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Denied I_Vide_I || Judge Application


Level 11

In-game Name:

Previous bans (include appeal links):
I was banned back in late June/early July of 2021 for ERP on my VideG account. I was new to the server at the time and I was stupid and didn’t read the rules. I did not appeal for this ban as I felt like I deserved it for doing something stupid that I could’ve prevented myself from doing. I have not been banned since then.

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do have a working microphone, although I’m more quiet in a large vc since I’m very introverted, but I will still join them.

Timezone & Country:
I currently live in the United States, and my timezone is Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): - Accepted
(Another Grade up request for a different account but I cannot find the application) - Accepted

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity is at around a 7.5 out of 10. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in the morning from 10-3pm I’m usually at work, although sometimes I could be working more hours if I have to work overtime, leaving me anywhere between 6-13 hours on the server on those days. Wednesdays and weekends are much better for me, as I will usually be on from anywhere between 14-20 hours on those days, unless if I don’t feel like being on the server at that time to not burn myself out, then it can be less. Currently I am a member of the college female basketball team on my main account, alongside another grade-12 account besides the one I’m applying on. However, I don’t go on that account as of right now, as well as a grade-8 account and my frog account, those two I will get on every now and again but not often. In combination with all of my accounts I have around 30 weeks of playtime.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
There are many reasons why I’m applying, one of them is that I want to be able to broaden my roleplay experience within this community. In the past I’ve had multiple experiences with roleplay with not a specific faction but more like groups of people, which would include the bobcat track team back in October-December of 2021, gangrp and knowing how they are ran and organized, as well as a understanding of how they get away with crimes, the bobcat swim team before the spring exams, and currently the Spartan female basketball team. However, after a while I want to try something new, wanting to better my roleplaying experience and expand myself as an individual within the community, to get to know more people and to have fun. Another reason why is because I’m highly interested in the legal system within the server. Ever since the event of the Herrington vs Popovich trial in around September or October of 2021, been looking at the Karakura laws and constitution every once and a while since then to understand the laws that have been put into place, looking at chat to see how things are run within a trial, and understanding it. While I don’t know everything, I know quite a bit just from watching, and I want to learn more through roleplay.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I understand Karakura’s laws and constitutional rights, and I regularly read them every so often to stay updated on any new laws that may come into place.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I do have goals, both for myself and for my character within the role

My character knows that there can be some really bad people out there in Karakura, while she knows that there are also people who have been framed and are innocent, although not often. The main goal for my character is to make sure that every citizen in the city of Karakura is happy with the laws that are put in place, as well as with the government and the emergency workers. To give everyone a chance in a trial to prove their innocence or to prove that the other party is guilty of their crimes. To observe every piece of evidence, hearing what every single person has to say during the trial, and to come up with a verdict, keeping those who are deemed guilty behind bars to prevent them from getting loose within the city, to keep the streets of Karakura clean from any crime.

My goal as an individual on the server is to be able to experience my roleplay beyond just being a student. I want to be able to roleplay what it’s like to be a Judge, especially since just recently I started watching videos on youtube about court trials that happen. It would help me get a better understanding of the entire process oocly, because even though the lore of SRP is fictional and not real, the judicial system is very similar to the current real world and it would let me somewhat learn about it. I also want my character to grow some lore into it. Some lore will be good for my character and benefit her, while there will be other lore that will be bad for her and will possibly end up traumatizing her, and I want all of it to grow.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A Judge has one of the most important roles on the server, and they have a lot of responsibility on their hands. The job of a Judge is to carry out justice from the laws that are written within a specific city, state, or country through the use of a fair trial for those who have been accused. They are to remain completely unbiased towards an individual or a group of individuals throughout the trial and to listen to both sides of the story, including any witnesses that are representing themselves for either the plaintiff or the defendant and to give their side of the story and what they saw, as well as observing the questions that both lawyers asked them. Once the Judge hears from both parties, the witnesses, and has seen all of the evidence, it is their job along with the jury to determine if the defendant is either innocent or guilty from the crime that they’ve committed, and to apply the appropriate punishment to that individual. If an officer needs a search warrant to search an apartment of a specific individual or a group of people, and if the Judge views the evidence that the officer provides worthy then a Judge fills out a forum for it and gives the police station permission to be able to search the apartment. Lastly, especially in the lore of Karakura, Judges are to hand out official marriage certificates to couples, allowing both individuals to be together for the rest of their lives legally.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I completely understand that I can be removed from the government faction at any given time.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, and I will show you that I will dedicate my time and passion to my position if I get accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I understand that any form of OOC bias towards any individual will result in me being punished oocly for it, but I will not let my bias get the best of me and will remain neutral for every encounter and trial that happens.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read and agreed to follow the government faction rules, and I intend to follow those rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I will be able to attend weekly meetings and events whenever those happen, and I will inform the faction lead if I’m unable to make it and the reasoning why.


