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Item Confiscation on School Grounds

Should this suggestion be implemented?

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Level 146
IGN: philbertman42
Date?: Sorry ladies, I'm taken.

Suggestion: Publicly update and showcase the rules regarding item confiscation in school.
There exists misinformation amongst the faculty and council factions regarding what items can be confiscated which stems from a general lack of communication, where some admins claim items such as masks may not be physically confiscated (meaning we must ItemRP), while others say it is fine as long as the item isn't a private custom.
Note, I am not seeking clarification for the rule, but aim to change it entirely.

Regardless of the answer, the present lack of consensus is an issue which I would like to resolve with this suggestion, which I will now manifest in clear terms:
Authorize school faculty and the council to confiscate any "contraband" on school grounds, assuming they follow their faction's handbook and the FearRP guidelines.

"Contraband" includes:
Anything used to obscure one's identity (i.e. masks)
20+ items (such as alcohol or tobacco products)
Anything used as a weapon
Stolen items
Medication being used w/o a valid prescription
Any toy or instrument used in an intentionally disruptive way
I've added some extra clarification in this reply here, for those who want to understand my reasoning for each item.

This list is based off of the official faculty handbook and the school's 21 main rules, which together forms a comprehensive list to cover every item that isn't allowed on school grounds. Simply enough, it consists of each item that is against the rules to have, whereas the current list includes about half of these items; if this new list were adopted into the rulebook, it would minimize confusion amongst the community as to what is and isn't considered to be confiscable.

For those concerned about players losing paid custom items, refer to rule 7.7c which states that customs may be mugged through regular combat roleplay; despite the school being a safezone, I see no reason why similar logic shouldn't apply to the confiscation of items. IC actions should have IC consequences, and if someone happens to be irresponsible with their exclusive item, it's their own fault.

In addition to this list being updated, it would be worthwhile to publicly display it in the official FearRP document for the sake of keeping the community informed, rather than keeping the details of confiscation locked behind a private document. This is the type of information I was baffled to find wasn't public, as it is almost essential knowledge for anyone who roleplays out delinquency.

In the simplest terms, this is what I want:
A list of confiscable items comprehensive enough to cover everything which breaks IC rules, and a section added to the FearRP guide which publicly displays this list.
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Level 28
Fat plus one, as someone who has been in faculty for nearly two years and recently joined the council this needs to be updated, clarified, and made public. It would save us from being harassed both icly and oocly about someone hurt over their items being confiscated and would make it easier for us to show them the exact rule in which we're allowed to do so. Make confiscating students legal


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team

Didn’t know how this rule worked, and a councillor ended up taking my custom (plastic) mask and destroying it…. This would prevent that from happening again
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Level 35
Community Team
Combat and entering an area are somewhat different. If someone enters combat with a custom, that's on them, they weren't forced into it (unless someone had perms), and they weren't forced into a specific area.

School on the other hand is an enforced area that unless you're in a faction or have the adult role, you can't get out of. There also exists commands for moderators to forcefully send a user into the school area, so users which log in during a school day may not get a chance to put away potentially "contraband customs". As you can see, there might be an issue here, especially if caught off guard and coincidentally someone sees them with the item as soon as they're moved; or better yet, someone decides that they like their item and wait for an opportunity to present itself.

Basically saying that combat is completely on you, whereas if its at school there's a few too many exceptions, and overall would lead to the same situation as currently.

Perhaps a counter could be the ability to disable the equipping or use of a custom for 24 hours when confiscated, but completely stripping it seems too harsh, especially for a paid product.


Level 28
so users which log in during a school day may not get a chance to put away potentially "contraband customs"
Authorize school faculty and the council to confiscate any "contraband" on school grounds, assuming they follow their faction's handbook and the FearRP guidelines. FearRP guidelines give us specific ways how to act out such situations. The contraband wouldn't get taken instantly. Firstly, the person in possession of one would be given two warnings beforehand to put it away. Nobody would go as far as to search their inventory, what is important is that they do not have it out (so for example in their hand, on their head, etc.) The item would only be confiscated if the person wouldn't comply with faculty after numerous warnings given beforehand and still have it out.


