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Level 44
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
With all honesty, it's been on and off regarding my activity. I usually hop on for around two hours or three, potentially at maximum, however, I do also not hop on as frequently as I used to. The result of my inactivity has been the deep void of joy from the server, and the lack of magic that has kept me here for so long. This was caused by my demotivation to take part in RPs with my friends, while I am getting more online every day and talking to people I am still far away from how I used to be active. I will not lie about this, yet I wanted to make this point clear, as it will be important in the next question. If I join KPD I reassure you that I will not be an inactive member of the faction.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Taking this point back to the previous question my main motivational pursuit is regaining the fascination within the server. I parted ways with the faction in which I spent one total year; the sports faction, in this time ever since I've been gone from there I've been gone from SRP for reasons such as just not being able to get in touch with the people I've known for so long, inability to meet new players, etc. I am heavily and beyond determined to change this. My plan for shattering this vacuum of ecstasy lies in this faction; the police faction. I've been captivated by this faction's specialty that differentiates it from the other factions. Theme, engagement, and the feeling of responsibility - These are traits that make KPD a grand faction in many people's eyes, especially mine. This being said underlines why this specific community faction is the one that I choose to apply to compared to others, it's just amazing. Adding onto everything I've just said there's one more thing left for me to reiterate from my past applications, a thing that could bring me more enthusiasm to the server. Namely being a fresh beginning with a new character, which could spark a wave of endless opportunities for me on this server. I've been here for over for what seemed like two years, from the months that I counted and I played a single one character which under current circumstances became less and less enjoyable to play. I hope to transition myself to a more pleasant and interesting roleplay character, for which I got an idea in my mind but there's one thing missing in all of the puzzles that I put together, namely the community that he would reside in and that community would be KPD.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I vest the essential information regarding police work, not all information but enough that I should know as a starter, which I will name in this question. I will go over activities, progression, and additional work linked to the progression of an Officer since I find them most commonly associated with the police work.

Starting off, here are some of the activities you are obliged to do as an Officer of the force:

This duty revolves around the responsibility of checking the streets of Karakura for any criminal activity and clearing it out. While fulfilling this duty you must keep your taser out at all times for safety purposes, not get disturbed by anything that is not associated with your job and remain as professional as possible. This is the most police task you can think of, though it's also connected to other tasks that I will get into within a moment. It's preferable to have a companion or more whilst doing this activity.

One of the main duties to keep the streets clean, especially from felons is arresting them for the acts that they've done which are prohibited by the law. Depending on the circumstances you, the officer have to take different steps in ensuring that the criminal is brought to justice. These steps will be cleared out in training after becoming a Cadet. After arresting an individual you are responsible for displaying their charges to them, bail and also asking if they plead not guilty or guilty to the charges.

If the Officer possesses probable cause, which by definition is reasonable grounds to search someone due to a belief they have committed a crime they may search somebody. Law Enforcement Officer must take, if found the unlawfully possessed items from the person and if, let's say they have an illegal weapon then they can be arrested for it. It's very much recommended to frisk people with at least two in a group, one officer would pat the person as the other would watch their back, more commonly known to the officers as watching six.

Taking a person's report was made ever so easy with the new hopper system in the PD that allows citizens to report a crime anonymously, though this can be also done by having a one-on-one chat with an Officer inside the station interior after being pat down and made sure you have nothing you shouldn't have on you.

An Officer may be called by his superiors to partake in a raid, or he may hold it himself if he is the proper rank to do so. After the raid launches the KPD must clear out the entire apartment, making sure there's not even an inch that was left out from being checked, to this they communicate to themselves to via a radio. KPD must also watch out for possible offenders in the apartment, hence they must check every door, every trapdoor, and every single little location with their tasers or other equipment drawn to prevent anything from going wrong.

While not as exciting, nor dangerous it is still a duty every Officer fulfills in their life. Sitting at the front desk allows you to have contact with law-abiding citizens, assisting in their needs, whether it's a question or anything, as well you being at the front desk might help somebody bail out their friend from the jail cell for the amount that's listed on their arrest log.

Now, moving onto the next thing on the table: Progression and extra activities.

