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Accepted Governor | Larouka's application


Level 2

In-game Name:

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Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes I do

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Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:

I play really frequently (almost daily) Anywhere between 3-12 hours, This usually depends on my shift rotation at work on the week and or personal situations.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the Governor role.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying for Governor has became a huge interest to me icly and even oocly from the time I have started playing in the server, and from experiencing scenarios with others in this scene it has really became a goal of mine to become part of the roster. As I have been an active player within the server for just over a year now and have been roleplaying for about 4-5 years in total now, I believe this will be a good way to expand my experiences and roleplay capabilities into a whole new area and be able to develop my roleplay in a whole new field. It is also a faction that allows me to interact more with a lot of other people within other factions and to provide assistance to the players of the server at the town hall with any situation they may need. I am very eager to be able to put forward my roleplaying abilities with this role.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I do both ICLY and OOCLY have an understanding of Karakura’s laws and constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:


I want to bring all of my knowledge and previous experiences from my time on SRP to the faction to become a more known and involved player, not just within the government faction itself across all of the other factions and or playerbase. I also believe that being able to make change within Karakura would be a very good experience and a great thing to be a part of.

"My goal? Well to put it simply to make Karakura a place people want to come and stay here permanently. So many fear the environment of this place and I want to bring the change that can make Karakura a safe and well educated town where people want to come for their education and to live. I am the youngest out of my siblings and knowing how some people can act after being enticed by the activity of the misbehaved, I'd hate to know that one of my siblings or potential future family were to be attacked or even become affiliated within this kind of activity. I want to bring about a programme to stop these young individuals from turning to the wrong path whether that is from peer pressure or desperation, everyone deserves a chance to get back on the right path to succeed. Even small scale changes to start with could make all the difference for this and I really do believe it starts with incentives to attend their classes or in fact partake in extracurricular activities within the schools programmes or even a small community service held by a group of people who share a common goal with us. As I have seen from my time here all that punishing someone does is lock them away for a while only for them to be bailed out and to continue down that path. Now me personally, I think there's only so many times before we have to question why are we not seeing change from them? or why aren't they continuing down a whole new path? It's a simple answer really, you treat them like animals they will behave like one and they won't change. Hence why I am pushing to bring in these kind of changes or incentives to slowly but surely put people on the right track. Another thing I would like to bring in is a better way for children to find a loving and caring family. I have seen countless youths wandering the streets alone with no where to go, no one to go to and no one who bats an eye when they sit there alone. I would like to eventually work to bring in some kind of adoption process so we can make sure the people who are alone can find someone to show them the love that they want and deserve. It may take some time to get going but I do strongly believe this is one of the most crucial things we need to look into bringing to Karakura as this could have a knock on effect to lower crime rates and to bring people closer as friends and or family. In addition to what I have said so fair I want to look into bringing in some new potential retail stores and or restaurants. Not only will this bring more jobs for the city and cover a noticeable unemployment status it will also give us a chance to shape futures for the younger generation that are coming to the end of their school/college time but will help them be able to start their journey to a normal life. There are a multitude of different kinds of stores we could bring into the area and there is a lot of potential to make Karakura a place with loads of opportunity and chances at a good life. And for my final point I would like to try improve how our emergency responses operate whether that is our beloved KPD or EMS. There are times where people are getting attacked at night as well as in broad daylight all because there seems to be a lack of patrolling in the more populated areas. Now I am not saying they should not patrol the unpopulated areas by any means but I believe even a small amount of officers patrolling these areas could stop the amount of attacks we do frequently hear about. And our EMS seem to have a lack of staff for the amount of incidents that have been seen recently, I strongly advise we need to look into a high recruitment drive for new EMS staff to be able to take on the sheer volume of incidents that seem to arise now. And this is only the start of what I have planned I have much more in mind to bring Karakura onto the map, that is of course if I am chosen. Thank you".

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

A Governors role is to hand out ID's to the people of Karakura, deal with marriage officialization and to make sure businesses and companies are legalized. This just a few of the things a Governor will do. As well as these tasks in their day to day schedule they will also will hold speeches for the people of the community to pass on any new information regarding changes or changes that are to come in the future, or promoting their campaign within the elections. Governors will also oversee court cases and document the case.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, and I acknowledge that i am subject to removal at any given time after being accepted.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

I understand this and will do my best to be a solid addition to the team.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

I am aware of this and will make sure to not be bias within any scenario that may arise.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Yes, I have and I will follow the rules without any issues.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

This should not be an issue unless I am working from office or am busy with personal situations, other than that I will be there.


Full name:

"My full name is Noriko Kirishiki"

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

"I go by Miss Kirishiki to acquaintances and Noriko to close friends and or relatives"

Current age:

"I am currently 27 years old"

Date of birth:

"I was born on the 12th of September 1996"



Academic Degree:



Law and communications


Business management

Work experience:
"Once I graduated highschool I enrolled into a law school in Kazan, Russia. While I don't have much work experience in this field and have had the chance to shadow a lot of people in the Governor position as well as Lawyers who have passed on their wisdom to me, in terms of actual jobs. Once I had graduated within 3 year I did work at a small family run store for a while where I developed solid communication skills with the people of the city. This was mainly to afford my necessities and rent."

Political background:

"At this moment in time, my background is very little. I have spent some time sitting in on some ongoing trails and gaining a better understanding of the role and speaking to those people within the current roles and they were happy to answer the questions I wanted to know. As well as doing the odd roleplay when I went off to study Law. Roleplays were a common thing within the classes as well as going to them as a class. My passion for this role with my determination I will give all I can and more to the position.

Nationality & born location:

"I was born in Russia just outside of Kazan"

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

"My record is squeaky clean, never been arrested, had a fine or ticket."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

"I believe that I will be a solid candidate for the governor position for a multitude of reasons. To start off I am very dedicated to making sure that I give one hundred and ten percent to everything I do, I will plan to give it my all and work as hard as possible to make this town a better place for everyone who wants to see a bright future here. I want to be a beacon of hope for those who want change to come to Karakura and I intend on delivering on my word to the people who share this feeling. I have worked myself to the bone for my major in law and communications for years to gain my overall knowledge of this role. I want nothing more than to be able to join your team and build great chemistry between all of the other governors, judges and lawyers and be able to play a huge role in shaping Karakura into the better future we all know it has. It is time we listen to the people and show them that we aren't just suits who don't acknowledge their concerns. I have every intention of exceeding all my expectations if I do get accepted. Thank you for hearing what I have to say."


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @Zaldoria to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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