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kengans KPD application


Level 15

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Main - chainsawmen
Alt - nyashcrusader

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:
I have a ban for Major OOC Toxicity to Staff & Community Members, Major Defamation, in which the first appeal to than ban was denied rightfully so. However, since then, I have taken the time to learn from my mistakes as I continue to strive for change to both help myself and others.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is fairly active, occasionally not being online some days due to IRL situations but the majority is fairly active. I’m mainly online on weekdays, later in the day (5pm onwards) and the weekends. I’ll be especially active now as it’s Summer and everyone including me is on summer break. To summarize, I’m a very active player on SRP that spends a lot of time roleplaying.

Which timezone are you in?


What is your motivation for applying?:
I’m applying for KPD as I wish to experience a new type of roleplay. Throughout my time in SRP, I’ve usually been on the other side of the Law ICly, getting into things Gang related or Black Market related, even becoming a Black Market dealer at one point as the roleplay I achieved in those situations, I used to develop my character. Over time, those experiences for me eventually got repetitive, it was like writing the same thing over and over again but just with slight grammar adjustments and changing the font. No matter how different the characters personality was or how they looked, they would more or less be evil in some sort of way. I’ve been trying to explore ways on how to develop my characters in different ways, trying out different tropes and getting different roles like being in the Academic faction as a Professor, Teacher and Employee, being a part of the Law faction when it first started up and also joining the numerous Sports Teams one by one. KPD was always something that I could see myself doing, especially now since I truly think I could be a good asset to the force ICly and OOCly. I have the motivation to prove myself to be a good member to the KPD, as well as the character plans and small friend events and roleplay ideas to push the boundaries of different roleplays. I was a witness to the first KPD officer and the KPD itself being made and at the time, it was bizarre to everyone there that there was now Cops in the server. It was always a thing that was asked about and they finally added it, and at a good time too as The Black Market on SRP was finally getting a rise as well as criminal activity, so the KPD was a good way to combat this. Back then, I myself was apart of the GangRP people but even I was quickly fond of the idea of becoming an officer. That idea of being apart of the KPD has not gone away since then and I’ve only gotten more motivation to become one. I’ve heard numerous stories and talks about how people’s times in the KPD was fun as they got to know more people and make new friends, it’s a space that I’d love to surround myself in.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

The Karakura Police Department (KPD) is the opposition to the criminals and Black Market in the town of Karakura. It is split into two branches, each individual branch having a set of ranks to differentiate the higher authorities. The two branches mentioned are the Detective Branch, and the Main Branch. When a person joins the Police Department, they start out as a Cadet. Cadets are basically Police Officers in training, they go through informational training and physical training to give them a better understanding of what to do in certain situations. This is done over a few weeks. Cadets are not allowed to patrol by themselves and should always be accompanied by a higher up. After those weeks of learning information and going through physical training, they are put through an evaluation test. If they pass this test, they are promoted to a Patrol Officer. Patrol Officers are able to wander by themselves without company and make more arrests and given less limitations. When a patrol officer has shown an upstanding attitude, dedication to their work and achieves qualifications through their arrests and hard work, they are promoted to a Corporal. Corporals take out all the responsibilities that Patrol Officers do, but also help out with training cadets with their informational and physical training. After a corporal has been trusted to take on more tasks and responsibilities, they are promoted to Sergeant. Sergeants hold more responsibilities and need to be a role model to those under them, being entrusted with a Glock.

Once someone reaches either Corporal or Sergeant, they have the choice to apply to be a Detective Constable. A Constable is is basically a Detective in training (trainee), in which they’ll be given informational and physical training before going through an evaluation test. It’s more or less the same process as being a cadet except there’s more to consider (fingerprints, investigations, etc). After the exam is passed, the rank Detective Inspector becomes available, and Detective Chief Inspector after that rank. With both of these roles, the detectives are able to do more deeper investigations on people as well as do interrogations and questioning on certain criminals that have been caught. After those ranks, the rank at the top of the Detective Branch is the Detective Superintendent. The Superintendent is the head of the Detective branch, the most valuable asset of the branch.

