Level 16

IGN (In-Game Name):
(Main) HeavensMyth
Applying ACC: HeavensMyth
What is your discord username?:
What is your timezone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
Being an active sports team member I am very prominently active on the server on my main account. My alt on the other hand is currently stationary as I log on it for convenience and to play as my adult character from time to time. I want to give her something more fulfilling other than her kids to RP with and fully believe having a role and responsibilities will make me more active on said account. I also fully understand that if I happen to become inactive, I could lose the position and I can willfully say I can and will be responsible for managing my time and responsibilities.
List your current roles on the server:
(Main) HeavensMyth [College][Baseball]
(Applying Acc) MythsHeaven [Adult]
Link any previous applications:
Accepted - Ban Appeal | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Split personality application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Melissas Sign Language Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Denied]
Melissa's Korean application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Melissa's Spanish application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Kaida's Spanish app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Denied]
Kaida's Korean app | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Denied]
Kaida Spanish app 2.0 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Kaida Korean app 2.0 | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Riku's Schizophrenia Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
3rd Lang Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
Russian Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
HeavensBleh | Nurse Application. | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Denied]
Accepted - Koichi's Theater Professor application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server [Accepted]
What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?
I am applying for the Maiden position
What is your motivation for applying?
Having played SRP for nearly five years I find myself continuing to strive for more kinds of roleplay. Whether it be the drama-filled sports faction or the education side of being a professor I feel it's time to travel outside of school grounds and see what it's like exploring the world of religion. being the history person I am I have always enjoyed listening and learning about new religions and was always able to take impeccable notes. I believe that skill will come in very handy when researching better ways to play Koichi as she is the one character I can exploit to explore new interests.
All of my characters are typically set in their ways but seeing as she is a mother to three and her life is continuously evolving I want to find a new interest for her and with her son's evolution I believe it is the perfect time for faith to cast a light into her life. If accepted I plan on Koichi's faith continuing to grow, evolve, and eventually end in the Shinto faith. though with all certainty that is a long time coming.
What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?
Haveing been doing mini studies while filling out this application I believe I have the fundamentals of the Shinto faith down. the Shinto faith worships, Kami's other wise known as gods, there is a kami for almost anything, and sometimes MORE than one Kami for a discernable group. Like how there are two Kamis for clay made out of human feces... (the video I watched was very entertaining) The Shinto faith is mostly about purity and cleansing as the certifiable "adam" of this story left to retrieve his wife from the underworld and returned covered in filth and grime. When he washed himself in the lake he created three Kami's known as the 'three sons.' Theses Kami were rulers. or controllers of the moon, sun, and storms.
They believe it is wise to bow at the tori gate and to wash your hands before entering shrine grounds as to not taint the purity of the grounds with unholy practices. I understand that the Shinto faith preforms rituals and I would love to detailRP one of them out, whether it be making tea, preforming a ritualistic dance, but I believe I am most excited about doing a terroit card reading as I have had them done on my own characters.

Character Full Name:
Koichi Amerelie Kamodo
Character Title:
Character Age:
Character Marital Status:
Character Nationality:
Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
The chart is as follows and was filled out for when she worked as a professor and I don't feel the need to alter or change it as she would have learned the basics of Shinto when she studied history at the University of Tokyo.
Born in London, Koichoi Amerelie Kamodo was the second-born child of the well-off Kamodo family. Following in her older brother's footsteps, she would walk heel to heel in his shoes with her eyes gleaming. She adored her older brother even though he never showed any precise enthusiasm in her presence. When it was announced that her mother was pregnant with her baby sister, Koi’s eyes lit up with bright aspirations. She had always wanted to be like Kosei, an older sibling! When Michiko Kamodo was born, Koi felt nothing but pride. Even at the young age of four, she was running around school shouting about her new baby sister being added to the daycare roster. Daycare attendants, who tended to gossip, never had much to say about the small family as they were typically seen as perfect. Kosei was poised and relatively well-behaved for someone his age. While kids in his class were learning to color and draw with crayons, Kosei was writing his name and practicing proper cursive with pencil and pen. Koichi was well-behaved and though not yet on Kosei’s level, she was well-mannered and kind to everyone in her class. When Koichi turned five, she was amazed to celebrate her mother's college graduation party. It wasn't until later that she realized all the work her mother had put into earning that degree. Leaving for work and caring for two toddlers and a newborn couldn't have been easy, and she quickly realized her mother had spent sleepless nights rocking them to sleep with a literary textbook held steady in her palm. Koi’s father graduated the very next year, and both of them secured well-paying jobs in the very town they had grown up in.
