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Judge | Kryokun's application


Level 16
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Kryokun but my main is Revra

Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username): Revra#8345

Do you have a microphone? Yes I do

List your timezone and country: PST and Unite States

How active are you on the server?: I would rate myself to be an 8 or higher.

Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals): I do have a ban and I greatly regret doing so, ever since then I have learned my lesson and kept far away from it.

Link any past applications below: - Accepted - Accepted - Accepted - Denied - Denied - Accepted

Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying for the judge role is that I’ve always been intrigued by all things law, how they are made and the impact that they could have on the community. It’s honestly astounding to me and to think that depending on the government and it’s laws, it could really make or break a community or even a country! Reading stories like “To Kill a Mockingbird” really got me interested into the world of law, really captivating to see the main character’s father known as Atticus Finch to use such controversial pieces of hardcore evidence that wasn’t even physical at all, no they were all common logic that certain events that proclaimed to occur didn’t happen! Especially since the prosecuted was convicted for something they physically can’t do, he only had one arm yet he was still convicted, why? Simply because of the fact that there was a corrupt way of thinking involving those of color, which the victim was. That alone was enough to bring me into the world of law, much like other things like Criminal Minds.

Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?: I plan to bring intense and dignified roleplay scenarios like the Preston Herrington Trial plus I want to act as a crucial character for the development of the government faction. Plus I want to bring out justice to those characters that deserve it.

Are you aware that if you falsely accuse, imprison, or sentence someone you will lose your role?: I am aware of that not being allowed.

Do you recognize that you cannot be corrupt in any way? (Being bribed, being biased, etc): I never planned to be corrupt and surely will never be.

Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: I know of them yes.

Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: As soon as the laws came out I made sure to study them as best as possible.

Do you have a good understanding of this position?: Yes
Summarize what your position does in the town: What my position does is basically to make sure that both sides of each position’s argument is to be heard without any bias or anything unfair. On top of that a judge needs to set an example above, showing their best behavior and maturity among the community and to stand for what’s right..

In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:
Damian Caesar Renzo
Preferred name & Title: Damian
Current age? (25+): 33
Past job experiences?: “I grew up working at any place I could, whether it be a little side job to gain some extra cash or volunteer at nearby hospitals to help those in need.”

What plans do you have for the town?: “I’ve seen what a corrupt government could do to a town, causing nothing but grief and agony to its citizens. I don’t want the same thing to repeat to this town just like it did for my hometown back in Honduras. I plan to represent the community so that others will follow in my example and know what is wrong and what is right. I will fight for more laws to put up so that the crime caused by the spread of weapons can be lessened. There needs to be a sense of justice that the people need to know to decrease the crime rate. Many people every year lose their loved ones to these criminals repeating past crimes, taking countless lives, with new laws being put under place to scare away these people tons of grief would be spared from happening.”

What jobs will you execute with this position? “The job that I will execute given this position is to first of all, be a representative for the public, standing for justice among all. Secondly, I will make sure that my clients will be given a fair trial, making sure that no matter what they will get the best outcome out of it, guilty or not it is my job as their lawyer to give it my all and not give in to any biased opinions. Lastly, I will promote rules and laws so that everyone in Karakura can live in peace and harmony among their community instead of worrying about gangs coming out to get them.”

Do you practice any sort of religion?: I do not follow any sort of religion, but I do agree with some Christian sayings such as “Love thy neighbor.”

How did you get into politics?: “I grew up in a poor country, the government was corrupt and because of that many people had to live poorly, scravaging anything they could get just to survive. I had to work at a young age to support my family while also attending school, making sure there was enough money so that food can be brought to the table. I worked multiple jobs that were open, upon doing so however I saw many people being mistreated and dealt with the repercussions that the corrupt politicians brought upon them. I couldn’t stand by and volunteered at numerous places such as hospitals so that I can help my community in need, gaining positivity for my reputation so that I can become a politician myself to correct these wrongs.”

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: “Nope, I was raised in a proper household to never steal or do no harm to another human being.”
Nationality & Born location: “I am of spanish descent and I was born in Honduras.”
Fluent languages: (Underline your native): Spanish, Japanese​


Level 40

- Thanks for taking the time to apply however after reviewing your application it has been denied

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