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KPD Application | BabyCiscada [UPDATED]


Level 4
- Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section -

IGN (In-Game Name):
BabyCiscada (Alt)

Previous bans:
Blatant Content Stealing - Resolved
I was banned for being a high staff on another roleplay server that was taken as a copy of SRP at the beginning of 2020, in January. This was not my intent or my goal, but it was resolved with the staff and I was given a second chance.

Describe your activity on the server:
I joined SchoolRP in July 2019 and mostly did FamilyRP as well as GangRP until I decided to quit recently for reasons that I will explain later. I dedicate at least 5-6 hours a day on the server as I am an ICT teacher on my main account, however, I divide my time evenly between both accounts, so if I get accepted I'll be active on my alt as well as I plan on being very committed to the position.

Which timezone are you in?

Do you have Discord?

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, of course.

List your current and past applications:
Accepted: 5/6

1- - Accepted
2 - Doctor Application. Couldn't find the link. - Gave Up
3- - Accepted (3x Tries)
4- - Accepted (3x Tries)
5 - French Language Application. Couldn't find the link. - Accepted
6 - Swedish Language Application. Couldn't find the link. - Accepted

What is your motivation for applying?:
I've always had a fascination with the KPD and their work as well as the courage they have, especially when roleplaying intense situations and how well they calmly handle it. I also admire and respect how the officers don't get toxic no matter how much stress or pressure they're under, which had inspired me and my attitude when I used to GangRP. I've been curious lately to try CopRP as there are few cops online in my timezone, leading to more criminal activity and few police officers to prevent and arrest them. There's an unrealistic crime and murder rate and I feel that more cops are needed to combat this. GangRP has been a big part of my SchoolRP life, but now its time to try something else as I no longer enjoy killing civilians or characters with a lot of effort put into their development. Since I'm a person that loves action and life-threatening activities and jobs, I feel that the KPD fits me perfectly. Due to my GangRP experience and previous job as a restaurant security guard, I know how GangRP works which could be useful as a cop when it comes to crime prevention and control.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I researched them and read the Penal Code of Japan translated to English.

What are the Police ranks?
Japan Police Ranks will depend on its Department or AKA Units.


- Police Unit -
"Protect & Serve."

Police Commissioner (Police Chief.)
Police captain
Head lieutenant
Patrol-Officer (Official Police Rank.)
Cadet (Trainee.)


- Investigative Unit -
Head Investigator
Trainee Investigator

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I currently do not have any experience on SchoolRP, but I used to be a Police Officer on a few ArmA 3 Roleplayers servers and Garry's Mod dedicated servers. On this server, it would be my first time, but I have been observing officers in roleplay as well as reading the documents below to familiarise myself with how law enforcement operates.
The job of an officer is to ensure the safety of Karakura and to enforce the law. Their work can range from patrolling the town in pairs, arresting and interrogating suspects, determining the sentence and bail cost of a detained criminal, confiscating illegal items, taking reports, participating in a raid, or manhunt, investigating suspicious deaths or disappearances, responding to emergencies, and much more. Although I would be new to this, I'm eager to learn more about the role.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP because, despite their jobs not being related to the school itself, they are still necessary to protect its citizens due to all gangs and criminal activities frequently occurring. Without the Police Force, Karakura would not only be an unrealistically dangerous town but would also be completely dominated by gangs. Police are also good roleplay job opportunities as well as an interesting challenge for players who GangRP as they also have to compete against the authorities and not just rival gang members.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I will attend all trainings unless I have OOCly issues.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Of course, that's called Toxicity and can lead to player disrespect or "Taking IC to OOC" which I'm totally against. Roleplay is to have fun, not fight over it.

- In-Character (IC) Section -


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
My character, Hisoka Iekami Kawano was born in Japan, Tokyo. Hisoka has Black wavy hair with dark brown eyes. From his hard training and working out sessions, he has a very good build with a proud posture and serious look on his face most of the time. He is a very tolerant, kind, respectful, and polite person. Hisoka doesn't give up easily on anything, in fact, he never does. Hisoka keeps trying until he gets the best results or until his goal was successfully done. It makes him a very hard worker and he always tries his best for anything he is involved in.

