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KPD Application #1 | SkiXD


Level 48

IGN (In-Game Name): SkiXD
(SkiXD2) Alternate Account

My Current Roles!!:
Main (SkiXD)
Grade 12 x2
Alternate Account (SkiXD2)
Professor (UP)
Grade 12

Discord Name & Tag: My discord is skixd (It has no number I am in the EMS Discord server) I am willing to speak during voice calls and just during normal conversations most of the time unless I am sick.

Which timezone are you in? PST (Pacific Standard Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server: I am active for multiple hours every day but usually during later times. I usually grind my attributes that I need to get up when I get the chance but sometimes I just roleplay with the community and with my friends. I usually try to bring my reputation up whilst I am online showing that I am a active player within the community and that I can do various different things. I have been in 2 big factions on my time on the SRP server (Town & Faculty) I did recently leave the Town faction to focus on Faculty on my alternate account but I try to balance my main account and my alternate account at every chance that I get. I have had some previous experiences that brought my reputation up a bit as well but not that much. I have stolen a BMD crate before and I hold that title because I stole it from the BMD lead which brought my reputation up a bit. I sometimes help out with different events that happen around SRP when I am online and get the chance to. When I am not on SRP I am usually in class but I am still active throughout the various Discord servers that SRP has talking to people and helping them with various different things. I also sometimes talk to my friends in calls discussing various topics around SRP and how we could bring back to the community more helping with various things. I try to bring my reputation up within the staff team as well by helping with situations icly or oocly. I have a decent amount of information about all of the different factions around SRP like KPD, EMS, Faculty, BMD, and Shrine. I try to gain information about them every chance I get so that I can be better in the future and I hope that I can share my skills with this faction in the future! Here is a list of some times I am active and playing on SRP. My playtime on the server has been around 7 weeks currently which I am trying to get up consistently since I recently started playing again around 6 months ago after I took a long break off of SRP. At the time of me applying this is the playtime I have. My reputation, Every time I am on SRP I am usually helping people in ooc or with any questions that they may need help with which definitely bring my reputation up a bit. I try to be friendly and join into conversations chatting with people in looc or in the various Discord servers involving SRP that may including the Emergency, Crime, or Town discord servers talking to people and being friendly whenever I get the chance. Sometimes I just comment on peoples art work or models within the roleplay hub discord server giving advice or just talking about them. I like to greet new people and say hello to well known people in the community to bring my reputation within being friendly up as well because that is a bigger part of it as well. In my opinion which is not others I still do not have the best reputation but this can change in the future if I do keep doing these things and helping people. I try to bring my reputation up in the server as well by participating in different events that happen between factions or just player made events or lore. Capture.PNG

4:30pm-10pm | PST4:30pm-10pm PST4:30pm-10pm PST4:30pm-10pm PST4:30pm-12am PST11am-11pm PST11am-10pm PST

What is your motivation for applying?: The current motivation that I have for applying to become a officer of the Karakura Police Department is well.. Multiple different things, Firstly I do want to bring my reputation up within the faction community and just the community in all by participating in different events that may happen with factions and just the community in all. I try to bring the roleplay aspect into every faction because that is the main reason that I am also applying for the faction because I want to gain my skills in roleplaying with like more detailed actions and such. I want to get to know the members of the Government factions and the main ones that make up the Government faction like KPD & EMS. I have always looked up to the Government factions and the KPD on my time on SRP and I still do to this day. I mainly try to focus on my role plays that I do in my time with doing things with the KPD or EMS by detailrping situations or just bringing the fun aspect into it. Sometimes I can be funny during situations that may be serious but most of the time I am serious so that I can focus better on doing things icly and oocly. I have gotten into GangRP and CrimeRP more recently and doing things with those but I have lost interest in those recently and my focus has been pointed into the direction of factions more and the different things that you can do in each faction. Like what the KPD can do within things like safety awareness or helping shopkeepers and such. These have been the main reasons why I have the motivation to apply for the KPD faction and so that I can be more well-known oocly by people in the community and faction members so that people can know what I am good at and the different skills that I can bring back into the community. Another reason that brought up my reputation is because some of my friends have been in the faction and that has brought my interest and passion on why I do want to join the KPD faction in the future to gain my experience in different factions around the server and just to bring up my role play experience in general. I do generally just want to bring up my main reputation on the server regards if I did get into KPD and how much that would bring my reputation up. I participate in different conversations around the server and Discord servers giving feedback to people or just bringing positivity back into the community which definitely helps my reputation a bit. Another thing that gave me more motivation to apply for the KPD faction is well.. The different changes that the faction has witnessed in the past few months. Some changes that really stood out to me were the different events that the faction participated in like riots, safety days, and such. I have also witnessed the KPD building getting changed adding more detail and perspective to how a new station in the modern day would look like with courtyards, new cells, new front desks and more! I have really enjoyed following the faction and watching all of the changes that it goes through so that I can gain more knowledge about the faction and so that I could become a member of the faction in the future!!

