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Level 11
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so first of all i just wanna start out by saying everyone has valid points in this suggestion as it was a department sprung up without much room to debate against it; myself as I was allowed into the emergency department i’ve noticed quite a few things and changes; even though it has been a week.. there’s a clear separation / heat between us and the other two departments, weather out of anger or frustration, which i completely understand!! But, let me break down my feelings on this suggestion and the department as a whole !!

As so you don’t have to read everything, i put a name above each part to signify which I’m referring to ^-^

Point 1 | Darkxwalker

- As most others said this is a brand new department; barely finishing up first week of training! You haven’t exactly given it the chance TO change, bare in mind changes do not come overnight. Of course, I do not believe it is fair to split something up with as there was much time put into this department; and so far, it’s been working! We’ve been doing our duties, responding to calls, and doing our training.

On the patrol part, i completely understand why others would be upset by this change, but keep in mind patrol is to go around searching for injured people and checking on welll being. Not to stop and get fresh air, which i myself am guilty of! Sometimes a little break from the hospital is much needed, but in the scenario you ARE out on the patrol with one paramedic and say 2 people are having an emergency, the other in question might have no idea how to deal with these scenarios as they are not trained. In hindsight, they wouldn’t hold much use in that situation. Only trained people who KNOW what to do in every scenario should be going out. It’s as simple as that. along with you wouldn’t want a psychiatrist doing your surgery who’s never held a scalpel or a doctor handling your panic attack who’s only line is to “calm down.” Patrol shouldn’t be a form of entertainment. Yes; fun things do happen on them! But let’s not drag the point away nontheless and negate what patrols are really for.

Of course it will be something people strive for; and of course i say, work for it. The department is supposed to be those who higher ups (so far) believed could HANDLE working all 3 jobs, were also test dummies, to see how well this could work. bare in mind were not going around doing all these jobs at once as if we’re robots, no. it’s a “just in case” scenario, never for all the SIX days we’ve had this role tried to take away from another hospital worker, we are backup. if no one else can handle what is going on, WE pick up the slack where it lays. It’s a department people should want to get into, because it’s an honor to be chosen for it.. why make it seem as if it’s impossible and stuff.. it’s the same as trying to get to be a higher up, they get more duties, they get new things.. it’s hard to get into, not everyone can be fit for it, that’s the point.

Our aim is not to take away from the other two departments. The complete opposite, we do our best to bring patients inside the hospital so they can preform their duties. Maybe since you’ve been gone you haven’t noticed, there has been a plethora of times where calls come in where we sat helplessly due to the fact there was no paramedics online. The newest wave is compiled of people who are both active and have diferente time zones; therefore can AVOID having so many situations where one department is online when another is needed. Not everything happens at the hospital, sometimes people are injured that are far away, sometimes people have panic attacks far away, WE deal with that. I always ask if another needs quota before I do anything, we’re not actively prying their jobs away.. We do the same things they do, but we don’t NEED to; we’re not quota hungry..

Point 2 | Iris

I understand what you’re saying!! But, again keep in mind that we are not trying to take anyone’s duties from them, as a paramedic we don’t STRIVE to do all 3 jobs and steal quota from others. Infact, this suggestion has nothing to do with gaining quota but i understand it falls into ties with it. Anything relating to giving psychiatrists more things to do for quota should be taken to OUR suggestions..

anyway, as i’ve noticed being quite active on EMS there’s been many and many and many of times where i’ve been online with only psychiatrist who can do nothing against a broken leg or anything of the sort. The emergency department is to eliminate that, not to steal. if there’s no doctor online but a paramedic who was once a psych before now has the ability to take that patient in and treat them if no doctor is available!! Time zones are of course a huge issue with this, but with this new change you now have a few more people with more diverse time zones under your belt, less referrals to be denied.

Point 3 | Noah

The first wave was handpicked for a reason, you can’t have a new department work with people who believe they’re fit for the role but are not. Which is WHY people were chosen by those who oversee everything. Of course if you knew this change was coming you’d want in, that doesn’t make you any more fit for it, it’s your actions that get you further. It’s not all about being active though that is a big plus! I as well don’t know the criteria it was to get into the faction, but i don’t believe it’s just your recent ones that mater.

