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Accepted Judge Application | justsimba_


Level 61
Judge Application.gif


In-game Name:

justsimba_ [Adult]

Other accounts:
_justsimba [EMS]
HazukiPlayZ [PhD]
justnihwi [Dog]

Previous bans:
I have never been banned and I do my best to keep it this way!

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes! I also enjoy being in VCs as well and can normally find me in one often.

Timezone & Country:

Links to any current & past applications:



Describe your activity on the server:
I have been playing SRP since about early March of 2021, and have been playing everyday I can manage to log on since. I am normally on for at least 2 hours each time I log on, if not longer as sometimes I switch between my accounts. Weekends or times I am on breaks from school however, I am usually on pretty much from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed. The days I do log on of course vary depending on my school work for the week but I am always on at least 3-5 days of the week for at least two hours each time I log on. I never go on inactivity if it can be helped (As ofc sometimes things are sudden) without making an inactivity log or at the very least informing a HU at least two days prior to the inactivity starting. My activity is normally never a full inactivity, just oftentimes letting others know that I will be logging on less for a period of time. I have taken part in a few roles on SRP such as chef on my justsimba_ account, the one I'm applying with, and was a chef from August to December of 2021. On my _justsimba account I have been EMS since May of 2022 and am still currently active within EMS, while my HazukiPlayZ account has worked for a number of different shops over the course of 2021 to today. Across my HazukiPlayZ and justsimba_ accounts as well I have taken part in a few player-run businesses such as KSPF, Miyata Enterprises Corp., Hanazono Inc., and Misfits Tailoring. While my focus is on my EMS more than my other accounts at the current moment as that is where I am often needed more, I have plenty of time to spare to be able to dedicate myself to the Town faction just as much as I dedicate myself to any role or position I take upon.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I have had many friends come and go through the government faction, some still even in it, that have shared some of their experiences with me and I find them all of interest to me. Having worked alongside the government faction as thanks to my EMS role, I have gotten to watch and learn how some things are handled in the town faction compared to others. As also mentioned in a later question, I want to expand my experiences within different SRP factions as I feel knowing different kinds of experiences and knowing different communities is one way to really not only help yourself as a roleplayer but to learn things that could possibly be taken into real life as well as to widen the opportunity to make friends and new memories.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do have a decent basic understanding of Karakura’s laws and Constitutional rights, of course, some laws are better known to me than others, but I am always willing and currently am doing my best to familiarize myself and understand the rest of the laws that I am not so well knowledgeable on.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Personally, OOCly I have a goal of expanding my experiences with different SRP factions. As to what I have learned so far each faction is different in the community in each of their ways because of how they react to the players on the server and the roles that faction has. ICly however, Genkei is wanting to use this chance to adventure on his path again in law as his family normally stays near the medical side of things. Genkei has always loved law and wants to put it to use once more along with having a chance to grow as a person with a new experience.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Judges cover a few things. Judges hear arguments and decide whether the evidence given warrants a trial. They as well are to come up with a verdict based on the laws and what evidence was provided during and before the trial. Judges are also the people who sign search and arrest warrants, delivering the said warrants to KPD as well oftentimes.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I do acknowledge this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I am someone who always puts as much effort as I can within my factions and positions I am in.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes I have and I do agree to follow the government faction rules.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
It does depend on the day and time they are held since I am involved with marching band OOCly(It’s only in the evenings on Thursday and Fridays) as well as attend college classes in the spring and fall, however I will always do my best to attend and if I cannot attend I will inform a government HU as soon as possible.


Full name:

Genkei Heddo

Preferred title:
“I would much prefer if people could call me Mr. Heddo or Judge Heddo in professional settings or if I simply am not close with them.”

Current age:
“I am currently 46 years old.”

Date of birth:
“I was born on Tuesday the 13th of December, in the year 1977.”


Academic Degree:

Criminal Justice & Criminology

Fashion Design

Work experience:
“I have worked in the past as a lawyer around the Sapporo area of Japan for roughly nine years before stepping back from that position and focusing more so on fashion and making clothes for those around me and myself.”

Political background:
“I am someone who would classify under the “neutral” term. I don’t bud my nose into politics or ever pick one side and tend to keep out of it. I do, however, keep up to date with what is happening by keeping up with the news or talking to town folks, or even attending speeches hosted around town.”

Nationality & born location:
Japanese | Sapporo, Japan

Fluent languages:
Japanese, Polish

Criminal record:
This character has never done anything illegal nor been arrested for anything.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“Ah, a great question. Well, I do believe that I am rather dedicated to my work, as I'm rather happy to do pretty much all tasks involving my work or that I need or wish to complete even if it's outside of my work I am normally very happy to do it. I also have spent many years working on research of different topics that could come useful or just researching on the many different laws of a certain place in general. Before moving here I also did my research on the town itself and talked to the few family members that already resided here, watching certain things happen within this town and the court hearings I've been able to attend since I’ve come to town.”​
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Level 178
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:​
  • Please get in touch with me via Discord, Aania#0117, to start the process and get you set up!​

Welcome to the Government Faction! :D

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