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Denied JUDGE || CCrew4's application


Level 7

In-game Name:

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Timezone & Country:
AEST, Australia

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m active for at least 4-5 hours a day, but this changes depending on school, work and mental health. I’d give my activity around 9/10.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I was previously a school counselor and held that position for around 5 months even becoming head of department for a month and a half, but since I’ve quit employee, I’ve been looking at new opportunities to be a part of new factions. More than half of the time I was a counselor I was taking on more than the majority of the work with almost no guidance available, and I want to be a part of a faction where that won't be the case and where I'll get proper training and introduction into it. Government is a tame faction that's got a good reputation and a lot of friendly faces, making it a perfect candidate for my next faction experience. I think that being able to experience what it's like being a part of more and more factions and see how they work will make my time on srp more enjoyable, as well as giving me more to do in my free time on srp.

Social perspective:
I want to join the government faction to meet more people from different areas of srp. I think that working with new people I haven’t really had a chance to interact with before will be a great way to experience talking to more people and get to know others. I feel like almost every different area of srp has different kinds of people and it's really interesting to get a chance to talk to and get to know all different types of people, hopefully even making some good friends out of them.

New rp experiences:
Being in the government faction would give me new experiences to roleplay in ways I haven’t been able to before. I’ve previously had experience with gangrp, factionrp, and detailrp, but I think that having the experience that being in the government would give me would help me improve my roleplay even more and learn how to rp through more diverse situations. Being a counselor was definitely a lot different than normal rp, but it was also definitely very different to governmentrp. I want to see what it's like to rp out things like trials and files and to eventually add that to the list of situations that I know how to deal with roleplay wise and learn how to be able to detailrp those scenarios well.

Inside information:
As well as her own motive, Nanami took it into her own hands to speak to a judge about what work is like inside of the faction. She asked multiple questions about what work was like there, including training, and how well the coworkers all get along with each other. Not only did she ask questions about the work, but also about how the workers treated citizens and if they accommodated everyone's needs. After this conversation, she came to the conclusion that the faction would be a great place to work, and became determined to make her way into it and change it for the better and make it even better for people who have special needs, especially since she’s deaf herself and uses cochlears to get around her daily life. Getting an inside perspective on the government only motivated her more to chase after her original goals.

Beliefs and values:
Nanami has very strong beliefs and is very stubborn when it comes to those. She wants nothing more than to be able to make sure that everybody feels safe and that everyone who compromises others safety be put away justly. Unfortunately it's pretty common for those who do the wrong thing to get away with it and for innocent people to be locked up for it instead, which Nanami hopes to minimize by being a part of the... less hands on side of things. At first she believed being an officer would be the right route, but she soon realised that her skills were more focused on the theoretical side of justice and that she belonged in the courtroom and not on the field. Coming from a background of abuse, Nanami wants to make sure that anyone who thinks it's right to treat others like that gets the justice that they deserve.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I do.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I hope to gain more experience in roleplay and experience what it’s like to be a part of different factions within srp, along with hopefully getting able to see more of the community of srp and familiarize myself with new scenarios. I'd also like to see more trials and learn how they work more, personally I've only ever witnessed one. The inside perspective of a trial seems really interesting, especially without things like chat flooding and limited space to sit.

Nanami strives to not only be a stand-out member of the faction if she gets accepted, but to change the government for the better and give an inside perspective on what it’s like to have special needs and make sure that nobody gets forgotten or accidentally mistreated. She knows what it’s like to have people who are respected in society say that they look out for everyone when in reality they don’t actually pull through in practice, she wants to eliminate that and make sure that awareness is spread about how important it really is to look after everyone.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Judges are responsible for reviewing cases, officiating marriages and adoptions, doing basic front desk work, giving out restraining orders and warrants. A huge part of a judges job is attending trials, whether it be lawsuits or deciding whether or not someone is guilty. They have to listen carefully to both sides of the argument and make a judgment without bias or prejudice. They have to maintain a professional stance and remain respectful to everyone, regardless of whether or not they're working or not. Unlike lawyers and governors, judges are the ones who make the big decisions in trials and are responsible for the verdict of it all.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Most likely yes, it does depend on the timing of these meetings however.


Full name:

“Nanami Tachibana.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:
“I’m 25.”

Date of birth:
“The 9th of May, 1999.”

“I identify as female, thank you!”

Academic Degree:
“I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science.”

“I majored in Criminology!”

“Culinary arts, I thought it’d be fun.”

Work experience:
“Since I've only frequently got out of college, I have no significant work experience at the moment. I hope that’s not much of an issue.”

Nationality & born location:
“I have lived in Japan since I was 10, but I was born and raised in Germany. I am German-Croatian.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“I speak Japanese and JSL, German is my native language, except I hardly remember any of it anymore.”

Criminal record:
“I have never been arrested, detained, questioned, or fined.”

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
“I’m a good candidate for this job because put quite simply, I care a lot more than most of the people I’ve met in this town so far. I don’t mean this to be rude in any way but most of the people here who work for respectable fields are very capable and good at their job, but they miss that little bit of passion. I really do want this job for the job itself, it seriously disgusts me what some people get away with doing because nobody notices or the victim isn’t properly equipped to handle legal trouble. So many people are afraid to go to get restraining orders or report crime because they’re worried that their evidence won’t hold up or that the trial will let them down, but I want to change that. Not only do I want to change that, I want to change how the faction looks at some things for the better. Being deaf myself, I know what it feels like to be a little under-looked when it comes to things like this, and I also want to help those who come to the government for help and need a little more assistance than an able person might have feel looked after just as much as everyone else is. I’m really passionate about this position, and if I get it I will never take it for granted. I will show up to work with a smile no matter what’s going on and commit fully to the job, and I’ll make sure I stick to my principles as I have always done.

Even though I don't have work experience like others might and I haven't had much practice on my skills after coming straight from college, I think that I'll work just as hard, if not harder than those who have been in the industry for a while now. I'm more refreshed on the current system and can remember everything I was taught more clearly, plus the training from town hall itself if I do get the position will teach me everything I need. Why not employ someone younger and newer? Not only am I a good candidate because of all this, but I can bring more diversity to the faction and create a more diverse environment in ways that aren't normally thought of as much. I'm a strong arguer, even though I'm aware this is something that is more prominent in a lawyer's field of work, but I still believe it's quite important as a judge. I know how essential it is to be able to see 2 sides of an argument clearly and be able to look through evidence/come to conclusions quite fast as a judge, which I can do very well. It would be a missed opportunity on your behalf if you don't hire me.”​
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Level 185
News Lead

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

- Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction !


Level 185
News Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more. We appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any time!​

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