang: https://schoolrp.net/threads/ratnapping_s-french-language-application.29779/ - Accepted
Event Team: https://schoolrp.net/threads/dognapping_s-event-team-application.32184/ - Accepted
Doctorhttps://schoolrp.net/threads/naomineses-pyschiatrist-application.34499/ - Accepted
Spanish Lang https://schoolrp.net/threads/naomineses-spanish-application.34605/ - Accepted
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
I am applying for the Governor position.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for this position is mainly due to the fact that these roles are very new to me. I've applied and received a lot of roles on the server which has opened a book of many roleplay opportunities for me, but since I joined in March of 2020, I did not get to experience when the Judges and Lawyers had previously existed. Ever since I heard of this, it was something that had sparked my interest and something in which I highly anticipated. Now that I am active on SchoolRP again, I want to take the opportunity while I have it to actually apply since it has been reimplemented with new additions. It's something that I know I'll be very dedicated to.
Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?:
I have a lot of plans for this character. She is a very economically invested woman who has extreme interest for politics and improving the town. Becoming a politician herself would only further her dedication to these things and open her to more opportunities involving the government. She has a lot of care for the people of Karakura and making it a better living space, and as a governor, she will absolutely do whatever she can in her power to fulfill the things she wishes to.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
I am fully aware of all the rules each person must follow, and I as well will follow them all myself.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am one-hundred percent familiar with every single law of Karakura as I have read over them all several times.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
Yes, I have a very good understanding of this position. I've done a good amount of research on the internet of all the things real-life governors do, and I as well made sure to find out what the Karakura governors do ICly to receive a better understanding of what I would be doing if I were given the opportunity of having this position.
Summarize what your position does in the town:
Primarily, what my position does in the town is creating or denying legislation and signing bills into law. They as well help the Mayor with government duties and assist the people of the courtroom. Besides this, they also help the town by providing the people with events and using their power as a politician to implement improvements for a better living. More of the boring aspects of this job are doing front desk work in town hall and supervising the court hearings, but nonetheless, they are important figures of the government and have very high authority over the town.
In Character | Questionnaire
Full Name:
Vanessa Yasmine Balenciaga
Preferred name & Title:
Vanessa, Miss Vanessa or Miss Balenciaga
Current age? (25+):
Past job experiences?:
Diner: "When I turned 18, I had worked as a waitress in a diner for some time."
Accountant: "Around the age of 22, I became an accountant. . ! It was a good, well-paying job."
Actress: "I was an actress for many films when I got a bit older, but eventually I quit due to the pay not being as good as I'd like it to be."
What plans do you have for the town?:
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Education System Issues:
I notice the issues with the education system in Karakura and how unengaged the students are. I have two children who attend this school, and they themselves tell me all the time about the issues within it. It ranges from disrespectful behavior from undisciplined students, the lack of interest and attendance in classes, and overall not always the best environment as many are subjected to bullying and assault. To improve on this, I would work with the government and the Senior Leadership Team of Karakura Highschool to provide a better education to the students, and create ways to allow them to become more engaged in learning.
Crime & Gang Issues:
It is not a secret that the crime rates in Karakura is exceptionally high. There are numerous violent gangs and a lot of areas are extremely dangerous to be in. I know the Karakura Police Department and the government does to the best of their abilities to put a stop to crimes, but it seems like this issue only continues to grow everyday. To help, I would try to work more with the KPD and try to expand the police force to ensure less crimes are being committed, and more criminals are put into jail.
The Corrupted Government:
As of recent, events struck in which the previous Commissioner Preston Herrington unjustifiably shot and killed somebody who reports say is 'freelance rapper Nicholei Popovich' during a court hearing. Alongside Popovich, he had also killed two of his own officers. To say the very least, this was a traumatic event for many in Karakura, and it is a very bad look for it's government. I will work with the government to regain more of its people's trust, and assure the citizens of Karakura that we will do everything in our power to keep them safe.
Karakura's Economic Inflation:
There have been many complaints about the inflation in Karakura's economy and how badly priced stuff like medication and medical supplies is. As a Governor, I will work with the government to ensure that the economy stays balanced and work on making medical supplies more affordable to those who are in need of it.
»»————- ————-««
What jobs will you execute with this position?
I will work with the people within the government to execute everything that I have stated above, as well as implementing any needed legislations and reviewing bills. I assure that these implementations will only be necessary ones. If the Mayor is ever in need of assistance, it will be my job to be there and help. Besides this, as a Governor, I will also doing any orders I am assigned and fulfilling those duties to the absolute best of my abilities, no matter what.
Do you practice any sort of religion?:
I label myself as a Christian.
How did you get into politics?:
To put it quite bluntly, I am not happy with this town. My kids sometimes dread living in such a place and I want to make it more habitable for them. Not even being able to walk around on the streets without fear of being kidnapped is something I absolutely hate thinking about. The Karakura government needs me, and I need them to improve the lives for not only my kids, but improve the lives of the hundreds of people living here. I will make this place better, and I will do all I can as a Governor.
What makes you unique?
What makes me unique is the motivation and dedication I have to fixing and improving this town, as well as ensuring the safety of our citizens. I will put my
absolute everything into this job and will not let any mistakes or issues go unnoticed. The ideas I had offered previously will definitely be fulfilled, and I will hold that promise.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:
I have no criminal record.
Nationality & Born location:
My nationality is Spanish, and I was born in Spain.
Fluent languages (Underline your native):
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