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Greater realism in GangRP

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Level 25

I would like to suggest that sharp weapons such as the Naginata or the Pocket Knife should be able to remove eyes, as there is no reason only a Katana should be able to do so. This is because staff have ruled that an eye is classified under the 'limb' stat of a weapon's 'Can remove limbs' and have voided eyes being taken by PKs and Naginatas

First of all, eyes are not limbs. It really does not make sense for this sort of limitation to be put in place, you could scoop out an eye with fingers if you wanted to; though the sugesstion isn't about that. It'd just make more sense to allow eyes, or other small body parts to be separate from limbs such as arms and legs, because giving the same rule to a squishy eye that could be plucked out easily versus a leg that has a giant bone in it, is pretty stupid.. If you don't accept this suggestion, then please.. PLEASE just add these things to the rules, it really makes no sense for restrictions to be put in place that people don't know about..


Level 25
Thread starter

good writing over realism.
I don't understand this, how is only taking an eye with a Katana good writing? Would it not also be good writing to take one with a Pocket knife? A Naginata? These things are realistic, and pose no detriment to writing quality. In fact, the entire point is that we are unable to do these things with weapons that should be able to.. That itself causes problems with writing, no? Because you're just narrowing down what you can do, for no reason.

I don't understand this -1, and it seems much more like an 'Anti gangrp, -1 for the sake of it' type of response than anything else. If a katana can take an eye, why can't a knife? Why can't a Naginata when a lot of the customs for it make it basically become a larger Katana in texture, just because it doesn't have the 'can take limb' stat.. It's mechanics > realism, and it's something that doesn't provide much benefit.


Level 146
I'm biased since I hate GangRP, but players really shouldn't have the opportunity to take eyes in the first place. At least with Karakura's prosthetics technology, people can still function if they lose a limb, but if you lose your eyes there's nothing you can do. All it would take is being majored twice in order to permanently cripple your character in a way that makes them impossible to play the way you designed them. If important limbs are removed for well thought out lore-driven reasons, then I'm all for it; but if some dude just says "haha heehee you knocked me out so now I take ur eye teehee >//w//<" then it feels like you just wasted your time and lost an important aspect of your character.

(Mostly) unrelated ranting aside, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use knives or other sharp weapons to remove eyeballs. Even though I think the concept of gouging them out is silly and somewhat unrealistic, I personally would rather have consistency in the server over arbitrary rules like this.


Level 105
No reason why weapons like the PK or naginata can't stab out eyes, in terms of generic realism
But at the same time just don't touch the eyes like Mike shot zee suggested lmao

Edit: It's also sorta unrealistic that a character would stab out another person's eye, crippling them forever especially because of a petty reason, like getting knocked out. Taking any sort of limb should really have good writing behind it instead of "he knocked me out, there goes his leg."
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Level 129
Edit: It's also sorta unrealistic that a character would stab out another person's eye, crippling them forever especially because of a petty reason, like getting knocked out. Taking any sort of limb should really have good writing behind it instead of "he knocked me out, there goes his leg."
F a c t s


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
I’m not against gangrp but why eyes? Like it’s an eye, leave them alone I guess- they’re important to our vision and day to day lives. We use them so why remove them? SRP has access to choose to cut of every limb that comes to mind so why the eyes? I don’t understand why the eyes are all targeted but yeah if it’s for lore purposes and there’s depth to why eyes are being removed then acceptable. But just for fun I don’t understand. However I’ll agree to the fact any sharp weapon can take an eye out because it’s sadly the truth. But personally let the eyes do what they’re meant to don’t take someone’s vision away.


Level 16
I’m not against gangrp but why eyes? Like it’s an eye, leave them alone I guess- they’re important to our vision and day to day lives. We use them so why remove them? SRP has access to choose to cut of every limb that comes to mind so why the eyes? I don’t understand why the eyes are all targeted but yeah if it’s for lore purposes and there’s depth to why eyes are being removed then acceptable. But just for fun I don’t understand. However I’ll agree to the fact any sharp weapon can take an eye out because it’s sadly the truth. But personally let the eyes do what they’re meant to don’t take someone’s vision away.
it causes serious damage, making using the major perms worth it to use
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