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Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 146
IGN: maddiepandachan
DATE: 12/15/22
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGESTION OR MENTION: Add English to the list of languages you can apply for.
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: It won't (everything below this message is a carefully constructed lie)

I believe the idea being presented is straightforward enough as not to require a proper introduction, so I will move straight to the justification.

First, I would like to discuss the in-character merit to having English as an applicable language. To start, English is the most widely spoken language in the world by country; additionally, it is commonly learned in Japan as a second language, meaning that not only many of Karakura's foreigners would speak it, but many natives would be fluent in the language as well. Not to mention, Karakura has a heavily westernized culture no matter where you look, meaning that it would only be appropriate for the English language to also be present. In regards to the server lore, it would make perfect sense for English to be spoken by many people ICly.

I believe the OOC benefit of the English language being available is quite obvious: it allows more freedom in writing and enables further engagement between people ICly. Unless they have friends who apply for a language with them, players usually never utilize their language authorization. I believe that if there was one dominant second language however, it would have the potential to greatly influence the dynamic of roleplay server-wide. We've already seen this to a small extent in the niche of JSL users with the trend of mute characters, and I believe that if English was added to the list, it would make a significant impact in a similar way.

I understand many of you have likely drafted one of the two following arguments, so I've taken the liberty to pre-emptively address them in the main post as to save us some time.

"It has been deemed too confusing!"
The only people with the potential of misunderstanding how this works are those who cannot comprehend the difference between OOC and IC, which is the vast minority of very new players. Any further confusion could be dissuaded by the phrase "The roleplay's setting is Japan, meaning we speak Japanese in character by default."

Not to mention, there are many confusing rules or aspects about the server that I would argue players have more trouble with. For example, the entirety of the combat section of the rules page has been misunderstood by a full community of players for years, which I assume would cause more headaches for staff than the occasional reminder that the roleplay takes place in Japan would.

"It has been denied in the past!"
There have been many suggestions which were previously denied, yet have since been accepted after the server has changed, more has been added to the discussion, or the necessity for it becomes more apparent. Disagree? The owner sure doesn't.

In conclusion, accept this suggestion. Thank you.


Level 124

It's not really that confusing. If our characters are from mainly English-speaking countries, why can't they speak English in game unlike other languages?


Level 57
Personally, I really want this language. But it will be too confusing for new players, I hope old players can explain it to them.


Level 116
Neutral on it.
I’d have to say that maybe a fourth language (with another application to have it accepted, like the third language apps but much harder seeing as it’s a fourth language and that’s hard enough as is to learn on its own in real life) could be implemented in the case that this ever got accepted. Not saying it should be mandatory but a lot of people would most likely appreciate that because of the very reason that they could keep their other languages that may be applicable for one or more characters and still be able to have English for those who speak the language. I myself have a character who’s supposed to be able to speak English, even though for him it’s a broken language as he learnt it at a much later date. He could be able to speak it assuming he learnt more of it later on and the option to have this as a language could be a good thing to have. This could be said for many other players who have characters that are not natively from an English speaking country but, seeing as it’s quite literally the most spoken country in the entire world, they have learnt it due to family, friends, work in their past, etc.

However, this is unlikely to be accepted from what I’ve seen due to the very belief you mentioned, that it’s “too confusing”. I have seen several people, staff and players alike, who have deemed it unnecessary due to the language we type already. Most players who have been asked this question reply with that fact. Due to this, that’s exactly why I doubt it will be accepted as a language as soon as most would wish. But that’s not to say that it won’t, as I have also seen many say that it will “remain unavailable until further notice” (this quote specifically taken from user Joe.exe in the original post that Maddie had made). So it’s still very possible we may see it in the future, just not anytime soon unfortunately.


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
Nope! I already have three languages on one account I can’t deal with having to apply for English that would be painful. I just use the /it [!] would speak English [!] which works! people understand that as well and can join in. If you don’t want others to hear simply /itc it and so on there’s no harm in it.


Level 23
1+ when you speak it's Japanese, and you can't apply for a Japanese language so it just means base language is Japanese, adding an English language might also be good for roleplay scenarios.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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