What he's like on and off the job?
On Duty, Hisoka would be a very vigilant person since danger could come out from anywhere and he'd keep that in mind. He'd take his role in society very seriously with a positive attitude towards his career. Without letting anything distract him, he'd make sure our laws are respected and followed by all citizens while watching out for any emergencies or calls by citizens in need of urgent help. Despite being a very serious person on duty, he'll still be very polite to people, retaining a professional manner at all times. He would show the highest respect to the higher-ups and would be ready to take in any orders from them.
Off Duty, Hisoka would still be friendly and kind with a bubbly personality. With a big smile on his face, he would talk to anyone, especially with his colleagues as he hopes to make good relationships out of work with them. He would still have good conduct, as he wants to be a good role model for youths who dream of being cops. He is a very casual person and often jokes or goofs around with his friends and family when he is not working. Despite him being Off Duty, Hisoka would still be ready to take in any emergencies, raids, or orders from any higher-ups or citizens. His job is still the main concern to him as it's a huge part of his life.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Hisoka loves his potential future co-workers, he would love to learn more about each of them and get friends with them Off Duty. He will be ready to protect and help them On Duty at all costs. He sees co-workers as his custom family. He plans on finding someone he could date and maybe found a family, despite him being a leader of the Kawano family. He wants to expand the family, but his love life isn't the first of his concerns. His first and most important concern is to protect the citizens of Karakura.

Hisoka Iekami Kawano was born on the 24th of January, 1986 in Tokyo. He grew up not knowing his parents because his mum died shortly after his birth and his dad, a Japanese police officer, put him up for adoption at the age of two. Hisoka grew up only knowing that little information about his parents, not knowing anything else or even if he had any biological siblings. He decided to work hard all of his life, to become a police officer, and hope to find his dad again whilst standing with a proud posture into an official police uniform.
The orphanage he lived in for over ten years had a very depressing setting. The other children would bully him mercilessly on a daily basis, which showed him the true face of the world and of the people living in it. Hisoka was usually targeted for his stutter and shyness. This only made him feel more isolated, and as a result of the constant abuse, he developed mild anxiety and depression which would still affect him to this day. It then turned from harassment to physical violence. Reporting this to the orphanage staff only made the bullying worse as they didn't care enough to help him, and his attackers felt more provoked by him. It was as if he had no safe place and thus he was always on the lookout for potential threats. Despite this, he would always refuse to fight back as he had a good moral compass. Although it was an extremely unpleasant experience, it made him more motivated to become a cop so he could also help other people that were in his situation.
Hisoka then got adopted by Airi and Jimin Kawano when he was thirteen years old when he was old enough to realize how important the job of a police officer is. The couple were sympathetic towards him when he told them his story and they decided to adopt him. He was still a quiet boy but was nonetheless accepted in his new family. This gave him a slightly more positive outlook on life, especially in school where he enjoyed learning sports and languages, especially ones with very complex grammar. By the time he graduated high school, he became fluent in German.
At the age of twenty-one, Hisoka flew to Texas and lived there for a few months to pass the TCOLE (Texas Commission on Law Enforcement), in which he was successful. After that intense training and studying, Hisoka flew back to Tokyo to integrate the Metropolitan Police Academy (MPA) in Tokyo to pass his final academy to become an officer. He completely failed at the first try but it didn't stop him. He worked harder, did more workout, more studying about Laws, Criminal Investigations, Criminal Psychology, Community Safety, Civil Rights, Gaelic language as the unusual linguistic features interested him, and much more. He finally passed it at the age of thirty-two.
He finally moved to Karakura to join the rest of his family, Kawano, only to find out that the town is completely crime-ridden with gangs. Hisoka hopes to become a KPD Officer after all of his work to make Karakura's citizens feel safe and make sure their peace is not disturbed. He is also thinking of making his own little family with a future wife, but he won't let go of his police dream that easy.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Hisoka Iekami Kawano

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Hisoka

Preferred Name: Hisoka

Age: 34

Gender: Male

IC Phone number:


Religious Denomination: None

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Japanese

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: 11

Working Experience: None

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree

Year of Graduation: 2018

Major(s): Criminal Justice & Criminology

Minor(s): First-aid, Firearm Use & Self Defence

Native Languages: Japanese

Other Languages: English, Gaelic & German
Last edited:


Level 135

After holding a vote throughout the entire force, sadly the vote was not on your side today. Nonetheless, we appreciate you applying for the KPD.

You may reapply in 30 days.

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