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Denied Judge | menmapsy_'s Application


Level 6


IGN (In-Game Name):
menmapsy_ [APPLYING]
[No secondary accounts or alts.]

Discord Name & Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I do have a working microphone.

Timezone & Country:
I am currently living in the Pacific Standard Timezone (PST) within the United States.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
menmapsy_ || KPD Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server:
As of currently on 3/8/2024, while I apply for the position of Judge in the Government Faction, I am mainly active on weekends due to the academic requirements that are being asked of me. Mondays through Thursdays, I am usually not available in-game or online. I am, however, very much available OOCly on Discord during weekdays that I cannot log onto SRP directly. On Friday evenings, Saturday, and Sunday, I am almost always available to log onto SRP whenever needed, mainly between the hours of 4pm - 1am PST on Friday evenings in the hours 7:30am - 1am PST on weekends Saturday/Sunday. Please note that these current times and availability hours will most likely change as the days draw closer to the summer months, since I am only setting myself on this strictly weekend only schedule to avoid mixing up school responsibilities from gaming hobbies and digital commitments. This current limitation is temporary, and I will most likely be very much active in the oncoming weeks.



What position are you applying for?:

I will be applying for the Judge position.

What is your motivation for applying?:
From my time and experience in the GangRP community, which is where I've been for the majority of my time on SRP; I have had close brush-ins with the law and government mainly being lawyers and governors. As an individual that played characters that were mainly associated with criminal organizations and dappled in criminal activity, I realized how limited interactions were between GangRP characters and faction characters, other than KPD. The natural barrier separated the organized individuals that practiced law from the chaotic nature of those who actively avoided it, eventually making it more difficult for players such as myself to find opportunities to interact between the two forms of roleplay. It seemed like the only prominent time that both sides were visible and engaged was during criminal trials; through those trials I was given the chance to look deeper into the processes and responsibilities of individuals within the Government Faction. Those occasional windows of enlightenment were what first sparked my potential interest in the Judge position, but I did not have much of an opportunity or motivation to truly put my heart into an application that could properly convey my interests directed towards this role and its responsibilities.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have thoroughly read, familiarized, and understood Karakura’s laws and constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I apply for this position with the hopes of learning more about Karakura's past and future. The trust of this server's citizens and players arguably does partially rest on the shoulder of the government and it's faction members. While taking on the role of a Judge, it goes without saying that the decisions made by me, and my character will have quite an impact on another player's character and their story. Being able to see and grow with a character that dedicates himself to his job feels like it'd not only be an extremely rewarding experience but could also help expand my knowledge of the server, it's player base, and the current issues that the citizens would like to be resolved.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
As a Judge, one can be expected to be present during criminal trials in order to properly assess the arguments both sides present. Whether it be a citizen against a citizen, or a lawsuit between the city and its inhabitants, they are expected to hear out both sides of said case an appropriately decide on a ruling. Aside from attending trials and giving a final verdict, Judges also have desk work they are responsible for maintaining and completing. Some of these tasks involve officiating marriages, signing warrants that validate an authorized KPD search, file restraining orders, and much more.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I acknowledge and understand that I can be removed at any given time should there be a reason for my removal.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand that upon acceptance, I am expected to remain dedicated to my position as well as remain responsible for the IC responsibilities that come with it.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
I am aware that any display of OOC bias towards anyone on this job will result in a serious punishment and agree not to make any biased decisions or rulings based on OOC connections or relations with third-party individuals.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I have read and agreed to following the Government faction rules. These rules include:

- Holding myself to high quality work and work attitude, as well as remaining unbiased in both ICly and OOCly situations.
- Following all of RoleplayHub's OOC & IC rules.
- Avoid engaging in CriminalRP or GangRP activities on the character I am applying with.
- Refraining from displaying immature or childish behavior in a setting that would require a professional approach.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am more than happy to attend weekly meetings and events should they be announced, and I am willing to always adjust my OOC schedules in order to be accommodate for these events and meetings.


[OOCLY: This portion of the application has been written in a NARRATIVE interview perspective. All questions or requirements being asked of the character ICLY has been rephrased or reworded into an interview's perspective or questions.]

The scraping of the chair against the wooden floorboards would ring out within the little room they were in, a soft sigh escaping the lips of the man that'd just taken a seat in the comfortable chair across from the desk. With his hands folded neatly into one another just above his knee, the gentleman appeared to be quite in his element despite the gravity of his interview's position. Though perhaps that was a good sign; you had to be calm if you were aiming to be a Judge in a city with one of the highest crime rates in Japan.
With the slightest nod of his head, the dark-haired male opened his mouth in order to address his interviewer before the interview itself began. "Thank you for having me here," he offered to the interviewer in the seat across from him.

"Shall we?"

Full name: "What is your full name?"
"My name is Nile Ahmed-Haikara," the man replied, leaning back into his seat passively.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.): "What title would you prefer to be addressed as?"
"With my current degrees and professions of study, I would prefer to be referred to as Dr. Haikara."

Current age: "And how old are you as of right now, Dr. Haikara?"
A look of momentary amusement would cross Dr. Haikara's features, as if amused by the reminder of his current age, "As of right now, I am currently 37 years old and will shortly be approaching 38."