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? I have a decent amount of knowledge of Police Work and what they do in various situations and I do try to gain my knowledge on the things they do every day so that I can learn more about the faction in my time on SRP. I know a lot about the different items that the KPD has access to within regular police equipment like their ID or Radio that they possess to communicate back and fourth to other members that work in KPD or EMS. I know that attributes are a big thing for the KPD faction like the Acrobatics attribute as well as speed which is why I have taken a lot of time dedicated to grinding those to get to 100% on both of them. I have been grinding my swim speed when I do get the chance to be better in water chases but I rarely get to. I know a decent amount of information about the trainings that take place within the Karakura Police Department and how you can rank up to become a higher ranking officer with your time dedicated to the faction and I hope to do that in the future. Some of the things with the trainings that take place in the faction are like Physical trainings and Information trainings (If I am correct) I may be wrong though. I know a lot about the different laws in Karakura icly and oocly which I am still memorizing to be better at in the future and during cases that might take place with KPD and the town faction in the future. Here is a list of some of the things that officers of the Karakura Police Department can take place in whilst in the faction. Arresting criminals for various crimes, Taking reports about any sort of law-break, Taking care of inmates that come into the station, Engage in server-wide events alongside the EMS, Town and Crime faction, Overseeing the city with a custom-made CCTV plugin, Assisting citizens at front desk, Patrolling the city to look for criminals, Interrogating gang members, Filing town logs related to judicial cases, Raiding properties to look for contraband, And many more. Here is a list of some additional information that I have taken time out of my day to memorize. (Information from these threads) I have a good knowledge about the different rankings within the Karakura Police Department and what they can do. Here is a list of the divisions and rankings that make up the Karakura police department and what they do. Every day I usually spend an hour or more studying all of this information including rankings, equipment, trainings, and basic information that is necessary for becoming a Cadet or member of the KPD faction in the future. Usually I review all of the laws and regulations on the forums so that I can know them for the future and for dealing with situations. I sometimes have my friends quiz me on the different information regarding the KPD including rankings, equipment, laws and fineable offenses, and much more that is necessary to know. I do also have a good knowledge of how raiding properties or locations work within the KPD faction. Officers that are involved in raids are to wear Riot Gear to ensure their safety if individuals may have dangerous weapons or try to attack an officer. Raids usually are big groups of officers some with tranquilizers and one with a crowbar if I am correct to open various doors. Some reasons that the KPD may raid a property or location is if they have suspected that you have committed a dangerous crime such as Possession of Illegal Weaponry or Kidnapping an individual. To get permission for a raid officers have to go to the town hall and get a warrant issued for the officers to raid the property or location with additional information on why they suspect that the person may have done a crime and such. I do also have a decent amount of knowledge on CombatRP and things in it that can be useful during different situations, I know about P2L as well and how it works based off of the regular rolling system that people use because P2L is not really talked about as much and is only used during like events with gangs and such. I have been learning about the CombatRP rules for around a few months now so that I could bring my knowledge up on them for different situations that may happen in the future. I have been involved in big events that require CombatRP skills and such to gain my experience on it and so that people know that I am good at using it for the future. I do know that CombatRP can also be a big part of the KPD faction with dealing with people who may fight back using weapons and such or raids.

Detective SuperintendentThe DSI manages bigger tasks around the city or bigger crimes and to oversee the different members in the rankings below them to make sure that they are fit.
Chief Detective InspectorThe CDI handles major investigations around the town for example (Capital Murder) Murder of a government official to show that they work efficiently
Detective InspectorDetective Inspectors inspect different crimes that happen around Karakura and gain evidence for the other rankings and can do other things for example making arrests, filing reports, and assault.
Detective ConstableDetective Constables are the lowest ranking in the division handling investigations and gaining evidence and witnesses to complete their cases that may happen around the town for example burglary or assault.
Main Division

Commissioner The Commissioner is the highest ranking within the KPD managing the different divisions and making sure everything runs smoothly and managing coordination, management, members, and operations and much more.
CaptainThe Captain manages all of the divisions and makes sure all of the policies are carried out within the faction and making sure the lower ranking members do their best.
LieutenantThis is the first ranking that is considered a higher-ranking in the faction or the first higher-up position.
SergeantThis ranking manages the ranking below them making sure that they run smoothly and so that they can gain information. They are not much different from the rankings below them but they have more experience in the force.
CorporalCorporals spend time leading patrol groups, dealing with arrests, responding to calls, and much more. They still listen to their higher-ups within the department but are still a ranking higher than patrol officer and such.
Patrol OfficerPatrol Officer is the second ranking you receive after passing the cadet exams meaning you can go outside of the station but they will most likely be with another higher ranking officer to go with with. They are still a low ranking within the department but they can still patrol and deal with various situations.
CadetThis is the first ranking within the faction that you receive upon being accepted. During this period of time as a Cadet, you will be monitored by the Higher-Ups of the faction to make sure you follow all of the rules in the faction and to make sure you don't misuse the equipment. In this ranking, you are not able to go off-duty unless given permission from the faction lead. As well as during this you will be given a 2-week training where you are taught the basics of the faction as well as physical trainings. This will let the higher-ups know that you are ready to take the examinations. If you pass the exams you will rank up to a Patrol Officer the second ranking in the faction. If you fail the exams you will be given another week to study and prepare to make sure that you are ready for the re-take of the exams. If failed twice you will be removed from the force but you are able to apply next wave.

