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KPD Application! | ConeKicker


Level 2
Community Team
Lore Team

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I consider myself a very active player on the server, playing on the server daily for around 2 hours to upwards of 6 hours. In that time, I spend most of it roleplaying with my friends or trying to make new ones. I split my time on the server between my three accounts, where on one I roleplay as either a highschool student, adult or bird, on my second account as a teacher or my animal whitelist, and my third account is on the college swim team. My schedule is usually very open and free, allowing me to put more time into something I put my mind towards. Though I recently have started a part time job, it allows me to still be on most days of the week, as well as my evenings are still free more often than not. If I am not on the server, I am still oftentimes spending time with the people I met on the server, playing other games or overall just hanging out!

What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying for KPD is because it has been a faction that has interested me for a number of months. I spent a majority of my time on SRP involved in gang and crimerp, but was never invested in it. I often was just spending time around my friends as they did the crime and I stayed on the sidelines, as it did not interest me as much. My main purpose was to keep an eye out for KPD, and inform my friends ICly if the cops were showing up to the scene. It was this small job within my group that I was inserted into that first led me to want to join the faction. While it's not the main reason for wanting to apply, it did start off my curiosity to look into the faction.

To add to the reason for my motivation to apply, I have wanted to find more types of interactions on the server. I joined the teacher faction in January as my first faction and I’ve enjoyed being around a different crowd of people who focus on different aspects of their roleplay. Now that I’ve been able to fully realize that there's more people to interact with, it truly pushed me to want to try for something else. A number of important people in my life have told me about their time in KPD, some being older members of the faction and some that joined more recently. It was these same people who urged me to apply after I voiced my thoughts about it. They were the final push I needed to work towards joining the faction.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

The Commissioner is the highest ranking official in KPD, looking over both of the divisions. They manage all of the parts of the faction, ranging from accepting faction changes, to holding speeches and press conferences, all the way to selecting those who are fit to being higher-ups. They’re basically just the big boss who makes all final calls within the KPD.

Main Division

The Captain is ranked second highest after the commissioner and is in charge of the main division in specific. They handle a large portion of training the new cadets, as well as choosing the officers that get promoted higher in the division, and their training.

The Lieutenants are the higher-ups of the main division. They assist in overseeing the members of the division, give out punishment, and assist in making decisions over the other officers. They assist during the training of sergeants, as well as other trainings as needed.

Sergeants are the highest ranking officers that are not considered higher-ups. They are able to give out minor punishments, as well as report these punishments. Sergeants are tasked with taking a leadership position in any situation that comes to them, should there not be another higher ranking officer among them taking charge.

Corporals are the rank right above patrol officers. These officers have more responsibility, as they are the candidates for becoming sergeants, who take up a leadership role. In this rank, officers will have to prove they can handle situations and properly manage their fellow officers.

Patrol Officer
Patrol Officers are the officers who have passed their cadet exams. They are allowed to patrol on their own, as long as they have permission from a higher-ranking officer. They can also go off-duty with higher-up permission.

Cadets are the lowest rank in the faction. These officers have to go through training, both informational and physical, to get accustomed to their duties. Then they take an exam to become an official patrol officer. Cadets are not allowed to go out on their own, or go off duty for the duration of their training.

Detective Division

Detective Superintendent
Like the captain, the DSI is the second highest ranking official in KPD, who is in charge of the entirety of the detective division. They are the main individual who decides if an officer is fit to join the detective division, and assist in training said officers.

Detective Chief Inspector
Detective Chief Inspectors are the higher-ups of the detective division. These detectives assist the superintendent on their decisions, and help guide the lower ranking detectives in their duties, giving them information

Detective Inspector
Detective Inspectors are able to hand out punishments, similar to sergeants, and report these to their higher-ups. They take charge in situations where they are the highest-ranking officer around.

Detective Sergeant
This is the rank that proves a detective constable passed their training. These are fully fledged detectives, able to handle cases on their own. Detective Sergeants also assist in training the newer constables.

Detective Constable
These are the new recruits from the detective division. No matter which rank you decide to join from in the main division, you will get sent to this rank to undergo detective training. This training will ensure the members of the division know how to properly handle the position.

Officers get given an assortment of items, as well as equipment they have to itemRP. For the first bit of equipment that have actual items, there are the weapons they possess. Starting with the items that all officers have, there’s batons, handcuffs, police radio, taser, breathalyzer, pepper spray, riot shield, and gas masks. As for items that are given after promotions, there are the crowbars, given to patrol officers and above, police motorcycles and badges given at the Corporal or Detective Constable rank, and tranquilizers given to Sergeants and Detective Inspectors. Lastly, all higher-ups have police cruisers. Then there are items that are item-rped, which is luminol spray to check weapons for blood, latex gloves to prevent officers from tampering with evidence, first aid kit to treat minor injuries and add 5 minutes to a bleedout timer, body camera to record an officer’s surroundings while on duty, and a fingerprint scanner to tell if any fingerprint matches a sample.