You say EMS needs more communication, then go start that communication! You take leadership roles, go go go!! Make suggestions, speak to your co workers, don’t let yourself fall into a deeper pit of un-motivation because you keep pushing back making a change. All your points are understandable.. go do something about it !! You want psychs to get vet certificate back, go suggest it.. No one is holding you back from stating your feelings and at least ATTEMPTING to do something regarding it; staying quiet won’t do anything. As I was a psychiatrist before i know firsthand how demotivating and tiring it can be, when referrals were brought it was like a weight was lifted! Those things can happen again; but higher ups cannot read your mind, you need to communicate as you said. You have to think, make stuff, make it make sense for a psychiatrist to have / do.

again, i understand how demotivating it can be, but i don’t think voiding the entire department will solve anything . Think about it! Before the change, we were on a bit of a decline recardless. Don’t be upset with the change, work around it and find ways to better things for you. Focusing on us as a department won’t help the other two! Try asking is Psychiatrist can preform vet duties, if doctors can be backup paramedics, there’s so many things that could be made in order to satisfy the others!


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
You say EMS needs more communication, then go start that communication! You take leadership roles, go go go!! Make suggestions, speak to your co workers, don’t let yourself fall into a deeper pit of un-motivation because you keep pushing back making a change. All your points are understandable.. go do something about it !! You want psychs to get vet certificate back, go suggest it.. No one is holding you back from stating your feelings and at least ATTEMPTING to do something regarding it; staying quiet won’t do anything. As I was a psychiatrist before i know firsthand how demotivating and tiring it can be, when referrals were brought it was like a weight was lifted! Those things can happen again; but higher ups cannot read your mind, you need to communicate as you said. You have to think, make stuff, make it make sense for a psychiatrist to have / do.
I've already stated my feelings on this in our hospital chat, you've responded to it, it's not as if I've gone and made this post without communicating about it. I've also had to tell people to stop ignoring me via radio when I need help! I am constantly in front of the lobby, greeting those who need help. I do communicate. So, I'm not so sure where you've gotten that I might not be? I feel like I shouldn't have to make a suggestion for something that we already had, I think you would feel the same if you were in our position. What is the reason of removing something to just one side of the faction when no matter what, you'd be trained on it? No realism there, you can't say "well it'd be more realistic for doctors to do it because they already do this type of work!" because you still get trained on it. Let people have fun, let them have that instead of giving them a taste then taking it away. Vet certification was something everyone could go for, but it was suggested for psychs to go for it as it's the only thing offered past the normal psychiatrist role. Now, that's been taken. Doesn't help I was also mid-training and it got taken before I could finish. I admit I should've went for it sooner, but I didn't think it'd disappear as a whole, I don't think anyone could've anticipated that. I think my original post replying to Wind, was also a bit of me expressing my feelings about it in a more in-depth manner. Nobody expected the HU's to read our minds, which is why I said, EMS needs more communication. So, I have been communicating.

again, i understand how demotivating it can be, but i don’t think voiding the entire department will solve anything . Think about it! Before the change, we were on a bit of a decline recardless. Don’t be upset with the change, work around it and find ways to better things for you. Focusing on us as a department won’t help the other two! Try asking is Psychiatrist can preform vet duties, if doctors can be backup paramedics, there’s so many things that could be made in order to satisfy the others!
I don't think the paramedic department should be voided or removed etc. I never said that. I stated in my post that I'm all for change and I thought the change was really cool! I guess I should've bolded it or something...
It’s not all about being active though that is a big plus! I as well don’t know the criteria it was to get into the faction, but i don’t believe it’s just your recent ones that mater.
I for a while was inactive when I joined EMS, due to just overall being too scared to do much. but, since then I've grown out of my shell a ton and I personally believe I've proved that I could be a good candidate for it. Quite honestly, I don't know what else more to do to prove that as I feel like I've shown it myself. Sure, I guess HU's don't see that? I still think we should've been able to express our interest in it for a fair chance so they know that we're interested. It doesn't mean they're forced to pick us. This change was sprouted from nowhere, and people were just hand picked. Then, we don't get a say with our certifications, those who were paramedics also lost their roles since they didn't get picked. It overall feels poorly executed, it should've been done better.


Level 27
Here's my two cents into this department as someone who is in EMS.

I'm fully aware that the server is a block game. I'm not trying to advocate for realism, considering what is realistic? However here strikes the question, why can the paramedic division perform everything a doctor and a psychiatrist can do when you're trying to keep each department as realistic as possible? Fundamentally, it takes away what's special from each department and the teamwork put within the faction. It also deprives others of what they once found inspiration in.