Full name:

Nadja Ryder Morozova

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Ms. Morozova, Ms. Nadja

Current age:

Date of birth:
21st July, 1994


Academic Degree:
PHD in Criminal Justice
Masters in Law

Criminology (PHD)
Law enforcement (PHD)

Psychology (Masters)
Law (Masters)

Work experience:
Ages 16-18:
While in high school, I worked in a sushi restaurant mainly as a waitress starting at the age of sixteen. On weekdays I would usually work right after school for at least four hours so I can focus on my school work right after, while on weekends I work more hours, somewhere between six to eight hour shifts. Although I didn’t like the job, I kept myself professional as I wanted to earn some money so I could save up for college and to go into the military. I kept working at that restaurant for two years, until about a month after I graduated from high school at eighteen years old, where I enlisted myself in the military alongside my twin sister Kagami.

Ages 18-26:
Right after high school, I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and enroll myself into the military, alongside my twin Kagami. After waiting for about a month, we both got accepted and left to work side-by-side. The military wasn’t exactly easy however, as I had to go through intense training during my first year there, where I had to do drills, test my knowledge on combat situations and act on them accordingly, and listen to my higher ups, to which I was punished harshly if I didn’t listen. However, I’ve learned very quickly, and very soon I was able to fight in real combat whenever I needed to while in college. Five years later at around twenty-three years old I had enough knowledge to become a sergeant, where I got to train people who were just enlisted. After finishing college at twenty-four years old, I continued to stay in the military for another two years until I decided to retire at twenty-six years old.

After retiring from the military, I went back home to Tokyo where I became a Judge. Since I was a new judge I had to do small cases, such as robberies, speeding, and DUI charges where I was neutral during those trials, listened to both the defendant and the plaintiffs speak, along with any witnesses and looked at the evidence that was presented to me. Once everything was presented and everyone was done speaking their side, me alongside the Jury would discuss to see if the person would be either innocent or guilty of committing the crime, having them either pay a fine or sending them to jail. Later in the year I was able to do more serious cases, such as assault and even murder, and even get to put them in jail for life if the evidence shows that they are guilty.

Political background:
While my family doesn’t have much political background, the number one reason why I heavily invested myself into politics is because of my father, who used to be in the military before I was born. I looked up to him everyday, where he used to protect our country under the government, which is why I want people to have a place to feel safe and secure, and to make the people happy within the city, all while at the same time remaining neutral about every single situation that I come across while on the job.

Nationality & born location:
Russian, born in Tokyo, Japan

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Russian, German, Japanese

Criminal record:
I have no record of any criminal activity on me at all, and I continue to leave it like that.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
Throughout my application, you can see that I’ve dedicated many precious hours of my time to get to where I am today. I’ve served the country all while working towards my masters in law and my PHD in criminal justice, brought many criminals to justice while as a judge here in Tokyo without any form of bias towards an individual or a group of them. I want to be able to make the people of Karakura feel safe and happy, and to lock up any criminals that are fairly deemed guilty of their crimes. I’ve shown that I’m not just a good candidate, but an excellent one at that. I promise to put in the time and effort to fulfill the duties of a judge and take the city of Karakura in the right direction towards a safer place for all.
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Unfortunately I've decided to DENY this application.

Thank you for applying for the Government faction, we liked your application, however we had to deny it due to the character having potential bias being an existing Judge's twin sister & we deemed this unsuitable for the role of Judge, in addition to this there were no spots left on the Judge Roster. You are welcome to re-apply when more spots open if you wish, on a different character.

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