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Highschool Council | Odessa C. Onodera


Level 3

What is your Minecraft Username?:


What is your timezone?:

Please provide your Discord tag:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
I get online daily, though at different times. I get on Monday from 10 AM to 12 AM, Tuesday from 12 to 9 PM, and Wednesday from 10 AM to 8 PM. Thursday from
11 AM to 12 AM, Friday from 10 AM to 8 PM, Saturday from 12 PM to 9 PM, and Sunday is from 10 AM to 8 PM.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
Cat] Jingles
[Dog] Nyla
[ Grade-12] Odessa C. Onodera

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I understand Inactivity can result in removal.​


What is the student council and what do they do?:

They are known as the "Teacher's pet" Representation: Student Councils serve as a voice for the student body, advocating for their interests and
concerns to school administration and faculty. Organizing Events: They plan and organize various events such as social activities, fundraisers,
spirit week, and school dances to promote school spirit and community. Leadership Development: Student Councils provide opportunities for students to develop
leadership skills through roles such as president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, etc.Community Service: They may coordinate community service projects and initiatives to give back to the local community and promote civic responsibility among students. Communication: They facilitate communication between
students, faculty, and administration. To ensure that student opinions are heard and considered in school matters.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
It would help my character learn and grow, my friends have encouraged me to join as it would give me more stuff to do on SRP, and they
thought it would also bring a lot more fun to roleplay. I would also learn more about teamwork, and decision-making, and I would also gain personal growth alongside my character. I would practice critical thinking, ****yzing situations, and evaluating options as I grow with my character. I personally always wanted to join the Council,
it has always been one of the top things I have wanted to do in SRP. Joining would offer me invaluable opportunities for personal and academic growth. It enhances leadership skills and would teach me about teamwork when working with peers and faculty. It would help me learn planning skills and become more of a strong motivator. I want to help create a better school environment environment as well.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am aware of this and It would be a wonderful idea to use teamwork and creativity. It would be more fun to learn more about teamwork.
As well as creating something that everyone can enjoy. I would also love feedback if needed.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
SLT: (School Leadership Team) The SLT develops and articulates the school's vision and mission. Ensuring they align with the educational goals and values of the institution. SLT sets long-term strategic goals for the school, encompassing academic performance, student well-being, staff development, and community engagement. The team formulates and implements school policies, procedures, and protocols to ensure consistency and compliance with educational standards and regulations.

Administrators (principals) provide leadership and direction for the school, ensuring that all activities align with the school's mission and goals. They implement and enforce school policies and procedures. Admin also oversees teachers and support staff, conducting performance evaluations and providing professional development opportunities. They address disciplinary issues and enforce the school's code of conduct. Community engagement builds relationships with parents, local businesses, and the community to support school initiatives and programs.

Vice-President: The vice-president supports the president in their duties, like helping manage the Council's agenda and priorities. In the President's absence, the Vice-President steps in to fulfill all presidential responsibilities, ensuring leadership. They also organize and plan events. The vice president plans events such as school dances, fundraisers, and spirit week! During events, the vice president ensures that everything runs smoothly addresses any issues that arise, and provides leadership to other Council members.

Council Member: Council members help organize events, such as school dances, spirit week, fundraisers, book venues, arrange decorations, and schedules, and promote announcements. They also enforce school policies, promote a disciplined environment, model positive behavior, and encourage peers to follow school
regulations. They manage detentions to ensure they are conducted fairly and that students understand the reasons behind them. They help with Collaboration with clubs and teachers, they work closely with school clubs to coordinate joint events and activities.

Employees: Teachers deliver lessons using various teaching methods to cater to different learning styles. Teachers design and administer tests, quizzes, and assignments. It evaluates student progress and understanding. Teachers maintain discipline and create a conducive learning environment. They develop detailed lesson plans that align with educational standards and objectives. Teachers also provide additional help to students who need it, either through tutoring, one-on-one sessions, or after-school programs. They lastly regularly communicate with parents about their child's progress, behavior, and any concerns.


While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

She remained calm as she began to approach the student. "I need you to come with me, please." As the student got up and followed her. the student explained their behavior, and she listened patiently. After they had explained, she spoke sternly. "You shouldn't have caused a disturbance either way, you can go back but I am handing you a detention slip." *She handed the student a detention slip* "Don't be disruptive, please. You may go back." *the student heads back as she does as well. However, she kept a close eye to make sure that students along with the others weren't being disruptive.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
(FearRP should have been engaged.) She quickly pulled out her radio, her voice steady but urgent. "I have a student with a mask on. They refused to take it off and now they've bolted. If seen, please take care of the matter. I have already given them a detention slip." She then provided a detailed description of the student's clothing into the radio. After ensuring the message was clear, she made her way to the principal's office. Once there, she reported, "I just radioed in about a student wearing a mask who bolted away. I've already given them a detention slip." Her tone was firm, but underlying it was a sense of concern and responsibility for handling the situation properly.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
I would go to the teacher and speak in private, once they were in private she would say. "Has this student repeated their actions before? Any records of this?" The teacher had said yes, but she had to think about what to do to help the teacher. "Alright, I will handle it. You can go back to teaching the class." They went back into the classroom, and she promptly went over to the student and spoke. "Would you follow me for a minute?" The student had followed them out in the hallway as she spoke. "What you're doing is against the rules. For one, I want you to talk to me and tell me what is causing you to take part in these actions of yours." After the student had spoken everything, she spoke again. "Alright, I'm thankful you spoke to me about this, as it is important to me. However, you will receive a detention slip." She handed them the detention slip. "If you are having more problems like this, come and talk to me. However, please do not disrupt the class again."