Karakura Police Department hierarchy is seperated into two divisions: Main Division and the Detective Division. Unlike the main division, detective division contains some of the most skilled investigators who, as the name suggested investigate and gather evidence to conclude the case they are examining. Moving on, the main division's first rank and also the rank that you begin your journey in the police force is the rank of Cadet. Cadet rank is a rank that doesn't hold any perks, far from it, it causes much more restriction on you. As a Cadet you are not allowed to leave the station unless you are watched over by an Officer or above, as well as you are forced to train to pass an exam to get onto the second rank on the list, that being Officer. Patrol Officers are fresh cops, fully trained and prepared to do their duty, as well as now they can organize patrols. Corporal, the first rank that you get promoted to by showcasing your dedication to the force, as well as your knowledge because now you can train Cadets and get a police bike to drive to the situations quicker. Seargeant is up next, now you have proven quite capable with the force, therefore you gain a good addition to your equipment to fight off lethal enemies, that addition being a tranquilizer which contains sleep darts that you can fire off at the enemies, not only that though because Seargeant is also a footstep towards even greater responsibility that awaits. A lieutenant is a rank of higher-ups, their responsibility is to keep the Department professional and they are the most experienced cops out of everyone on the force, they issue commands on behalf of the higher-ups. Captain is like a second-in-command who oversees the Lieutenants and everyone below him, from what I know same duties as a Lieutenant but with his own perks. The leader of the Department as a whole is the Commissioner, he makes the final say on the matters and also promotions, hirings, and such. Next up, the detective division's new members are placed at the rank of Detective Constable, only a few people who are personally offered a chance by the leader of the detective division are granted this role, they are like Cadets going to go through their own training to investigate properly and become fully fledged members. Detective Inspectors are those full-fledged members who can investigate cases on their own without need of help, as well as they are equivalent to the Sergeants. Detective Chief Inspectors are the higher-ups who train the Detective Constables to do their job excellently. Finally, there's the Detective Superintendent whose duty is comparable to the police captain, he makes the choice of who gets into the detective division.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
All of SchoolRP's content doesn't revolve around school, teachers nor does it revolve around the theme of school, while yes it is the primary content it's not everything, no. A bunch of other factions are mixed into the overall experience of this server, including KPD. KPD stands as a primary counterweight to its adversary; CrimeRP (and GangRP). It's adversaries are held to be responsible for many, many things that KPD is against, in other words lawlessness, fear, violence. It's KPD's job to stop these things from happening to the citizens of Karakura, otherwise, the island would be embroiled in chaos caused by the illegal organizations underground hiding like cowards from the Law authorities that are KPD. Importance of KPD is immeasurable because they are here to protect and serve the people of Karakura.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Of course, I do.​

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Frank Hawkes

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Masters Degree in Criminal Psychology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
English (By Lore)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Mr. Hawkes's look is characterized by his walrus mustache, bald head, and wrinkles on his face due to being middle-aged man, also he wears glasses quite frequently. Compared to his face his body is rather more taken care of, seeing as he possesses a sportsman physique from his arms, to his torso and finally to his legs. He's just over height for an American, in other words, he's around 6'0 feet tall. Frank is unique for his family-friendly demeanor, which after being coupled with the facial traits of his stache and bald-headed old man unaware of few things around him stereotype gives off a goofy, yet entertaining symbolism to his character, not only that the mustache adult utters a lot of reactions via his facial expression whenever having a dialogue with one or more people, which if reminded about his demeanor speaks a lot about his nature.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Touching onto the professional aspect it all depends on what can be defined as a professional situation. To me, a professional situation can be described as doing your job, in these words I mean doing law enforcement duties or having a chatter with a law abiding citizen. Frank would commit to these tasks without any issue regarding how he acts as he would adhere to the proper rules written in the protocol that he'd be taught by trainers. If, we are talking about his contact with the citizens of Karakura he'd act as described before, meaning caring, friendly and most of all positive.
Now, a casual situation could be him with his companions not doing anything specific police-related at the moment or him being off-duty. Hawkes wouldn't be distant from a conversation with people at all, quite the opposite. Frank would irregularly talk with his mates, bonding with them, absorbing their attention with stories of his life before being on the force and such. Compare Frank to an old man, a man that's very sweet-hearted and that would be your answer to this question grossly simplified.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Frank's perspective on the idea of teamwork is overwhelmingly positive, just like his attitude toward co-workers. Hawkes cherishes companionship, trust, and courage - All traits that create a good police force. A police force is made up of police officers, who co-work together to bring law and justice to the community they serve whilst teamwork can only be done with co-workers putting their abilities and effort front and center in order to preserve the values they work towards that keeps them united, that, is what Frank Hawkes believes.

