Level 6
What is your Minecraft username?:
What is your time zone?:
Eastern Daylight Time
What is your discord username?:
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I play daily all day pretty much. I play at least a few hours a day. I have friends still in high school so I play with them every night and every weekend. I will roleplay with everyone else available during the day when they are not online.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I started roleplaying when I was a kid and played several imaginary games with cousins in the family. Some games we played were as follows: "Im the kid and you're the kid" and "Mommy and Daddy" (we were young), "Apartments", "Teacher", "Spiderman and Iron man". I began to roleplay again when I was 20 in a server not as good as this server but the roleplays weren't as serious as they are here. You had to choose your role and just like that you're a teacher or doctor or a policeman. You were lucky to get work as those roles as most players were kids and kids did what they wanted.
This brings me to present day when I discovered this server a few weeks after my birthday 7 years later back in September. I made friends here and there and made a couple friend groups. My characters went through a lot in their childhood as well as today. John my first character I made now lost his sister and is very sad about it. I will make him become happier when he is a professor.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
My roles are John Tin Thornberry he is 18 years old and he lost his sister Emily. (She used to be a character of mine till she died ICLY) I have a character named Junpei Faia Fujimoto and his room-mate John kicked him out of his apartment because Junpei acts like a jerk to everyone and his friends.
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I want to teach any kind of history but Junpei's favorite specific piece of history to teach will be the history of Germany and World War 2.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Junpei's parents are Japanese but migrated to the United States in the state of Rhode Island due to Junpei's Father's work as a professor himself. Junpei grew up in Rhode Island but later moved to his home country with his mother at the age of 17 in Karakura Japan which just to happens to be the town next to where his parents grew up in. Junpei has always loved teach but felt he wasn't smart enough to do so until his 18th birthday his girlfriend at the time though she is now his ex girlfriend tells him he is smart enough to teach and go to collage. He went to collage and got a master's degree and graduated in 2010 and went on to find internships and taught Literature till he was 32 and decided he wanted to become a professor.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. I would host a class about the construction of the Montauk Point Light House on Long Island from a book written by Henry Osmers. I will buy miniature building materials and have the students build according to schematics I will make for them to follow in groups of three. The lighthouses will be graded by which team's lighthouse is better according to the following points:
(1) Structural: is it leaning? Is your lighthouse structurally sound enough to stand on its own?
(2) Looks: Did you use the correct materials? Did you choose colors that don't make the lighthouse look silly and did you make your lighthouse look presentable?
(3) Height: Did you make your lighthouse tall enough? Did you make your lighthouse way to tall to stand?
(note: These points are not set in stone I will probably be changing things around!)
2. A good interactive class would be a game show. I would split the class into 2 teams and ask them questions about the current material I am teaching and whoever answers more questions correctly wins! I will pre write questions with their answers in a notebook and when I split the class I will write the names of each team member so I know who is on what team and have them name their teams.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would gather the class and bring them to the beach for a relaxing day to study and help those in need of help of anything they might need help with. I will bring along food and drinks to stay hydrated and fed. I will also come up with a game about the current chapter we would be going over at the time of the field trip.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
John will go up to the jocks and ask them "what is going on here?". If they lie to me and tell me they are 'helping' them, I will ask "are you lying to me?" to give them the opportunity to tell me the truth. I will read the face of the victim's face and if his/her face looks distressed or upset in any way. I will look at the bullies and say "his/her face looks upset, so let me ask again: WHAT is going on?!" I will then give them a detention no matter what they say next. If everything seems alright and the victim's face doesn't show distress then there is nothing to worry about.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
I will give the student a look showing Junpei isn't going to take any garbage by anyone. If the student continues he will say "stop asking questions and get to work!" as John would slowly go back to what he's currently working on. If the student continues he will then say "I'm only giving you one warning! stop asking stupid questions and get back to work! I'm not playing around!" If the student continues he will then hand them another detention slip then would ignore the student further if they continue.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Junpei would walk up to the cheerleaders and warn them if they continued he would confiscate their phones before walking back to his spot at the front of the class to continue his lecture. If and when they continue he will follow through with his promise and confiscate their phones and say to them "Girls! I asked you nicely to put your phones away and stop talking once and you continued! I will let this be a warning and give you your phones back at the end of class. Next time this happens I will suspend you all!"
