
What is your Minecraft username?:
The account I will be applying on is called ImAddictedToRPH.
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do have Discord, my tag is @fj4501.
How old are you? (Optional):
Do you have any previous kicks/bans on the server?:
I have never been banned from the server. I believe I was auto-kicked once for spamming a while back when I was continuously running /lay to simulate rolling around.
If I have any kicks aside from that, I was not made aware of them.
What is your time zone?:
I currently use the Eastern (EST/EDT) timezone.
Describe your activity on the server:
I play on SchoolRP almost every day from two to fifteen hours. (Recently, this number has gone down slightly, as I've been busy during the summer. However, it will be rebirthing soon [August 15th, 2024] once the summertime events have simmered.) I have five accounts that I’ll play on SchoolRP with, the first is ilovemyplanex5, formerly FailedJarl78349 which is currently a college bachelor's and high school account. I use this account for my teenage/young adult characters. On this account, you can find me hanging out with friends, shopping, roleplaying, and idly fishing or grinding attributes.
My second account is ImAddictedToSRP. It has a fitting username, it is a grade-12 club leader (Journalism) account, and I mostly use it to conduct interviews, edit the Journalism Club in-game, and hang out with my character’s family. I also use it to attend classes, as the character on that account is the kind of person who is fun to roleplay in classes as.
My third account is ImAddictedToRPH, which has a bird role. I will fly around, watch drama, and take aerial images on this account. It’s entertaining to do and it’s great to play on when none of my friends are online. This is the account that I intend to apply with.
My adult account—RegalHarp1989—is the one that I've been using the most recently, to roleplay, idly grind attributes and fish, and hang out with my character's family.
For my ImAnSRPAddict account, I have a bee whitelist and a cat whitelist. Both of which I use to roleplay around with other animals and humans alike when I'm bored and none of my friends are online.
Any other accounts I have (FailedJarl78349, ImAnRPHAddict), I do not use very often.
However, I always love roleplaying on SchoolRP, no matter which account I am on. Usually, on the weekends, I will log on to SchoolRP from some time around 9:00AM and disconnect sometime early in the morning the next day (1:00-5:00 AM). I usually take breaks throughout the day to eat and touch grass. During the school week, I usually take a four hour break to do classes and classwork, sometimes more and sometimes less. It depends on the day. Some days I won't log on at all. My SRP schedule is a bit spontaneous, however, you can still trust that it's inflated.
As I’ve said previously, I've had a few roles distributed throughout my accounts. Upon leaving a faction, it'd always be on my own terms—never forceful (three strikes)—due to me knowing that I'd be unable to fully complete the upcoming quotas. For nearly all my prior and current quota checks, I'd ensure that I'd have at least the exact quota completed, as to not damage the faction activity.
I would like it to be noted that my club leader will not limit the amount of time I can spend in the shopkeeper role. I do an online schooling program (5 hours a day), meaning I'm at home throughout the majority of the week, so I have many hours on end that I'm doing nothing, awaiting for opportunities of activities, such as shopkeeper!
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I completely understand that if I become too inactive in my shopkeeper role the role will be taken away. I intend to stay as active as I can. As I’ve stated previously, I am extremely active on the server and I plan to keep it that way.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Third Language Authorization
Official Clubs/Teams:
Media Club [Link Unavailable]
Photography Club [Link Unavailable]
Literature Club [Link Unavailable]
Literature Club x2 [Link Unavailable]
Fashion [Link Unavailable]
Track [Link Unavailable]
Have you ever been banned, if so, why?:
I have never been banned on SRP, and I
intend to keep it that way.
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
College | B (FailedJarl78349 Main Profile)
Grade-12 (FailedJarl78349 Secondary Profile)
Bird (ImAddictedToRPH Main Profile) [Applying with]
Grade-9 (ImAddictedToRPH Secondary Profile)
Grade-12 | Club-Leader (ImAddictedToSRP Main Profile)
Bear (ImAddictedToSRP Secondary Profile)
Adult (RegalHarp1989 Main Profile)
Grade-12 (RegalHarp1989 Secondary Profile)
Bee (ImAnSRPAddict Main Profile)
Cat (ImAnSRPAddict Secondary Profile)
Grade-9 (ImAnRPHAddict Main Profile)
Grade-7 (ImAnRPHAddict Secondary Profile)
If I have the honor of being accepted, I would like my bird role to be moved to my secondary profile on ImAddictedToRPH.