Radio & BadgeThe police badge is a leather pocket with an identification card for the officer to prove that they are a government official, badge number for the officer, and the officers ranking. The radio is a device used for government workers to communicate to one another that is mainly used for EMS or KPD.
HandcuffsA pair of steel tools that are used to detain or arrest individuals whilst moving them to the station. They restrain individuals wrists from moving or doing anything with their hands whilst in the cuffs.
TaserA device used to stun individuals that may be aggressive in a situation or may be a dangerous individual in the situation that could cause harm to the officer or people in the community. When the individual is Tazed or on the ground the officer can approach them safely making sure that they can detain or arrest the individual if they are doing something wrong.
Tranquilizer A device that shoots out a dart with a very powerful sedative mainly used on animal calls or big groups of dangerous individuals that may cause harm to the community or officers.
Riot GearThis gear is made specifically to protect officers against dangerous targets mainly used when controlling a crowd, riots, raiding a property, or gang riots.
CrowbarA tool that can be used to break down doors that is mainly used when raiding a property that may be suspected to have illegal weapons or a hostage/criminal inside that can be accessed by higher ranking members in the department.
Pepper-SprayA bottle that is used in mainly gang riots, crowd control, or self defense. The main symptoms of getting sprayed by this tool is inflammation to various spots around the body.
BatonA metal device carried by officers to use in self defense or in dangerous situations that may happen around the town.
BreathalyzerA tool available to EMS & Officers that is used to track how drunk an individual is if they are drunk in public or such.
Police Bike & CarVehicles that are used for officers to get around to situations faster and used during car chases that officers may get into.

Fineable Offenses
All of this information is from this thread

Each of these offenses are minor crimes that will not result in jail time nor a criminal record, unless a fine goes unpaid.

The act of remaining on grounds operated by a private entity, extended past their welcome.

The act of crossing or stationing in a roadway without use of a marked crosswalk.

The act of harassing or disturbing an individual in any way, shape or form against their will. This includes, but is not limited to, blackmailing, verbal abuse, defamation, stalking, chasing, criminal intimidation, etc.

Illegitimate Possession of Bats/Ballistic masks
The act of possessing a ballistic mask(s) or bat(s) while having a felonious criminal record

The act of damaging someone else's reputation through slander.

Criminal Intimidation
Making verbal, physical, or otherwise criminal threats toward a person.

The act of attempting to force someone to do a specific action(s) by threats.

Possession of Un-prescribed Medication
The unlawful possession of any sort of medical item without a required prescription
-In the case of crutches, the item will only be taken away if the individual can walk properly without the need of them. Otherwise, they should be advised to go to the Hospital to get a new prescription

Irresponsible Driving
The act of driving unlawfully by driving on the wrong side of the road (the right lane), or doing a turn in the middle of a roadway

The crime of an individual attempting to prevent the work of an officer through bribery.

Underage Possession of Alcohol or Smoking Accessories
The crime of an individual below the legal age (20) actively or previously possessing alcohol or smoking accessories.

Possession of Fake Identification
The crime of an individual possessing a forged or otherwise tampered piece of government identification.

Disorderly Conduct
The crime of behaving in a disruptive manner to themselves or others in public. In regards to yelling, a fine will only be put in place for yelling in a neighborhood or apartment complex

Disrespect Toward a Government Official
The act of acting unlawfully disrespecting an on-duty government official.

Public Intoxication
The act of being drunk in a public region.

Failure to possess an I.D.
Failure to show one's I.D. car to a Government official when asked. Only applicable to individuals who are 16 or older.

Motor Vehicle Offenses

These laws fall beneath the (KMVA) Karakura Motor Vehicle Act, violation of them will result in a criminal record along with jail time, as well as the potential to suspend or remove a person's driving abilities.

[F] Kidnapping with a Vehicle - 6 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive using a vehicle.

[F] Evasion With a Vehicle - 3 Months
The act of driving away from a law enforcement after being flagged during the performance of their duty.

[M] Street Racing - 2 Months
The illegal form of auto racing that occurs on a public road.

[M] Drunk Driving - 2 Months
The act of driving an automobile while under the influence of alcohol.

Animal-related Offenses

The laws listed here fall under (KAWA) Karakura Animal Welfare Act. These laws are in place to prevent cruelty & abuse toward animals.

[F] Animal Murder - 12 Months
The intentional act of killing any animals, domesticated or wild.

[F] Animal Abuse - 4 Months
The illegal practice of using an animal as a target for physical assault.