Level 331
Perhaps a counter could be the ability to disable the equipping or use of a custom for 24 hours when confiscated, but completely stripping it seems too harsh, especially for a paid product.
People can still request copies of their custom items. Most, if not all the people that continuously wear masks are aware that they can't wear it in school grounds, so I don't think it's a bad idea to allow school workers to confiscate them

gold fish

Level 286
IGN: philbertman42
Date?: Sorry ladies, I'm taken.

Suggestion: Publicly update and showcase the rules regarding item confiscation in school.
There exists misinformation amongst the faculty and council factions regarding what items can be confiscated which stems from a general lack of communication, where some admins claim items such as masks may not be physically confiscated (meaning we must ItemRP), while others say it is fine as long as the item isn't a private custom.
Note, I am not seeking clarification for the rule, but aim to change it entirely.

Regardless of the answer, the present lack of consensus is an issue which I would like to resolve with this suggestion, which I will now manifest in clear terms:
Authorize school faculty and the council to confiscate any "contraband" on school grounds, assuming they follow their faction's handbook and the FearRP guidelines.

"Contraband" includes:
Anything used to obscure one's identity (i.e. masks)
20+ items (such as alcohol or tobacco products)
Anything used as a weapon
Stolen items
Medication being used w/o a valid prescription
Any toy or instrument used in an intentionally disruptive way

This list is based off of the official faculty handbook and the school's 21 main rules, which together forms a comprehensive list to cover every item that isn't allowed on school grounds. Simply enough, it consists of each item that is against the rules to have, whereas the current list includes about half of these items; if this new list were adopted into the rulebook, it would minimize confusion amongst the community as to what is and isn't considered to be confiscable.

For those concerned about players losing paid custom items, refer to rule 7.7c which states that customs may be mugged through regular combat roleplay; despite the school being a safezone, I see no reason why similar logic shouldn't apply to the confiscation of items. IC actions should have IC consequences, and if someone happens to be irresponsible with their exclusive item, it's their own fault.

In addition to this list being updated, it would be worthwhile to publicly display it in the official FearRP document for the sake of keeping the community informed, rather than keeping the details of confiscation locked behind a private document. This is the type of information I was baffled to find wasn't public, as it is almost essential knowledge for anyone who roleplays out delinquency.

In the simplest terms, this is what I want:
A list of confiscable items comprehensive enough to cover everything which breaks IC rules, and a section added to the FearRP guide which publicly displays this list.
teachers already have to confiscate alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, etc. We can take masks if you break the rules consistently enough, teachers at schools irl cant take medication from studetns because relalistically their medication is with the school nurses, adn the nurses cant administer medication without a call from the parents first. I dont think they should be able to take toys, because, after all, thats what they are, toys, if they're disruptive just punish the student another way, as well as the fact that we dont know what is and isnt stolen, and im not all for having to do the kpd thing where they look at sccreenshots and such.. eugh..


Level 77
Big +1
Clarification is such a major part of it all because it can get miscommunicated or misunderstood so easily unless its clearly clarified.


Level 146
Thread starter
teachers already have to confiscate alcohol, cigarettes, cigars, etc. We can take masks if you break the rules consistently enough, teachers at schools irl cant take medication from studetns because relalistically their medication is with the school nurses, adn the nurses cant administer medication without a call from the parents first. I dont think they should be able to take toys, because, after all, thats what they are, toys, if they're disruptive just punish the student another way, as well as the fact that we dont know what is and isnt stolen, and im not all for having to do the kpd thing where they look at sccreenshots and such.. eugh..
The additions and revisions I made to the list were to completely update them in accordance with the school rules. I'll run through them again in a bit more detail.