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
After trying one more time to break them apart by both yelling and getting in between the two students to separate them, he would call for assistance on his walkie-talkie saying: "Hello, could I get some assistance over here by the front gate? These two students aren't particularly happy with each other." he would then wait and watch as help arrives so he can learn what to do and help any way he can get in the practice he needs to break up fights in the future.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Junpei is a 5'3 male with brown hair mixed with a little bit of purple in it. During class he wears this white and green tuxedo with green pants. He likes to wear sunglasses a lot and would wear anything green. Junpei used to be this bad guy acting like a jerk to everyone including his ex-room mate John and his sister who passed which would upset John very much. However Junpei is destined to make a change in his life so he would go and make things right with John and his friends for upsetting them and would go and study for his History test.
Meanwhile many years later when he is an adult teaching a college class he would look at all of his students one by one just thinking some of whom will be very successful however some wont be so successful. Other students he's not entirely sure what they will end up doing as their grades are all over the place. Sometimes they would fail the class, sometimes they would pass. Later as he would be patrolling the building other professors would stop him to ask him if he would watch their students as they went to the bathroom. Watching the students in the other classes and talking with his co-workers he would notice most his co workers are very hard working, they're on time to work everyday, and they are very respectful of each other and the higher ups of the school.
The other teachers although they are hard working and respectful, their plans for the future is just to retire and grow old with their families. There are a few professors that do have better plans for the future for example one wants to be a chef cooking in an expensive restaurant one day but for now he is teaching cooking skills to young college kids. Another wants to direct movies, however her kids and current life prevents her from doing so at the moment.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Junpei's parents are Japanese natives that moved to Boulder City Nevada in America before he was born. By the time Junpei was 7 years old his father passed away due to cancer in his early 50s so Junpei and his mother moved back to Karakura Japan, the town right next to where his parents grew up. Junpei grew up loving to learn and did almost well in school. Growing up Junpei loved watching anything he can watch including college and professors, and loved how they presented their topics and how they taught and how they gave seminars and lectures. Junpei at the age of 15 then went on to study everything he could for the next 12 years till he graduated when he was 27 years old. Junpei wasn't in yet, he then went on to teach Literature in high school for the next 5 years till he was then accepted to teach College as a professor. He had finally accomplished his dreams of becoming a professor.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
Junpei Faia Fujimoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Fujimoto
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
I am 32
Gender & pronouns:
He, Him
Religious Denomination:
Christain Non Denomination
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
I worked for a total of 5 years as a literature teacher from when I was 27 to age 32.
Working Experience (# of years):
I worked in various job locations such as paperboy and McDonalds employee to support my mom as my father died when I was 12 and started the day after to age 27.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's and Doctorate
Year of Graduation:
Graduated in the year 2010
Literature Major
Choir Minor
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, German, and JSL (Japanese Sign Language)
Preferred Teaching Subject:
I want to teach History
Back up subjects would be Literature.
Additional notes about your application (if any):
I worked very hard on this for weeks and I hope I didn't make any mistakes as I proof read several times. I do hope I put enough detail in this as I wrote as much as I could. With that said I will be very happy this gets accepted however if it doesn't that is fine, as there is nothing after all that I can to if it doesn't get accepted. Sorry about the links to my previous applications I have no idea what is going on and I have no idea how to fix them. Thank you for reading this. Could I get this applied to my main character slot please?
What is your time zone?:
Eastern Daylight Time
What is your discord username?:
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Denied - Please Deny This Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: My username is Firekiller77 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): My Discord is Firekiller77#2418 How old are you? (Optional): I am 27 years old. What is your time zone?: My time zone is Eastern Standard...
Denied - John's Literature Teacher Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: My Minecraft username is Firekiller77. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): My Discord name is Firekiller77#2418. Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do have a microphone. What is your time zone?: My time...