Date of birth: "38, I see. What is your date of birth?"
"I was born on the 5th of April in the year 1985," continued on the dark-haired male. "Good heavens, that does not sound pretty when said out loud."

Gender: "What is the preferred gender that you would like to be referred to as?"
"I am biologically male."

Academic Degree: "What academic degree do you currently possess after graduating law school?"
"My highest academic degree would be a doctorate or PhD in Psychology."

Major(s): "What did you major in?"
"As stated earlier, I have a PhD in Psychology and also majored in Criminal Justice," replied the middle-aged man, nodding his head at the interviewer.

Minor(s): "And did you have any minors?"
"My minors consist of Political Sciences, Sociology, and Communications. I could've listed a lot more had I decided to proceed with Leadership and Environmental Sciences."

Work experience: "Tell me a little about your past experiences with working. How long have you been doing it?"
Nile paused for a moment, leaning forward in order to places his folded hands onto the smooth wooden surface of the desk. “Let me think… When I was 19, so around 2004; I think I started off my career experience as a babysitter. My parents recommended it to me when I was high school so it would prepare me for the future experiences that await me in life, but I never took it seriously until I moved to England for college. It got me through the first few years of my college life. And then between 2004 and 2006, after perhaps five months of searching for new jobs that would allow me to continue my studies, I finally found a wonderful tutoring job that I couldn’t refuse. "
"It was around £10000 per hour or well ¥30000 here. However, the pay wasn’t my interest in the position at all," he continued on, leaning back into his chair once more with a nostalgic smile. "I was able to help so many kids with things they were struggling with in school, and they were so sweet. They learn so many things differently than how I was taught it so being able to re-learn some of the things needed for the fast-approaching future was exciting. The staff was very kind and often I received praise from teachers on how well students did on quizzes after studying with me. I remained in this position for six years, starting in 2008, and ending in 2014. Truly, it was an honor to work there as long as I did. However, my passion for law always lingered with me and it's why I continued my studies to be where I am today.”

Nationality & born location: "Where are you from? I assume you're not from around here."
"I am a mix of Egyptian and Japanese, and I was born in Egypt. I spent most of my childhood in Egypt but did eventually relocate to Russia for my teen years."

Fluent languages (Underline your native): "I see, that must mean you speak a number of languages aside from Japanese, right?"
"Aside from my fluency in Japanese thanks to my stay in Russia for high-school, I am additionally fluent in my native tongue, Arabic, as well as I am in Russian."
(OOCLY: I have not applied for a Third-Language Application for Arabic, though I intend to do that soon.)

Criminal record: "How would you describe your criminal record, if you do happen to have one?"
"Ah, no criminal record for this old man," The Egyptian-Japanese male sighed deeply, "As far as I am aware, I do not have a criminal record or history that revolves around criminal activities both in and out of Karakura."

"Thank you. We'll wrap up this interview with one final question then; what makes you a good candidate for this job?"
"No, thank you for your time," Nile remarked, with almost a hint of slight gratitude in his voice.

“Mm… Let's start with speaking of my legal qualifications before anything else," the middle-aged man offered. "I earned my psychology doctorate and other several degrees I stated before from a distinguished school. During my time in that institution, I participated in several mock trials and learned valuable tools for my future. I witnessed first-hand how the legal system works and from those experiences I learned how a case should proceed. The dynamics from each party truly inspired me to work harder for this position.”

Nile took a moment to reorganize his thoughts, stormy gray eyes wandering over the desk briefly before speaking once more. “Speaking of that, I put my all into my work to show my dedication and passion for what I do. I believe I would be able to give more than others due to my passion and experiences. Back to the previous subject, I have served as a jury member myself on multiple occasions from murder trials to more minor trials. This not only provided me with an in-depth understanding of laws and regulations. But also, how a court proceeding should go through. Even after moving to Karakura, my passion for this role burns just as strong as it did when I first chose this path. I have memories of practically all of the laws and regulations, as well as the Consitution of Karakura. With this new approach to my future, I would be thrilled to be bestowed this opportunity.”

“Next, I’d like to speak of myself specifically, and how I would make a good candidate. I have already stated my education, past experiences, and dabbled here and there with some traits I have. However, I’d like to talk more about my traits in depth. I am a very fair and understanding individual, so attempting to see through the eyes of any individual is no difficult task.” The raven-haired male paused for a moment, having just recalled a certain instance from his past. With a heavy sigh, the middle-aged individual brushed off his pause by leaning further back into the chair he was seated in, "Don't take my choice of empathy as a weakness though. I maintain the ability to make a rational decision and I am known for having a sound and reliable sense of judgement. I am arguably patient and an attentive listener. This allows me to understand the nuances of each case and therefore, makes it much easier to find an exact decision."

“Above all else, I’d like to talk about my commitment to my job and the passionate fire in my chest for the legal system. I have dedicated my life to making the right decisions and being able to help serve right and wrong, so being able to help above and beyond with what others can’t is what I want to do.”

Nile extended a hand towards the interviewer as he leaned forwards, grasping their hand with a firm grip and shaking it. "Again, thank you for the opportunity to be here and for your time. I look forward to being here again, only as a member of this law system and a step closer to making Karakura a better place. Have a good day."




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Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to deny you:

Other applicants stood out more, we appreciate your application, and you can apply again at any point in the future.​

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