When Koichi turned thirteen, everything seemed to change. Her parents had decided to move to Karakura, Japan, where her father was born and raised. His father had gotten desperately ill and needed medical care that his mother simply wasn't well-off enough to provide. It was an understatement to say the kids were upset, throwing fits that were out of character for them and crying after saying a final goodbye to their childhood friends. Koi and Kosei were upset for weeks before the move and though a small part of them was excited they were gonna miss their friends.
The transition from Britain to Japan was rough, and growing used to Karakura’s hectic, crime-filled lifestyle was even harder. For the first few months as a transfer student, Koi bounced around her classes with little to no consensus on what was being taught. She missed her home, her friends, and most importantly, her team. When she learned Karakura had a track team, she pushed herself to try out, and it was through track that she grew to love Karakura. Her heart was pushed into the ground with each ushered step she took forward, and it wasn’t until a year later that things became grim. Their grandpa’s illness had taken a harsh turn, and when he passed, Koi’s father broke down. Their household had never truly been silent, but not a word was spoken on the day of his passing. Everyone reached the same maximized version of sadness, and as they mourned together, Kosei seemed to seclude himself, as he typically did. Not long after, they moved once more. Leaving their grandmother's house, the small family of five soon moved to Tokyo, Japan, where their mother had received a well-paying job as a stage director at a private cinema. With Papa still on their minds, Koichi's mother organized a special tradition: in each and every play she put on, she would work their grandfather in as a side character. The kids didn't catch the small, rather unnoticeable detail at first, but Kosei quickly connected the dots into a workable image and instantly their hearts ached.
Living out two rather melancholy years in Tokyo, Koichi watched Kosei closely. His attitude was beginning to change, and whether it was an early onset of puberty or the subtle changes in their father's attitude, Koichi grew worried about her growingly resentful older brother. On the day of their mother's accident, Koichi stumbled upon her brother and father arguing in the hospital hallway. She wasn’t one to pry, but overhearing bits and pieces of their argument threw her off guard and sent her running back into her mother’s room sobbing. She was sixteen and under stress no child should ever have to go through, yet she was lenient when her father decided to send the children back to Karakura to live with his mother. Koi looked to Kosei for advice, but all he could say was to follow him and trust him, and that is exactly what she did. Her brother was never truly kind or caring, but he knew what to do. Unlike Koichi and Michiko, he was aware of the situation the family was in, both financially and mentally. She couldn't exactly place it, but Kosei had always been rather inept with family matters. She had sometimes contemplated whether or not he was secretly gifted.
Moving back to Karakura was a godsend for the children, though they had only spent a year in Karakura and two years in Tokyo. They seemed to connect better with the people in Karakura more than anywhere else. Kosei, though growing more distant, seemed to find love in a girl he met. Seeing her brother find someone who completed him made her happy; not only that, but Sayuri loved her too. Reaching out and making connections with Koichi, Michiko, and their grandmother, Sayuri was quickly pulled into the family as Kosei’s girlfriend. Not long after, Koichi met Hyun, and as their time in Karakura prolonged, their love grew, right along with their physical appearance.
When Kosei graduated high school, he decided to move to Korea with his girlfriend. There, he went straight into the police academy where he was trained by decorated officers. Kosei graduated from the academy with honors and wound up marrying Sayuri. That very next year, Sayuri gave birth to their daughter. However, not long after, the paternity of the child was put into question, and she left their lives soon after. Kosei cut all connections to the family for nearly six months before he made a short visit to meet with his grandmother. While there, he wound up leaving his six-month-old to be raised by his grandmother, and though he lingered in their hearts and minds no connection was ever made to Kosei. He would show up for holidays but leave briefly after and when Mist turned six he stopped attending completely.
