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kamilover96 | Caretaker Application


Level 11
⋆。°✩ aspen's caretaker application ✩°。⋆

Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

kamilover96 (applying)
caysvie (main)
lautturi (alt)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d consider myself quite the active player overall. My latest time rejoining the server was in January of 2023 and I have a consistent record of activity across all three of my accounts since. Albeit, the account I’m applying on is newer compared to my first two alts, which is why the activity and playtime on it is a lot smaller in comparison to my alternate accounts. Overall, I have multiple weeks of playtime spanning all three.

Across all of my accounts, I’d say I’m online for anything between 3-6 hours per day, depending on multiple factors; my friends being online, motivation, IRL responsibilities, etc. As of right now, I’ve graduated and am not studying anything, which gives me a ton of free time.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for the role of Caretaker.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Different from the other employee roles in the school in the fact that their area of responsibility is the entire school in itself. Caretakers have the important role of maintaining the aesthetics of the school, be that on the interior or the exterior. They are, what one would call in other terms, a janitor, but they do not only take care of cleanliness inside of the school but make sure that the flowerbeds look neat, that the grass has been cut and that the rest of the school grounds look neat.

Caretakers also make sure that the school grounds house a safe environment, repairing and maintaining anything that may need it. For example, if a light bulb needs changing or a sink requires maintenance, it is the job of the caretakers within the school to fix it. Caretakers also have the responsibility of catching any issues before they worsen, which is why you’ll find them usually patrolling around the school.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
During my time on SRP, I’ve gotten the opportunity to experience a multitude of different types of roleplay. I’ve been a part of most of the spectrum when it comes to possible roleplay opportunities on SchoolRP.

Anything from CrimeRP to MedicalRP, even JockRP. I’ve roleplayed as both a student and an adult. During my time I’ve also had multiple different characters, each of them having their own personality traits, backstories, likes and dislikes, objectives, etc.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I’ve been a part of the faculty faction briefly as a professor, but I found that the teaching aspect as well as the planning of classes wasn’t for me. The part that I enjoyed the most about the faculty faction was the opportunity to interact with students as an adult character, and working within the school as an adult. Most of my roleplay up until this point has been as a student, be that a college student or a highschool one. I’ve gotten to interact with some of the school employees in character, and I’d like to give it a shot myself!

I’ve also been wanting to bring one of my oldest SRP characters into a role outside of being a student, and I firmly believe that the Caretaker role would suit him perfectly.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
I’ve removed the text on the majority of these applications, as I was disappointed with the quality of them.

[DENIED] Shrine Priest Application
[ACCEPTED] Professor Application
[DENIED] Police Application 2
[DENIED] Police Application
[ACCEPTED] Doctor Application (I've removed the text on this one due to disappointment in the quality)
I also have a few faction applications that I've requested to be removed.

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
caysvie [Grade-12][Football]
caysvie [College]
lautturi [Paramedic]

The rest of the roles over all of my accounts are [Grade-12].



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

“Pathetic? Me? Ahhhh, well… You see… I could not care less if a student calls me pathetic. They’re children, after all. They’ll come up with their insults and spew them at the nearest person standing. If it is me, so be it. It’s less serious when it is thrown toward me, than if it is tossed toward one of their peers. I do know that in either situation, I should not let it slide. Cursing is a bad habit to have, and it’s not something I’d want to hear in a school.”

“First, they get a warning. You know… Somefing along the lines of ‘Cut down on the profanity’. Nothing too bad, nothing too strict. Just a simple warning. If they continue, well… I’m sure they’re aware of the punishments that we can give out at school. Detention. They get a free one-way ticket to detention, and… That’s about it, yes.”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
“Ouh… A fight. Well, they’re inevitable, aren’t they?”

“Before anything else, I’d have to radio for help. I may be a tall man, but I am not built for breaking up fights all on my own. Well, if one of them is obviously overpowering the other, I would step in and do my best to pry the attacker off of the other. If it is a… what one would call an equal fight, I would still step in and do my best to separate the two. Depending on the situation, one or both would get passes to detention.”

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
“In a situation such as that, I’d do what would be expected of me and report it. I wouldn’t hesitate to contact their superior. You have departments and those have their own heads at KHS, yes? I would contact the head of their department, and inform them of the ongoing situation. Any proof I’d have, I would hand it over to them.”

“If it would be so unfortunate that I wouldn’t be able to contact their department head, I would move up the ladder. The Principal, the Dean, you know? I believe you call it the Senior Leadership Team. Same process would ensue, any proof would be handed over, any statements, CCTV footage… All of it. After that it isn’t any of my business, it’s for the superiors to handle.”

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Whenever he steps foot into the break room, he takes his time to unwind and relax, and to socialise with the co-workers present. Johannes is what you’d call painfully extroverted and social, he’d take any opportunity to yap to someone, and he will. If there isn’t anyone to speak to, though, he’ll still relax in the break room. He might make a cup of coffee or two for himself and scroll on Onrain.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me attempted to stop the students before a mess was born, but alas… He was too late. Kolehmainen’s expression deadpanned, as he stared down at his next job. A floor covered in paint, out of all things. With a sigh and his middle and index fingers connected to his forehead, Johannes marched away to get his equipment…

/me returned to the chaos with a mop and a bucket filled with water in hand. Kolehmainen took a moment to stare at it, only to shrug it off and shove the mop into said bucket, soaking it. He moved the mop onto the floor, sweeping it left and right to clean up the puddle of paint covering the wooden floor. Johannes dipped the mop into the bucket a multitude of times, staining both the water within as well as the bucket itself from the inside, but he would’ve rather stained an old, rusty bucket than the likely expensive wooden floors of the school. He mopped, and mopped, and mopped until the entire puddle of paint was a mere memory - the floors practically shining, as clean as they’d ever been. Johannes wiped a droplet of sweat from his forehead, and couldn’t help but smile at his work. It was always the result of a clean environment that made him enjoy the job the most.