Anything used to obscure one's identity (i.e. masks)
Currently, we are not allowed to confiscate masks, as it is not on the list of confiscable items, which was told to me by an admin / faction lead. The only exceptions would be situations where staff (likely exclusively members of the SLT) are present and make the decision to confiscate it themselves. If you were instructed otherwise, I recommend reviewing the faculty document.

20+ items (such as alcohol or tobacco products)
Self explanatory, and we're on the same page regardless so I'll skip it.

Anything used as a weapon / Any toy or instrument used in an intentionally disruptive way
If a student uses a toy to attack another student, we are allowed to confiscate it from them; applying the same logic, we should be allowed to confiscate their toys if they choose to use them in a way that is irresponsible or disruptive. The problem isn't the toy itself, but how it is being used: if it is being used in a way that doesn't break the rules then there is no issue, otherwise it makes sense for it to be confiscated. I believe most schools IRL follow a similar line of thinking.

Stolen items
If a student can prove an item was stolen or a faculty member / student councilor saw it being stolen, then we should be able to confiscate it. I don't think that faculty members should be forced to start a full investigation just because someone claims to have been robbed of one of their belongings, but if there is concrete evidence or reliable witness testimony that is available ICly, I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to return items to their rightful owners.

Medication being used w/o a valid prescription
This was one of the items on the rules that was added just so things would stay consistent. I honestly doubt it would ever be used, but the justification is there regardless; if a student has pills or some other pharmaceutical they don't have a prescription for, then obviously you should confiscate it; it's similar to alcohol in the fact that it's illegal for most people to have.

gold fish

Level 286
The additions and revisions I made to the list were to completely update them in accordance with the school rules. I'll run through them again in a bit more detail.

Anything used to obscure one's identity (i.e. masks)
Currently, we are not allowed to confiscate masks, as it is not on the list of confiscable items, which was told to me by an admin / faction lead. The only exceptions would be situations where staff (likely exclusively members of the SLT) are present and make the decision to confiscate it themselves. If you were instructed otherwise, I recommend reviewing the faculty document.

20+ items (such as alcohol or tobacco products)
Self explanatory, and we're on the same page regardless so I'll skip it.

Anything used as a weapon / Any toy or instrument used in an intentionally disruptive way
If a student uses a toy to attack another student, we are allowed to confiscate it from them; applying the same logic, we should be allowed to confiscate their toys if they choose to use them in a way that is irresponsible or disruptive. The problem isn't the toy itself, but how it is being used: if it is being used in a way that doesn't break the rules then there is no issue, otherwise it makes sense for it to be confiscated. I believe most schools IRL follow a similar line of thinking.

Stolen items
If a student can prove an item was stolen or a faculty member / student councilor saw it being stolen, then we should be able to confiscate it. I don't think that faculty members should be forced to start a full investigation just because someone claims to have been robbed of one of their belongings, but if there is concrete evidence or reliable witness testimony that is available ICly, I see no reason why we shouldn't be able to return items to their rightful owners.

Medication being used w/o a valid prescription
This was one of the items on the rules that was added just so things would stay consistent. I honestly doubt it would ever be used, but the justification is there regardless; if a student has pills or some other pharmaceutical they don't have a prescription for, then obviously you should confiscate it; it's similar to alcohol in the fact that it's illegal for most people to have.
i honestly posted that and then reread the post and realized i read it wrong so

yeah thats cool +1


Level 28
I agree, I am a little torn on the custom part. While I do understand that you can't just buy an item, not respect rules and not FearRP because your item can't be taken away. That is is not okay. But It is 50$ (USD)... like- that's not cheap, or am I just cheap


Level 13
I agree, I am a little torn on the custom part. While I do understand that you can't just buy an item, not respect rules and not FearRP because your item can't be taken away. That is is not okay. But It is 50$ (USD)... like- that's not cheap, or am I just cheap
I think it’d be a good idea to have something like a strike system for custom items. If you get redirected/told to FearRP/stop FailRPing using your custom item 3 times then it should be confiscated. Not sure how they’d keep track of that though.

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