The main division is made up of the bulk of the officers in the KPD. This division focuses on responding to calls, patrolling the city, and being first responders to dangerous situations. While all officers deal with these jobs, it's more commonly done by the main division. The main thing that sets this division apart from the detectives is their leadership role in the faction. They are often the ones taking charge of situations and calls.

The detective division differs from the main division as they handle the more roleplay-heavy aspects of the job. They more so participate in interrogations, investigate situations, do forensic work, and handle gang activity cases. They can look around crime scenes, and put evidence of different cases together to get the full picture of a crime.

Now, the jobs that all officers are able to do are front desk duty, where they can check records and take reports, go out on patrols to find criminals, report to calls, deal with arrests, log non-guilty pleas and help with keeping order during court cases. All officers also can deal with bailing criminals after their jail period.

As was stated earlier, all officers have to undergo a two week training process going over the basics of the job of being a police officer. There are information trainings, which goes over equipment, situations, and how to be a proper member of the faction, among other things. As for physical, it goes through scenarios that officers will encounter fairly often during their duties. This information is spread apart during these two weeks, teaching one half of the information in the first week, and the second half in the second week. When the trainers think a cadet is ready to take the exam, the cadet will be tested by higher-ups to see if they are ready enough to pass and become a patrol officer.

Officers while out on their patrols or responding to calls have a number of things they can charge citizens with. They range from monetary fines for having items they aren’t supposed to have, such as ballistic masks or alcohol as a minor, or behaving in ways they shouldn't, like harassing or stalking individuals, to misdemeanor arrests for smaller crimes such as assault or evasion, all the way to felony arrests for larger crimes like possessing illegal weapons or kidnapping. Fines and misdemeanors do not carry much weight in repercussions, but felonies are different. Characters that are arrested for felonies cannot possess ballistic masks or metal bats, as they are seen as being too dangerous for those charged with such crimes. Each sentence has its own duration that a criminal is bound to stay jailed for, and the bail amount scales on the amount of months given in a specific sentence.

Other Information
When an individual is arrested, there are a number of things that happen in the cells. First, all their contraband items would be seized beforehand, or taken when they are in the cells. From an IC standpoint, their other items would be taken as well, including their phone and such. Inside of the station, officers have basic knowledge of your character, such as the name, phone number, and age. So if a person is detained or arrested, fake IDs would be invalid. Officers will process arrests inside of the station and give the sentences, jail time and bail amount in the cells, then ask the inmate if they want to plead guilty or non-guilty. If they plead guilty, then they can be bailed in 3 to 5 days, and if they plead non-guilty, they have to wait for the trial to be accepted or denied. If it's accepted, they have to wait for the trial date, and if it's denied, they can be bailed in the amount of time the officer told them.

Secondly, certain items can be confiscated under certain situations. Ballistic masks and metal bats are legal to carry, except if a character has a felony on their record. In this case, they would lose the item if they were searched, detained, or arrested. Additionally, if the bat or mask has suspicious dents or blood, it can be taken. Lastly, if someone is arrested for a felony, the bat and mask will be taken even if they were not used in the crime. Illegal weaponry is confiscated immediately if seen, and leads to an arrest right then and there. As for pipe wrenches, they are always allowed to be carried, even if the person holding it has a felony on their record. The only time it would be taken is if it was used in an assault.

Lastly, different permissions are given depending on the severity of an arrest. Detains do not lead to any permissions being given, as they are mostly done for small things like record checks or questioning, but could be escalated if someone fights back. For misdemeanor arrests, the criminal would get minor assault permissions for the 7 day period. Felony arrests give major permissions, and life arrests give kill permissions. Now, baiting officers is clearly not allowed, so taunting them by setting metal detectors off repeatedly, or showing weapons would lead to the person being reported. However, strategic calls can be done to lure officers to a location to attack them.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP to keep a feeling of safety in regard to the parts of the server that are not school-based. One of, if not the largest, factions in the server is the crime faction, which needs to be kept in check someway to make sure they roleplay properly. Without police, most players would need to carry weapons of their own to defend themselves, and the streets would basically be a free for all between gangs. KPD stands as a barrier to help prevent gangs and other stand alone criminals in that way. Aside from the crime side of things, they do other things such as find missing people, double as a fire team if any sort of fires break out, and even stay as security for government trials. They make sure all the laws that are established are followed and punish those who break them. With a server that is mostly students, the police are adults that make sure things continue in town without trouble.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online I need to attend.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Ivanna Sonder

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female | She/They

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
French, Icelandic, and JSL

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Ivanna is a French woman who looks younger than she actually is. She stands at a decent height of 5’7, and an average weight for a woman of her age and height. With a skincare routine that puts models to shame, she glows with confidence. Her hair is a charcoal black, reaching her lower-back in length. The strands were wavy, outlining her figure. Her eyes were an olive green, and they shone with her true intentions. Ones that were all pure. Moving onto her behavior, she most often can be seen with a resting neutral expression, honed by her time stationed in the military. However, she still displays her emotions when the time shows up. Her figure is toned from a diligent workout routine she acquired in her time in service.