/me clasped his hands together and stretched his arms out forward. He rolled up his sleeves and began a confident stride over to the messy cafeteria tables. A mumble in Finnish escaped from his mouth as he stared at the disarrayed table. He shrugged his shoulders, adjusting his sleeves better and shoved his hand into his pocket, grabbing a brand new, unused cleaning rag. He knew that all he needed was a rag, and a spray bottle filled with a mixture of soap and water, both of which he had on him! Johannes whistled to the tune of a Finnish pop song, the whistles slowly turning into quiet hums, which eventually turned into full-on singing. All this whilst he repeated the process of spraying the table and wiping it with the rag. Johannes sang like nobody was watching, he couldn’t have cared less. Anything to make the job more fun for himself. Any junk that had been left was tossed into the trash. After he was satisfied he stared down at his work, giving it a satisfied nod and waltzed right off.

/me stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head to the side. His eyes didn’t fool him, not at all… The flowers inside of the school weren’t looking too hot. The leaves were drooping, and they were turning a brownish tint. This wasn’t good! Johannes couldn’t help but grimace at the sight, springing into action almost cartoonishly as he ran with adrenaline-filled steps. Anything to get to the janitor’s closet as quickly as he could.

/me sprinted back with a large watering can in hand and with some struggle, he lifted it onto the top of the bench. Johannes vaulted himself over the ledge with ease and then grabbed the heavy watering can, carefully lifting it down to his feet to not spill any of the water inside. He kneeled, tilting the watering can downward to give water to the plants, carrying it to different plants that were present underneath the staircase until all of them had been watered. It felt a lot easier for him to lift the large plastic watering can after it had been practically emptied and so he did - moving it back onto the bench.


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Johannes Kolehmainen

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:

Age (Minimum is 25):

Cisgender Male

Academic Degree:
Bachelor’s Degree in Communications




Known Languages:
Finnish, Japanese and English


November 21st. Amid the freezing air surrounding Finland’s capital of Helsinki, a baby boy with eyes resembling the ocean seen from the city’s port was born to his mother and two older brothers. His father was nowhere to be seen in the figures, having left his mother alone with the three only a few months following the news of Johannes’s existence.

He was raised in the same city he was born in, Helsinki. He was surrounded by friends, a content family and happiness overall. Yet, there was something that had always been at the depths of the back of his mind, a thought. Who is his father? All of his classmates had fathers, how come he didn’t? His mother never bothered to share, and his brothers seemed unwilling to answer any of his inquiries. Sooner rather than later, he gave up on the question. He accepted that his family was just different from the others.

Many years later, his mother had found someone “new”, someone Johannes was not fond of and the questioning arose once more. This time, an older Johannes kept on pressing. He was determined to know, and his determination led to a huge fight within his family. Amid his raging emotions, he packed his bags and left, sprinting. His running lasted for a few months before he was returned to the custody of his mother. A few months on the streets didn’t seem to be enough for him to repair his emotions toward his mother, and he grew more resentful by the day.

At the age of 18, he felt the urge to run away again. This time, he had money to his name and a legal way out. An exchange program. He directed his sights toward Japan, specifically the island of Karakura. He stayed in the town beyond his exchange year, even graduating high school and moving on to his Bachelor’s degree. His time of doing his degree was cut short, as he felt the urge to move away once again… This time setting his mind on Mallorca, Spain. He’d always liked a warm environment, after all. The Finnish nature was no joke.

He enrolled in an English-speaking University in Mallorca and continued his Bachelor’s degree. During his time at University, he noticed that he didn’t have any savings left. Johannes, unfortunately, had to get a job. He got desperate when it came to employment and applied to practically everything available on the job market in Mallorca, at least for a Finnish guy with no knowledge of the local language. To his luck, he got a job as a janitor and a caretaker at a local school. Of course, he fumbled a few times, but Johannes was a pretty practical man! He figured it out eventually.

After he finished his degree at the age of 24, he felt disinterested in applying for jobs that he could work in with his degree. Why get another job when he already has one? With his finished degree, he felt as if he wasn’t confined to Mallorca anymore and he began longing to return to somewhere more nostalgic. He wasn’t going to be moving out immediately, though. He had to save up! And so, at the age of 25, he began to look for flights, jobs and accommodation.

Helsinki? No, too awkward. Northern Finland? No, too cold. Karakura? No, too- Wait… Perfect!

And so, he packed his bags and started his job application spree once more, all until his eyes landed upon Karakura High School and Community College.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):
“My motivation for joining KHS, specifically? Ah, you see… I am looking for a job! Kidding, kidding, of course… There’s more to it! The biggest reason for me is that I used to be a student here! Of course, my previous reasoning still applies, but… When I was filling out applications for positions, I couldn’t help but notice an advert for Karakura High School. I remember, I originally arrived at the school for an exchange year but ended up staying here for the first year of my Bachelor’s degree. I am very familiar with the layout of the school, and I have missed my time here.”

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
“I have a few years of working as a Caretaker on my belt, and I am very familiar with the layout of the school, having gone to the school in the past. Unless you’ve renovated, of course…”

“Either way, I am in good condition as well as good health, I am in more than perfect condition to work in this position, and I am motivated to do it. Don’t even get me started on how much I love the job. It’s simple, and depending on the day, it might even be relaxing. My personal favourite is taking care of the vegetation, there’s a reason why people say gardening is the****utic!”



Additional notes about your application:

I’ll apply for the Finnish language if this gets accepted.

Do you have any questions?:
I don’t have any questions, no. Thank you for reviewing my application! ^_^/

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