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Immertreu Unverified Gang Application


Level 3
IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts)


List any applications that you have created on the forums:

TheEz8Fury's Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
MISSING ELECTRIC GUITAR "MARCELINE" | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Electric Guitar "Marceline" Disappeared | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Missing Ballistic Mask | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Missing Ballistic Mask | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
Suspension Role | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

Describe your activity on the server:

I am a fairly active server member, a lot of which is devoted to roleplay. My time zone is CST, and though my school life has been relatively busy as of lately, my summer break will soon begin next week. However, on Saturdays, I’m more often than not available until 5:00-7:00 PM CST. Sundays can vary, from 12:00 PM CST to 4:00 PM CST. However, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, I am usually available past 2:00 PM CST at the latest. There are semi-occasional exceptions to this, as I am oftentimes required to provide assistance to my family and friends. Of all the criticisms I have received, availability and activity has rarely been one of them; if needed by my gang, I can at least manage several (6-10 hours) on weekdays.

Specify your Discord name:

@ soundwavethechristian

Specify the link to your gang's Discord: (This link must be permanent and have unlimited uses)
Specify the number of members currently in your gang:

28/35 Gang members

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:

Racketeering to the Extreme

One of the core objectives of any mafia or organized crime syndicate is monetary influence, forming one of the pillars in which the Immertreu Verein wishes to manipulate Karakura’s criminal underworld. The chain of events will start with a transgression of etiquette from a member of Immertreu, and the owner of the shop themselves. The member of the Immertreu Verein will get into a verbal dispute with one of the shopkeeper’s employees, in which the shopkeeper will side with their employee. The shopkeeper will attempt to make the Immertreu member leave, causing the member of the Immertreu Verein to lash out, physically assaulting the employee and/or shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper and/or employee will consequently threaten legal action for trespassing and assault, prompting the Immertreu Verein to take action against the shop. Seeing the opportunity to spread the Immertreu Verein's influence, the Direktor will order the members to strap notes to bricks, rocks, and other blunt objects signed by a rival (if another gang leader consents), or nonexistent gang. These objects will be hurled at the shop’s windows overnight, threatening the shopkeeper to not take legal action any further.

Feeling that the situation will only escalate if a legal course of action is taken, the shopkeeper feels helpless and without a way to free themselves of the situation. Immertreu will step in, offering to provide ‘protection services’ to the shopkeeper in exchange for money. The shopkeeper initially refuses, instead choosing to hire security to watch the shop overnight. The security would be jumped by the soldiers of Immertreu, or even openly attacked in broad daylight during a shop opening (for event purposes), which prompts the shopkeeper to reconsider the Verein offer.

For a negotiable period of time, the Immertreu Association will have a secure racket over this shop. However, it may not last forever. There will be various ways in which the racket can be challenged, delving into the common ideas of “turf wars” that the crime faction wishes to see occur. If a rival gang leader consents to their gang being framed for the window smashing by Immertreu, they could potentially stage an actual raid against the shop, causing a large brawl to break out between that gang and Immertreu. The Karakura Police Department may also become involved, disbanding the racket entirely after a noir investigation into the shop’s conduct. If Immertreu loses control of the racket at any point, either to another gang or to KPD disbanding the racket, their response will be to utterly smash, and inflict as much damage as possible to the shop and its items as retribution for the financial loss.

What is the name of your gang?:


What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:

The first, and foremost core value of Immertreu is secrecy regarding crime. The previous regime of the Verein, known as Geheimer Verband, roughly translated to “Secret Association''; therefore, since its conception as an association, Immertreu has adopted an approach of "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil". If this principle is violated by a member, they risk outright removal on the spot. However, despite their cutthroat nature regarding secrecy on the subject of gang affiliated matters, Immertreu is not entirely ruthless. They adhere to a strict code as to who is subject to their retribution, sparing those who are under the age of 18 from any gang affiliated verdicts, unless that individual actively harms or endangers a member of the Verein directly.

Immertreu has a unique way of exerting influence or authority over the Karakura overworld and underworld alike, summarized as financial, criminal, and social authority. The Löwe family previously served as the legitimate business front of the old Geheimer Verband; however, since the Geheimer Verband reformed into the Immertreu Verein, Immertreu itself has become the face and name of the Verein's business endeavors to the public. Their financial success is seen as key to their dream of a hegemonic order. Immertreu also believes in being presentable to the public, firmly enforcing the idea of respecting Japanese, German, and foreign beliefs, culture, and institutions alike to the watchful eye. In order to ensure the social acceptance of its members, their strict code of secrecy acts to ensure that Immertreu will never, in any capacity, be tied to the social and financial endeavors of its ranks.

Beneath the presentable reputation of its legitimate businesses, Immertreu is willing to happily dispatch any who defy their goal of total hegemony. Although Immertreu views cooperating with a government official preferable to dispatching one, their second manner of dealings with opposition is discreet, sophisticated, and uncompromising.

