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HAMMER HEADS | Unverified Gang Application


Level 103
PolarLoLs, Poloroidss.

List any applications that you have created on the forums:

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm active with 2 accounts, PolarLoLs being my main where I use my HS Football character most of the time, many during school whereas I use my alt during the rest of the hours, mainly the night. I used to be a reporter though I've thought about maybe applying for other factions I'm not sure. I've been a part of the crime faction since I first logged onto the server, i think it's pretty funny that it's all I've ever done and still find it fun, it may be my creative prowess fueling me for all these years

Specify your Discord name:
[SRP] | Hammer Heads
Specify the link to your gang's Discord:

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:
Sent in @NoZinth DMs since the Google Doc link wont work here
What is the name of your gang?:
Hammer Heads
What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:
With only the name changing, Hammer Heads previously known as Crows is built on a morality to respect the brotherhood of others and connections
of others, Koji himself used to follow Shintosim and has a large respect for anyone religious or used to be, another thing is their love for anything involving vehicles bikes, and cars since they are what Koji grew up on hence him projecting those themes onto his crew along with his own un-apologetic and violent nature being more of a hazard than Rakkiyatsu has ever been. With a more casual theme uniforms or attires aren't a thing in this Crew, we're not trying to get targeted by cops here. As far as motives go Koji is just looking to kill some time before he finally decides to retire from his "hoodlum" lifestyle and finally settle down, there isn't much motive behind the crew other than to just have some fun beatin' anyone who sells a fight because the Hammer Heads are always lookin' to buy!

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
Hammer Heads has the name taken from a biker gang in a manga called "Tesuhiro Clover" is nothing like its manga counterpart as only the name was taken from it. Being led by the previous Rakkiyatsu second command Koji Hiroshima it's taken up inspiration from multiple different mangas like "Crows Zero II" and "Shounan Junai Gumi!" taking their high school VS highschool rivalry systems with other gangs like Zeros while following a roster system that follows the same system, Sophomore or Freshmen being the lowest, Juniors being the seconds in command and Seniors running the Sophomors much like running the school. Even the nickname system is based on basic Japanese ways. Each Senior was able to develop factions named after them to keep the 22 lower ranks organized and in check. The story behind the rebrand is what is to be sought after through in-character interaction, The Lore behind a rebrand is something I've been looking, at for some time now and now I've finally gotten a reason. After the name of "Crows" fell, the gang was renamed to "Hammer Heads" to allow Koji to run the gang anonymously, never appearing in public and rarely at meetings. The thought of a leader that's never present is bound to set some ominously among his faceless name now "". Maybe he'll make some appearances here and there! but for all the public knows he's not a scrubby delinquent anymore.

What reputation does the gang uphold in character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:
Thanks to their leader Crows held up a sketchy but violent image, appearing as normal adults but usually catching someone off guard with what seemed like an alternate personality change whenever they decide to get into any trouble, appearing as a group to take with caution to their enemies/rivals and citizens a group of no good "thugs" you need to stay clear of, hoggin un-usual turfs like the ones listed below Crows has earned its reputation as a violent group of delinquents that show no mercy to the ones who picked a fight! Now that they've rebranded it's a great opportunity to rebuild an even more detested reputation amongst the gangs of Karakura​

These two spots are very close and will be used for the main territory for the Crows, for casual meetups, idlings, and for causing random mischief. You’re recommended to be hostile/territorial whenever someone comes across this area. though try to be a little understanding as people’s loved ones rest there.
The old train station you’re permitted to be fully strict about, kicking anyone who refuses to leave and snoop around in. This area can be used for kidnappings or if you’re looking to challenge someone or just teach them a lesson this area is recommended​

This area will be mainly utilized by the Seniors/Upper 6 for important meetings or discussions. It’s more of an unknown area and carries a less suspicious vibe, allowing the higher-ups to do what they plan in peace. Whenever being utilized it is recommended to drive anyone away from the area but not in a way to attracts the police, creating some sense of caution whenever approaching this area

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:
Hammer Heads
is a biker/delinquent crew more violent and hostile than your usual bosozuko. It is run by young adults and college dropouts with different views. Keep it low if they go to school and go all out on the rough streets of Karakura. This murder of crows is more than just bikers and is held by an iron fist that keeps them together as one brotherhood. Attire isn’t their thing, that simply draws too much attention and looks lame. They wear regular street clothing and dress like regular teenagers and don’t stand out in public at all. Members of this crew are usually seen hanging out in groups of two to four people, gambling, and discussing or messing around with their beloved vehicles. Having been created from the second in command of the second generation of Rakkiyatsu this crew would only naturally pick up some of its traits.. Koji Hiroshima who calls himself ''The Strongest'' plans to rule the streets once more.. but as a faceless bad omen planning to encounter new and old friends along the way.
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying. As this gang is relatively new, I'd like to put it on pending until we've seen more of what your group is capable of. I'd love to work with you to get that extra step forward, as I've DM-ed you a response to your event suggestion.

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