[M] Illegitimate Possession of an Animal - 2 Month
The act of abducting an animal that is not under one's existing ownership.

Minor Crimes

These crimes will result in a criminal record & jail time.

[F] Tampering with Government Equipment - 3 Months
The crime of tampering with government equipment or to make unauthorized alterations.

[F] Illegal Services - 3 Months
Any advertised or services that are deemed unlawful, such as selling alcohol to minors

[M] Theft/Scamming - 2 Months
The act of illegal taking another individual's possession through force, fraud, among others.

[M] Restraining Order Violation - 2 Months
The unlawful crime of violating the terms of an approved restraining order.

[M] Obstruction of Justice - 2 Months
The crime of interfering in police duties by physically or verbally obstructing police work.

[M] False Reporting - 1 Month
The crime of knowingly making a false statement that is material to criminal investigation.

[M] Vandalism - 1 Month
The act of involving deliberate destruction or damage to public or private property.

[M] Evasion - 1 Month
The act of escaping from or running from a police officer once halted or otherwise instructed to face a wall.

[M] Trespassing - 1 Month
The act of entering another's private property without authority of the property owner.

[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
The act of an individual obstructing, resisting or delaying a law enforcement confrontation during the performance of their duty.

[M] Misuse of the 110 Hotline - 3 Day
The action of calling 110 for purposes that are not related to any emergency services.

Assault Crimes

These crimes all have to do with offenses related to unconsented instances of assault.

[F] Assault with a Deadly Weapon - 12 Months
The usage of a lethal weapon on another civilian with intent to cause major harm

[F] Assault on a Government Official - 6 Months
The intentional assault on a Government Official (KPD, EMS, KT) during the line of duty

[F] Assault with a Weapon - 6 Months
The usage of a non-lethal blunt weapon on another civilian with intent to cause harm

[F] Kidnapping - 4 Months
The action of abducting someone against their will and/or holding them captive.

[M] Assault - 2 Months
The crime of actively starting a fight against someone unconsentedly.

Government Crimes

These offenses have to do with town/executive-related matters, and can only be issued with the approval of a Mayor/trial case.

[F] Tax Evasion - Variable
The unlawful act of intentionally evading taxes after failing to comply when issued with a notice from the Government.

[F] Government Corruption - 20 Months
Any sort of unauthorized affiliation between a government official and a member of a criminal organization.

[F] Government Misconduct - 6 Months
The intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties that result in someone's being harmed.

[M] Government Negligence - No Jailtime
The unintentional / intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties

Major Crimes

These crimes will result in a felonious criminal record, as well as a long jail time.

[F] Weapon Trafficking - 20 Months
The act of selling or distributing illegal weaponry.

[F] Hostage Taking - 16 Months
The act of taking a hostage and or demanding a ransom.

[F] Gang Affiliation - 16 Months
The act of being apart of a group of people in which commit illegal services/crimes that has been contributed to.

[F] Possession of Illegal Weaponry - 3 Months
The unlawful possession of illegal weaponry that is capable of extensive harm.

[F] Breaking and Entering - 4 Months
The intentional act of damage to a private property to allow yourself and or others to enter.

Murder Crimes

These crimes will result in a criminal record, jail time, & may result in life sentencing

[F] Capital Murder - LIFE / 40 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of a government official. (Police, Hospital-Staff, Governor, and Mayor)

[F] First Degree Murder - LIFE / 30 Months (If attempted)
Deliberate killing of another individual that is planned beforehand.

[F] Second Degree Murder - LIFE / 20 Months (If attempted)
The deliberate killing of another individual that occurs without planning beforehand.

[F] Manslaughter - 16 Months
The killing of another individual in which the offender acted without intent to kill.

[F] Conspiracy to Commit Murder/Major Injury - 10 Months

The intentional action of placing hits and/or ordering third parties to commit Murder or Major Assault on an individual

I do not know a lot about this but here is some that I know a decent amount about.
10-4 Means understood for example 10-4 sir if a higher ranking officer gave a direct order.
10-20 Means the officer is asking for the location of the officer or situation of whatever is going on.
10-19 Means that the officer is returning to either the police station or the hospital.
10-8 Means that an officer is responding to a call or situation that is going on
Code-0 Is when an officer is in danger and is mainly just a panic button
10-10 Means an officer/ems worker is going off duty.

Some other knowledge.. I do also have some other information regarding callsigns, itemrped items that the police can use, and some other things. Here is a list of some of the additional things that the KPD has access to or can use in various situations.

Gas Mask- This is an item that is available to all on-duty officers it can be stolen with proper permissions and a successful /roll and is used to protect officers against biological threats.

Crowbar- This is an item available to police corporals+ it can be used to pry open doors, containers, and much more it can be stolen with proper mug permissions on the item and a successful /roll as well.

Disposable Latex Gloves- This is an ItemRPed tool that is accessible to all on-duty officers they cannot be stolen and are carried around in officer’s uniforms.

Luminol Spray- This is an ItemRPed tool that is mainly used to look for blood on surfaces or weapons that have not been cleaned It cannot be stolen.

