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Denied Judge | ItzSliczy's Application


Level 1

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do. I'm also comfortable with talking if needed too.

Timezone & Country:
CST, United States.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm active everyday, and have a lot of activities tied to SRP, so I'm always busy within the server. Most of the time, when things aren't happening, I have the game running either on the main menu or on the server just AFK. I'm available most hours of the day, but I do have school, so that may interfere with my schedule sometimes. Besides that, I'm always open to logging on when needed, if possible.


What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:
I've always wanted to be a part of a faction on SRP. I've been playing for almost a year now and seeing all the interesting roleplay situations people get into just from their character's career has convinced me to give it a shot. I also seek more character development, going from an old life around crime to fighting for justice is an interesting concept in my opinion. Out of the other factions, the government faction seems to be the best fit for my character and honestly for me too, it took me a while to choose and research which faction best suited me. I always felt this faction fit me best, but I wasn't sure if there were any open slots, now reading the recent announcement I see I was mistaken. I have a few friends within the faction too, so I feel that could help me settle in more. Not only that, but also just having roleplay scenarios happen within town hall are always fun to watch, and I'd love to be a part of that, if allowed.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read and understand the constitutional rights as well as the laws and regulations of Karakura. I intend to reread both of them frequently, so I can stay refreshed within them.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
Yes ICly, my character is determined to at least slow the crime rates in Karakura, and help sell the idea that doing crime is risky and comes with major consequences. During his time in Karakura, he has seen too many guilty people get away with crimes he knows they committed. After spending multiple years in law school and being a lawyer in preparation for eventually earning the title of judge, my character Haise has found that a law and government environment is where he best shines and can be himself. With being himself, he wants to interact with and collaborate with the others inside the government faction, helping in any way he can, answering any questions, assisting take over the front desk, and overall attempting to spread a positive attitude around all of town hall.

As for OOCly, I hope I can make more friends within the government faction and learn how to roleplay better, as that's been one of my main motivations within SRP for a while. Another goal of mine is to be as supportive as I can, not only to the other people in this faction, but to anyone who might be lacking or possibly struggling, and overall just be helpful to others. From what I've witnessed, careerRP is engaging and looks to be a blast, so if I could, I'd enjoy roleplaying with others in the government faction as much as they'd allow, and hopefully contribute to making town hall feel more alive and possibly strike interest in other players to join in as well. Finally, I'd highly appreciate the chance to practice my roleplay abilities, and my overall writing skills, if possible.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
It's a judge's duty to reach 20 points on their monthly quota, though they can reach more for higher pay. Judge's are required to attend trials and actually be involved with the overall final verdict chosen between them and their fellow judges. Another job assigned to judges is issuing warrants to authorized officers. They also need to review cases with a written report, seeing if there is any area for any possible appeal. Judges are also expected to do other tasks, such as officiating marriages, filing restraining orders, and front desk work. Front desk work can consist of handing out IDs to citizens and answering simple questions from the public, as well as representing town hall. If I am mistaken with my explanation, I am more than willing to learn and be taught properly the position's expectations.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I completely understand, and accept any reason for possible future removal.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes. I wouldn't be applying if I wasn't determined to stay within the faction. I have a few friends within town hall and I hope to stay, for a least a while.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes of course, I don't intend to show any OOC bias towards any party. Even if some of my friends may be on the receiving end, it just means more roleplay, and that's fun.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have been revising them and intend to hopefully have them memorized, just in case. I feel confident with my understanding of the Government Faction's rules. Wouldn't want to be removed in the future, ya' know?

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, I believe I can attend most weekly meetings & events. Though, if not, I will be sure to inform the faction head, or whoever may need said information.


Full name:

"Haise Knežević."

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I don't really mind, but if I had to choose.. Mr.-Mister-Sir, would be my first options, or just Haise is fine."

Current age:
"I've recently turned 25."

Date of birth:
"My birthday is March 3rd, 1999.."

"I'm male."

Academic Degree:
"I was awarded my Juris Doctor(JD) in 2021. After a little over three years of law school."

"My majors were in Law and Criminal Justice."

"I minored in Philosophy and Sociology."

Work experience:
"After high-school, I moved back to my home town in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States for a while, just to get away from all the noise. It didn't take long for me to grow more unsettled with the state Karakura was in when I left though. Eventually, I caved and decided to spend my following years attending Vanderbilt University, where I studied mainly law. After three years I received my Juris Doctor(JD) and took the bar exam, thankfully I passed. After many hours and some sleepless nights studying, I managed to keep my determination forward, soon looking for potential job shadowing opportunities. Finally, after I found a great and willing lawyer, I shadowed them for around a year. During my time shadowing I was able to understand fully and learn the methods of the court, and how the environment flows while in action. Eventually, once I was fully confident in myself and my abilities, I became a lawyer. I've been doing jobs ever since, and after my first year, I moved back to Japan, this time in Osaka, to get an understanding of how things differed from my experience in the states. Given that I spent most of my teen years in Karakura, it wasn't too much of a hassle to get the swing of things. Another year went by, still as a lawyer, and I continued to do jobs and cases frequently. Now, it's been a total of about seven years since I first started my studies in law and pushing for this position, and around three full years of shadowing and on job work experience. Finally, fully confident in my skills, I moved back to Karakura, where I took up residence back at my old apartment I owned when I was just a student at the high-school. I've been intensely studying and reviewing the city's constitutional rights alongside its laws and regulations, to be curtain I am fully aware and have memorized all accounts and articles to stay thoroughly accurate. Currently I feel I have enough experience to make my dream and motivation become a reality, and assist Karakura to the best of my ability."

Nationality & born location:
"My nationality, Japanese-American. I was born in the United States, in Nashville, Tennessee."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I am fluent in a few languages, English being my native. The other languages are Japanese, French, Russian, and JSL."

Criminal record:
"I've been arrested twice, both misdemeanors and for evasion. That was when I was still in high-school however, it is clear I've changed my ways and intend to only preach against any of my past actions. It deeply upsets me that my record is forever tainted with my childish and unlawful past mistakes."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"I fully believe I'm one of your best candidates for the position. My many years of law school taught me to stay on top of any work, not letting due dates creep up, as I couldn't afford that, I spent too much money on schooling to fail. I have a focused mindset and I'm confident that I can and will be present if available. I believe, that while I have old scars and tattoos coating my body, I fully represent town hall and my fellow judges adequately."

"I intend to stay within this environment and hold this title of judge for as long as possible, I feel it's truly where I belong, and I hope to hold my stay for as long as allowed."

"I've put countless hours into my research and studies, and am awaiting the opportunity to properly use the skills I have learned, yes I'm a lawyer, but my goal requires me to become a judge, and later I realized it's where my passion is. It would be an absolute honor to use the best of my abilities within this position, and actually see my passion set ablaze."

"I lived around and experienced a lot of injustice within Karakura. My up-bringing, during my youth and later teen years, caused an intense amount of pain and what felt like constant misery and mental stress. Upon my first move to Karakura, I quickly got thrown into the wrong crowd of people. I've seen what drives criminals and crooks to do all the heinous acts they commit. I quickly decided that wasn't what I wanted for my life, so I moved back to my home country and town. After some time alone, and learning self independence, I've looked back on my past and realized how much of my youth was influenced negatively. I'd like to do something about that, and try helping curve the current rise of criminals downward, within Karakura. That is something that sets me apart from the other candidates, my determination to make a change, and place proper sentences on these abundant amount of criminals."



Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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