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Denied Governor | Poloroidss Application


Level 104

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Timezone & Country:
EST GMT-5 Jamaica

Links to any current & past applications:
Shop Application | DENIED
Staff Application | DENIED
Club Application | DENIED
Height Application | ACCEPTED
Event Team | DENIED
Korean App | ACCEPTED
Staff Application | DENIED
Reporter Application | ACCEPTED

Describe your activity on the server:

Based on server hours I'm on for at least 10 hours a day trying to find new roleplay opportunities or new ideas on how to improve said RP since I joined the server back in march of 2021 i have been pretty active pretty much every day, and when school opens this September my play hours will be shortened to 4 hours a day or more since my school does take a lot of my activity away but I'll still manage to keep up the activity.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
Most of my motivation comes from wanting to put my character into a more fitting setting to better my RP with him and also increase his professionalism
around others more and also occupy me with some actual work and gain experience in character and OOC. The government faction is one that interested me since its re-release back in 2021 but I decided to watch how the faction behaves before doing so, after observing for a while and finally decided to make an application
to finally try the faction out myself and see how it really runs behind the scenes. Getting involved with court cases is another reason for wanting to apply since court cases are
something that drives my interest in applying for this position more, I would apply for Lawyer but Governor is what fits my character more.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do find Karakura's laws are an interesting part of the Government and I do believe some of them do need adjusting and need to be enforced more, also adding new well-thought-out laws could be useful and I'd like to take my chances in doing that as well but for an understanding of most of them I do have but some could be more clear and need some sort of updating to fit the new constantly updating style of the server. Citizens' rights are also something I'd like to work on should I obtain this role and maybe gain some more clear knowledge on how they work, but overall the answer is Yes I do understand the current system of how the laws work

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
My main goals are to find more interesting and professional players to roleplay with as finding roleplays that will benefit your character and others
because most players don't take character development as seriously as they used to and the faction itself is very interesting I'm looking to find a few events to partake in as well. Displaying my character's formal and knowledgable side through roleplay is a hard task in itself and I think this role would aid me in putting my character's knowledge to use and also mine to fully push my roleplay limitations and develop new skills along the way. My character's goals are to gain a perspective of the government and to see how they operate and why it's the way it is, to see the different political views the staff has and pain a better image of them in his eyes, and the recent elections have fueled his desire to become apart of the system that has developed Karakura into the city it is. Gaining a voice in the justice system is a big goal for my character because he himself was a victim of injustice due to a corrupt system where he used to reside

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Governor is a role responsible for assisting the Mayor and Deputy Mayor in the important decision-making of the city, new laws, authorizing court cases, assisting the public, and in general creating a voice for the public to get things done in the people favor a big part of being a governor and I'd like to do that by allowing players to give me their inputs on certain problems or concerns they have and giving them a peace of mind that their voices will be heard by the government.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand and will try to prevent such actions from taking place.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Being active and with nothing to do on my alt is a reason for me to apply for this position and dedication will not be a problem unless something comes up.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
This is understandable and I'm not one to hold grudges or show boas towards anyone as I treat people the same way as long with no community guidelines being broken.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
My current schedule and timezone will probably support these meetings and events​


Full name:

Sea Kirigaya

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Mr. Kirigaya

Current age:

Date of birth:
June 28, 1987


Academic Degree:
BSc in Business Studies

English Language

Physical Education

Work experience:
"I've worked in alot of warehouses, in and out of jobs and mostly participated in fighting tournaments to make a living, I was around 20 when I started to take life seriously and began to study business so I can grow and create my own empire in the business world, my father always wanted me to take part in politics apart from fighting and I always thought the discussion was "boring" "lame", regardless I still studied some stuff about government a but but it was really any of my focuses at all so I decided to become an intern for a news reporter back in Korea, I released I few papers here and there then moved to Karakura where I used my experience to become a reporter for criminology around Karakura, it was an interesting position and I worked as a convenience store worker for a bit, being a news reporter has given me a third eye for politics and so I used it to gain a bit of an interest when the second mayor of the city was elected months ago, I was a reporter for atleast a year or so and then quit the faction due to having interests in bigger things such as owning my.own company, which I do now registered under the government as "Kirigaya Incorporated"."

Political background:
"I don't have much of a political background other than being involved in some when being a reporter, did a few interviews here and there and this grew my interest in it more as I explained but I do have some generic political knowledge if you want to call it that."

Nationality & born location:
Korea, Seoul Special City, Seoul Seobuk Hospital

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

Criminal record:

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"Time and dedication are two big factors that play into applying for this job but my experiences with injustice first had has lead me to believe that I can bring justice to "criminals" wronged and give them a chance to speak as much as everyone, actions speak louder than words and taking actions is what I plan to do with this position to give the criminals of the city a fighting chance so their lives aren't ruined for a couple of mistakes. everyone deserves a second chance and the right to explain themselves properly. Applying for this job in itself is a big step for me and a risk as well, taking risks has been a big part of my life and I think anyone willing to take risks for the great or good is automatically a valid candidate for any job really, being worried about if I'm good enough doesn't really matter as it all leads to one thing, what risks are you willing to take to be good enough and I stand by that point. I've taken many risks I believe those are what lead me to be a proper candidate for this job"​


Level 192

Thank you for taking the time to fill up this application ,unfortunately we've decided to deny this:
  • You may re-apply in 7 days

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