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HildaRP's Police application


Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section


Previous bans:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m online daily, I would say around 10+ hours sometimes even 12 hours.

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have Discord?
I do! It is, connectingwifi#2521

Do you have a microphone:
I do, A blue yeti microphone, very Sensitive too.

List your current and past applications:
Korean Application [Accepted]

D.I.D Application [Accepted]

College Application [Denied]

College Application [Accepted]

Event Team Application [Accepted]

French Application [Accepted]

What is your motivation for applying?:
I really want to help out the Karakura Police Department as well as the Karakura City, To make the city crime-free as well I love the Idea of CopRP, I would try to help out as much as I can and of course, go on patrols with Patrol officers and more. I would love to improve CopRPs growth even more than it is right now. CopRP would be a great opportunity for me as it would be my first time. I memorized all the rules and laws.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct:

I understand all the Japanese Laws as well as the Basic Conduct.

What are the Police ranks:

The police ranks are ranked to lowest to highest


Patrol Officer

Police Corporal

Police Sergeant


Police Investigator

Police Head-Investigator

Police Lieutenant

Police Head-Lieutenant

Police Commissioner

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know to always use great grammar in the IC chat although it's in the rules to always use your best grammar, During an Arrest/Search towards another Karakura Citizen to always stand behind
Police officers back to make sure to keep them safe if anyone tries anything towards me or my partner, I, of course, know how to keep my co-workers safe at any situation possible and know how to keep them on the lookout. I of course know how to follow the laws and keep an eye out for any people j-walking. Wearing masks or other shady criminal activity that is against our city laws.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP:

It is quite important for having Police officers in Karakura since GangRP and Criminals roam around, We need the Police for
making the City safer for the Karakura Citizens, If not the City would be destroyed badly and it would be a total wreck having criminals doing such bad things all over.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time:
Of course, I understand and I will be completely fine with your choices.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role:

Of course, I will be dedicated and I will do anything to help out the Karakura Police Department. I have loved it for quite some time now. I even thought about making an application a while ago. Around 2 months ago, but I do completely acknowledge this Police Role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished:
I do understand and of course, I’d attend the training to have a better understanding of how I’d be supposed to do things around the city as an officer, I want to learn better and better. It would be fun and helpful to my career as a Karakura Police Officer.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations:
Yes, I am very aware of this and I will NOT take it to OOC no matter what. I understand fully and I will not do so.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how she looks, what makes her unique:

Emiko would have long black curly hair as she stood at 5’11, She’d have a straight face most of the time as she was a slim female with an athletic build, She’d have green awakening eyes as she talked in a modern girl-ish tone. She’d be mixed race and she’d clearly be ready to do anything to help the Karakura Police Department and be the best she could be.

What she's like on and off the job?

Off the job:
Emiko would start off by walking out from her job as it would be a break/job off as she started by greeting her friends or random Karakura civilians most mornings. She’d have a smile as she was focused on having a nice time as she had been working her hardest all day. She’d maybe even call her friends or go to her friend's apartments and chill watching TV. She’d of course get onto the job if needed and would most likely always be free at all causes, not on the job of course since she wants the full responsibility for that tough job.

On the job:

Emiko would set an alarm quite early to take a nice quick shower, as she actually starts her day off by drinking a nice cup of tea as she washed her face and soft long black hair, as she brushed her teeth. She’d of course start by heading over to the station as she would be very calm on the job most of the time, She'd make sure she never missed a phone call. Once she arrives into the Station, before sitting down on her seat at the front desk she’d firstly say good morning to the Co-Owners and higher-ups, as well with that her mood would change once it comes to arresting or helping with an arrest, into more of a serious mood since she would really want to keep her job and work as hard as she could as she would try her greatest. She would be very focused and would pass time by sitting at the front desk or going on patrols in Karakura city making sure everybody is in school during school hours and no criminal activity is held in Karakura city.

Outlook on her co-workers? Plans for the future?

