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hobointhefridge, College Councillor


Level 6

What is your Minecraft username:
Any previous warns/kicks/bans?I only have been warned and it's an old that I can't remember it. After, my last warning. I have stayed polite and strict with the rules and I'm not planning to get any new punishment
What is your timezone in GMT? GMT-7
Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord username)? hobointhefridge#1835
Link(s) to any previous applications on the server? V. Val. B. D. Choi. Luck. Nurse Application | SchoolRP
Describe your activity on the server & on the forums? Korean Application, UniqueIcecream | SchoolRPV. Val. B. D. Choi. Luck. College Application | SchoolRP
V. Val. B. D. L. Hemingway. College Application | SchoolRP

V. Val. B. D. Choi. Luck. College Application | SchoolRP
Spanish Application | SchoolRP
Spanish Application {2} | SchoolRP


What is the student council?: the council is to help anyone who is in trouble, getting into fights, and to help who are injured
Who or what brought you to applying for the student council? (e.g. a friend, colleague, etc) Else than some of my general friends, I have a friend in council who asked me to too.
What does the school council of Karakura do?: Help people who are getting into fights, give them detentions if I need to, but the school council is important, councillors are supposed to be helpful, kind and thoughtful. Giving them a sight of who
What interests you the most about the student council?: What Interests me is, helping people though school and helping people to decide on there actions, and not try to be mean to them, you got to very cautious, one more thing that interests me, is I could meet new friends, help my friends as much as I can making them feel like I am a protective friend, making them thankful for me as a councillor
Do you have past experience in roleplaying (if so, summarize your experience)? I do roleplay sometimes on SRP, I have been on the server for 3 years, I want to make sure I roleplay a bit more, to get my typing skills up, as I am improving on things.


You are on the student council and a member submits an awful idea. What do you do?: I would give them reasons how it could benefit the school and feedback us. If they still hate it I'd respect their opinions, stay calm and think about a better, and impressing idea, thinking of another idea would fit the idea, trying to help them though the ideas that they could get up to that will make the councillors think of a good plan.
You submit an idea - everyone hates it. How do you deal with the situation? I would give them reasons how it could benefit the school and feedback us. If they still hate it I'd respect their opinions, stay calm, and think about a better, impressing idea, I will try to keep my kindness to others, try involve there ideas and making them think I would love the ideas of them telling me how the ideas are gonna work, how its going to take to give a good idea
There is a split decision on an idea. The councillors begin to debate if the idea should be accepted. As time goes on, the debate turns into an argument! How do you handle the situation? I will of course not be arguing with them, especially that I am a calm one and I can fix situations in a calm manner. With my experience and skills, I would try to calm them down and remind them of what we are and how we should debate fairly about it without arguing.
A councillor is stirring up problems and abusing their position on school grounds! What would you do? I would first of all take a proof of the situation before approaching them and warning them about their actions. If he didn't comply with the verbal warning he got from me I will have to take it and report it to a higherup
The council president says something you completely disagree with, how would you combat this? I would try to help her with a good help, and try to make a good idea, I would talk to her in private and help her through it, I will talk to her about ideas, and try to suggest any more of ideas
There’s a staggering amount of tension/drama between two councillors. It’s beginning to affect their work ethic; how would you try to help? I would approach them, keeping them quiet, telling them to settle down as much as I can, I would ask both of them what happend, one at a time, then sorting the matters what they said, and trying to solve it, if they don't stop, I would report it to higherup and they will try to solve it

Character Name: L. Liz. L.K Insante
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 20
Character phone-number: 665699535
Brief summary of how they act- your character’s personality: Liz would be an French, Spanish female, she stood there at an average height [5'6] and she had blonde hair, and a emo girl like of outfit, as she is a kind girl, she has loads of friends that are depending on her, she wore Peach Earrings, and a necklace, that she wore from her fiancé, as she is engaged, she always wears the necklace for good luck, she also would have a strict family, and she always wants to help her friends. Liz would have loads of injury's, but she was also clumsy at the same time as for the injury's, she lives in French, her scent of smell will follow her. Liz was a great friend and she also respects people who are injured. She also helps her friends if they need her, she loves volleyball, she would act as nice as she can be. Liz would have a great reputation to her family.
Character appearance/attire:
What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Why do you want this position?:

What interests you the most about student council?:
I want to try help others, with injurie's making them feel happy and more happier then not getting into fights, I will try to be nice as not being mean.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?: I would help the school, by its fun and the fun environment, I will make it fun and very fun to get the I want to make the students think I am amazing at making the school safe.
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