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hatola celebrates 4 years of srp


Level 272
hi guys im hatola/hatole/hataltola/alotah and msny other igns through the years. 2 days ago I goy my 4 years thropy yay!! Thanks a lot for everyone who makes me stay in SRP which includes some of the people that Im going to mention soon. I have nothing to do so if u needs tips about everything dont be afraid to ask me Im enjoying speaking with others mostly

Thanks a lot to as well to: PiZA, T4AURUS, Keegan, Kai(Turbo..I cant eemember the last of the ign), FRANKAPHONE, Daisy, leo_14, unh6ly, skyfantasyworld, eziri, soulthepebble, xyrii, Sincriteiro(I cant spell deal with it L bozo), MayoGulper, SchoolRP(the person), blue(I know ur somewhere u cant escape), Sinc & Logan(aka Adrian Popovich, the father OF MYEONGGG ), Revra, Lovely_Ocean, sterflies, slushee, Rabbit(whos even from fantasyrp and not from srp haha), Tippie, Customable, Sak(who was a cool faction lead), Spoonie my beloved, UAREcute, ashforshort(April Cohen always my love), Mitsu(I love Zhang), The_8Eight, KettleSip, simba, haru, Zadie(I cant find ur ign forgive me), RozaC, Rose(I know u left srp long time ago but W char), DrainingFeeling, Ella(I know u left srp as well, u still have a forever spot in sayonara), fancylyricz, Mookie, LK(happy birthday Logan), Marvin(AKA XIANG YU), atoki & atkoi(u r cool people), Dark(Dark Dot helped me evolve my char welp), ILoveUrMom, RandomalyAccepted, Kana, qxmr(Dan even helped me fix the bot in sayonara LOL), Vit, Scruby, new friends: Tenshi, RollCharisma and spuka(which all were too lazy to leave the temp employees chat), cloud(I still remember when ur char was Annie's niece), Tcb(nice that u got into EMS), Chen & User_67 (I was shocked when I saw there were more people from Israel Chen u saved me LOL) , hye, DumplingLobo, Alice, Klppy & les, Some school employees/ former: Daniel, Barbie, Hansuke Ikki and all the nurses from 2021~ <3, Mint Koji!!!! (one of the most cute chars I ever met), Many former & current sayonara employees(including qBabu, Velvet, Dn, Silus, Fixit, Lectus), IamFunny2 (my favorite shopkeeper), tobby who makes me wanna be active on the forums again, many friends from teams that I was in in the past and of course photography club as I was there for a very long time and I really enjoyed it ngl, Lydia(didnt speak with u for so long ngl, just to let u know I think ur amazing idk if I said it ever), Specific to Sayonara higher ups for suffering with me for a very long time I wanna thank again specific to piza for not murdering me for buying more items LOL, Ghostfire(just for that I called the item ghostfire instead of ghostface), Hampster (thanks for making my shop have cool items), MushyRP & Itamar(I cant remember ur ign Itamar Im sorry, anyway in general I feels like we understand eachother situstion sadly for being from the same country, but hey atleast atleast I know that Im not alone in it lol), Will(you are cool rper and a person and I glad that I know u but I blocked U FOR PINGING ME MAMY TIMES I CANT HANDLE A TON OF PINGS), Night(Miya, ur cool and I need u to work for sayonara if ur still playing on SRP fr), Aania & Cam(thanks for helping me with random requests like having a flower on my head). If ur not in this last its only bc of my fucked up memory and know I love u all!!!

I HOPE EVERYONE WHICH R READING IT WILL HAVE A NICE DAY AND DONT FORGET TO BUY FROM SAYONARA ITEMS!! We will have new items with the arrival of a new faction lead

Random gif:

No, Im not leaving srp btw.
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Level 163
we dont have a faction lead since sak left LOL
OHHH YEAHHH THATS RIGHTT!! For a second I was thinking Cloud was the Shop Faction lead- but then I realized Cloud is the Shrine Faction Lead. im so tired the coffee hasn't kicked in yet... my brain ain't braining ahhhh


Level 272
Thread starter
OHHH YEAHHH THATS RIGHTT!! For a second I was thinking Cloud was the Shop Faction lead- but then I realized Cloud is the Shrine Faction Lead. im so tired the coffee hasn't kicked in yet... my brain ain't braining ahhhh
I dont think they will put a mod as the faction lead for shops bc its basically the monoply of SRP LOL, but if yes idc as well bc I just need someone to DM about my new items


Level 163
I dont think they will put a mod as the faction lead for shops bc its basically the monoply of SRP LOL, but if yes idc as well bc I just need someone to DM about my new items
That's so valid fr. Also yes new items for realzzz get ur items (hopefully) whenever that new lead is introduced ong

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