As for what sets her apart from others around her is her dedication to the ones around her. Despite her past, her experiences had fostered a sense of community in the ones who she cares for, and those who treat her the same. Stemming from the few in her family that cared, to her friends in the military, and the people she met upon moving to Karakura, she extends herself to protect them all. Ivanna has a sense of duty to do so, and will do anything in her power to keep her moral compass pointed in the proper direction. She will give up on the main goal of her task to help her comrades in their time of need.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Ivanna is someone who is always respectful to people she encounters and interacts with, as long as they continue to return that energy. In professional situations, she will be reserved and kept to herself, not wanting to show off her nerves in certain situations. She is fairly shy, so around people she does not know, she will not speak unless spoken to. However, if she knows everyone she is around, she’s seen being more at ease. In casual situations, she will be more relaxed and easygoing, mostly keeping to those she is closest to. If she is only around those she is friends with, she will show her true self, basically bouncing off the walls and being more talkative and joyful. She will still be respectful in casual situations, as she would not want to make a fool of herself, but won’t make that her priority.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Ivanna will always view those who she is surrounded with in a positive light. She sees co-workers as a necessary part of most commitments, work being one of them. They are the people she can rely on if she needs to, or people she can support through her own power if they need it. Teamwork is necessary in most things, or at least makes many tasks easier and more efficient. In a career such as policing, both needs are expanded on. She may be someone who is shy, but in a position where she will be around the same people, it would only be a matter of time before she got close to them and could easily strengthen the bonds between her and her co-workers, and make the shared efforts smoother.

What's your character's backstory?

In the busling city of Paris, the happy Beaumont family was preparing to welcome the newest addition to their family. A beautiful girl, which they had been taking the utmost care of even before her birth. It was a hot summer day, on July 15th, 1998 when she finally took her first breath of oxygen. A beautiful little girl, with the greenest of eyes. Ones that already were ignited with wonder and curiosity. Her parents were living within their means before the extra mouth to feed, but with their newborn, they soon learned they needed more than they had access to. Her father, Pierre, began taking on extra shifts, and her mother, Viviane, fully took over caring for their daughter. It wasn’t long until a new job opportunity came up for Pierre. One that led the family to a crossroads between staying at home in France, or moving all the way to the United States. The decision to leave took a few days, but soon enough, both parents decided it would be best. The family uprooted their lives and moved to the United States, settling in upstate New York.

The family thrived in their new life, Pierre getting promotions and other job opportunities with better benefits, and Viviane was able to make a new support group within her new home. Everything was lining up for Ivanna’s life. She even began going to preschool, meeting other kids her age and making friends. Even at a young age, she was able to handle switching between English and French, albeit, she mixed them up quite a bit. But, there was some misfortune that overcame the family. Well, specifically Ivanna. One day, Ivanna was left with her babysitter while her parents went out for the evening, giving themselves some time as a couple. It was during this outing where tragedy struck. A car accident that ended up leaving Ivanna orphaned, and seeing as she had no family left, she was sent into the foster system.

At only age 5, Ivanna was left alone. Even though she was so young, she knew what had happened, and she quickly learned she had to mature quicker than she should have at that age. Her first family were alright, but the young girl had many outbursts. Of course, it was expected as she simply wanted her own parents back, but life was going to be tough on her. This family only lasted a few months before returning Ivanna, knowing they were not fit to help her through such a loss. Her next family was the same, though only held onto her for a single month before kicking her out into the streets. She was only returned to the system when she was found at a homeless shelter, trying to fend for herself.

By the time she was 8, she went through 4 families, not being a fit for any of them. The constant abandonment did not help her at all, only leading her to more outbursts. However, with her fifth and final family, she found people as stubborn as her. The Sonder family, one that took in many foster children at a time. She went from families where she was mostly the only child, to now having 7 other siblings. This family was not the most caring of the bunch, with her new mother, Amy, simply being a foster parent for the monetary benefits, and her new father, James, who simply went along with whatever his wife wanted. Ivanna did not have much leeway to act out. Her outbursts were always ended abruptly by the former military father of hers.