Fingerprint Scanner- This is a tool that ItemRPed as police equipment, It is avalible to all officers and is used to scan an individuals fingerprints, It can be used to identify and match fingerprints to a crime that has been commited and such.

First-Aid Kit This is another tool available to officers that is ItemRPed, it can be used to help an individual with a bleedout timer adding an additional 5 minutes if EMT’s and such have not arrived.

Body Camera- This is the last ItemRPed item that I am aware of, It is available to all officers, It constantly records and is a live-streaming water proof camera attached to the front of officers uniforms, It cannot be removed but can be destroyed with 2 hits with blunt force or 1 stab hit, The camera is basically a cctv camera and can view anything from a player point of view.

Callsigns- These are basically codes to hide the identities of officers and so that they can know who each other are without leaking the officer identy to the public. You can come up with your own callsign upon being accepted into the KPD faction and becoming a cadet.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In my opinion the Karakura Police is important to SchoolRP in many different ways first off. The GangRP & CrimeRP community does like to fight back in various different situations with gangs and small things that may happen once and a while. I know in some cases big events can happen with gangs like burning things down and such which KPD can play a big part in the roleplay aspect of them if approved by staff. Mainly the KPD plays a big part of the roleplay aspect in the community within helping newer players learn more about the faction and how they could become a member in the future if they wanted to and they had decent reputation or mainly just helping them with general questions that they may have about roleplay and such. The KPD also plays a big part as it is mainly the biggest faction that is active on the server (Other than EMS) and that the KPD faction is really active within patrolling around the server and fighting crime and people that just want to cause harm in character and the KPD helps with that as they would in real life basically anywhere. The KPD has had some big events previously like riots and such or kidnappings but they rarely happen but they can sometimes bring fun times into the community. The KPD also plays a big part of the factions that make up SRP as the community would probably not be able to function without it as people would just run around attacking people with the right permissions if they had so and the KPD is there to help during those situations so that less of that can happen within the community. Alot of the players on SRP definitely look up to the members inside of the KPD faction and mainly just the faction in all because of what they do and how they can help around the server in various situations. The KPD can also be important for dealing with ooc situations as well. The members of the KPD have been trained to deal with dangerous situations icly or oocly as well by having the brain power and skills to be a member. The KPD also participates in some government (Town) events around the server that the public can participate in whilst the KPD help around. I have seen with my eyes how the KPD manages things during for say a criminal trial at the town hall or something like that where they protect the government officials there incase anything does end up happening. The KPD plays a very big part in the server and community by helping with a lot of things and that is why I am trying to become a member in the future so I can help with those things!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? Yes, I fully acknowledge and understand that whilst I am online if I do not attend trainings that are taking place I can be punished oocly and icly if I do not attend which can lead to deeper punishment including removal from the faction in all.

What's your character's full name?: Elijah Nixon

How old is your character (if accepted)?: 32

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What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Male | He/Him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): College Masters!

Family Tree: Black Blue Minimalist Family Tree Graph (1).png

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: Elijah did spent a few months studying about the languages that he currently knows which are Korean, Russian, and Italian. He took various online classes to learn more about these topics and how he could get better at speaking them in the future to communicate more with people. Elijah spent time studying by himself and with his friends to help them with other languages as well but usually did it by himself. After taking numerous breaks and coming back to studying multiple times he did eventually complete is goals in learning the languages and could officially talk to people in the languages and have official conversations with people who already knew the language. (Russian, Korean, Italian)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique? Elijah Nixon, A stunning 5’9 (175cm) male with brown hair and brown eyes. Elijah has a different perspective on various different things than other people like simple things such as working with people or communicating in various different ways, and so much more. Elijah has always loved animals that are friendly to him but some people don’t like animals as much, Elijah loves to watch wildlife like the bears but he usually stays away from them as he does not want to get hurt. Elijah has always been interested in the Government around Karakura and how they do different things like the Karakura Police Department protects the city against criminals and the EMS helps people who are injured or need medical attention. Elijah has studied how the government in Karakura works for a while now and the different laws around Karakura. Elijah has had some previous experience from witnessing the Karakura Police Department deal with various different and difficult situations before and he has learned from that and how he can be better in the future from learning and gaining information on the different subjects that the Karakura Police Department use daily. (Full Description) 1706840509176.png