To make this abundantly clear, I don't think the paramedic department should be removed. Instead, I think it needs to be revamped and or more things should be added to other departments to make it fair. I understand that the role was just newly changed, but it doesn't remove the factor that it's completely driven away from what it really is, how much it takes away from other departments, and if anything, the paramedic department should be called something else, if that was the case.

Don't take any offence to this considering this is my personal opinion; I'm not expecting anything to change but this is how I see it. Change is inevitable, I have high hopes for the faction itself and its honestly just trial and error.

Urban dictionary definition of what a Paramedic is and what it's supposed to be medically. VVV

image.pngScreenshot 2024-09-20 212139.png
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Level 73
Thread starter
I appreciate everyone's input today; I will be responding to every reply that counters this suggestion one way or another before conclusively mentioning the surrogate to my original suggestion.

The emergency department (or new department) hasn't even existed that long. One, give it a chance, and two I feel like this suggestion should be from someone who is currently in EMS because they'd be able to know what's currently going on. (Also I think it'd be great if there was a test run on how others in the faction are feeling about this/a study of activity change or other things to see if the effect was actually bad and have that run for a month before bringing that data to the faction lead.)
Whilst yes, I am not in the faction anymore, that doesn't invalidate my suggestion any more or less as I was in the faction 2 times previously, similarly to you. Of course, I could say something along the lines of "Well, you are not in the faction either; why should your opinion matter any more than mine when disagreeing with my suggestion?"
However, that's not the point. This is a public forum suggestion for both hospital workers and the former alike to express their thoughts just like me. Conclusively, I have come up with a better alternative after speaking to one of the higherups within the faction about my suggestion. I think it's much more feasible. I will eventually edit it as a Part two

big -1

This is gonna be long. Please note this all is simply my view and ways how I do not see this update is negative and will negatively affect the faction, but also help people understand a bit more that may confuse them and see how these things have been used in other factions and in the past. I do not mean to be rude at any point within this as IK people tend to take my words that way via text.
Alright, while I am not EMS currently I was one of the first paramedics when this department was first ever introduced months ago though at first yes a department it quickly became a certificate. And now, nothing will ever be perfect, as the emergency department itself has been having trial and error as it figures out what works for and it doesn't and I witnessed that plenty before my departure and I promise if something doesn't work the HUs will do their best to figure out what isn't working and figure out something that will. Doctor and psych departments themselves are also not perfect and need tweaking here and there as time plays out. The emergency department works very similarly (of course not completely) to how it may work in a OOC perspective, these are the people who a specifically trained to go straight into a line of combat(if there is any though typically will wait till it is safer), how to use what they have around them, etc. to protect not only themselves but to protect the patient and to help the patient get to the hospital as safely as possible no matter their injury, but also have the capacity to at least begin small treatments to stabilize the patient as much as possible till they are able to receive proper medical attention by a doctor or psych.
This update has a whole has only been around for 6 days.
It's not even been a week since this revamp came along, which is not merely enough time to see how it may play out, as other current EMS workers have commented people who come in for a psych or doctor, the people in those departments will be prioritized before a paramedic dares to take over the patient as they are already at the hospital and as I imagine even ones paramedics bring in as that was something I often did and trained others to do, hand it to an actual psych or doctor first before you take over. Obviously right now because it is so new to the public eye it's going to attract more attention than the other two departments for a little bit but eventually it will calm. As a whole this department can be something to strive for as when I was newer to EMS (please remember this is early 2022) if you were a HU you also got to learn everything from psych, to doctor, to surgeon, to nurses when it was around which was something that helped making the climb in ranks more appealing as a goal for those who wanted it but HUs made sure those who weren't had the chance to treat the patients first if it wasn't their main department. Of course it wasn't for everyone and this isn't to say this was the only reason people wanted a HU position as not everyone does, its the same thing here for paramedic. A good comparison I see to this is the detective department in KPD, it's much smaller compared to the main division meaning there's a harder chance to get into the department when there is openings and there's special perks that detectives have that main division doesn't. At the end of the day though detectives and main division have the capability to do all the regular task as everyone starts out as main division, detectives just have added things while main division has its own perks too that are different from detective once you're higher in ranks. Paramedic vs doctor and psych works very similarly in that manner, while yes doctors and psychs cannot patrol, now patrols while I was EMS RARELY happened even with those with the paramedic certificate or before it was a thing, but yes paramedics will be the one to go out of the hospital to help patients doctors and psychs will still be the primary people who treat patients.