What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for any "Restaurants, Cafes & Bars" shop slot. I would prefer to take Shizukesa's slot as its shops' previous openings fit the theme of my shop well. However, I will be able to adapt to wherever you choose to place me.
What major changes do you plan to make to the shop?:
Majorly, I intend to change the shop’s title to Senrisumi. In Japanese, ‘senritsu’ means ‘melody, music,’ or ‘tunes.’ And ‘sumi’ refers to a small area, such as a ‘nook’ or ‘corner.’ Putting them together, I got Senrisumi!
I also plan on changing the shop to a cafe-coffee shop with the theme of music. The shop will sell coffee and other cafe-like items (listed later) while playing music and allowing workers and guests to sing along onstage.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I originally joined SchoolRP in November of 2020 with my brother. We enjoyed hanging around each other, creating characters, and generally just vibing. One thing we especially enjoyed was going to shops when they opened.
We used to love to attend the openings and inspect the workers, items, and special activities posted around the shop. I would always admire the workers and managers for the effort that they put into the shops.
Currently, I would love to be the person who makes a new player’s first experiences on the server better, and brightens the days of veteran players while being able to have some fun myself.
I love spending time on RoleplayHUB, it’s a way for me to connect with a community and make friends. I’ve had many types of roles throughout my years on the server, and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of them.
Being a shopkeeper would be a new type of experience/role to take on and indulge in. I know that it’s exciting and challenging, which is what intrigues me about it.
Due to the amount of time I am able to spend on the server a day, I know that I could be successful with this role that requires activity. Being a shopkeeper would be a way to broaden my knowledge and experiences while making use of old ones.
While it may sound strange, I do love managing things. I enjoy managing Discord servers, small companies, and anything I can. I know that I am more than capable of managing a shop, due to my knowledge of mathematics, business, marketing, and finance.
Knowing that I am able to manage a shop excites me more, and it piques my interest in doing it far more. I would love for a chance to take care of and manage something on a larger scale, like a shop.
In the real world, my family used to own a small Asian cafe off the side of the road. It was shut down shortly after I was born, however, I've been told many glorious stories about the cafe and shown beautiful photos of it. I've always fantasized about helping run the shop, judging applications, and really everything and anything with it.
However, I can't. The shop's long gone by now. But, SchoolRP most certainly isn't. I'd love to be able to run a shop within the SchoolRP server, to be able to get close to running a shop. Even if the shop is just online, I'll still absolutely love it.
Because of all of this, it's led me to apply for shopkeeper. Now, after coming up with the shop ideas, building, writing, coding, and planning it all out, I've grown more in love with the idea of Senrisumi coming to life and owning a shop. My motivation does not lie within money or wealth—which I have enough of—, I more so want to be a shopkeeper for the gain of pleasure and enjoyment.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
There are many factors to being unique as a shop, or just a business in general. These include theme (shown through decor, logos, website [discord], design, etc.), mascots (employees, mascots), and many others. Some of the things I specifically plan to do with the shop to make it as memorable as possible are listed below.
Physical Appearance:
A big part of being memorable and being unique as businesses and shops is appearance. People can’t remember your shop if they don’t know what it looks like! It ensures that my shop stays distinguishable from other shops, I intend on it having a unique appearance.
To show you what I mean, I’ve built models of what different parts of the shop will look like on the inside. Please click the link below to bring you to it.
Of course, all that's not set in stone. It's just what I imagine the shop to look like.
With the stage in the front of the shop, there can be a small entrance next to it, allowing people to get onto the stage. People can apply during the application openings to perform music or musical acts on the stage during shop openings.
There will be a channel in the shop’s discord allowing people with the Performer role to prepare musical sets together between openings. Managers, Owners, and Permormers can all prepare /me’s for songs, however, they must be approved by the Owner before they are used in-game.
Each /me should be decently short to avoid chat clutter, however, not be too short to make it look lazy. Just around 15-20 words.
If there are no performers available during the opening, customers can ask a worker to let them onto the stage and sing. However, they must tell the worker what song they plan on singing to ensure that it’s appropriate.
Due to Senrisumi being a music cafe, having people singing during openings will be able to further establish that theme. It also will allow for people to sit in the shop by themselves, enjoying the vibe, to have something to read/watch.
Some examples of the actions would be:
/me would strut up onto the stage, confidentially grabbing hold of the microphone and singing into it, &f"lyrics~~ lyriiiicss~~ la la la la~~"
/me would gingerly pull the microphone out the stand, pacing on the stage as they intimately whispered into the microphone. . &f"lyriiicsss"
/it reaching the climax of the song, they'd jump up once, holding the microphone above their head as they tilted their head upwards to sing into it, &f"OOOOHHH!! LYRICS LYRICS!!"