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation? During professional/casual situations Elijah can act differently depending on the situation and if it's serious or not. During big situations, Elijah takes his job very seriously helping his co-workers with anything that they might need help with depending on the position he is in. If it was just a simple thing like patting someone down he would help all of the time to bring his experience up in dealing with different things. Sometimes during casual situations Elijah would act funny or less serious if it was something like patting an individual down on the wall or just patrolling with another officer he would be calm and funny around them but his expressions could change depending if the situation got more intense or something serious happened that could lead to someone getting hurt. If someone did get injured during a situation if a criminal had a dangerous weapon he would fight back with the individual trying to call for backup at every chance that he gets because he would try and focus on disarming the individual and stunning them so he could help the officer and call for backup at the same time.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork? Elijah is better when working in a team because he knows that in a serious situation anything could go wrong or an officer could get hurt, He knows that the KPD is stronger when in groups of officers whilst patrolling or dealing with serious situations where a criminal might have a deadly weapon that could be used in the wrong way to either hurt someone or just have it on you regularly. Elijah believes that it is better to go to situations in groups either if its a big group of people then he would want to go in a bigger group of officers or if it is a smaller group then not that many officers. He knows that if he went out into the town of Karakura alone that he would most likely be targeted by big groups of people or criminals because he works for the Government in Karakura and some people don’t support it. He wants to be able to get to know all of his co-workers so that he can learn more about them and what they like to do, He thinks that his co-workers are able to teach him to be better in various different situations either a bad situation which can lead to getting hurt or just a small situation when patrolling. Elijah has enjoyed his previous experience with working with people in his previous time and has gotten used to it and is why he enjoys to work with people in groups or just talk to people and be friendly. Elijah believes that everyone can eventually grow into working with people or groups but knows that some people may not be able to.

Early Life: 1000 Words

Early Life: (Birth) During Elijah’s early years he was born in Guadalajara Mexico with his small family consisting of him, his mother, and his father. Elijah was a small baby at the time of his birth. During the years of him being born Elijah was not given a lot of attention by his family because they were working a lot and didn’t get the time to visit him, His parents had to hire a babysitter to take care of him when they were at work because they didn’t have the time to. Over the years Elijah had to learn to take care of himself more because the babysitter was old and could barely take care of themself, Elijah had to help around the town that he grew up in to help earn money for his family to put food on the table and pay for the small house that they lived in. Elijah helped with chores around his house by doing simple things like dusting or cleaning spots around his room or his parents room. Elijah liked to clean things up and just help around his house regularly because he found it relaxing and it could get his mind off of things when he couldn’t focus. After Elijah spent a while making money for his family by doing simple jobs around the town that he grew up in or just cleaning around his house and doing chores to make sure that his house was clean for his parents and for guests that may come to visit. Elijah grew up with ADHD that came from his parents genetics so it was hard for him to focus and it was difficult for him to focus in school or do his work in his classes. His family couldn’t afford ADHD medication so he had to try and focus without it. Elijah spent a while saving up his extra money that he made from doing jobs around his town trying to get the money to afford ADHD medication so he could focus better even though he was getting straight A’s in school.

Brother?!: When Elijah was in his teenage years he got the surprise that he was getting a brother in the future, After a few months Elijah was excited trying to prepare in every way possible to help his brother and bring more money to the family to afford more food and essentials for the new baby, After the baby was born in a hospital near by his home. After a day or so his parents eventually came home with the baby and telling Elijah the name of it, Elijah was surprised with the name as it came to a shock to him because he used to have a friend with the same name a few years back.. Masaru his new baby brother’s name was Masaru. After a few days of his parents preparing and taking care of the baby Elijah was able to meet him and get to know him and his traits that he carried with him. After a few years Elijah spent a lot of time with his brother teaching him on how he could help provide to the family by doing jobs around the house and the town that he lived in just like Elijah used to do to provide money for his family for food and essential needs. Elijah taught Masaru about various different things tutoring him and helping him get through school with good grades so that he could get a good job and decide on what he wanted to do in the future. Masaru learned a lot from his brother and how he could use that knowledge to his advantage in the future with various different situations or when he might need it. Masaru studied every night with his brother learning about different languages and things that were essential and that Masaru needed to learn. Masaru got mainly A’s in his classes but some B’s and C’s but he couldn’t do as much as his brother could do by getting straight A’s

Moving Out?!?!?: After Elijah grew up he eventually turned 18 before starting to plan his journeys for the future. Elijah spent around a month studying different locations around the world and what he could in each place. Elijah eventually decided on one place.. Karakura Japan!! Elijah spent a few days looking for plane tickets that he could get so he could get to the location that he decided on. Eventually Elijah found a plane company that he enjoyed because the flight was going to take awhile, He spent a few hours packing his bags to prepare for his trip moving to Karakura. Eventually he made his way to the airport eventually making his way onto the plane and starting his journey to Karakura Japan. When he arrived he made his way off the plane walking into the town before stopping for a brief moment and taking a breath. He started to make his way out of the airport before starting to walk around the town trying to figure out the layout of the town so that he could use it to his advantage in the future when dealing with situations. When Elijah got a good layout of the town he took a break and started to rest for a while before eventually going back out into the town to get more knowledge. Elijah spent a bit studying the languages Italian, Korean, and Russian spending around a few weeks on each language to understand them better and to get a better knowledge on them so he could communicate with people in different languages in the future. Elijah had always been passionate in various different topics like the government or animals and such, He always spent his free time trying to study to gain more information on various subjects so he could use them to his advantage in the future or dealing with dangerous situations or casual situations's. Elijah likes to help people with any questions