It was rough adjusting to not being the sole focus of the family, but she eventually found a place to call home. Her siblings helped her blend into the way the family ran, welcoming her more than her parents ever did. Though, the one thing she truly enjoyed were her father’s stories of when he was in service. These stories helped her through many difficult times, such as when she was bullied in school for being an orphan. Most of her siblings didn’t pay much attention to her, as they had other things to deal with, except her slightly younger brother, Hermes. He was her partner in crime in some ways, often defending her, even if it led to himself being targeted. This reckless behavior of his allowed a true siblingship to form between the two.

Ivanna did not do very well in school, often struggling to keep up in her studies amid the bullying and wild home life. Her grades were pretty average, resting between B and C averages, allowing her to progress but not much else. Through some convincing from her brother, she began to participate in extracurriculars, specifically swimming. Hermes was an avid swimmer, and was able to properly teach his sister how to do so. It was an activity that allowed her to remain physically active, and able to clear her thoughts whenever she began to get overwhelmed with life.

Her childhood was not very eventful, and she somehow made it through high school. However, once the state cut off payment for being a foster parent, she was promptly kicked out by her mother. All she had when she left was the little bit of clothes she had, and the few possessions. Ivanna was lost from the moment she was told to leave, but her foster father did not like the abrupt abandonment. Before she officially left to be on her own, he suggested going down the military route. Without a second thought, she agreed, as she needed a place to stay and a stable life.

It was a quick transition to her new life. She was brought together with her newly found companions in her new company as they went through basic training. It was something she was not accustomed to, but she was able to grit her way through those trials. She watched as her companions couldn't take it, and she did her best to keep them motivated. By time basic was over, she was the one who took the mantle of leading the company, and everyone looked up to her.

Due to this, she was recommended to participate in the Army Officer Candidate School program, and get a four year degree. She attended an unnamed state school, taking a degree in criminology, as it was a degree that interested her more than any other. Still, as she was not academically driven, she struggled to maintain high grades and also manage her officer training at the same time. Still, she persevered and completed her degree, and her mandatory training course. Following that, she went on a training mission with her company to test her leadership skills, and became an official second lieutenant.

She remained in the military for three additional years, where nothing very eventful occurred. She remained stationed in multiple bases across the United States, getting to see many different places. Aside from that, she lived a calm life, and earned enough to decently support herself in the meantime. Still, she missed her brother. They lost contact after she moved away, aside from the occasional calls and texts. She reached out and asked him where he was, to which she learned of the small island of Karakura. Since resigning from the military, she went through the steps of gaining citizenship in Japan, and making a move to the island to reunite with her family, and now, she is establishing her life here fully by applying for jobs. One specifically at Karakura’s Police Department, where she can continue to hone the skills she acquired.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
"No.. You cannot legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. I thought this was common knowledge..?"

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“Five medical items that don’t require a prescription? Well, there's reading glasses, eyepatches, unbranded bandages, wooden canes and.. Oh yeah! Cough syrup!”

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
"I would not, and will not, tolerate it. I'd make sure that my body cam was on and recording, just to have video proof of what was going on to show that my co-worker was actually in the wrong. After making sure everything was working, I would confront my co-worker to get them to stop, allowing me a chance to keep the inmate from further mistreatment and excessive force. After making sure the inmate was alright, I'd remove my co-worker from the area and situation. I would ask them why they were doing what they were doing, again getting it all on my bodycam. I would follow up with reporting it to my higher ups, supplying my bodycam footage as proof to back up my claims."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“If I were to witness my co-worker getting assaulted, my first thought would be to jump in to help them. Though, to ensure that we have an upper hand, I would radio in for backup first, giving the location and that we need backup as soon as possible. After that, I would rush over with my taser yelling for the individual, or individuals, to face the wall. Anyone who did not listen or I witnessed attacking my co-worker would be tased to end the situation without any additional injuries. After making sure my co-worker was safe and everyone was disarmed, we would pat them down and arrest them for assault on a government official. Then before heading back to the station, I would make sure EMS checks my co-worker and treats them, telling us whether they're still clear to keep working, or if they need time to recover."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
“At first, I would be very overwhelmed, full of disbelief that it would actually be happening.. But of course, I would have to report it. I would be sure to make my suspicions known before going to get evidence to prove it. Since it would have been reported to higher-ups, they could also help to uncover the corruption. I would be sure to keep tabs on my co-worker and their activities. If they were to go out on patrols alone, I would take note and watch their bodycam. If it gets cut off suddenly, then it would be seen as suspicious. So I would get other officers to help investigate. Since it could be them getting hurt after all or we could stumble upon something that may prove the corruption. Hopefully doing all of this in a way that won’t make it seem suspicious about our finding them, should they not have been doing something wrong.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“First of all, I don't need their money, I get paid well enough as is. Second of all, I want to keep my job. So I would immediately turn them down, following up with giving them a fine for bribery and continue with the situation at hand. Whether it's an arrest, pat down procedure, or detainment.”​
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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