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Accepted KiraHub | Political Science Professor Application


Level 7

What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:


What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)


Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My level of activity on SRP is high since I have a lot of free time and only have school in the morning. If I'm not at church helping the priest, I just have time to relax. Since I typically fall asleep pretty late, I think that I have about 13 hours of free time that I can use to play SRP. Also, based on my past faction roles, I'm pretty sure they can confirm that I put a lot of effort into my roles, which I showed well when I was a lawyer about a month ago despite my time there being cut short, and I intend to carry that over to professor if I am allowed to.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

My previous roleplay experience started with ROBLOX, I'm pretty sure. I used to RP as a WWE wrestler out of all things, which was fun, but then again, it felt a bit random, but it was something I was interested in. I then did some Dragon Ball RP, where I kind of just goofed off with friends on some random ROBLOX server and had fun there. I then moved on to D&D, which I played for a lot of years, and that was probably where I learned most of my RP ability before I joined SRP, which I've been playing for 2 and a half years at this point and have no sign of stopping.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

KiraHub [Grade 12] ILYXhastXKiraHub [Grade 12] KiraHub2 [Grade 8]

What is the subject you want to teach?:

Political Science


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

I want to become a political science professor in SRP because it feels like the next step for my time on the server. My job as a previous lawyer has allowed me to learn and understand the law system in SRP, which I want to teach others from an academic view. My time as a receptionist on the server also helped spark my interest in being a teacher or professor a lot. While it was a different job, I loved being part of the environment. It made me more interested, so now I want to contribute to it myself. In my previous application for a job as a lawyer, I also highlighted that I wanted to be more known for my different roles around the server, and I still want to do that by dipping my toes in different factions around the server. I feel like the role of a professor is so different from my receptionist role back in 2022 that it's something worth doing.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:


In the SRP political science class, courtroom simulations would be a fun and engaging way for students to learn law and politics. The professor would select cases related to key political issues, such as constitutional law or civil rights, and assign students their roles, including prosecution and defense lawyers. Students would begin with a preparation phase, where Miguel would explain the case, allowing them to develop legal arguments. During the trial, each side would present opening statements and reasoning, with opportunities for objections and rulings by Miguel, who would act as someone to critique their arguments to help them learn better ways to present their arguments. The class would end with a session where the professor and class talk about the trial's legal and political indications, discussing their opinions on it and how they would want it to go. This exercise would teach students courtroom procedures, critical thinking, and how decisions impact the political system.


In an interactive class about elections/campaigns, I think it would give the students an interesting way to learn the different parts of campaigning and the electoral process. The professor would divide the class into political parties, or more so, give them a book after dividing them into groups that describe something a made-up political party would stand for. I'd then explain to them that they would then debate with their groups how they want to present the way they would try and convince people to vote for their make-believe party, along with presenting that to the entire class. I would also give them the chance to choose if they'd rather just try and have a more debate-based format where they could pick a specific candidate from each group and have me ask them questions about scenarios like an actual political debate and see how well they can formulate their arguments and speak under pressure, making sure everyone gets involved by having the groups talk about the subjects their party specializes in before they pick their candidate so it's not only specific people learning. Following the election, I'd have the last class of the day, talking about the strategies used, the effectiveness of their chosen campaigns, and the outcomes, asking students about it before I go on to present the positives and negatives of their arguments and way of gaining votes.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

I feel like the proper way to do a field trip within political science would be a trip to the town hall. Miguel could use the fact he knows most of the people who work there to try and set up a time where he could meet up with maybe a governor who could show the class around since the college classes are a bit smaller than the full high school classes or have a government member just help explain them in a more in-depth matter about how the political system works since it's not long since a new mayor was appointed since I think that part of SRP is sort of not known for most people, so I think a simple field trip like that would be a huge help in letting others make sense of the system that's in place, or I could easily enough take the class to a court case since it's not really rare that a case gets hosted at the same time as school time so I could use that to my advantage.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Miguel would approach the situation with a more assertive demeanor, trying to make de-escalation his priority and ensuring everyone’s safety. First, he would try and assess the situation to understand the situation and what was going on, noting the intentions of the group surrounding the bobcat jock. He’d then intervene by calmly but firmly addressing the group. If the situation looked to be tense or maybe violent, Miguel would quickly try and get control of it by directing the students to step back from each other, making a point of them knowing that this behavior is unacceptable and could have serious consequences. After making sure the situation is under control, he would hand out a detention slip if a fight had broken out and a warning if it was only a potential situation before then making sure to check on the bobcat jock to make sure they’re alright, offering support and seeing if they were hurt in case they might need to visit the nurse.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

If Miguel were supervising detention and a student repeatedly asked disruptive or stupid questions, he would address the situation firmly and assertively, just like with the other question. Miguel would ensure he had the student’s full attention, then he would mention something along the lines of how they're supposed to reflect on their actions and not goof off and that they're just making themselves stay longer as he had no problem with staying until he was forced to let them out. If the student persisted in not stopping their behavior, Miguel would make it clear that there would be immediate consequences. He’d say, "I’ve made my expectations clear. If you continue to disrupt this detention session, you will face additional consequences, such as possible expulsion." Miguel’s approach would be to set a firm boundary while maintaining control of the situation, not wanting to let their disruptive behavior influence the others who were doing and focusing on their task.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