Another thing I want to add to this is this may actually increase activity within the two main departments as especially with psychs they typically get burnt out rather quickly as it takes lots of OOC timing and thinking and knowledge to be able to even have the idea of holding a session let alone host one. Having the paramedics also help can not only open the time zones that someone who is trained in psych is available but also relive stress off others where time zones may not be as popular such as EU or Australian or even popular time zones likes EST or BST where majority of the player base is, both often being high demand.

I don't believe people should be making full decided opinions on the department just yet, at least with this update and give it at least a month to fully see how the department as a whole may play out. You can of course have your opinions now but give it time to see if they may change since this is still so new.
Thanks for your input, Simba. I will simply be referring to my reply above.
"It's better to address the current problem at hand & the issues it may cause rather than let it settle for a while, therefore making the emergency department more imminent to stay in my opinion."
Rather, I can see why you don't agree with this suggestion. I think there are better alternatives than to completely abolish the emergency department, which I came to propose today.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all who hath chosen to voice their thoughts this day, whether in favor of this proposal or against it. Regardless of one's stance, each presence here bears a worthy opinion, which I have pondered with great seriousness. I address you now to propose a resolution; the dissolution of the paramedic department would indeed be an ill-fated conclusion.

After debating about today's suggestion with one of the higherups, I decided that the better compromise than abolishing the paramedic department would be to allow the two authentic departments (psychiatric and doctor alike) to indulge within the paramedic department as well. As I previously stated, anyone from the psychiatric or doctor departments with the exclusion of higherups are unable to go on patrol even with the presence of a paramedic.

This is a flaw that was subconsciously made when deciding to create the paramedic department with the opinions of all higherups, and not the casual hospital workers themselves. A lot of people need to understand that this faction lives in the embodiment of teamwork and commonwealth. It's important to comprehend that allowing only the higherups to come up with an update that affects the whole faction is bitter for everyone who was affected by it in a negative light. Ultimately, it falls down to @ 6Pancake as they are the faction lead.

DEMOCRACY insert an eagle emoji here
A lot of the updates that are added to the hospital faction, which generally only affects other hospital workers that weren't aware of the discussion regarding such updates may feel bittersweet to those who were negatively affected by it. Again, to repeat what I had said above, the hospital faction lives on the embodiment of teamwork and democratic opinions alike; of course, that all falls under the decisiveness of @ 6Pancake.

It is important to take everyone's opinion for granted, not just the higherups that would otherwise not be affected by it. This recent implementation has caused hospital workers to openly complain about there being more limitations than ever. It has caused them to openly talk about how it's unfair for them, but they can't do much about it since they never had the chance to discuss this update before it was officialized.

What I am trying to say here is that the faction is better off with a different approach by its inner circle, the leadership needs to see what the rest of the hospital workers believe. Just because they don't have a higherup title doesn't negate or invalidate their opinion any less.

A lot of the people within the doctor and psychiatric department will never get to enjoy patrols, unless they are higherups or ultimately manage to end up being in the paramedic department. This can both be a motivator and demotivator for different sides. The surrogate I wanted to suggest is re-allowing psychiatrists and doctors to go on patrol with the presence of a paramedic and the approval of a higherup (whether OOCly or ICly). This might not seem realistic, but realism is not a topic to be considered when discussing SchoolRP.

I know it's senseless to have them be able to patrol but take it as a... “Learning experience” for both doctors and psychiatrists alike that want to become paramedics in the future. It could be 2 quota points per patrol for them since it wouldn't be as common, but it would revitalize the entertainment of patrol for both of the respective departments whilst allowing the roleplay approach of “Oh, being a paramedic is fun. I might spend countless hours suffering to become a paramedic as well!”

This allows the psychiatrists and doctors to be able to enjoy one thing, patrolling, which is something that many of us had focused on previously. Of course, they might not be able to help the paramedics, but some of the cases of injured individuals falls down to broken bones, suturing, bleeding out, etc. -- Such things can be resolved by both psychiatrists and doctors in or outside of the hospital regardless. This also opens up the possibility to get more quota points, especially for psychiatrists who are starting to get demotivated from having a lot of things taken from them whilst getting nothing in return.

