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Jeong Amorosa Mitsu. "Somebody more than a destiny"


Level 108
This character belongs to @kam and everything besides appearance is to not be used icly. Format belongs to @missfiend


ᴵⁿᵗʳᵒ: The Summoning: Sleep Token
"Oh and my love- did I mistake you for a sign from God?"
5:01 ──────|─── 6:35
|◁ II ▷|
∞ ↺

▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100 %

⊱ ──── 《∘◦☹◦∘》 ──── ⊰

Full Name:
Jeong Amorosa Mitsu!


October 30th at precisely 11:59pm. "Only a few seconds from the best day of earth"

Zodiac Sign:


⊱ ──── 《∘◦☹◦∘》 ──── ⊰




78kg or 171lbs

Muscular. Whilst this is normal for a Karakurian such as himself, Jeong would find himself having his strengths and weaknesses throughout his body. For a start, Jeong found himself having rather built up shoulders and upper arms as well as rather prominent forearms. However this wouldn't stay the same for his lower torso as almost all his ribs would be visible, yet he'd have a rather semi-muscular chest. When it comes to the rest of his body, they'd remain semi-muscular and athletic.

Skin Tone:
Semi-tanned- pale.

A man walks into a room, you notice him- and as soon as you do, your eyes can barely rip from his. Once he walks into the room you immediately notice his sense of fashion. Formal yet comfortable. On this particular occasion he'd have a woolly-black trenchcoat, accompanied by a baggy black jumper: all tying nicely with his baggy black suit-pants. Afterwards, his scent became rather apparent. Gliding through the room before it eventually shifted into your nose. A soft collection of almond and yet the distinct aftertaste of ash. His posture remained slouched to keep his comfort, yet somehow; he wouldn't make it look trampy. He'd then turn to you, his face jawline prominent, yet not patrzonising. He'd smile softly as he began walking to you, you'd begin to notice his warm demeanour, his soft- sunken brown eyes that seemed to shine only in direct light. With this, his supple, dark-brown hair falling just over his eyes. Yet among all this formallity, you'd realise he wasn't always like this. No, those lips look too soft to have never touched that black lipstick. Those silver hoop earrings are far too guilty. Was this a punk in disguise? You best talk to him, find out.

Almond and ashes.



ɪɴᴍᴀᴛᴇ'ꜱ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: Jeong A. Mitsu.
Arrested for:
Assault x4
Kidnapping x3
Possesion of Illegal Weaponry x[Not confirmed]
Assault with a Weapon x5
Assault with a Deadly Weapon x[Uncomfirmed]

Officers view of arrest:
"An anonymous individual reached out to us regarding a high amount of individuals at the park going round on motorbikes, pestering individuals. Obviously, we attended to the call and it really didnt take us long to find them. When they saw us -obviously- they decided to try and escape, luckily this individual was to busy cutting someones teeth out, that he didn't see us. The rest got away, but we took immediate action and tased him and arrested him on sight.
However the thing that got me- really got me about this kid. At the time of us arresting him, he was only 13. Tall, of course, but this kid was like 5"8 at 13 and was completely and utterly beating the shi- out of this young adult. Once we dealt with him, there wasn't really much we could do. The kid had no phone, no ID and wouldn't tell us anything. We just arrested him for the above things and an anonymous individual paid his 2.3 million bail, and I've never seen him since."

Jeongs view:
"So this guy tried playing my sister when I was a kid, so I carved his teeth out so he couldn't talk shit again. Oh and the bail? Always good to make sure that you have backup."

"The birth, you know that thing that starts life?"
Jeong had a generally wealthy family compared to the others within his family. As a child he'd generally spend his times with his head buried in some music book. He'd always had a spark for music, you know. Since his ears first made contact with a pluck of a guitar string, his mind was set. From around the age of 8 he'd have an intrest in guitar. Now this didn't mean he would keep totally indulged, since much like other 8 year olds, he simply didn't have the attention span for that. Nothing intresting in these years, just a curious child with a spark that hasn't been seen in years.

"Then every child has that... turn, don't they?"
Of course, much like every other legend, a turn would happen in Jeong's life. Yet for him this was a slow, painful incursion. See, although his family was wealthy, that doesn't mean it was good money, nor was it one of a normal traditional family. See, for a "traditional" family, you would often see two parents that love a child and would care for it at any time. I guess you can see it coming that, Jeong didn't have this. See his original family "Mitsu" was a Korean family that was one of the most widely respected families in the entirety of Wongu. Of course, due to his families extremely large amount of time that was dedicated to this "business", he'd rarely spend any time- if at all- with his family members. Through Jeongs primary years, he would be almost ushered to the side by his parents as he was sent of to boarding school. Out of the way, if you will. To sum his time up here, he was basically that kid in the corner that just kept to himself, nothing really to him he was just there. Now, do note that what happens within your childhood years are some of the most important that will ever occur. Was it the best decision for him to spend his childhood years like this? No. But what did he care?
Next was his teenage years. Now moving out of a school to turn to homeschooling is a huge turn. And this, to Jeong was one that was hard to take. Such a large turn of events made a huge difference in Jeongs life. Esppecially, with the family he was in. See, growing up with a family that had such a "healthy buisness" wasn't exactly the best upbringing for a child. Yes, you are granted with whatever you wish so long as you purse those lips. But does that mean its a good childhood? Depends on your view.

The turn.
Of course, this "business" wasn't actually a business such as tradition. There was no interview, there was no consistent paycheck. A mafia, if you will. But did our innocent Jeong see this? Take a guess. You see loud bangs and screaming was barely noticeable to him as he'd be constantly seen with his earbuds placed into his ears and his music on full. The adequate sound was mere static that eased his mind. His quietness and his silence being his weakness, yet his largest strength. The main thing that clicked it all for Jeong was the fact that his sister was being involved. He never really cared for himself as he found himself less than others purely due to how his parents raised him. However seeing as his sister was always prioritized, he found himself reserving his emotions in turn for the sisters benefits.

One day, he had found out that his sister had been making her way home from school, rather peacefully and to herself when some snarky, bratty boys had decided to catcall her. Of course, like the protective one that he has always been, Jeong stepped in.

How the father reacted- is a story for him to say.




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Level 108
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FINISHED BACKSTORY FROM HOME. working on the rest soon as he is now back in use..

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