What's your character's backstory?
Born in Arizona, United States on February 14th, 1980 Frank Hawkes was born to a rural community to Hawkes family. His father was Jack Hawkes and his mom was Elizabeth Hawkes, both were lovely parents, each cared for little Frank, though he didn't know it at the time because he was forced to work hard for the betterment of his future that was clouded due to a 1980s recession crisis that hit the family hard, if they weren't bruised up already from the fact that their life wasn't exactly a good one due to how poor they were already. Frank attented school, though he wasn't exactly having it with the distance from school which caused him to wake up a lot in his early years, getting also bullied for his family's lack of wealth. Frank was a lot more educated by his father, who, mentored him more than the schools could until he got into a private one later down the road in his life. With Jack, Frank was taught the values that made him the person he is today.

Eventually, they moved to Nevada, settling on the outskirts of Las Vegas. Frank was six by that time, and even though he was still a child he was a lot more smarter than a huge portion of the school he attended which made his parents very proud. Frank was happier than ever, though he wasn't liked in his class he was liked generally in school. Frank took an interest around that time in history and law enforcement, which the latter wasn't an idea for which Jack nor Elizabeth were fond, though Elizabeth didn't straight up block Frank from his goal compared to Jack. One night they went out fishing together, at that moment they had a little chat regarding Frank's future.

Frank - "So. . Dad?"
Jack - "Yes, my son?"
Frank - "Why are you so against me being a cop, I don't get it. You're all-butterfly-like about me being in the military, while a law enforcement officer? No, why?"
Jack - "Because being in the military extends your life far more than being a cop, aye?"
Frank - "No it doesn't! They are practically the same thing!"
Jack - "No they are not."
Frank - "Yes they are!"

And so they bantered each other regarding the topic. Frank didn't get the reason why truthfully at that time, though that would change in the couple of years...

A sun rose from the other side of the earth, birds were singing as Frank woke up to the information that Jack and Elizabeth decided to move out, the reason? Apparently it came with Jack's opportunity to garner a lot of cash. Frank, now 11 and having lived a rather fun life with friends dissaproved of this decision straight up.

Frank - "Why are we moving out? It's wonderful here for us! It's better than wherever we go down South!"
Jack responded, calmly.
Jack - "Please, understand Frank.. I got in contact with a job that could very well be enough for us to survive for.. counted using his fingers. Ten or more years. Trust me, son."

Frank was upset about the decision since it torned him from the friends he made in school, from where he called "A comfortable place for me to live my life, forever." and it also disturbed his education, since he was feeling a bit down having to start over again with finding friends at school. This, however, didn't last long because a new period of unrest has unfortunately appeared that would haunt teenage Frank for quite some time.

Moving to Los Angeles, California Frank was at first adamant about his unsatisfaction until few months in where he once again begun to have fun. He met new people, no one harrassed him and he was back on the track with his education, now getting even higher grades than before. Something was odd though as Jack has turned a bit paranoid about the city and especially he didn't like driving outside of it, which put both Frank and Elizabeth in quite a bit of conondrum as to why is he acting so strange? This stress revealed it's ugly head some time later, though as before mentioned the period of new anxiety has started for Hawkes family as it came one year later when Frank was twelve, almost thirteen when an ordinary day turned nightmarish. Elizabeth, Frank's mom has been driving down the road, when she was pulled over by a police vehicle.

Patrol cop - "Hello ma'am you know why we pulled you over today?"
Elizabeth - "Um. . No, also.. May I see you two's badge, please?
A tiny bit of sweat has left the other Patrol cop's hat as they looked down, taking something out of their holsters which looked like a knife.. And then.

We all know what happens next. . .
In the heat of moment an unknown car driver rammed into the two cops, delivering a critical blow to both of them as he came to assist the Frank's mom. He sprinted to action, taking her phone, dialling 911 and trying in any sort of way to assist the victim.. The car driver was masked as he spoke to Frank's mom.

Unknown individual - "You okay, ma'am? Please stay here with me, goddangit!"
She gave a little nod, fainting just a minute later though after wearing herself out with all the screams.

The cops arrived on the scene, though the caller couldn't be found anywhere. He left the note though which wasn't revealed to Hawkes family, not even Jack. Thankfully Elizabeth survived, just barely, succumbing to a coma for two weeks. Reason she survived was because as clearly shown the perpetrators were stressed out, not being able to deliver a blow that could have a detrimental effect on Elizabeth's life. In the time that Elizabeth was recovering Frank, dealing with immense emotional distress found in Jack's locker that resides in the basement a huge amount of bags that were empty, though the remains of what was in the bag looked like white powder and smelled.. Worringly. It was clear to Frank that his father had drugs and that his dad has some shady ties, seeing as he held so much illegal contraband. Later on, Jack confronted his son.