I think my suggestion would be pointless if we could just resuscitate the psychiatrists & doctors' abilities to go on patrols again with paramedics. Similarly to how residents used to be taken on patrols last year by any individual with a paramedic certificate. That's all I wanted to propose.

tl;dr involve the hospital workers and ask them for their opinions whenever there's a massive update that might negatively or positively affect many sides.
tl;dr return the ability to patrol for both the authentic departments as long as there is a paramedic present & they have received approval from a person with a higher role (previous system).
tl;dr give the psychiatrists more ways to get quota, the department, from my point of view, is suffering


Level 115
This is becoming a massive thread, so I'm just gonna give my 2 cents on darks latest message

tl;dr involve the hospital workers and ask them for their opinions whenever there's a massive update that might negatively or positively affect many sides.
+1. This speaks for itself.

tl;dr return the ability to patrol for both the authentic departments as long as there is a paramedic present & they have received approval from a person with a higher role (previous system).
-1. I feel like patrolling is one of the main things paramedics get to do, including other departments even if there is a paramedic present 8 they have received approval from a higher-up, that still kind of takes away its 'speciality'

tl;dr give the psychiatrists more ways to get quota, the department, from my point of view, is suffering
+1. I haven't been fully up-to-date with everything going on in the EMS world as of today, and I was in the faction around a year or so ago as a psychiatrist, I do remember quota being not the easiest to get, or at least being very repetitive. Even back when we could still go on patrols, really all you had was Therapy sessions (main quota), Front desk duty (dire last option), patrols (now removed, for a good reason), and cleaning the hospital. My knowledge is outdated, don't forget that, but I think it is fair to assume that there are still not many ways to earn quota as a psychiatrist.

Level 40
While this suggestion wasn't made by a current EMS worker, Dark clearly knows what's going on in the faction. It doesn't matter who made it. If anything, it should only show that people outside the faction know about this and are seeing how absurd the changes are as an outsider. Most EMS workers and ex EMS workers I asked were very unhappy with the changes - and I would be very upset with them as well had I not already left. regardless, ppl should have the right to comment on it, esp if they have points to add

I understand what you’re saying!! But, again keep in mind that we are not trying to take anyone’s duties from them, as a paramedic we don’t STRIVE to do all 3 jobs and steal quota from others. Infact, this suggestion has nothing to do with gaining quota but i understand it falls into ties with it. Anything relating to giving psychiatrists more things to do for quota should be taken to OUR suggestions..
I'm not an EMS worker anymore, so I unfortunately can't take the psychiatrist quotas to the EMS suggestions. I hope you don't use that to say that my opinion doesn't matter, because most points I got were from experience! My experience, and most importantly, other current psychiatrists' experiences.

As I said in my message (which was way too long to read back on tbh but i had a lot to say), I can understand why paramedics would be taught URGENT procedures, such as open wound treatment, CT/MRIs, broken bones etc, but they should not be allowed to do more than is necessary and urgent. They shouldn't be able to do prosthetics, because they're not doctors. They shouldn't be able to check ups, because they're not doctors. They should not be able to do THERAPY because paramedics are not psychiatrists. Regardless, I'm only pointing out flaws, but the higher ups should listen to the faction to decide what actions should be taken to improve! Not that they had any say in this change.... side-eye

No personal attacks no shade no offense i am a child of goth and im a nice respectful player i love everyone equally


Level 128
Shop Lead
They shouldn't be able to do prosthetics, because they're not doctors. They shouldn't be able to check ups, because they're not doctors. They should not be able to do THERAPY because paramedics are not psychiatrists.

Paramedics don't actually do these procedures unless there is no one else available to do them! Referrals are offered to psychs and/or rejected if psychs are not available. We know therapy to try and prevent the burnout you're all mentioning for psychiatrists.

Paramedics do not take priority over everyone else, they can do all procedures but they DONT. They take doctor procedures if there aren't any available.

There's this whole argument here that everyone should be able to patrol while simultaneously arguing that Paramedics shouldn't be able to do anything doctor or psychiatrist related. Patrolling is a Paramedics main priority, just as therapy is for psychiatrists and procedures are for doctors. Complaining that Paramedics do psych work or doctor work while also trying to claim a Paramedics main job is completely unfair.

I do think this suggestion has gotten to a point though, where it's beyond just expressing opinions. So, as a staff member, remember to remain respectful and keep on topic to the discussion.


