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Accepted kamcold Professor Application. Humanities


Level 108
kamcold reporter application! (27).gif
What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

My Fourth Application to KPD.
My third application to KPD
My Second App to KPD
Lawyer App
Reporter, note this was pending its just my health went brrr and i ended up having to cancel it.
Reporter Application.

School CouncilApplication.

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

I tend to spend roughly four hours a day online. Spanning from 10am-7pm within my timezone depending on the day of the week. I try to remain active, however school will be prioritized but this shouldn’t be an issue now that the school year is very close to ending. Due to school, on the weekends this will shorten to 3pm-7pm, yet this shouldn’t really hold much of an issue. I do also take short breaks for my mental health as I have diagnosed issues [if you wish to know more, dont be afraid to dm]

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I think that I have a rather vast experience.

One of the main things that I’ve made a name for myself in is the CrimeRP community. Whilst this may not seem attractive on an application, this isn’t what I do anymore. However, like many, CrimeRP was the entrance to my reputation of which I hold in the present day. From CrimeRP, I amassed one of my peak skills, being DetailRP. I was a higher-up in a gang named Scorpio when I first joined. Then when that disbanded I guess I've kind of floated until I quit around two months back.Using skills I gained from this, I managed to get some jobs as writers in many tailoring servers and managed to get myself a half-decent reputation. With this, I think I can safely say that that phase of my life, generally was the kick in the bottom that got me going on this server.
Now to more recent events, I managed to get into School council on this server recently, which sparked the enthusiasm to apply for this faction. As well as get me some decent friendships with the faculty faction already.

I am an actor and a musician out of character. I’ve played in many plays where, to be fair, things have gone wrong. Which in all fairness, taught me how to improvise and get things back onto script. Same goes for music, I’m a guitarist in a Jazz and rock band, as well as a vocalist in my own band. And music is one of the hardest skills out there, so obviously things go wrong, and I’m the one that makes it all back into play!

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:


What is the subject you want to teach?:

Humanities, specializing in History.

kamcold reporter application! (28).gifTRIVIA SECTION

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

One of the core things that have pushed me into applying for Professor is the realization that I've always had this hidden infatuation for the School part of SchoolRP. You see, I always found myself trying to be this rebel in the Crime community, yet bumping into enough dead ends found me realizing that I should try out the core part of this server. School. After applying for councillor and getting in, I found myself enjoying watching over classes as they occurred, finding myself in a dreamy state over the amazement of how flowy all lessons went. So, I decided to give this all a go! As well as this, I yearn for a new beginning and finding a way to expand my future reputation for everything that I want in the future. Giving me the oppurtunity to thrive and make more social intrractions [I know, crazy] will seriously help my enthusiasm and entertainment when it comes to this server.
Being in this faction specifically will allow me to show many of my skills. Communication, lecturing, detailing, authority, teamwork. Professor is also an amazing way for me to get my DetailRP in power, and use and develop it in a time-efficient manner!

Ascelin always had a deep passion for authority. Often finding a sense of enjoyment of watching people below him realise that they have no choice to regard to his needs. Although, he wasn’t an evil soul. Ascelin, was instead one of which has something named selective kindness. As well as this, he seemed to find a deep passion in knowing that he helped students in their future.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


I’d begin by handing them all tasks. Instead of just telling them to go for the task and giving no sense of clues. I’d begin to lecture them about the task provided. Say in this example, I was telling them about the second world war from the french perspective. I’d lecture them about the capture of the country, the alliance with the British, then the redemption. Making sure they all pay attention to me, the board and my pen. If there is something worth noting, I'd carefully write it onto the board. My main goal within all of this would be to make sure that my rambles go into order of the quiz book provided. I wouldn’t generally ask for detailed answers during these forms of answers, just some-what organized notes to show their understanding. I’d then spend the last twenty minutes or so, asking for questions they may have and answering as such. As well as asking random students questions relating to the topic that I had lectured on.

This is for a Geographical class. I’d begin by stating the different flags, describing them fully and then asking the countries to guess the countries of said flags. I’d go from continent to continent, even same beginning letters, just to confuse them. Questioning them throughout, asking things like: "Is there a certain colour wheel that happens within saharan countries" [There is by the way, google it] and allow for them to answer. At the end, I’d hold a kahoot around flags, allowing for the students to enjoy the education that I provided. After, the winner would recieve 5 reward tokens, 2nd place getting three, 3rd getting one. I'd then do the same again and again until the class ended. Education can be entertainment!