Meanwhile, Koichi and Hyun’s love had blossomed, and at the ripe age of nineteen, Koi learned that she was pregnant with Hyun's baby. The love between the two instantly boomed after that day. Hyun was oddly excited to be a father, even though they were both so young but, things took a turn when it was announced that they would be having not one, but two babies. Twins… no one had expected, and from that day forward, Hyun's attitude toward Koichi and the pregnancy did a complete 180. He distanced himself for nearly eight months before disappearing into the night. Koichi was dumbfounded by Hyun's actions; he was slow to answer calls and almost never came to see her, and his only excuse was that he wasn't ready. Koi’s mind spiraled, and contemplated her choices. she eventually ended up moving back in with her mother and father in Tokyo, where she gave birth to Eun-Bi and Jin-Son Kamodo. The day the twins were born was the day Koichi’s life was flipped upside down, and all thoughts or negative ideas were tossed out the window. She didn't know if she could be a single mother to twins, but now it wasn't an option.
Once the twins were old enough to fly, Koi decided to pack up and move back to her hometown in the UK, where she would live in her childhood home with the babies and her mother's mom. Koichi’s nana would watch the twins while she went to school and worked an internship for her school theater. It was in college that she met William, the second and most optimum love of her life. The two had coffee, and though they didn't share many similar interests, love blossomed. Not a year later, Koi had yet again become pregnant, Only this time, it was planned. Three under three hadn't been something she originally expected, but William didn’t bat an eye. He was loving and understanding; he provided and loved her kids as if they were his own. Six months into the pregnancy, when Koi began having difficulties, William moved in, and months after, Ikuo Kamodo was born. He proposed! The two spent their lives living happily ever after in Koi’s childhood home, and in some ways, she felt she had remade the family environment she herself grew up around.
However, things took a turn for the worse when William began neglecting his duties at home for work. Things were quiet around the house without William there, and when Koichi received a scholarship back in Japan at the prestigious University of Tokyo, she decided it was time. She had enough arguing and spats with William about when he would be home, and finally, when they both had set aside some time, Koichi set the divorce papers on the table. She would never forget the look in William's eyes when his world came crashing down upon him. He had worked so hard to hold the family together financially that he didn't realize how distant he had grown, and for that, he was sorry. He apologized to Koi hundreds of times, but as it was time to go, she packed up the kids and flew them all out to Tokyo, Japan. There, Koi was able to buy her own apartment, and with her father's help, she eventually graduated college with a list of degrees. William stopped by and came to collect Ikuo from the airport, and each time contact was made between the two adults, tension pierced the air.
Koichi had no plans of returning to Karakura, but when news spread that Kosei’s daughter had been harmed in a nearly fatal incident of gang violence, Koichi and the kids instantly raced to Mist's side. Koichi accepted a job in Karakura as a professor, and while working there, she stumbled upon a rather peculiar man. The two got to know each other, and she later found out he was a samurai from another Japanese island. It was through him that she began to recognize religion. Even her son Jin seemed overall curious about samurai culture and came to fully adapt the lifestyle into his personality. Koichi never really agreed with the idea of her son carrying sharp weapons, and as an avid pacifist, she always feared something bad would happen to Jin. It was then she started praying, taking awkward strolls to and from the shrine, only to say a prayer for her deeply beloved son. It wasn’t until Jin-Son turned up missing that she began praying relentlessly for his return. She would spend days and nights at the monastery with her heart held tight in her hands. When she went home, she would put on a brave face and promise her kids that their brother would be returning home from his spiritual retreat soon.
Though time passed and there wasn’t a word from Jin-Son for months, when he finally returned home, Koi knew her prayers had been answered. Celebrating, Koichi's heart could do nothing but throb as she held her son in her arms and said a quiet, grateful prayer.
When Koichi turned thirteen, everything seemed to change. Her parents had decided to move to Karakura, Japan, where her father was born and raised. His father had gotten desperately ill and needed medical care that his mother simply wasn't well-off enough to provide. It was an understatement to say the kids were upset, throwing fits that were out of character for them and crying after saying a final goodbye to their childhood friends. Koi and Kosei were upset for weeks before the move and though a small part of them was excited they were gonna miss their friends.