Special Events:
Within Senrisumi, I plan to have one event every one or two months. Below are some examples of events that I could host at the shop:
Senrisumi Bingo
Public Event
This event would take place over the course of a month or a few weeks. A bingo board will be made and sent out in a public channel in the shop Discord alongside a ping and game instructions. The message would look something like the following:
Hello *********! A new event is coming.. TODAY!
This event is a bingo board! On the bottom of this message is the board. Come to our openings and try to complete bingo!
We’ll allow: Horizontal, Vertical & Blackout
(Obviously, not diagonal)
Once you’ve finished the bingo board, directly message a Manager or Owner with screenshotted proof of the ones you finished!
The first person to get bingo will get: ¥XXX,XXX!
Second place will get: ¥XXX,XXX
Third place will get: ¥XX,XXX
And finally, fourth place will get ¥XX,XXX
Once the event is finished, another public message will be sent out announcing the winners.
Having this event will allow for more people to show up for openings, and more interaction within the in-character shop, and the shop discord. When people are tasked to buy “a single egg,” they could see other things around the shop that pique their interest and buy those, which gains the shop some extra cash.
Sing-A-Long Night
Public Event
This event would take place during one of the openings. The shop’s interior would be slightly edited to have more of a soul/redstone lighting instead of the normal type. On the stage would be two to four performers and possibly a few extra people to perform during the night.
On the W2G link (seen below), many songs would have already been added and prepared. Each performer for the shift would have 1-3 songs claimed as their own to perform with.
The actions would be less detailed than usual openings, just having things similar to:
/me would walk up onto the stage, beginning to sing, &f”lyrics, lyrics, lyrics!!”
/me would grab hold of the microphone, singing &f“YUUUH YUUUUUUUH *insert whistle note* LYYYIRCSSSSUUUU”
This is so that customers can sing along more easily and not get drowned out by the performers’ messages. Another thing is the songs that will played during this event. They will mostly all be mainstream songs that anyone can sing along to. However, depending on the length of the shift, we would be able to sneak some other songs onto the list.
Employee’s Shopping Spree
Employee Event
I intend to have this event more than once.
For this event, employees will be pinged in a private (employees only) channel, giving them a date and time to show up at the shop. The management of Senrisumi (Managers, Owner) will be standing at the tills/cash registers, waiting for the employees.
During the set time frame of this event, employees are encouraged to run around the store and find things they’d like to buy. All items bought by employees during this time frame will be 25%-50% off.
Non-workers of the shop will be performing on the stage so that Performers can watch a performance, instead of just running them.
Managers and the Owner will be placed at the tills so that Baristas, Cashiers, and Performers can buy items from the store without having to stay after shifts.
To be memorable and unique as a business, you have to have something to remember you by. As I’ve said before, people remember shops by their design. But, if people are in the shop’s discord server, they can remember the shop a lot better by their logo.
Attached below is the general idea for the Senrisumi logo that I professionally commissioned in preparation for this shop, as an essential part of advertising is to have an eye catching logo to bring attention from potential customers. This logo was made by the one and only Destinsy/Deswiftie.
Upon future acceptance, if I'm required to have a logo that includes text on it, I'm willing to edit the logo.

The logo has a pink background with a coffee stain on it. It features a line of white music notes. Over everything is a pink/white microphone.
In the shop discord, before each opening, a ping will be sent out in a public channel with information on the opening and a W2G (Watch2Gether) link managed by the Performers. If there are no performers at the opening, the W2G link will not be sent out.
While Performers are running their sets (seen in section: SINGING), people can click on the W2G link in the shop discord to listen along to the music they are playing or dancing along to. While performers are not performing, the songs will be paused.
Order Preparation:
To give the shop a more coffee-shop feel, instead of taking orders from the counter, running back, grabbing the order, and giving it to the customer right away, Senrisumi will prepare your order fresh for you, not just pull it out of a dirty old chest (Technically, all the orders are in the chests, however, we're attempting to give the illusion they're not).
Basically, during shifts, workers will be separated between cashier registers and baristas. When the cashiers get an order, they’ll ask for a name with the order, collect the money needed, and pop a message into a discord channel (after dealing with the panel) looking similar to:
Baristas will be waiting, tabbed into the channel. When they see an order pop up from a cashier, they react to it to claim it. Then, they grab the order and head to the Pink Terracotta pick-up window. They call out the name from the message and wait for the person to appear.