If you decide being a Detective is something you do not want to do, the rank after Sergeant is Lieutenant. Anything above Sergeant and Corporal is considered a Higher Up. Lieutenants are Higher Ups that are in charge of making sure training for cadets is proper and going smooth. The next rank after Lieutenant is Captain. Captains are the second commands of the KPD, the right hand to the Commissioner and assists them with making sure the KPD as a whole runs smoothly. Lastly, The Commissioner. The Commissioner is the “top dog” of the KPD, the person with the highest authority (Yonio W), and oversee both of the branches and have the final say in any situation regarding the KPD.

The KPD is given tools to help them assert the law to Karakura as well as help defend themselves against criminals or to stop crimes from happening. The set of tools that all officers carry is: Handcuffs, a Baton, Pepper Spray, a Police Radio to communicate with other officers and also EMS, a taser and a breathalyzer. Some items in the KPD are only achievable after reaching a certain rank. These items are:

Glocks: Higher Ups (Can be used temporarily depending on the danger level)
Pepper Spray:
Corporal and above
Crowbar: Corporal and above

Items such as body cams, keys for handcuffs, flashlights and luminol are to be Item Roleplayed.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Police are an important aspect of SchoolRP as it provides another force to go against GangRP, making sure it doesn’t explode with crime activity. Before the KPD was made, GangRP and CriminalRP was at an all time high as no one was there to correct the wrongs, catch thieves and do anything revolving IllegalRP. With KPD, there is a set of power put into place, to make sure society ICly doesn’t run rampant and to set in a sense of security. KPD also gives in a sense of realism into SRP as a town without some form of Law Enforcement isn’t seen as realistic at all and is also not practical for future roleplay sessions.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I acknowledge that I can be demoted if deemed appropriate to do so.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I agree to showing 100% of my dedication to the role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that I need to attend training.


In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:

Welyn Morris

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:

Character's Academic Background
Bachelors in Engineering (Karakura College)
Bachelors in Sports Sciences (Karakura College)
Bachelors in Science (Military School)

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
English, Japanese + American Sign Language.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Welyn as a whole, looks quite frightening due to his build and height. He stands at a whopping 7’5 with an enormous muscular build. Like if you combined a bear with. . . another bear. Contrary to popular belief however, Welyn was actually very sensitive. Despite having a tough exterior in the literal sense, Welyn can shows very little intent to harm through his actions and small conversations. He usually carries around a messy mop of blonde hair and a scatter of battle scars around his body. The majority of the time, he seemed very detached from reality, seemingly only focused when the work counts. In his College years, he’s shown his dedication when an actual game starts. In Football Practices, he’d barely move and when he did, he was more of a supporting character, a person put there to help the others. In actual games against another team. . . he was the exact opposite. Welyn seems to immediately lock in, his once subtle, unknowing self turns into a sort of machine, an AI, programmed with only one goal in mind. In this instance, it was to win. Welyn began to move around more at a faster pace, kicking the ball at a stronger level, and more importantly- Getting goals at a better rate. This sort of “mode” fits into whatever Welyn thinks of highly, whether it be sports, police work, whatever, it would just knock right in and help him out. Of course, it was extremely rare, but it was still something to make a mental note of.

As mentioned before, Welyn is a soft soul. He’s a sort of Big Friendly Giant, like Michael Oher from the Movie “The Blind Side”. He’s very friendly, passive and always loves to give people company like a big, bipedal dog. Now, with all that in mind, that’s great, right? It would be if not for the fact that Welyn is extremely . . dumb. Welyn, in any physical sense like sports or military training is exceptional but information wise? Unless of course RELATED to those physical aspects like Sports Sciences or Military Work, he probably doesn’t have a clue. The only reason he achieved those bachelors is because they were all related to doing something physically. He’s more so of a kinetic learner rather than visual. Welyn can put together IKEA furniture without a guide, plug in a console without needing help. So long as it is physical, Welyn will excel. Mathematics is a whole different question though. . . But everyone hates math.

Welyn also used to be a mute. He used to not talk by choice but after being gone to therapy as well as being more included with the public, he has slowly gotten better and can now do small sentences with a soft tone. Of course, he’s been pushing himself to shout so it can help him tell criminals to stop running, and it has worked but in any other circumstance it wouldn’t work. If he had to call for someone? He’d just call them on the phone.