Level 45

Although im not in the faction or ever have been.

Things should be still given the chance or opportunity to show themselves.

Like the prefects for example, they were introduced and were given the opportunity to prove themselves however it didn't really work, But there is no harm in letting things be tried!!

However from another point, the school faction, whenever a incident happens in school we have to call EMS and wait for doctors however the emergency department would be good for this!!
This may be incidents such as

- no nurses
- broken bones
- sprains that require higher attention (an EMS worker)

And more!! so I feel like the emergency department hasn't had the chance to actually SHOW its capabilities as I feel this scenario I just gave here is a big one for the emergency department and what it may be possibly targeted as!


Level 13
This as well... we need EU and/or australian psychs... some people in those timezones struggle to get sessions accepted!!
I am giving this a big fat +1 because the current setup significantly limits accessibility for players in different time zones, particularly those in Europe and Australia. As someone in the GMT +2 time zone, I’ve faced repeated challenges when trying to secure psychiatric sessions. I had to discover 2-3 months later that I was rejected, and I’m left wondering why no one reached out to me on Discord to tell me i got rejected or even icly. They even asked me for my Discord, but if they aren’t going to communicate regarding whether I was rejected or not, it feels pointless. This experience saddens me, as I genuinely want to roleplay various scenarios and assist the hospital in meeting its quotas. I believe ensuring that all players have the opportunity to engage fully in the roleplay experience and receive the support they need, regardless of their location. i am 100% with you on this and this suggestion. It saddens me when players in time zones like GMT +2, Australia, and Europe keep getting refused for psychiatric sessions on SchoolRP. This ongoing issue creates feelings of exclusion and frustration, preventing them from fully engaging in the roleplay. Everyone deserves the chance to participate and receive support, regardless of their location, and this problem significantly hinders that experience.


Level 36
I am giving this a big fat +1 because the current setup significantly limits accessibility for players in different time zones, particularly those in Europe and Australia. As someone in the GMT +2 time zone, I’ve faced repeated challenges when trying to secure psychiatric sessions. I had to discover 2-3 months later that I was rejected, and I’m left wondering why no one reached out to me on Discord to tell me i got rejected or even icly. They even asked me for my Discord, but if they aren’t going to communicate regarding whether I was rejected or not, it feels pointless. This experience saddens me, as I genuinely want to roleplay various scenarios and assist the hospital in meeting its quotas. I believe ensuring that all players have the opportunity to engage fully in the roleplay experience and receive the support they need, regardless of their location. i am 100% with you on this and this suggestion. It saddens me when players in time zones like GMT +2, Australia, and Europe keep getting refused for psychiatric sessions on SchoolRP. This ongoing issue creates feelings of exclusion and frustration, preventing them from fully engaging in the roleplay. Everyone deserves the chance to participate and receive support, regardless of their location, and this problem significantly hinders that experience.
I'd like to clear this up - This isn't a reply to the original suggestion, just to this issue that you've brought up! I agree with you that there aren't enough EU/Australian psychiatrists, but we are actively trying to combat this issue. At the end of the day, it comes down to the community wanting to engage, and we have made active attempts to level out the variety of timezones within the department (see the recent hospital announcement).

As for the other points you've brought up, we don't reach out to denied referral players through Discord for a number of reasons. If you're curious if your referral has been accepted, you can head to the hospital ICly and ask there - similar to how KPD bail times work! Referrals are typically checked within 1-3 days of them being posted, so you can ask then. The most common denied reason is simply due to lack of availability, which again, we are actively working on improving for all timezones.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- The department is a new addition to the Hospital, I agree with comments who also accept this. It's all trial and error at the end of the day; you won't know unless you try it.​
- This department was originally created to be the 'patrolling' role, hence why I had the Fast Responder vehicle implemented. The role was not meant to just be a role for show, and it didn't make sense for a Doctor or Nurse to be patrolling the city whilst on duty. Note that this role shouldn't be seen as a take away from others, but more of an addition as 'support' to both players in-character who call 110, but also hospital faction members. Unfortunately, as you aren't as familiar with these, I'm sure it's easy to misunderstand this.​
- Similar to Police Lieutenant, this role is only accquired from promotion/offer by the faction lead and their higher ups, which provides a goal to those who wish to learn different roleplay skills and progress within the faction.​

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