Immertreu's overarching theme is inspired by the Ringvereine, a group of organized crime syndicates that operated in early-20th century Germany. The Ringvereine, like Immertreu, was a German equivalent to the Chicago mafia or other crime syndicates at the time. The association is heavily business oriented as a consequence, seeking to create a monopoly over Karakura's criminal and public businesses. Likewise, Immertreu follows a strict set of guidelines that dictate their public and criminal conduct, revolving around respectability and loyalty. After all, "Immertreu" directly translates to "Ever Faithful".

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:

There is not a single “mafia” on the unverified gang roster at this very moment, nor has there ever been a “German mafia” that has emerged as a prominent applicant. That, and that alone establishes the theme of the Immertreu Verein from its contemporaries. However, the difference is not just surface level. The Immertreu Association is not present for chaos or for upheaval; instead, Immertreu is aggressively self interested in restoring a sense of order in Karakura, centralized around itself. Immertreu is relatively high profile regarding its publicity; the identity of the Direktor des Verein is relatively common knowledge, and easy to identify. Creating a list of profiled, confirmed members of the Verein is relatively straight forward; however, unlike the other high profile gangs that commit crimes unmasked, Immertreu instead takes a more elusive, secretive approach to criminality; only showing its members as security contractors or businessmen. Immertreu is also distinct from a common delinquent or violent street gang, oftentimes dressing in formal attires in the overworld and underworld alike. Aside from their absolute elusiveness regarding crime, and simply being hard to pinpoint by authorities and rivals as an outright criminal syndicate, the Immertreu Verein also conducts itself in an extremely sophisticated manner. Sacred grounds are to never be violated, and vandalism outside of sprays is genuinely frowned upon. Japanese and foreign traditions are held at an equal esteem as German ones, and disrespecting Japanese culture or grounds is considered reason for punishment. Also, while some gangs may seek to destroy Karakura’s institutions, barriers or rivals, Immertreu would rather subjugate or weaponize Karakura’s institutions, find use of tricky obstacles rather than demolishing them, and establish protection rackets for profit over rivals, instead of aiming for just disbandment. The Immertreu Verein considers itself a practitioner of “gunboat diplomacy”, hoping to minimize the practical use of force against established, foreign entities or institutions, and instead forming a favorable, profitable relationship for Immertreu through intimidation, or brief, though safe, explosions of aggression towards other organized bodies.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:

The Immertreu Verein is viewed as extremely elusive regarding crime. Though it is not necessarily “secret” in the sense that it is not widely known, it is “secret” in the sense that drawing connections from Immertreu in the underworld, to the overworld, is no trifling matter. The Immertreu Association presents itself as a respectable organization that offers security personnel in the overworld to shops, families, and other business organizations that are in need of protection. The Immerteu Association is oftentimes seen in elegant, sophisticated suits that are not identifiable in the context of crime and legitimate business. Likewise, we generally attempt s to conduct ourselves as an organized, disciplined crime syndicate ushering in a new age for all criminals. However, ideally, Immertreu will do so without being directly identified as a criminal association at all.

In the overworld, members of the Immertreu Association are rarely distinguishable from your average day citizen. The Löwe family sits as the largest faction within the association, having little to no trace to the gang affiliated scene. Contrarily, members of Immertreu attempt to remain polite, composed, and cordial in most interactions that take place in the public eye. This muddles the line between unmasked sophistication and masked violence, two sides of the opposite coin necessary to achieve the dreams of the association.

The members of the Immertreu Association are not seen as lawless anarchists who are here for chaos; in fact, it is the opposite. Immertreu is seen as an attempt to create a new status quo, carefully, and meticulously crafted by a group of likeminded, though unidentified individual minds. Staying true to their elusive approach to crime, Immertreu generally resort to unknown or discreet locations, such as the Ruins or Riverside turf, for trainings. These serve as the training grounds for their recruits and soldiers. However, true to their lavish lifestyles, it is extremely common for Immertreu to host low-profile, formal meetings inside penthouses owned by their members. These pents are scattered across Karakura, each one decorated ornately to the refined tastes of Immertreu. Many of the meetings that discuss solely legal matters are held unmasked, or even in public spaces such as restaurants.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of: (This is for the unverified gang roster. This section must have under or a maximum of 250 words and cannot go over this number; otherwise, your application will be denied)

Secrecy is not cowardice, but a tool Immertreu's methodology to crime. Immertreu is an elusive syndicate of likeminded individuals, championing a revival of the criminal golden age. Emerging from the underworld with bright smiles and formal attires, Immertreu seeks to build an empire that encompasses all of Karakura's society. Though these criminals dress as gentlemen, they display the uncompromising adamancy of fanatical diehards. Immertreu chooses its battles wisely, refraining from revealing the true extent of their ever-expanding clutches. Believing that an empire is nothing without subjects to rule over, Immertreu sets its eyes towards protection rackets, financial influence, and government institutions to heighten its boundaries. The German origins of Immertreu make their syndicate easily distinguishable from its contemporaries, signifying a strong cultural value within its ranks. Characterized by its sophisticated mannerisms and strategems, Immertreu presents a persuasive smile to its business partners and associates, while keeping the criminal underworld under the heels of their boots.​
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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Welcome to the UVG roster. DM me on discord so we can set things up.

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