players online

how do i even get popular.


Level 178
You spend thousands and thousands of dollars on a silly minecraft game, uplift some ranks, be nice to everyone you meet, organize some contests with prizes, write some cool fan-lore, create fan art of characters, and sacrifice your spine to the lord of mischief Kugutsu-gnawing-at-the-mountain-roots and THEN you might be as popular as THE PHILBERTMAN42!!!


Level 103
I'm geuinally asking. i barely have any friends and most people think I'm a nobody or whatever!!
You're not a nobody, you just haven't found the right people to talk to yet, some people don't bring topics that spark a conversation you're interested in, which is fine! I struggle to make friends too, but what I've learned as I've grown older is to try to talk about something you're both interested in, then it's easy to have a proper conversation because you're bonding over a similar interest! I find it really difficult to make conversations unless it's something I'm interested in, I hope this helps!


Level 103
hey gangster, just be yourself n' chill, if ppl dont like you dont even mind em haters gonna hate, just interact with people, join a faction, spread that positivity and it'll get back to you
This is why I will never dislike Ruin, Ruin cool


Level 35
Thread starter
You're not a nobody, you just haven't found the right people to talk to yet, some people don't bring topics that spark a conversation you're interested in, which is fine! I struggle to make friends too, but what I've learned as I've grown older is to try to talk about something you're both interested in, then it's easy to have a proper conversation because you're bonding over a similar interest! I find it really difficult to make conversations unless it's something I'm interested in, I hope this helps!
thank you for your positivity <33 people like you make me feel a lot better. Thank you for the tips!!


Level 35
Thread starter
You spend thousands and thousands of dollars on a silly minecraft game, uplift some ranks, be nice to everyone you meet, organize some contests with prizes, write some cool fan-lore, create fan art of characters, and sacrifice your spine to the lord of mischief Kugutsu-gnawing-at-the-mountain-roots and THEN you might be as popular as THE PHILBERTMAN42!!!
LOL one day! ill sacrifice my foot and arm to the lord of mischief .. (already got on step 1)


Level 145
Government Lead
as literally the most popular and well-renown player on this server, philbertman42, you don't want to be popular like me. Crowds of adoring fans cheer my name every time I enter the server, which means that I can't spend time doing what really matters (AFKing at plaza as I wait for school to start, then AFK during school until the end of the school day).
I’m literally your number one fan


Level 35
Thread starter
Alright guys, thank you so, so SO much for the support, positivity, and tips!! I really enjoy talking to people on these forums and it really makes my day. I cant believe well known people commented aswell as the awesome community team (seriously ily guys)

remember to stay hydrated, eat well, and have fun!


Level 6
It just boils down to "How many friends can I make?" Joining factions, participating in events, and doing new stuff (which is a lot in this server) puts you out there! The only thing you need to focus on is being yourself! Put out your vibes and before you know it, you already connecting with new people! All of us are here to have fun, and those "popular" people you see on the server, went through the process mentioned above! So just literally all you need to do is to get out of your comfort zone and have fun doing so! Once you get through that hurdle, your experience will be enhanced tenfold.


Level 35
Thread starter
It just boils down to "How many friends can I make?" Joining factions, participating in events, and doing new stuff (which is a lot in this server) puts you out there! The only thing you need to focus on is being yourself! Put out your vibes and before you know it, you already connecting with new people! All of us are here to have fun, and those "popular" people you see on the server, went through the process mentioned above! So just literally all you need to do is to get out of your comfort zone and have fun doing so! Once you get through that hurdle, your experience will be enhanced tenfold.
this helped a lot, ty!!! ^^


Level 134
just dont focus on being popular. roleplay for yourself, indulge yourself in your storylines, you'll meet plenty of people over time. gotta identify what you want for your character, and meet friends accordingly.


Level 178
Since you already got quite a lot of good advice, let me give you some EXCELLENT ADVICE!

It's all about the drip - don't be authentic, that gives you stinky leg for life!
Use uppity cool lingo - be ahead of the curve with slurs and always use CAPS ONLY in every conversation - especially at the spawn plaza.
Basically, use /yell command with plenty of keybinds and ask for 5k OOCly, tell them you own the server and then write skibidi in OOC always

Did I forget something? ╭( ๐ _๐)╮

(I admit I haven't spend much time with Greenies in the last few months, what is the most outrageous thing at the moment?)


Level 35
Thread starter
Since you already got quite a lot of good advice, let me give you some EXCELLENT ADVICE!

It's all about the drip - don't be authentic, that gives you stinky leg for life!
Use uppity cool lingo - be ahead of the curve with slurs and always use CAPS ONLY in every conversation - especially at the spawn plaza.
Basically, use /yell command with plenty of keybinds and ask for 5k OOCly, tell them you own the server and then write skibidi in OOC always

Did I forget something? ╭( ๐ _๐)╮

(I admit I haven't spend much time with Greenies in the last few months, what is the most outrageous thing at the moment?)
heh... step 2 is already done..! (im a brainrot professional)
also EXCELLENT ADVICE!! Cant believe I have THE ErikFinster commenting on my thread.


Level 14
HEYHEY!!! Just be yourself, as .. literally everybody else has said. I wouldn't count myself as popular, but somehow half the server still knows at least one character I play. You seem like a super cool person, and the best thing I can suggest is to join a faction or team.

Factions are always tons of fun. I've only been in two, but both got me friends almost as soon as I joined and raised my popularity.
I don't have any sports team experience, but all my friends tell me it's super fun ... so I say go for it if that's your thing!

And remember to be nice to people. When you're nice and talk to people, (or get around,) people tend to stick and remember your name. Don't stress it too much, as being 'popular' on a Minecraft server isn't that big of a deal, but I can understand where you're coming from. Try to get yourself out there, have fun, talk in OOC, and find your people.
Don't focus on being popular by any means, but it certainly gets you places, from what I've seen. What matters most is that you're having fun, and don't feel stressed.

Happy roleplaying, I'm sure you'll do great things on SRP.


Level 1
I was playing srp and realized, I was lonely. like, just really lonely. I know I have friends but sometimes I think they get annoyed by me, sometimes i don't see them. i really wanted to be popular on srp and well known, i want people to go "hey look! that's frutigo!" funny jokes about me in ooc or people coming up to me and saying hi. the more that I think about it, it kinda makes me look like a loser. i wanna be cared about, if you get what i mean.

which, brings me to to my question!

how do you get popular?
I'm geuinally asking. i barely have any friends and most people think I'm a nobody or whatever!!
i would really like tips

thank you and have a good night/day
Try to make a memorable character!
It can be a weird noir style police, a conspirasy press member or a silly maiden try to make a funny mixture of a lot of things! As long as your character is unique it will stick!


Level 35
Thread starter
Try to make a memorable character!
It can be a weird noir style police, a conspirasy press member or a silly maiden try to make a funny mixture of a lot of things! As long as your character is unique it will stick!
THIS!! this is SUPER helpfull
i definitely want her to be the local bluehead with the silly eyes!!
(sneak peak at reshading her + revising)

! salty

Level 49
be chill, that's how i make friends. i joined a few families, gangs, randomly interacted with people on the street. you don't needa 'strive' for popularity like i did for a month or two. be chill, be yourself. the srp experience isn't being this super omega cool roleplay lord, it's making friends and having fun

popularity is a social construct
a construct you'll NEVER posess
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