What's your Minecraft Username?: SigmaHater
What's the title of your suggestion?: Interest Rates for putting money in the bank for a long time, etc
What's your suggestion?:
I think low interest rates should be added to the bank so if you leave your money in the bank for a long time, you are able to earn more money. It could be every month ooc or every week, etc.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think it would add a little bit of realism to the game, as irl you can earn money by putting your money in your bank for a long period. Additionally, it will encourage people to utilize the bank more to store their money and actually save money, etc.
What's the title of your suggestion?: Interest Rates for putting money in the bank for a long time, etc
What's your suggestion?:
I think low interest rates should be added to the bank so if you leave your money in the bank for a long time, you are able to earn more money. It could be every month ooc or every week, etc.
How will this benefit the server and community?:
I think it would add a little bit of realism to the game, as irl you can earn money by putting your money in your bank for a long period. Additionally, it will encourage people to utilize the bank more to store their money and actually save money, etc.

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