The transition from Britain to Japan was rough, and growing used to Karakura’s hectic, crime-filled lifestyle was even harder. For the first few months as a transfer student, Koi bounced around her classes with little to no consensus on what was being taught. She missed her home, her friends, and most importantly, her team. When she learned Karakura had a track team, she pushed herself to try out, and it was through track that she grew to love Karakura. Her heart was pushed into the ground with each ushered step she took forward, and it wasn’t until a year later that things became grim. Their grandpa’s illness had taken a harsh turn, and when he passed, Koi’s father broke down. Their household had never truly been silent, but not a word was spoken on the day of his passing. Everyone reached the same maximized version of sadness, and as they mourned together, Kosei seemed to seclude himself, as he typically did. Not long after, they moved once more. Leaving their grandmother's house, the small family of five soon moved to Tokyo, Japan, where their mother had received a well-paying job as a stage director at a private cinema. With Papa still on their minds, Koichi's mother organized a special tradition: in each and every play she put on, she would work their grandfather in as a side character. The kids didn't catch the small, rather unnoticeable detail at first, but Kosei quickly connected the dots into a workable image and instantly their hearts ached.
Living out two rather melancholy years in Tokyo, Koichi watched Kosei closely. His attitude was beginning to change, and whether it was an early onset of puberty or the subtle changes in their father's attitude, Koichi grew worried about her growingly resentful older brother. On the day of their mother's accident, Koichi stumbled upon her brother and father arguing in the hospital hallway. She wasn’t one to pry, but overhearing bits and pieces of their argument threw her off guard and sent her running back into her mother’s room sobbing. She was sixteen and under stress no child should ever have to go through, yet she was lenient when her father decided to send the children back to Karakura to live with his mother. Koi looked to Kosei for advice, but all he could say was to follow him and trust him, and that is exactly what she did. Her brother was never truly kind or caring, but he knew what to do. Unlike Koichi and Michiko, he was aware of the situation the family was in, both financially and mentally. She couldn't exactly place it, but Kosei had always been rather inept with family matters. She had sometimes contemplated whether or not he was secretly gifted.
Moving back to Karakura was a godsend for the children, though they had only spent a year in Karakura and two years in Tokyo. They seemed to connect better with the people in Karakura more than anywhere else. Kosei, though growing more distant, seemed to find love in a girl he met. Seeing her brother find someone who completed him made her happy; not only that, but Sayuri loved her too. Reaching out and making connections with Koichi, Michiko, and their grandmother, Sayuri was quickly pulled into the family as Kosei’s girlfriend. Not long after, Koichi met Hyun, and as their time in Karakura prolonged, their love grew, right along with their physical appearance.
When Kosei graduated high school, he decided to move to Korea with his girlfriend. There, he went straight into the police academy where he was trained by decorated officers. Kosei graduated from the academy with honors and wound up marrying Sayuri. That very next year, Sayuri gave birth to their daughter. However, not long after, the paternity of the child was put into question, and she left their lives soon after. Kosei cut all connections to the family for nearly six months before he made a short visit to meet with his grandmother. While there, he wound up leaving his six-month-old to be raised by his grandmother, and though he lingered in their hearts and minds no connection was ever made to Kosei. He would show up for holidays but leave briefly after and when Mist turned six he stopped attending completely.
Meanwhile, Koichi and Hyun’s love had blossomed, and at the ripe age of nineteen, Koi learned that she was pregnant with Hyun's baby. The love between the two instantly boomed after that day. Hyun was oddly excited to be a father, even though they were both so young but, things took a turn when it was announced that they would be having not one, but two babies. Twins… no one had expected, and from that day forward, Hyun's attitude toward Koichi and the pregnancy did a complete 180. He distanced himself for nearly eight months before disappearing into the night. Koichi was dumbfounded by Hyun's actions; he was slow to answer calls and almost never came to see her, and his only excuse was that he wasn't ready. Koi’s mind spiraled, and contemplated her choices. she eventually ended up moving back in with her mother and father in Tokyo, where she gave birth to Eun-Bi and Jin-Son Kamodo. The day the twins were born was the day Koichi’s life was flipped upside down, and all thoughts or negative ideas were tossed out the window. She didn't know if she could be a single mother to twins, but now it wasn't an option.
Once the twins were old enough to fly, Koi decided to pack up and move back to her hometown in the UK, where she would live in her childhood home with the babies and her mother's mom. Koichi’s nana would watch the twins while she went to school and worked an internship for her school theater. It was in college that she met William, the second and most optimum love of her life. The two had coffee, and though they didn't share many similar interests, love blossomed. Not a year later, Koi had yet again become pregnant, Only this time, it was planned. Three under three hadn't been something she originally expected, but William didn’t bat an eye. He was loving and understanding; he provided and loved her kids as if they were his own. Six months into the pregnancy, when Koi began having difficulties, William moved in, and months after, Ikuo Kamodo was born. He proposed! The two spent their lives living happily ever after in Koi’s childhood home, and in some ways, she felt she had remade the family environment she herself grew up around.