Plans for the future:
To further myself through various channels offered within my role as a police officer. To strive to better myself with every opportunity offered to make myself a better police officer and colleague,To find someone to love and care for while looking out for my co-workers. Maybe to even have a few kids in the future when I’m fully ready for the responsibility.

Outlook on her co-workers:
To make sure her fellow Police officers are safe and healthy in all situations. Make sure they’re never left vulnerable or at risk in any situation. To make sure they are following the rules and the guidelines within their duties, Offering help and guidance to co-workers Make sure they are given opportunities and access opportunities within they’re job roles.

In the Year 1993, Emiko was born in a city called Karakura. She was raised by her parents as a little Police Officer they called her, At the age of two Emiko would always dress up as a little Police girl and pretend to arrest her big brother, as well she was a very sweet girl, She’d be a very unique girl at the age of two as she always loved cops and how they would always help around the city, she loved to stare out the window as some cops would walk by, sometimes some cops would wave back to her which put a big bright smile on her face, as she completely adored them. She’d ask her parents at the age of three if she could be a cop one day, They would always say “If you really put your heart to it and try your hardest to succeed”. Emiko would be a happy child. As she turned four she started attending fake cop training with her big brother for all goofs and laughs really. Her big brother always inspired her to be a cop when she’s older as he liked cops as well. They both were very happy with each other and never fought. They always faked tasering each other with fake cardboard tasers colored in as she would fake guns with nerf guns. Years fly by, She would now be Seven She’d go gymnastics and she’d try to learn karate to defend herself and her family. She’d get bullied at school as she was the teacher's pet because she had great grades and she talked about cops a lot to her classmates which they didn’t really like about her. She absolutely adored cops and would never stop until she put her heart to it and succeeded when she was older. She would be talking with cops on her balcony sometimes and She’d tell them she would love to join one day when she’s older. Few more years go by and she's now Twelve. She now has learned most karate moves and she’s defending herself against bullies. She still talks with cops and retired cops. Her brother would sit next to her every day watching cop movies mostly at night. Cop’s going on patrol and more. She’d read about cops in some little books she reads, also watching shows on how to be a better civilian. She started training with fake tasers and other safe equipment for her as her big brother would help her out if she did a move wrong, training mostly every Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday when school was finished. More advanced than cardboard ones they would be plastic ones, She would use nerf guns like pistols and fake plastic cuffs. As Emiko turned 19 she dropped out of school to start building up her Karakura Police career as it was really important to her as Emiko got older she had to, unfortunately, move out at the age of 21, She got her own place to stay at, She’d didn’t have much trouble getting money since every month her father would send over some money if needed, Emiko would start the day off in her lonely house as she woke up brushing her hair and teeth as she washed her soft long black hair. She blow-dried it and once again brushed it. She’d put on her eyeliner and lipgloss as she was ready to go. She went to the police station to report some criminal activities she overheard in public. She’d do anything to help out Karakura Police Officers. As she turned 25 She started to get used to police walking by as she waved to them every day once she was ready. She even sometimes walked with them to help out in any way possible even if she couldn’t tase someone. As she turned 27 she finally got the chance to join the Karakura Police Department as she finally got enough courage when the interviews happened. They were looking for Police Officers as she built up courage as she walked in and soon enough she came out in the Police Officer uniform she is now living her best life as she was finally her dream Role a Karakura Police Officer.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:
Emiko ‘Emi’ Chinami


Given Name:

Preferred Name:



IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:

She’s single at the moment


Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:

Since Emiko’s dream job has always been a Police Officer in Karakura city She has trained properly and seriously for five years straight.

Working Experience:

Emiko has never had the actual Working Experience of being an actual Officer, She has only done serious cop training for five years but still, she has quite the Experience of being a cop with that training she has done for the past few years.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree

Year of Graduation:
She graduated in the year 2012


Criminal Justice


Native Languages:
Japanese & English

Other Languages:
Last edited:


Level 136

After holding a vote throughout the entire force, sadly the vote was not on your side today. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying for the KPD.

You may reapply in 30 days.

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