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Hospital Logs Suggestion | SRGH

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Level 67

This is a great suggestion however, in the long run this will only cause more issues. How so? GangRP. People will meta-game the recovery information even if it is just OOC information, and staff can't always be on top of every player who meta-games information. This means people can actively watch till how long a certain character gets out and plan to attack them if they happen to have perms on them. There is a log for EMS staff only to get too, and guess what? There are many ways to contact any EMS member about your characters recovery, 110 line, going to the hospital and asking an EMS worker online, or even in the karakura emergency discord in the help channel. We EMS are more then happy to answer any sort of question either that be IC or OOC, and most of us also mention when recovery first begins how long your characters recovery will last.
Another thing is, this could also go against a very large hospital rule and that is the patient confidentially rule, meaning we keep patient information private unless given permission from the patient.

I do get where this is coming from and see why you suggested it, but coming from EMS in the long run it just wouldn't work.


Level 270
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Thank you for submitting your suggestion.

- I will look into making an available spreadsheet for all players to view publicly. If it is made, it will only be available OOCly (meaning it cannot be used for any sort of IC gain) for players to view their own character's recovery status.
- In the meantime, you may contact any hospital worker via a variety of methods (Karakura Emergency #help, DMs, etc.) in order to find out any information concerning your own recovery.​
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