Jack - "Son.. Don't worry, okay? walked up to Frank who sat on the chair with a lamp on, writing something.. Mom is alive.. We'll be moving out, got it? Jack, attempting to not break down into tears wrapped his arms around his son, worrying about him tried hugging him before being slapped away by Frank's free hand ..?!"
Frank, shaking the pencil in his occupied hand, eventually dropping it onto the floor turned to his dad in anger, fist at the ready. - "WHAT KIND OF ILLEGAL BUSSINESS WERE YOU INVOLVED IN?! I SAW WHAT YOU HAD IN THE BASEMENT, SAY!"
Jack - "I.. I was involved with the Cartel, I tried making money for all of us.."
Jack - "I.. Put you all over others, which triggered the boss. . I hid the majority of profits to you, my family... I am sorry."
Jack left the room, Frank left the desk and went to sleep, realizing he's too worn out to be on legs any further.

With Elizabeth's recovery, though Frank was infuriated with his father he didn't expose him to his mom. Jack offered Frank to choose where they should leave, since the incident they were basically forced out of the city. Frank choose San Francisco as the greatest choice. Jack, honouring the young Frank's choice left to San Francisco, enlisting to a private school and pursuing law enforcement education. For few years everything returned to normal, which was rather strange considering Jack Hawkes has messed with organized crime. Sure, Frank wasn't exactly happy with his father due to his past, however, he would change his mind. Other than that Frank went out and enrolled himself into police-internship programs, getting a clearer view of the police work done by the officers of the police departments. While it was a dismay to Jack for his son to partake in law enforcing he re-evaluated his opinion on the matter after witnessing the dedication put forth by Frank, who by now would be around seventeen. Frank's future looked bright, then again the shadows of the past lingered onto him brought by his father, now these dark shadows would impact him, not anyone else.

It was the night of April 4th, 1997 time around 1:00-1:30 AM, everyone sleeps in their bedrooms, excluding Frank. He stares at the stars outside his window, window covering the street infront of the house and wonders to himself about his pursuit of career, his difficulties and his parents and how they are linked to every single of these subjects.

"It's been years since the incident, though I can see my father being against me as a cop due to his connections with the Cartel.. Was he also worried for my safety?"
Seventeen year old Frank ponders about this theory, eventually looking down on the pavement leading to his home. - "It's likely, seeing as he stated his motivations for being in there, why he wanted to move out to California and the fact he wasn't in any way scared of me knowing he's a criminal."
Frank continued looking outside the window when something caught his attention.. A shadowy human figure messing with the lock wearing some sort of hoodie - ".. Huh?" Realizing the threat posed he picked up the phone, dialling 911 whilst rushing over to his parents, waking them up.
"DAD, MOM! THERE'S SOMEONE MESSING WITH OUR LOCK ON THE DOOR!" - He spoke quietly, yet panicky. Both parents woke up as Frank warns them about it, not even being able to respond before hearing a door shatter and a person rushing in the house.
"Stay here, okay?" - Jack said, going out as Frank spoke to the police through the phone, Elizabeth shaking and a large THUD coupled by sound of painful groans from two seperate voices, one familiar rang out.

This was clearly a break-in, possibly by a thief or by a man that was sent by the organization in which Jack was involved. Frank, scared and shaken delivered all the information via the phone to the local Police Department which dispatched a force, though if they reach or not was up in the air. Given this, Frank gave away the phone to his mom, rushing downstairs whilst she was too terrified to tell him not to, confronting the fear head on Frank picked up the chair and walked to the fight.

"FRANK!" - Jack spoke, his tone volumed how damaged and mad he was at the opponent - "WATCH OUT!" - it was too densely dark to see the face, but it was clear that the guy who broke in was sprinting at young Hawkes, therefore Frank raised the chair, throwing it straight onto the guy, breaking the chair apart and making the humanoid figure fall. Jumping onto him Frank delivered blow after blow before being thrown away against the wall, hit after hit he and the burglar traded blows, eventually Frank fell to the ground. The burglar proceeded to pick up a vase, raising it above Frank's head before. . - "HNGH!!" Jack jumped onto the guy as it seemed, pushing him away and making the vase fall onto the ground, giving Frank time to recover as both men fought. This wouldn't last long as Frank had to get back into action, though that was interrupted by an arrival of the police force, breaching in and pressing the switch to light up the place to see. It was a mess, bloody mess. - "GET ON THE FLOOR!" - the cop said. The command was refuted as the burglar, masked out hopped and attempted to pick up a vase shard in order to stab Jack. . But this was stopped by Frank who elbowed the burglar to the face, dodging the aim of the Officer as he pressed the trigger, tasing the burglar and cuffing him.

