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Karakuran Lore Characters important enough to be in a Framed Painting?


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
I'm still pondering more suggestions, especially reading throught the latest most iconic character thread.
(looking for lore significance and contemporary significance)
WELL, you said you're looking for no-nonsense replies.
I'ma volunteer Alois Tullybellton based on your two criteria, even if your list is updated/complete.
Why? Cuz' I'm bored and I'm just having a grand enough time writing about it.

(a) lore significance
If you look at threads on the 'History of Karakura' (LORE) you will find scattered but repeated references to Christianity (e.g. 'Portuguese and Jesuit traders were instrumental in introducing firearms and Christianity to Japan' ... 'In 1587, Christian missionaries were expelled from Japan. However, many objects of Western influence were left behind in Karakura, and alongside its native religions, Christianity was also discreetly practiced in the city. Meiji Period... A westernized change that meant even more freedom was music to Karakura’s ears, especially with the remnants of the Christian missionaries... The westernization Karakura is in right now is mostly due to the Christian missionaries that remained on the island in secrecy from 1587.'​
I suppose Alois is a sort of... representation of this? That is, Christianity used to be 'discreetly practiced' in the city, but now it's practiced quite openly, there is a recognized Christian organization registered with Town Hall, and an 'Archbishop of Karakura'. I can't really think of any other character or figure that would 'evidence' this history better.​
(b) contemporary significance.
Law Reform/Religious Demographics/Education.​
  • Alois has been involved in media due to law reform efforts [KaNews LINK HERE]. It's not the first time the Archdiocese has been in the news either, it's also seen a mention [HERE] and [HERE]. As far as I'm aware, Alois is the only person in the prefecture's history to (a) have a religious charity/group recognized by the government outside of the Shrine Faction (Shintoism) and (b) successfully petition the government of Karakura to amend the law. Perhaps it has happened before, but at any rate, it's nice that there's like, a civil society/other religious group in Karakura now: organizing community meet-ups, public assemblies, hearing confessions, and the like. Very wholesome stuff.
  • He also has had some influence on the Karakura Church building itself, donating furnishings and being asked by a city Mayor if it should continue to be called a 'Church' or instead be called a 'Chapel'. Cute stuff.
  • Student Journalist authoring a report [HERE] about the quality of teaching that emphasized Alois was "passionate" and responsible for "the only classes actually worth attending". Described the Archbishop as a "little goofy goober" and "a bit of a religious nutjob". Alois has since been made the Head of Karakura College's humanities department.
  • SLT may be beginning to notice he is not the only member of faculty actively involved with the Archdiocese. There are now numerous clerics teaching students in KHS/College.
  • The last thing I can think to mention is I recall when I first played on the server it was said that 'Christianity [is] a minority religion in Karakura'. That was a while back, but it's interesting to look at KaNews articles like [THIS ONE] and speculate about demographic shifts/the history.
Misc note: I'd observe for the individuals you do go with, you mentioned: 'Screenshots, illustrations, or historic inspirational photo references' would be useful. On that note, I'd just add there are like, thousands of portraits of Bishops that have been commissioned over the centuries. I mean like... Alois wears a very, very traditional cassock w/ fuchsia elements and that classic white Roman collar. There'd be references galore! Easy pickings.
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Level 206
Thread starter
For this next round of portraits, I'll go with

#1 Kiyoko Akai
#2 Daiki Saiky
#3 Luke Herrington (torn up)
#4 Junpei Saiky
#5 Nathaniel Blackwell
#6 Eichi Blackburn
#7 Saeko Asogi-Heddo
#8 Taketatusan Xavier
#9 Sasha Vasylenko
#10 Bao Koji
#11 Kazuo DeLuca
#12 Sho Hirobayashi
#13 Lori Akihito (damaged)
#14 Masuyo Tachitsu
#15 Alois Tullybellton

But I'll probably be back in a few months, for more suggestions.

Thank you all for your input!

Stewart Pot

Level 8
You gotta get one for Satoshi Tokei greatest doctor to grace SRP literally Gregory House MD. He got locked up for being too based fr.

꩜rios .ᐟ

Level 60
For this next round of portraits, I'll go with

#1 Kiyoko Akai
#2 Daiki Saiky
#3 Luke Herrington (torn up)
#4 Junpei Saiky
#5 Nathaniel Blackwell
#6 Eichi Blackburn
#7 Saeko Asogi-Heddo
#8 Taketatusan Xavier
#9 Sasha Vasylenko
#10 Bao Koji
#11 Kazuo DeLuca
#12 Sho Hirobayashi
#13 Lori Akihito (damaged)
#14 Masuyo Tachitsu
#15 Alois Tullybellton

But I'll probably be back in a few months, for more suggestions.

Thank you all for your input!
Daiki, Saeko, Sasha and Junpei were perfect picks


Level 84
Community Team
Lore Team
While there are a lot of prominate [Adult] tags and faction tags, my suggestion is to look into each faction and make portraits of past/current prominate higher ups/members.
This could also go into some of the non-playable lore characters who may have 'portraits' up in different faction buildings due to their history with the factions.

Below I'll list a couple of ideas / character names / or lore pieces:

Koizume Saiky - The Viper of Saiky and Shrine lead.
Sho Hirobayashi - Priest
Haruka T. Sakura-ki - Maiden

Town Hall:
Annabell Sturm - Mayor
Deputy Mayor(s)
Chief Judge
Vice Governor
Attorney General

Kazuo DeLuca - Publisher
Nigiri Sushi Jaibatsume - Sr. Reporter
Yamato Calderòn-Hanazono - Sr. Reporter
[Lore Character] Hayami Mori [Murder of 1999]

La Casa Nostra
Kirei Hana
Rotasu Music
Sayonara Giftshop

These are just my suggestions for the Town Faction leads and their faction higher ups. While I few names on my list have been said previously, I still involved them to make sure I wouldn't leave anyone out.

(Please excuse if anything sounds off or seems a bit short worded. It's nearly 4 am while writing this and I've been grinding on a game since 11 pm T-T)
I just saw this, I’m so glad one of my characters was mentioned it’s an honour

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