Miguel would manage the situation by first getting the entire class to start working on an individual assignment, ensuring that the class continues to work despite the disruption. He would then approach the group of cheerleaders causing the disturbance, addressing them directly and assertively as he always does. Miguel would make it clear that their behavior—playing music and calling out other students—is unacceptable and disruptive. He would firmly explain that what they're doing undermines the learning environment and needs to stop, as they're college students and should know this. Miguel would also then emphasize that respecting classroom rules is non-negotiable and that any further disruption will lead to disciplinary action. He always wants to ensure that his tone conveys the seriousness of the situation, reinforcing that the classroom must be a space for focused and respectful work. After addressing the group, Miguel would return to monitoring the class once again.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

If Miguel encountered a fight between students while walking the school perimeter and his initial attempt to break it up didn't prove helpful, he would immediately take a more direct approach. He would position himself between the students involved in the fight, making himself stand physically in the center to create a clear boundary and force a pause between the two. Miguel would use a commanding tone to firmly tell the students to stop fighting and separate from each other. By standing between them, he would try to disrupt their focus on the fight and redirect their attention towards him, also making their adrenaline drop off so they would tire themselves out. Miguel would keep a close eye on the students’ reactions, ready to step aside or adjust his position if needed to prevent further escalation. Now this is if there were only two people there might be more, and if this was the case, Miguel would grab his radio to get the help of other faculty members in separating them, then do the process I just explained.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Miguel Corniele is a 32-year-old professional, standing at 6'2" with dark hair and striking green eyes. He has an assertive presence and polished appearance that reflects his commitment to whatever he sets his mind to. Miguel holds a master’s degree in philosophy from the University of Cambridge, with majors in political science and philosophy and minors in economics and criminology. Miguel stands out due to his unique blend of extensive legal experience and academic expertise. Fluent in both Spanish and Japanese, his multilingual abilities let him communicate well, having had a wide range of clients when he was a lawyer. Miguel’s approach to students is a thoughtful and optimistic outlook. He believes in their potential to become thoughtful leaders and well-educated workers in the future. He sees each student as an individual with unique strengths and challenges and is committed to helping them realize their full potential. Miguel fosters an environment where students are encouraged to explore, question, and engage with each other while emphasizing the importance of respect and discipline. In his interactions with his fellow workers, Miguel would be friendly and try to be as helpful as he could to them. He values the people around him and promotes teamwork and open communication among co-workers. Miguel’s personality is characterized by a blend of assertiveness, empathy, and most of all, I'd say curiosity. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys the gym and photography, which gives him a feeling of relaxation. Looking into the future, Miguel plans to use his experience and legal expertise to make a meaningful impact in the Karakura community, he has previously tried to set up different businesses that could let him make people in Karakura get closer to each other, but that's something that's had to be put on the side. But he aims to just improve in whatever way he can, no matter what job he has.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Miguel's journey to becoming a teacher is pretty interesting if you ask me, but I'm probably biased. He was originally from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Miguel built a successful career in law after passing the bar exam. He worked at several prestigious law firms, including Guzmán Ariza, Attorneys at Law, and PwC T&L in Spain, where he gained a lot of international experience and honed his expertise in legal systems and political theory. His academic credentials, with advanced degrees in Political Science, Philosophy, Economics, and Criminology from the University of Cambridge, were some of the things that highlighted his academic side and let him reach those heights. However, Miguel's legal career took a significant turn due to some personal problems. These challenges, coupled with a deepening passion for education, led him to reassess his career path, and since his last job already was in Karakura and the town is pretty school-based, that seems like the best option for him. He realized that his experience and knowledge could be used in a classroom setting, where he could inspire and guide more people, which he's already been determined to do. On a personal note, Miguel is engaged to his fiancée, Itu, who is expecting their first child. This big chapter in his life has amplified his commitment to making a positive impact that their child can be proud of when they grow up. I think the way Miguel has grown from when he first began as a lawyer is cool to watch, especially when it feels like he left a mark within the government faction when he was suddenly gone, and from his ICly character side, he wants to continue doing that within another role.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

"Miguel Corniele."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

"My preferred title would be Mr. Corniele."

Given Name(s):

"Miguel Corniele."

Preferred Name:

"I'd prefer being called Miguel by my co-workers and Mr. Corniele by the students as a sign of respect."


"I, am currently 32 at the moment."

Gender & pronouns:

"I, am a male and use he/him."

Religious Denomination:

"My current religion is Christianity as I'm a Catholic."

Marital Status:

"I've been engaged for a couple of months."


"Hispanic, Santo Domingo, within the Dominican Republic."

Current Location:

"My current location would be Karakura."

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

"I don't have any previous teaching experience yet."

Working Experience (# of years):

"After passing the bar exam in Santo Domingo, I interned at a small law firm for a year before practicing law. I spent four years at this firm, honing my legal skills, before moving to Guzmán Ariza, Attorneys at Law, where I worked for another 5.5 years. Subsequently, I joined PwC T&L in Spain, gaining good international legal experience over another 5.5 years before relocating to Japan to pursue new professional opportunities. That's about when I joined the town hall here in Karakura, and I stayed a lawyer for a bit, winning a case before my time there ended, but now I want to do something else after over a decade of the same thing."

Academic Degree:

"I have a master's degree in philosophy after attending the University of Cambridge abroad in England."

Year of Graduation:

"I graduated in 2012."


"Political Science, and Philosophy."


"Economics, and Criminology."

Native Languages:

"Spanish, and Japanese."

Other Languages:

"I am also able to speak English when needed."

Preferred Teaching Subject:

"I would like to teach Political Science as my previous jobs have given me knowledge within that subject."



Additional notes about your application (if any):

Last edited:


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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