Backstory Pt 2 1043 Words

Police Academy?!?!: After Elijah moved to the town of Karakura Japan he spent a while studying different jobs around the town that he could participate in or join in the future, He eventually decided on one called the Karakura Police Department. A team of highly trained individuals to help protect the town of Karakura and fight back against crime. He took a lot of inspiration from the members of the Karakura Police Department force in his time in Karakura trying to learn more about what they do and the different things that they have access to and the rankings within the team. Elijah went online looking for Police Academys that he could participate in within the town of Karakura. He eventually found one that he liked so he decided to research it for a while before reaching out to the people that ran it. After he decided to select that course he went online learning about how he could apply for the Academy to learn more about the laws around Karakura and how he could help people in the town in the future. Elijah spent a few days before eventually going to a location to start his training for the force. He spent a few weeks learning about information like laws, the equipment that they have access to, rankings and positions, and much more. He also spent a week physically training himself to be faster and so that he could jump higher to catch criminals around the town. Elijah spent around 5-6 weeks in max in the academy before eventually passing it and going to study about various other subjects. After Elijah passed the academy he spent a bit learning about the members of the force and how he could befriend them in the future to gain more knowledge. Elijah learned a lot of important information in the police academy and how he could use that knowledge to his advantage in the future whilst dealing with situations that may involve people using dangerous weapons such as spiked bats and such. Elijah learned how he could disarm individuals that may try to use weapons on him or his co-workers whilst he was patrolling.

Break Time!!: After Elijah spent a while studying on how he could be better in the future and how he could become a member of the Karakura Police Department force. He decided to take a break from studying to focus on bringing his reputation up in the community so more people could learn about him and what he is good at. Elijah often walked around the town in his free time to get a better layout of the town so that he could use it to his advantage in the future when dealing with various different situations. Elijah participated in multiple events around Karakura that took place so that he could meet new people and show people what he likes to do and so that he could give back to the community when he got the chance. Elijah spent a lot of his time at the forest wandering around to get the layout of it because it was really easy for him to get lost in it. He eventually made a map of the upper town area, and the forest before starting to get his information on the sewer routes to be better at navigating through places in the future. Elijah uses all of his information that he gained in the police academy and just studying different things like languages and such. He spent a decent amount of time making maps of different areas around the town including the sewers, the town, the forest, and the beach so that he could use it to his advantage in the future when searching for people in groups of teams. Elijah has different perspectives on things like working with groups of people for searches and such. Elijah has always looked forward to the Karakura Police Department members how he sees them do things in casual and serious situations like if they were patting someone down or dealing with a group of criminals that may have dangerous weapons.

Meeting New People!! After Elijah took a big break for a few months/weeks he decided to start going out into the town more trying to meet new people and get more friends around the town. Elijah loved to start conversations with people regarding various different topics that may include animals, the law, and so much more. Elijah always took walks in the morning looking for people to talk to. Elijah usually walked on the pier at the beach going to the lighthouse and just sitting at the top of it for a bit staring at the stars before going back to his walk. Elijah also liked to walk around the Business & Shopping districts in the town looking at the various shops that he could possibly work at in the future. Every night Elijah would call his brother Masaru and have a conversation about school and other things for around 1 hour every night before Masaru had to go to bed. Some days Elijah would walk over to the shrine in Karakura in the back of the forest because he knows how lonely it can be for the shrine priests or maidens that work their because not many people usually go there. Elijah liked to sit inside the different abandoned buildings and cabins around the forest that usually only tourists go to during the summer time to either camp or hang out with friends in. He loved to read books there and study because he found it rather quiet.. Because people generally don’t go to the forest or cabins Elijah sometimes called his friends there to help him study or to just hang out. Sometimes Elijah would spend some time cleaning up the cabin to bring back traditions from his old home in Mexico where he used to help clean the house but he brought it back to the cabin helping tighten it up for the time he was there. Elijah made sure that other people would know about him and so that they would visit the cabin in the future so he carved his name into one of the logs using a rock that he found.

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura? Well… The simple answer is no, If you own a pocket knife it is not allowed in Karakura as it is classified as illegal weaponry because it can cause extensive harm to an individual, If caught with a pocket knife in your possession you would be arrested for Possession of Illegal Weaponry which would get you 3 months in jail with a bail charge of 150k which someone can pay to get out of jail. But there have been a decent amount of situations around the town of Karakura involving weapons that can cause a lot of harm to an individual if used in a bad way like a pocket knife that could be used for self-protection but is now considered illegal.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