Denied - John's Literature Teacher Application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Firekiller77 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?): Firekiller77#2418 Do you have a microphone?: Yes. How old are you? (Optional): 27 What is your time zone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are...
Denied - Firekiller77's Teacher application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Firekiller77 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Firekiller77 Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do, but I tend to be shy but I do talk How old are you? (Optional): I am 27 What is your time zone?: Est...
Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I play daily all day pretty much. I play at least a few hours a day. I have friends still in high school so I play with them every night and every weekend. I will roleplay with everyone else available during the day when they are not online.
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I started roleplaying when I was a kid and played several imaginary games with cousins in the family. Some games we played were as follows: "Im the kid and you're the kid" and "Mommy and Daddy" (we were young), "Apartments", "Teacher", "Spiderman and Iron man". I began to roleplay again when I was 20 in a server not as good as this server but the roleplays weren't as serious as they are here. You had to choose your role and just like that you're a teacher or doctor or a policeman. You were lucky to get work as those roles as most players were kids and kids did what they wanted.
This brings me to present day when I discovered this server a few weeks after my birthday 7 years later back in September. I made friends here and there and made a couple friend groups. My characters went through a lot in their childhood as well as today. John my first character I made now lost his sister and is very sad about it. I will make him become happier when he is a professor.
What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
My roles are John Tin Thornberry he is 18 years old and he lost his sister Emily. (She used to be a character of mine till she died ICLY) I have a character named Junpei Faia Fujimoto and his room-mate John kicked him out of his apartment because Junpei acts like a jerk to everyone and his friends.
What is the subject you want to teach?:
I want to teach any kind of history but Junpei's favorite specific piece of history to teach will be the history of Germany and World War 2.
What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
Junpei's parents are Japanese but migrated to the United States in the state of Rhode Island due to Junpei's Father's work as a professor himself. Junpei grew up in Rhode Island but later moved to his home country with his mother at the age of 17 in Karakura Japan which just to happens to be the town next to where his parents grew up in. Junpei has always loved teach but felt he wasn't smart enough to do so until his 18th birthday his girlfriend at the time though she is now his ex girlfriend tells him he is smart enough to teach and go to collage. He went to collage and got a master's degree and graduated in 2010 and went on to find internships and taught Literature till he was 32 and decided he wanted to become a professor.
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. I would host a class about the construction of the Montauk Point Light House on Long Island from a book written by Henry Osmers. I will buy miniature building materials and have the students build according to schematics I will make for them to follow in groups of three. The lighthouses will be graded by which team's lighthouse is better according to the following points:
(1) Structural: is it leaning? Is your lighthouse structurally sound enough to stand on its own?
(2) Looks: Did you use the correct materials? Did you choose colors that don't make the lighthouse look silly and did you make your lighthouse look presentable?
(3) Height: Did you make your lighthouse tall enough? Did you make your lighthouse way to tall to stand?
(note: These points are not set in stone I will probably be changing things around!)
2. A good interactive class would be a game show. I would split the class into 2 teams and ask them questions about the current material I am teaching and whoever answers more questions correctly wins! I will pre write questions with their answers in a notebook and when I split the class I will write the names of each team member so I know who is on what team and have them name their teams.
Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would gather the class and bring them to the beach for a relaxing day to study and help those in need of help of anything they might need help with. I will bring along food and drinks to stay hydrated and fed. I will also come up with a game about the current chapter we would be going over at the time of the field trip.
Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
John will go up to the jocks and ask them "what is going on here?". If they lie to me and tell me they are 'helping' them, I will ask "are you lying to me?" to give them the opportunity to tell me the truth. I will read the face of the victim's face and if his/her face looks distressed or upset in any way. I will look at the bullies and say "his/her face looks upset, so let me ask again: WHAT is going on?!" I will then give them a detention no matter what they say next. If everything seems alright and the victim's face doesn't show distress then there is nothing to worry about.
Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
I will give the student a look showing Junpei isn't going to take any garbage by anyone. If the student continues he will say "stop asking questions and get to work!" as John would slowly go back to what he's currently working on. If the student continues he will then say "I'm only giving you one warning! stop asking stupid questions and get back to work! I'm not playing around!" If the student continues he will then hand them another detention slip then would ignore the student further if they continue.