When the customer comes to the window, the barista will give them their order and go back to waiting for a new order to pop up.
Misheard Names:
When a barista comes to the pick-up window to call out the customer's name, they don't say just any name. Instead, they'll purposefully call out the wrong name. For example, instead of calling out "Americano for Leonardo!" They'll call out "Americano for Lenard!"
If customers don't pick up that it's is their order quickly enough, the barista will run an action similar to:
/me would point to Leonardo Dicaprio
to ensure that everyone is able to get their order.
Having this implemented would add a more silly and funny vibe to the shop, it's similar to many of the online memes of real-life cafes such as Starbucks and Dunkin' Doughnuts. Cashiers will write down the correct names, however, baristas will be the ones to make up the twisted versions of the names. Occasionally, the baristas will call out the correct names, maybe once or twice each barista each opening, but only to the wonkiest of names (Zyren, Allecabeth).
What will you sell in your shop?:
Senrisumi will sell items already in-game that are sold in real-life cafes, such as:
Americano - (¥750)
Checkerboard Cookies - (¥250)
Dango - (¥1000)
Iced Coffee - (¥750)¥
Pink Doughnut - (¥500)
Blue Lolly - (¥250)
Milk - (¥500)
Strawberry Kit-Kat - (¥2500)
Egg - (¥500)
Hot Chocolate - (¥750)
Pink Boba - (¥1250)
Water - (¥150)
Kuma Dango - (¥1250)
Senrisumi Cookies
Hard Boiled Eggs (¥15000)
Pink Pink Lemonade (¥14000)
Music Note Cupcake (¥20000)
Senrisumi Cookie Platter - (¥25000)
My Melody & Kuromi Juices - (¥35000)
Checkerboard Cookies - (¥250)
Dango - (¥1000)
Iced Coffee - (¥750)¥
Pink Doughnut - (¥500)
Blue Lolly - (¥250)
Milk - (¥500)
Strawberry Kit-Kat - (¥2500)
Egg - (¥500)
Hot Chocolate - (¥750)
Pink Boba - (¥1250)
Water - (¥150)
Kuma Dango - (¥1250)
Senrisumi Cookies
Hard Boiled Eggs (¥15000)
Pink Pink Lemonade (¥14000)
Music Note Cupcake (¥20000)
Senrisumi Cookie Platter - (¥25000)
My Melody & Kuromi Juices - (¥35000)
The menu is tentative, as I’m not 100% certain if all of these items are free for all shops to use or if they’re shop-specific. Also, I’m not certain about all the items that are allowed for any shop to sell, so if accepted, more items will be added to the list.
The prices are also tentative for now, as I’m unsure how much restocking for each item costs. Once I able to gauge that, I will be able to better make the pricing and menu.
I understand that many shops also sell custom items, that are not the ‘basic’ ones already in-game. If I have the honor of being able to sell customs in Senrisumi, I'd like to implement the ones that are listed and shown in the link below. Due to the 10 image limit, I was unable to add these into the post directly, however, I believe that this Canva site will do it justice. There are five custom ideas in this site, each one having a name, description, real-life reference, and an art piece/blockbench model. Each art piece/model was created by a different person, credit is given on the page. I hope that you find these customs satisfactory, I worked hard on their references, and so did my artists/modelers.
Senrisumi Customs
How do you plan on changing the shop throughout the seasons?:
I intend to do this in many ways. Notably, will be with decorations. In the winter time, some snow and peppermint-themed decor will be placed throughout the shop, whereas during the autumn season, more leaves and orange/yellow decorations will be placed. However, the pink/purple theme will not just stop in certain seasons, it will always be there.
The main way I plan on changing the shop over the year is with the music played by performers. During the month of October, as Halloween creeps up, performers will perform songs similar to "Spooky Scary Skeleton" and "Monster Mash." Whereas during February, with Valentine's Day, more lovestruck songs will be played, like "Valentine's Day" and "Today Was A Fairytale."
Having these shift throughout the year will ensure that Senrisumi seems more real and human. Rather than just feeling like a copy-paste opening every single time, something changes each time.
How will the application process work for your shop?:
In the shop discord, there will be openings for applications. In the opening messages, a Google Forum will be linked. After much thought, I’ve created a mock-up of what this Google Forum could look like:
After a good amount of applications are sent in, the Managers and Owner will hop into a voice call together and read through the responses, finding people suitable for the positions.