To put it simply, Welyn is like a Golden Retriever that will do work for food.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Welyn in a professional manner is more or less the same as a casual manner. He treats every instance with new people or people he’s known before with utter importance. He believes that every situation that he is in, he may not witness again. . . even if he’s been through that same thing over and over again. He will be polite, he will do what is asked, he will clean up his hair if it is messy, dress up more properly if the event is more formal, and be very supportive of anyone’s ideas.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Welyn’s outlook on his co-workers and just teamwork as a whole is that it is, in his own words “Very important because people work well when they know each other more”. Welyn will go to great lengths to make sure a co worker, a friend, even a whole team is comfortable or safe in any given moment. He can adapt well to any situation and has no problem with working with others. When given a psychological exam, Welyn tested 96% in protective instincts. Welyn is such a pure soul that he’d rather risk his own health than let others be in the face of danger, this spreading to co-workers and teams.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
Welyn sees himself as both, mainly being able to do a better job as a follower but he wouldn’t mind being a leader as he has the confidence and will power to do so. He has the courage to show to his other co-workers as well as those beneath him, the confidence to carry out any task given to him, and the mental strength to make difficult decisions quickly.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Welyn Morris was born into a family of 3 kids and 2 parents in Los Angeles, America. Welyn was the middle child of the three, the youngest being his sister, Courtney (Yes, basic name) and brother, Collyn (Also basic name). The Morris family itself was known for being very athletic and sporty, the mother being a basketball player in her High School Years and the father also being an American Football player. Since the two were exceptional players due to their physical attributes such as height and muscle composition, with the power of genes, they got passed down to the kids, Welyn being the most prominent figure to show both genetics with his height and body build. Despite that, Welyn was actually a late bloomer, only beginning puberty at the age of 15 whilst his siblings started at a normal age like 13 and 14. Since Welyn at the time was the smallest, ignoring the baby sister, his brother Collyn stepped up to be his protector. Collyn Morris, was a BIG man, the physical representation of “I’m going to get my big brother on you!”, which was a thing Welyn would say a lot. Collyn, although not as genetically blessed as Welyn, still inherited a good amount of those genes, being 6’2 at 17 and growing to be 6’6 as his final stages. Since Welyn still hasn’t even entered the stage of puberty, he was a target of bullying, things such as “Dude you don’t even have a stache” “Your balls probably haven’t dropped”, and more inappropriate obscenities. He was also a victim of physical bullying, his bullies picking on him during lunch, the stereotypical asking of lunch money, and more. Collyn was always one to step in to get his brother to safety, eventually getting his own moral code that if anyone were to mess with his family, he’d resort to physical violence, which happened a lot. If anyone stared at Welyn? Punch. Talking about him badly? Kick. So much as laid a finger on him? KABLOOEY! Welyn was eventually given invincibility as his stronger big brother was always there to help him. It was like this for a few years until Collyn was to graduate. Since Collyn was gone, and last time they checked he was still unpuberty-ified, they figured it was finally time to get some revenge, and so. . . They waited until Summer was over and the next school year was over. For this next scenario, I will type it in a way that it’s like a section from a book. The bullies' names will be “Bill” and “Sid”.

Bill sat there, seeming eager as he waited for a certain someone to walk through the door, Sid the same. They sat there leaned back, feet up on the table, just the whole premium Delinquent promo pack. They were big kids, bigger than the other kids at least. They had put on a few bits of muscle and pounds over the summer, and since a certain security guard wasn’t there, they figured they’d start their strength showcase on the VIP.

“The #!$% is taking this idiot so long?” inquired Bill. “How the $#!% should I know?” replied Sid. The two muscle heads went back and forth as they slowly began to argue about when Welyn was due to walk in.

“Y’know you’re so stupid right? USELESS. I bet I could knock him out faster than you. Remember BEFORE Collyn? I was the one who kicked him up and down the field like a lil’ soccer ball, the freak.”

Thump. . .

“Yeah? Well who the !@#% asked? You didn’t even do that much, you just kicked him a little. I was the one that broke his arm when we were kids.”

Thump. . . Thump. . . Footsteps?

“Yeah? Well I DID MO-”


A pat was placed on Sid’s shoulder. Sid was not one to think his actions through, so his brows furrowed and he was about to scream at why he was pat. As he turned his head, his stare was only met with a stomach, a chiseled stomach. The person next to him was wearing a white T-Shirt that was incredibly large but it fit on him like it was a gym shirt. Sid slowly looked upwards to see the identity of the figure, and it was. . . Welyn? What the !@#$.