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
She had listened to the students talking, and after they finished speaking, she began to. "well, It does matter what you want to protest for. Please go on" The student began to tell her why they were protesting and what they had wanted exactly, and she spoke again. "well, I do apologize. However, you cannot have permission to do so. That is against the rules and is too far from anything I should allow. But if you have any concerns or anything you wish to speak about, feel more than welcome to come to me or any of the Council team. We are always free to help you.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
First I would nod, feeling a bit sad that I had misunderstood something and had gone against the rules.​
"I understand the gravity and importance of my actions, and I take full responsibility for my mistake. It was a lapse in judgment, and I deeply regret any disruption or confusion it may have caused. Moving forward, I am committed to learning from this experience and ensuring that I uphold the standards and guidelines set by our school administration. I have already begun reflecting on what went wrong and have taken steps to prevent a recurrence. I am actively seeking guidance from senior members of the council and our school administrators to better understand how to align my actions with our collective responsibilities.
Rest assured, I am dedicated to regaining the trust of my peers, the student body, and our school leadership. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from this situation, and I am determined to demonstrate through my actions that I can fulfill my role with integrity and accountability."I understand the gravity and importance of my actions, and I take full responsibility for my mistakes. It was a lapse in judgment, and I deeply regret any disruption or confusion it may have caused. Moving forward, I am committed to learning from this experience and ensuring that I uphold the standards and guidelines set by our school administration. I have already begun reflecting on what went wrong and have taken steps to prevent a recurrence. I am actively seeking guidance from senior members of the council and our school administrators to better understand how to align my actions with our collective responsibilities.
Rest assured, I am dedicated to regaining the trust of my peers, the student body, and our school leadership. I appreciate the opportunity to learn and grow from this situation, and I am determined to demonstrate through my actions that I can fulfill my role with integrity and accountability."

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
The school could have an event that takes place every year in the summer, A Talent show where everyone can showcase their talents! It shall take place in the GYM on the stage. Anyone with a talent for artists, singers, dancers, instrument players, gymnastics, martial arts, acting, poetry, and even comedy! The event also allows people in small groups of 1-5 people to be on stage. Any more than that will be considered too many people. It will take place around 4 pm and be open to everyone free to join. The only way to join is by going to the council members and asking them to sign up. If anyone were to interrupt it purposely, they would be warned, and if they continue to do so. They will be told to exit immediately. (Though not listening to the council or any faculty is against the rules) Teachers can also freely participate alongside the students! A list will be made to help coordinate who wishes to enter the event, the councils will keep the first and last names of those who joined the event written down on a list. The event will start exactly at 4:30 and shall end at 5:30. The amount of people that are free to join is 50 people, There will be 3 teachers in the talent show that will judge those who entered. Everyone in the crowd will be given cards if they wish to vote for who they like the most. After they will put them in a 'judge box' which will contain the cards. It will be handed out by a council member in each row. Whoever gets the most votes wins! And whoever wins shall earn a prize at the end, the winner will be given a small trophy. (which is placeable)

Personal Information
(in character)


Odessa C. Onodera



Phone number:

How would you describe your personality?:
I am very outgoing, reasonable when there is a situation at hand, honest at all times, and hardworking. I was born to be a leader to steer those in the right direction that will be safe and helpful. I am seen as independent and very patient. I am very easy to talk to, but if it involves someone in trouble, I can be very strict when needed. I can be stern if necessary, I'm well-driven toward achieving my goal as well as my dream for the school and students. I would personally describe myself as talkative and smart. I do describe myself as well-kept and open-minded, as much as I love to listen.

Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I can handle handle difficult situations accordingly, I know how to adapt to instant changes in the environment
and bounce back to where everything needs to be. I want to learn more about the school
so I can help make it better and I can take charge of a dilemma in case anyone has their hands full or if they don't know
how to handle the situation at hand. It would also give me a chance to learn how things are meant
to be predetermined.

Why do you want this position?:
So I can learn more and help those who wish to be heard for their interests, to their needs, and their wishes. I would also
keep bullying from happening among the students, also because I always wanted to be a part of the council. I wanted to help others more,
I would also learn more about leadership, more about teamwork, and improve the school's culture. I would also be able to engage with others
in a much better way and help them with whatever they need.

What interests you the most about student council?:
Helping out with the clubs, I always loved how amazing they looked when they were done, I wish to help them out
and make it even more amazing than they already do. I can have a conversation with a student or faculty about their concerns and help them
to seek what they need if it's rightfully done. I am very interested in helping those who don't have a voice, I am more than willing to give
those who need guidance and support. I also adore how the council supports the faculty and helps run things to make things easier for everyone.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I will guide the students in the right direction, I will keep those who need some support and make sure they feel self-assured.
I can help and make going to school more fun as much as I can by keeping those who are getting picked on happier and
more secure physically and emotionally. I will support the faculty and arrange whatever they ask of that seems fit. I shall be a leader
to those who will need that and rightfully make learning more enjoyable as well as feeling more peace of mind.​
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