However, things took a turn for the worse when William began neglecting his duties at home for work. Things were quiet around the house without William there, and when Koichi received a scholarship back in Japan at the prestigious University of Tokyo, she decided it was time. She had enough arguing and spats with William about when he would be home, and finally, when they both had set aside some time, Koichi set the divorce papers on the table. She would never forget the look in William's eyes when his world came crashing down upon him. He had worked so hard to hold the family together financially that he didn't realize how distant he had grown, and for that, he was sorry. He apologized to Koi hundreds of times, but as it was time to go, she packed up the kids and flew them all out to Tokyo, Japan. There, Koi was able to buy her own apartment, and with her father's help, she eventually graduated college with a list of degrees. William stopped by and came to collect Ikuo from the airport, and each time contact was made between the two adults, tension pierced the air.
Koichi had no plans of returning to Karakura, but when news spread that Kosei’s daughter had been harmed in a nearly fatal incident of gang violence, Koichi and the kids instantly raced to Mist's side. Koichi accepted a job in Karakura as a professor, and while working there, she stumbled upon a rather peculiar man. The two got to know each other, and she later found out he was a samurai from another Japanese island. It was through him that she began to recognize religion. Even her son Jin seemed overall curious about samurai culture and came to fully adapt the lifestyle into his personality. Koichi never really agreed with the idea of her son carrying sharp weapons, and as an avid pacifist, she always feared something bad would happen to Jin. It was then she started praying, taking awkward strolls to and from the shrine, only to say a prayer for her deeply beloved son. It wasn’t until Jin-Son turned up missing that she began praying relentlessly for his return. She would spend days and nights at the monastery with her heart held tight in her hands. When she went home, she would put on a brave face and promise her kids that their brother would be returning home from his spiritual retreat soon.
Though time passed and there wasn’t a word from Jin-Son for months, when he finally returned home, Koi knew her prayers had been answered. Celebrating, Koichi's heart could do nothing but throb as she held her son in her arms and said a quiet, grateful prayer.

How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?
Koichi respects shrine grounds and wholeheartedly believes that each living creature, planet, and building should be respected, as they are the product of someone's handiwork. She is always kind and willing to lend a helping hand to whoever, or whatever, steps foot on or off the grounds. She wants visitors to leave feeling freshly rejuvenated and ready to start, continue, or end their day off right. As for her fellow shrine staff, she wants nothing more than to make their day easier. Whether it be helping them complete their chores or having a rejuvenating conversation with colleagues, she is and always will be someone you can depend on.
You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?
Seeing the guests jumping from roof to roof, Koichi would be earnestly displeased with their behavior. Living or deceased, no one should be disrespecting, breaking, or misusing the monastery's property. She would start by getting their attention before asking them kindly to get down and explaining that it isn’t safe to be doing such activities. She would go on to explain how it is both unsafe and disrespectful to treat the shrine as some sort of playground. It is a place of worship and should be respected by believers and nonbelievers of the Shinto faith alike. She would advise the guests to move to a playground or forest to keep their monkeying behavior in a more appropriate location.
Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?
Koichi Amerelie Kamodo wholeheartedly believes that the Shinto faith saved the life of her oldest son. During the time her son was away, Koi could do nothing but hope, dream, and pray that he would return home safe and unharmed. When Koi discovered the Shinto faith and began making frequent visits to the monastery, she found that it lifted her spirits. She would leave each visit believing fully that her baby boy would return home unharmed. When he finally did return from his spiritual retreat, she could do nothing but cry and thank the gods above for delivering her son safely back home. Koi wholeheartedly believes that the willing kami guided her boy back into her arms, and ever since she has done nothing but want to thank them. Paying her respects to the shrine and doing what she could from where she is could never be enough to repay the kami for relieving her of so much stress. In return, she vowed to serve the kami in whatever way she could. Devoting herself and the rest of her life to the monastery is the least she could do for the gift the kami bestowed upon her.
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