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Its been 3 years, time for an Intro!


Level 5
So lets begin with the basics!!

Many of you know me as Skvllr0t, Lyric, or Alex! Any of those work for me, i respond to them all!
My name though as you can guess, is Alex! My ign is Skvllr0t!
I am a Female, born and raised! And much prefer She/Her pronouns!
Im a bisexual woman, and ive got 20 years under my belt in this world, but i turn the big 21 in January!
While I will keep my weight out of this specific intro, i stand at a mighty 5'6 without my boots on.
My favorite colors happen to a dark red, black, and pastel blue.
Im gothic IRL, my face holds a whopping 13 piercings!
I have a cat named Niko Robbins! Hes a three year old long haired domestic, who likes to backflip off my bedroom door when hes bored! Brownie points if you get the name ref!
As many of you know, my favorite animals are cats, and bats!
Heres a small list of the MANY things I like- The office, Math and Science, Music (Rock/Metal/Hyperpop/EDM), Kuromi, peppermint, diamond painting, ANY type of art, quiet spaces, and the list could go on and on!
Some of my general dislikes are- the colors orange and yellow, tomatoes, the number 8, history, and obnxious people.
Im currently job searching, but my biggest goal is to become either an Aeronautical/Nuclear Engineer, or a Crime Scene Investigator!!
I am an artist, my free time consists of either drawing, playing on the server, or watching anime!

While on the server, ill either be seen roaming around on my main and first ever character, Lyric H. Sidorova, who is my college queen, OR my alt char, Faelyn Wintera!
I am really friendly! Im always looking for new people to RP with or just become friends overall, though i struggle with introductions and actually keeping in contact as i am highly antisocial! My discord is the same as my ign, skvllrot! Feel free to add me and strike up a conversation!

Thank you to those reading, i hope this was even slightly interesting!!! Im going to disappear back into the shadows of the forums once more!!

Some of my favorite goobers--> Kuroshimeru, darkxwalker, Reximix, Bunknown, _Mediioocre, wavestalker, A7XM, Enderbubs, SelfDeception, Midkapis, HazukiPlayZ, _CaptainGrim_, oIsNate, RipTheShrimp, CookedKoiFish, NixyMixy, Teagansy, Svftbun, ceritfiedcupidRP, Acepostrapheussy, Ashton112702, carnified, bloodmoon95220, and Mazerblade!!
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Level 16
Amazing!!! Loved reading that! I'd love to do heinous crimes, warfare, and/or every kind of evasion+fraud with you!


Level 5
Thread starter
Thats so cool! What piercings do you have?

I personally wanna get snakebites and my septum done ATLEAST.
I'll start from the top of my face and work my way down !
So, I have my Bridge, both sides of my nose (nostrils), Septum, Angel Fangs, Medusa, Dimple piercings (my cheeks), Snakebites, and my Tongue!
My ears are also gauged to uhhh... 5/8"of an inch!


Level 118
I'll start from the top of my face and work my way down !
So, I have my Bridge, both sides of my nose (nostrils), Septum, Angel Fangs, Medusa, Dimple piercings (my cheeks), Snakebites, and my Tongue!
My ears are also gauged to uhhh... 5/8"of an inch!
Oh goodness! To be honest, they're all really cool piercings!

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