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

  1. A visit to the woods..

Basic Plan:
Announce around breaktime that you will be holding a class that is basically a trip. I will announce the following “Good morning students! This afternoon Period 4, I will be taking my students to the Oshiba forest to teach you all about the famous landforms that we can see for your Geography tests coming up soon!” Once announced, I’ll assure that its okay with any staff online. Once the students collect into my class. I’d tell them about the trip again, in class. Giving a basic overview of what was happening. Why we were there, why were we going, what they should look out for, what notes they should take. As well as handing them all a clipboard and pencil to use, asking that they give it back at the end of the lesson. I’d then go and show them trees, the pond, the sanctuary, the river, the erosion around the river. And so on.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

I’d observe from a distant momentarily, not wishing to embarrass myself from being in the wrong. Once a violent scene occurred, I’d move in and tell them to separate and warn that it may lead to detention if they do not abide. Once done, I’d punish all those that committed a violent act by handing them detention. Warning them that any further action would be instantly reported to SLT. Once done, I’d take the victim to the Nurses office so that any bruises or physical marks could be treated correctly. As well as this, a report to the college jocks team captain would be made instantly.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Ascelin would quickly instruct them to be quiet, mentioning that SLT may be reported to if they are to continue with such actions. I’d tell them to complete the task and remind them that I can keep them until 17:45 if they were to continue, whether they liked it or not. If they were to continue, I’d inform them that an SLT report was made, and they were to be dealt with out of my capacity. I’d then run through the detention as normal, hoping they were to stay silent now.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Attempting to withhold his calm demeanor, my character would take a deep breath before turning to said cheerleaders and warning them that phones are strictly prohibited in my class, and I am willing to confiscate them if needed; as well as a warning for detention. If they were to continue, I’d warn them again, then again, assuring that the three warning rule is fulfilled. I’d then take their phones and give them all a detention each. If they were to continue, I’d run it through SLT and allow for them to be dealt with there.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

I’d enlighten them that this is an instant detenion and that any further physical actions will be reported to SLT, so it would be far better if they were just to separate. As they did so, I’d hand them both a detention each and again warn them about SLT. Moving on, yet keeping an eye on them.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Welcome in Ascelin! Meaning ash tree, and I can safely say that this describes him almost perfectly. Naturally, Ascel has wavy black hair as well as a perfectly natural middle part. Yet he seemed to have something different, a fair white highlight that seemed to dart across the left side of his bangs and push up the back of his hair, resting beneath his undercut. His eyes would hold an ashy brown, hidden behind glasses most of the time. All perfectly framing his hawk-like facial features. He’d generally have an athletic yet semi-muscular build. A smile would almost always be plastered upon his face, his lips staying pursed yet upwards curved, constantly. He’d dress in generally formal attire and spoke in a deep, smooth british accent.
Ascel generally upkept a welcoming demeanour, holding a smile to each and every student that approached him. However he strictly followed the “treat me how you want to be treated” moral code. Generally matching the respect of what is given to him, and projecting it back. He tends to keep rather reserved, yet will not ignore those that interact with him. He seemed to have no plans for anything going forth, wanting to keep his job as a professor.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Exiting College life
Leaving college, Ascelin was just like any other. Drowning and crumbling within student debt, endlessly searching for a Job. Eventually he managed to gather a job as a Librarian at a quiet village in Whitby. It wasn’t a very high-demanding job. Not many farmers are really into books and its just a quiet day, day in day out. He took advantage of this. Coincidentally, his desk was situation right next to the History isle. Seeing as he already had his interests and his love for History, he took an interest, reading through each and every book on the shelf. That was, until he gathered enough money to move to Uni, and start his actual journey there.

Exiting Uni
Leaving Uni, now drawing in more student debt, yet now qualified. He decided it was best to move to a Japanese school, as most students took a deep interest and it was far better to work there than in a British school. Moving here, he’d wander into the town of Karakura finding himself wandering upon the school. So, he asked for an application slip and here we are.

kamcold reporter application! (29).gif
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

[-] A smile occurred across his face as he presented his scarred right hand forth, holding your hand with a firm grip as he shaked it [-]
“Ascelin Lavarcus, at your service.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Mr, is preffered

Given Name(s):

Mr Lavarcus, yet for those close to me, Ascel is fine.

Preferred Name:

Mr Lavarcus, yet for those close to me, Ascel is fine.


“I am at the ripe age of 32!”

Gender & pronouns:

“Male, He/Him”

Religious Denomination:

“Agnostic, leaning towards christianity”

Marital Status:

“Single, currently"


“I am british at birth!”

Current Location:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“I have no experience in teaching”

Working Experience (# of years):

“I worked for three years in a library, if that counts.”

Academic Degree:

“I have a Degree in History”

Year of Graduation:



“Geography and Psychology”


“Business Management”

Native Languages:


Other Languages:

“JSL, Russian, Italian”

Preferred Teaching Subject:



Additional notes about your application (if any):

Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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