“My seats there.” Welyn pointed at the seat in front of them.

Sid and Bill were dumbfounded, metaphorically soiling their pants as they moved out of the way and sat politely for him to walk through. All the confidence they had about beating up Welyn had gone straight out the window. Welyn just walked through like nothing happened. Not only did Sid and Bill seem surprised, so did the rest of the class, even the teacher. . . What an entrance.

To put it simply, Welyn had finally went through puberty and had went to the gym over the summer. This whole “glow up” of his started due to Collyn talking to him about the year to come. Since he knew those bullies would go for him once he had left, he brought Welyn to the gym almost daily to work on his body so he had at least SOMETHING to help him when the time for self defense came. As Welyn spent months whining and exercising, the exercise regiment he was put through made his chrysalis of puberty awaken, eventually getting a height growth too. Welyn went from 5’6 to a whopping 6’3 in the span of 7 months. Why did he take the extra months? Because Collyn convinced his mother that it was a good idea to beef him up before school. With that, middle-school and the first year of high-school was a breeze for Welyn. No-one picked on him and he stayed in his small circle of friends. . . which was no-one since people thought Welyn was physically intimidating as he continued to grow over the years. Welyn was at ease with life, with his younger sister, Courtney going to middle-school and his brother Collyn overseas as he was offered a football scholarship in Japan? Life looked bright. That is until the family had been called about something relating to Collyn.

Collyn Morris, the infamous College Football Member turned Murderer of Karakura. He murdered a lot of people at the time, from a majority of a cheer team, to husbands, wives, even kids, all because a rumor ruined his life, causing his life to spiral out of control. The call of Collyn’s crimes was given to his mother, leaving her and the Morris family appalled, and because of this? They cut Collyn off. They didn’t want to be known as the family related to a mass murderer. Welyn, after hearing about this news, went to move to Karakura as an exchange student, however, by the time he got there, Collyn was dead. Murdered by the hands of an Ex-College Cheer Captain and a dude who had horns implanted into his skull. Welyn was sad. These people didn’t know who his brother was. He may have been seen as rash and hateful but they didn’t see the amount of protecting Collyn did for Welyn and his family, how he fought for Welyn’s protection from both bullies, and family issues. Welyn understood that Collyn had done wrongs, but he believed that had he had been there to help Collyn like Collyn helped him, maybe things would’ve been different. That pain of wondering what things would’ve been, stinged him deeply.

And so, Welyn received an idea in his walnut brain. If he could help prevent criminals from doing crimes like his brother did, maybe he could stop other people from that pain he once felt. Thus began Welyn’s training arc. He quickly graduated from Karakura Highschool and went straight to College, eventually meeting his future wife, Patricia Masuo and settling down after they both graduated. Welyn in those next years, decided to attend military school, getting exemplary results in all fields he was given, specifically being the most talented in the physical aspect of things. After getting to know Karakura in those years he spent in the school, he not only wanted to stop another form of his pain being made, but to also shield Karakura from any unwanted attention that could cause harm, and thus, he had applied to be a police officer at the Karakura Police Department.


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No, you cannot. A pocket knife is an illegal weapon, any type of sharp blade is prohibited.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol (lol)
Surgical Mask
Cough Syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
First and foremost, turn on my body camera. This is so that I have evidence of the abuse to bring to the higher ups so that the co-workers can be rightfully punished. Secondly, verbally ask them to stop before then using the police radio to ask for backup before then going in to try break up what’s happening. Once separated, I would then check on the inmate and do my best to work on any injuries to the best of my ability before calling EMS to do work that is needed on a professional level, then finally giving in the evidence of the body camera footage to a higher up.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If my co-worker was being assaulted by a group of people rather than by one person, I’d radio for back up before then doing my best to provide assistance via baton, pepper spray or taser/glock if needed. I’d then call for EMS depending on the injuries.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would first gather information about this using videos, pictures and even witnesses before discreetly alerting a higher up about the corruption as to not alert the corrupt co-worker about me finding out and to also not bring any attention to myself.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I’d either walk away and tell a higher up or fine them for bribery. I am him. Bribes are not worthy of me. I am himmothy. I am the one who knocks.​


Level 330
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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