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
Junpei would walk up to the cheerleaders and warn them if they continued he would confiscate their phones before walking back to his spot at the front of the class to continue his lecture. If and when they continue he will follow through with his promise and confiscate their phones and say to them "Girls! I asked you nicely to put your phones away and stop talking once and you continued! I will let this be a warning and give you your phones back at the end of class. Next time this happens I will suspend you all!"
Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
After trying one more time to break them apart by both yelling and getting in between the two students to separate them, he would call for assistance on his walkie-talkie saying: "Hello, could I get some assistance over here by the front gate? These two students aren't particularly happy with each other." he would then wait and watch as help arrives so he can learn what to do and help any way he can get in the practice he needs to break up fights in the future.
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Junpei is a 5'3 male with brown hair mixed with a little bit of purple in it. During class he wears this white and green tuxedo with green pants. He likes to wear sunglasses a lot and would wear anything green. Junpei used to be this bad guy acting like a jerk to everyone including his ex-room mate John and his sister who passed which would upset John very much. However Junpei is destined to make a change in his life so he would go and make things right with John and his friends for upsetting them and would go and study for his History test.
Meanwhile many years later when he is an adult teaching a college class he would look at all of his students one by one just thinking some of whom will be very successful however some wont be so successful. Other students he's not entirely sure what they will end up doing as their grades are all over the place. Sometimes they would fail the class, sometimes they would pass. Later as he would be patrolling the building other professors would stop him to ask him if he would watch their students as they went to the bathroom. Watching the students in the other classes and talking with his co-workers he would notice most his co workers are very hard working, they're on time to work everyday, and they are very respectful of each other and the higher ups of the school.
The other teachers although they are hard working and respectful, their plans for the future is just to retire and grow old with their families. There are a few professors that do have better plans for the future for example one wants to be a chef cooking in an expensive restaurant one day but for now he is teaching cooking skills to young college kids. Another wants to direct movies, however her kids and current life prevents her from doing so at the moment.
Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.
Junpei's parents are Japanese natives that moved to Boulder City Nevada in America before he was born. By the time Junpei was 7 years old his father passed away due to cancer in his early 50s so Junpei and his mother moved back to Karakura Japan, the town right next to where his parents grew up. Junpei grew up loving to learn and did almost well in school. Growing up Junpei loved watching anything he can watch including college and professors, and loved how they presented their topics and how they taught and how they gave seminars and lectures. Junpei at the age of 15 then went on to study everything he could for the next 12 years till he graduated when he was 27 years old. Junpei wasn't in yet, he then went on to teach Literature in high school for the next 5 years till he was then accepted to teach College as a professor. He had finally accomplished his dreams of becoming a professor.
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)
Full Name:
Junpei Faia Fujimoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Fujimoto
Given Name(s):
Preferred Name:
I am 32
Gender & pronouns:
He, Him
Religious Denomination:
Christain Non Denomination
Marital Status:
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
I worked for a total of 5 years as a literature teacher from when I was 27 to age 32.
Working Experience (# of years):
I worked in various job locations such as paperboy and McDonalds employee to support my mom as my father died when I was 12 and started the day after to age 27.
Academic Degree:
Bachelor's and Doctorate
Year of Graduation:
Graduated in the year 2010
Literature Major
Choir Minor
Native Languages:
Other Languages:
Japanese, German, and JSL (Japanese Sign Language)
Preferred Teaching Subject:
I want to teach History
Back up subjects would be Literature.
Additional notes about your application (if any):
I worked very hard on this for weeks and I hope I didn't make any mistakes as I proof read several times. I do hope I put enough detail in this as I wrote as much as I could. With that said I will be very happy this gets accepted however if it doesn't that is fine, as there is nothing after all that I can to if it doesn't get accepted. Sorry about the links to my previous applications I have no idea what is going on and I have no idea how to fix them. Thank you for reading this. Could I get this applied to my main character slot please?
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