If there are more than the limit that we have for workers, but not too much more (just 1-3 extra), then the bottom three applicants will be contacted through direct messages for an in-game meeting with their characters to ask them questions. Afterward, the Managers and Owner will find the best interviewees to add to the roster.
If there are 3+ extra applications that are seen as satisfactory for workers, more slots may be added to positions until there are only 1-3 extras, then the interviewing process explained above may take place.
Once enough/all the spots are filled with suitable applications, a ping will be sent out in a public channel, letting everyone know who’s been accepted.
Alternatively, if activity in the shop is lacking, we would kick out the least active members to make room for new ones that we see through their applications are more active.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I intend to have twenty-three employees (not including myself) at the start of my journey as a shopkeeper. Of course, if there’s an abundance of applications, or activity is lacking, I would add more slots for workers to try to get the activity of the shop back up. The same goes for the other way, if there's not enough application, I would be able to settle for less employees.
Since this shop is a food-serving one, the roles all rely on each other. Due to this, I believe that having a medium to large amount of employees could increase activity and make it easier to start openings.
What are your employee roles?:
I plan to have more than one type of employee, as I’ve said previously.
Owner [1/1 Slot]
Zoomi Yoneno | ImAddictedToRPH
The owner of the shop is the one who owns the shop, makes big financial decisions, and restocks the shop when it’s needed. The owner of the shop starts the majority of the openings, checks applications, collects owe and sends out the chat advertisements. In the case of this shop, the person with the [Shopkeeper] role will be the owner.
The owner will get their money through customer-payment and collecting owe.
Managers [2/2 Slots]
Oliver Sunada | Oliverium
Nemuri Tsuogi | Destinsy
The managers are the people who help with training the new employees, help collect owe, etcetera. They do the things the owner does when the owner is unable to. This includes running openings, checking applications, writing chat advertisements and action sets for performers.
Each manager will be assigned their own specific tasks added onto the basic ones above. One will act as a "PR Team," writing announcements for new items, shop openings, applications, etc. While the other will act as a "HR Team," 'training' new employees, answering questions asked in chats, handing out warnings and managing employee activity.
The managers will get their money through customer-payment and collecting owe.
Baristas [0/9 Slots]
The baristas are those who prepare orders and serve them to the people at the order pick-up. They do not take orders, but they claim orders posted by Cashiers in Discord. The process of how they do it is explained above.
Baristas get their money from a portion of the Cashier's owe.
Cashiers [2/8 Slots]
Oriana Sanbuono | vehelic
Moon Skylar | ORmaybeNOT
The cashiers are the workers who take orders at the register. For their shift, they should try to stay at the register the whole time, to try to reduce lines and ensure that everything looks smooth.
Cashiers get paid when they take orders. At the end of their shift, they will pay owe.
Performers [0/4 Slots]
The performers stay on the stage for the majority of their shifts. They will be given or have prepared /me’s of their character singing, playing instruments, or doing a musical performance. For each opening, it is recommended only one or two performers show up, they can swap with each other, or use duet actions to sing together. Performers will be required to have high activity on the server.
Part of the cashiers' owe will go to the performers. They can also get paid by customers while they are performing.
I do understand that at times that I’d be opening the shop, many workers may not be available. Due to this, the positions of Cashiers and Baristas will not be 100%. If there are no Baristas available, Cashiers will have to do part of the job.
I believe that this will work out decently, because if only one section of people is available, that shows that there aren’t many people on the server, meaning fewer customers, so a slower-paced opening.
What are the employee rules?:
Once accepted into the shop, employees will have to follow a small set of rules. They are as follows:
- Do not disrespect customers; if there’s an issue, contact a manager or owner. They will be at every shift.
- Do not steal from the shop. You have access to the chests, yes, but only to give to customers. If you want something from the shop, wait until after an opening or a Shopping Spree event.
- Be serious with your job. Do not play-fight, do not run around like crazy, nothing of the sort.
- Do not disrespect your co-workers. You are a team and should be cooperating.
Of course, once everything is set up, more rules will appear that I can add to this list.
What will your shop’s Discord look like?:
In my shop’s Discord server, I plan to have some public channels and some private. The public channels will consist of things similar to:
#announcements - This is where major changes and events are announced in the shop.
#rules - This will be where the rules/policy of the store will be written (see below).
#roster - In this channel, a list of all the employees and their roles will be written.