Right after the incident the burglar was identified by authorities as Damian Veracruz, a man wanted for multiple charges against him for drug possession, who happened to be Jack's personal boss. While this situation had a happy ending, it turned out that both Jack and Frank had to sit together in the same hospital room, recovering from their injuries. They had a nice chatter let's say. . .

"Ugh. ."
"First time, eh?"
"Yeah, first time.."
a pause occured, before it broke in a second.
"Son, if it weren't for you we'd all be dead. I am proud of you."
"Thanks dad."
"No problem."

They talked more about Frank's future, eventually the whole family came to the conclusion it's best if they fly out of the country. To where? Japan! Why? Elizabeth loved Japan, hence Jack and Frank wanting to appease her nerves out of the whole chaos which occured on the night of April 4th they decided to grant her, her wish. In this time Frank went to a higher education level, eventually becoming an Adult, though he couldn't find any comforting jobs in his late 30s, therefore he resulted to finalizing his dream once and for all of being part of the Police Department, eventually going to Karakura in order to apply for Karakura Police Department.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, it's illegal.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Iron Supplements
Cough Syrup

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
If this situation occured I would sprint into action, taking the proper measures to halt the co-worker's rogue behavior. I wouldn't bother myself contemplating if it's possible to even convince the co-worker in question not to hurt an inmate, instead I would incancipate the co-worker immediately and call for back-up both my co-workers and the EMS, restraining his arms with handcuffs. Now, given if he resists or not would determine my next move, however if he tries to evade me in any shape or form or plan anything of sort that would obstruct the justice from being handed down to him using his legs I would be forced to use my second pair of handcuffs to completely eradicate any possibility of him resisting any further. With that being done depending if the back-up has arrived or not and already is doing it's job, let's say it didn't I would keep an eye out on the offender as I tend to the wounded victim, giving them help as I made sure the criminal doesn't run away. Upon arrival of back-up, if it comes with a higher-up I would immediately explain the situation as maybe I wasn't given enough time to do that on the radio, though if the higher-up doesn't come to the situation firsthand then I'm going to come to them to explain what happened and speak the righteous truth.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
One of the most appalling and stressful situations an Officer might find themselves in is when they are up against an individual that showcases resistance with violence, worse even if the individual has associates with him, therefore I will speak on both possible scenarios. First, if I am up against an individual attacking my comrade I will immediately first and foremost call back-up to the situation, afterwards I will stun the criminal with my taser, cuffing them with handcuffs and escorting them out whilst keeping awareness on my surroundings to prevent any unsuspected ambushes, finally I will radio in the status of the situation to everyone. In a situation where 2-3 or more people are present and assaulting my co-worker I shall immediately as always call back-up and warn of a danger to the officer's life so my companions can arrive in a more well-prepared way, next up I can't fight so many individuals at once, henceforth comes the idea of moving the enemies away from my co-worker by catching their attention, though it's risky it could save my friend's life. I wouldn't try to engage head-on with them but buy enough time for the back-up to arrive by making it seem as if I am vulnerable, which to their eyes might be true but with back-up arriving it would be much easier to take on enemies, especially if they are geared in weaponry that could be harmful.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Whoever this co-worker might be, a person that used to be promising member to the Department or a person that used to be my friend, well, now they are not. Whoever this person might be they can't commit crimes, hence I would do best in my ability to serve the justice to the co-worker. My main priority at the beginning would be to bundle up enough evidence to support my claim against their corrupt ambitions, this investigation would have to be hidden under a curtain through which the offender can't see, hence I will pause myself for the time being from delivering the subject to the detectives and higher-ups within the Department to investigate the matter until the right moment comes. When the right moment comes, in other words I gather enough evidence and I make sure there's not a larger conspiracy within the Department I will present the subject to the highest positions within the Department to discuss the matter and hand down the verdict on the betrayer.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
I'd deny, fine them and that would be all. Oh, also I would advise them not to do that again.


Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and to boost your chances at becoming apart of KPD.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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