Non Prescription Medications

Paracetamol | 1500¥ | Max Amount 3

Cough Syrup | 6000¥ | Max Amount 2

Multivitamins | 3500¥ |Max Amount 5

Iron Supplements | 2500¥ | Max Amount 3

Melatonin | 2000¥ | Max Amount 3

Non Prescribed Items

Wooden Canes | 7000¥ | Max Amount 2

Eye Patches | 5000¥ | Max Amount 2

Band-Aids | 1000¥ | Max Amount 5

Glasses | 4000¥ | Max Amount 2

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do? If I did witness an officer within the Karakura Police Department force assaulting a prisoner I would immediately rush to the situation turning on my bodycam to gather more evidence on what is going on in the situation or proof of the officer assaulting the individual. I would then break up what ever was going on if the officer was getting assaulted or the prisoner I would then talk to both of them to get more knowledge on the situation, If I was not told any additional information I would proceed to check the CCTV footage for any additional evidence on the officer assaulting the prisoner, If I got enough evidence eventually I would directly ask to speak with one of my higher-up officers within the Karakura Police Department force about how they assaulted the individual and what the next steps could be after showing the higher-up member the direct evidence of them assaulting the prisoner. If the higher-ups within the force decided to do anything to the officer it could lead to them being arrested for Government Misconduct which is a felony or Government Negligence. If my body cam stopped recording or working I would then proceed to record the situation using my phone to gain evidence incase the file on the bodycam corrupted or I could not get access to it. Generally this does not happen but that is what I would do if that did happen in a situation or if my bodycam was broken by the individual so I could not record the situation. If the officer was eventually caught they would face the charges Assault, Government Misconduct, and Government Negelience which would face a total time of 8 months for both of the crimes because Government Negelience does not give any additional time.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted? If I witnessed an individual majorly or minorly assaulting one of my fellow co-workers I would take my taser out yelling for everyone to leave the area so that he could get a close shot on the individual attacking the officer so that the officer would not get hurt and so that they could patrol more. If it was a big group of people with weapons I would take my taser and radio for backup because I really wouldn't be able to do anything with just me and the officer that was getting attacked. Once backup arrived if the individuals had weapons I would immediately target the ones trying to harm the officer tazing them and disarming their weapons so that they could not hurt the officer anymore. After the situation was dealt with and the officer was okay I would then take handcuffs out arresting the individuals that attacked the officer for “Assault on a Government Official” which could lead up to 6 months in jail. If they did use weapons in the situations like metal bats I would then add “Assault with a Deadly Weapon” to the list of charges for the individuals. If they did have illegal weaponry like spiked bats etc I could add “Possession of Illegal Weaponry” to the list of charges as well which would lead up to a long time in jail with a heavy bail. I have witnessed this happen before to various officers around the force from the early days and closer to now, I have seen groups of people with dangerous weapons attack officers ending up in something very bad happening. I have always wanted to help but never got the chance to do so because I have never taken the time to apply for the force and actually become a member of the force.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? If I witnessed or found out that my co-worker was working with criminal organizations I would firstly try to gather more information on what is going on in the situation and why they were doing it. If I got proof or more information about it I would talk to them about it and why they were doing it so that they could not do it in the future. If I witnessed them continuing to do it I would directly take it up with one of my higher-ups to discuss punishment for the co-worker as they betrayed the Government and the Karakura Police Department and breaking Government laws through Government Corruption which can lead up to 20 months in jail or longer It could also include Government Misconduct which could get you another 6 months in jail which are both felonies [F] and would most likely lead to being removed from the Karakaura Police Department force. Before doing this I would try and gather up as much information as I could before reporting it to a higher-up directly. Generally this does not happen but I would try to get as much information and evidence as possible in the situation that I witnessed then I would proceed to tell a higher-ranking member of the force explaining what happened, how they betrayed the force, and what they have been doing with criminal organizations. If this was someone of my heavily trusted co-workers I would spend more time than normal getting more information on it because they may have betrayed the force and my trust which can barely ever be earned back.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you? If I was on duty and a criminal or someone who I was about to arrest attempted to bribe me I would simply turn it down because I follow all of the rules of the Karakura Police Department force and I do not need the money. After they attempted to bribe me I would fine them for attempting to bribe me whilst on duty. If it kept happening I would keep doing the same thing during different situations as I do not take money from criminals who have broken the laws of the town of Karakura. Taking a bribe would just bring my information and trust down within the Karakura Police Department which I never want to do because I want to bring trust into the force with my knowledge that I know and that I am good at. If the criminal kept trying to bribe me I would pull them off to the side talking to them about why they tried to bribe me with money regarding the crime they did or an item that they were not supposed to have. I have never taken a bribe from anyone regards if I did work for the KPD as I don’t find it generally good to do in the community because it can be used in bad ways to bribe government officials during cases and such, Some officers may take bribes but I never do as I put my 100% trust and dedication into the KPD force and what they stand by.

Notes: I will be trying to bring my activity on the server up more by playing for more hours every day whenever I get the chance to.


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Level 331
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.​

We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but
we have made this decision based on the following reason(s)

Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the
faction, we sometimes have to deny good applicants because there are
others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to
server reputation or due to the detail that was put to their application.

Although we don't deny your will to join the faction, detail is a great
way to show off your interest. Therefore, we recommend spending more
time to try and re-elaborate your application so that it shows off you're
truly engaged in trying to join us!

- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend
to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a
relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community
teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

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