#shop-openings - This is where openings of the shop will be announced.
#applications - This is where customers can find information on applications.
#roles - Here is where customers can grab roles (using bots).
#help - In this channel, customers can ask questions for employees, managers, and the shopkeeper to answer.
#lobby - This channel will be used for general discussion between customers.
#media - This will be a channel for images, memes, etc..
Next up, is the private channels. These are just for employees to see.
#updates - This will be where major employee updates and events will be announced.
#shift-logs - In this channel, employees will be pinged to let them know a shift will be starting and that they can claim it.
#orders -This will be the channel where cashiers post the order and names of the people who make orders at the tills for baristas to claim.
#quota - This is where employees can upload images of themselves at shifts so that Managers and the Owner can check it at the end of each month, ensuring employees have reached quota.
#names - In this channel, managers and the owner can post common names and twisted versions of them for baristas to quickly look at before calling customer's names at the pick-up station.
#performers -Here, Performers can work together to create sets to act out during shifts.
#general - This is where employees are free to converse with each other.
#higher-ups -This channel will be a discussion channel for managers and the owner.
#policy - This is where the employee's policy/rules will be listed.
#pay - This is where information on owe, prices, etc. will be written.
#job-titles - Here, employees will be able to read up on what their job (Performer, Barista, Cashier) entitles them to do during shifts. This is also where they will be given their uniforms.
Employees VC - This will be a Voice Channel for employees to use during shifts, or for meetings.
As I know that it can be hard to read all of that and then imagine in your head, I've created a discord server as a mock-up of what it could look like. It has a Custom Discord Bot, all the channels above, and needed roles. This Discord server obviously is not the end-all-be-all, however, I think it'd be great to take a look at!
Clicking the link will take you to the server.
Discord Bot
The Discord Bot in this server uses commands to help the shop make public announcements, inform employees of when the shop will be opening, public announcements as to when the shop opens, and many others. The bot is not currently online as I've shut it down whilst I await an application response.
In the future, I may look into adding more commands to the server that I see fit for things that could use enhancing or automation.
Provide 1-4 examples of chat advertisements your shop would use:
&fCome on over to Senrisumi, which has just &d&lOPENED! &fToday, &d&o{Performer Name} &fwill be performing songs like &d&o{1-3 Song Names}! &fCome on down and watch while you snack on some &d&oDango and Pink Dougnuts! &7&o[GPS: 1767 / 17 / 546]
&fWhat’s up Karakurians?! Senrisumi is &d&lOPEN&f and ready to serve you meals &lAND&f sick beats! Just like this one: &oSpelling is FUN~&f Maybe not like that one… Either way, come get some &d&oMusic Note Cupcakes! &7&o[GPS: 1767 / 17 / 546]
&fThis is our first &d&lOPENING&f since we’ve started the bingo event! Winners of bingo will get &d&l¥XXX,XXX!! &fFetch some friends and come get some &dCheckerboard Cookies, Guitar Beer, and Strawberry Kit-Kats! &7&o[GPS: 1767 / 17 / 546]
&fSenrisumi is now &d&lOPEN! &fAre you in a good mood tonight? Want to sing to some tunes? Ask one of our employees to let you onstage! In more of a watching mood? No problem, just watch while snacking on some &dEggs! &7&o[GPS: 1767 / 17 / 546]
What will be the requirements for an employee to stay working with you?:
Firstly, the employees will have to complete the Google Forum and get accepted. After they get accepted, however, they will have to complete the quota of 1 shift per month.
They must also follow our Employee Guidelines and fill out #quotas every time they’ve finished a shift.
If employees follow those simple instructions, they will be welcomed back to all our openings.
What will your shop’s public policy be?:
Any customers who enter our shop will have to follow the following rules (which will be posted within/outside the shop).
- If you buy alcohol, drink it elsewhere. NOT in our shop
- Respect our workers, they work hard for you to enjoy your experience, appreciate them
- Use the shop how it's meant to be used; don't go into employees-only areas unless you're an employee

Given Name:
Marital Status:
Divorced / Unmarried
Fluent Languages:
Japanese, (English)
Additional notes about your application:
If I am fortunate enough to participate in the shop faction, I would like my bird whitelist moved to my secondary profile on the account, as I have stated before.
I as well would like to thank you for taking the time to read through my application and consider me for the position. It truly means a lot.
Do you have any questions?:
I do not currently have any questions, however, I will not be afraid to ask in the future if I do.
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