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KPD Application | Sq1


Level 23

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
Arabian standard time/AST

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Describe your activity on the server:
I’d say my activity on this server is reasonably good. I’m on frequently for a good amount of time and enjoy every moment of it. I know where my limits are and barely really burn out because of it. Of course I’m not always available to log on when I’d want to since there are real life things that I have to prioritize before SRP. But in the end I’d give it a solid rating of 8/10 especially during times where I have nothing to really have to prioritize.

Whenever I’m on I don’t just sit around either. I actively roleplay through the hours and have made a lot of connections this way. I know how the server works very well and what they expect of me to do things like apply for the Karakura Police Department. I like to go out and find things to do. Which I feel like counts towards activity on the server itself.

What is your motivation for applying?:
My main motivation is initial interest and wanting to roleplay things from a different perspective. When I first got to playing SRP my first real interest was the KPD. I liked seeing them just suddenly appear out of nowhere and save situations that got out of hand. Or see them hanging out and having fun patrolling occasionally. I always thought this was something out of my league until recently I had gained back that interest. I’ve done all kinds of role plays like FamilyRP, FacultyRP, GangRP and many others. When I think of it GangRP is one thing that really got me hooked back on KPD. I always wondered how things were like for them and how they roleplayed these situations. It just really makes me want to try and get in there by applying. And a more common motivation is of course wanting to try something new. I’m always out trying to find new things to do and sometimes I get bored of certain things. Of course, I thought about this before applying for KPD so that’s nothing you have to worry about for now.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
From my own personal view before I started doing some research on it, police work mainly consisted of patrolling the city, arresting those who committed crimes. File paperwork and collaborate with other factions in certain events. Sometimes they’d go out of their way to hunt a specific person down and sometimes they had to get into their riot suits to deal with an outrage. These are all very basic things you see them do as an outsider. However, doing some research on it I’ve found a lot more things they do that I didn’t even know of at first. These are only a few things they do out of the many:

Patrolling around the city of Karakura.
It is widely known that the police often patrol around Karakura. Mainly to look for criminal activity, intervene with any situations that might heavily escalate, respond to calls whilst they’re on duty but mainly to make sure everything is kept in check. Whilst patrolling they are on their most professional behavior and do not indulge much in their personal relationships. Unless said relationships are criminal masterminds, of course.

Arresting wanted criminals.
As the world keeps turning and Karakura keeps growing, more criminals keep showing up on the daily. It is well known that the criminal activity in the city is very widespread and that there’s a never ending flow of criminals anywhere you’d go. One either dies or gets arrested and a new one always shows up. It’s important for police to find and arrest these criminals to make sure order is maintained as well as possible. This is either done by finding them coincidentally, hunting them down or having them reported to the police. Whatever the scenario, the police always have a jail cell ready for them.

Taking reports given to them.
As mentioned before, police are also responsible for taking reports. Of course, this is quite logical and a basic responsibility, but it does genuinely help keep everything in order. These reports often give police certain clues they were looking for. Or maybe informed them of new threats around the city. Sometimes it’s just a citizen who has done something bad.. But other times it may just be a gang member who has always avoided being caught. Either way, the reports help them stay informed and alert.

Interrogate arrested citizens.
Well, this is one of the more interesting things about police work in my opinion. Often what they may see is not all that they would want to know. And people linked to certain events or people might know things you’d like to know. So, the police interrogate them for more information. Of course, this is done humanely, and not always just to those who were arrested. Sometimes when an innocent person is found to be linked to something they could be interrogated too. As any information KPD would like to get their hands on could be useful.

Give proper care to inmates.
Well, after all this work and all these steps, you’ll have a lot of inmates to worry about. And as the police it’s only correct to take care of them whilst in your custody. Inmates have to be fed and given water. As well as other things they might need to survive. Some may have allergies to worry about and some might need medicine to properly go on. They have to be given some fresh air from time to time as it is a basic right. However certain privileges might be taken away depending on the inmate locked up.

Cooperate with other factions.
Police are also often seen working together with other factions like EMS and the government. This can include things like bringing over injured criminals or victims to guard public trials. Sometimes with certain events they are also expected to work together. It all depends on the time and scenarios they find themselves in.

Property raiding.
Sometimes the KPD gets the warrants to raid someone's property. The way they get this warrant differs from the person arrested and what they were arrested for. Most often, it’s when they’ve been found with a weapon. And if the KPD thinks they might have more, or have any accomplices who might be hiding, they’d love to raid their property to look for them.

There are two different divisions in the KPD. One is the main division and the other is the detective division. I’ll list all positions below.

From the main division.

Cadets are the newbies of the Police force. They need to Complete a set of exams and evaluations to be promoted to patrol officers. The cadet role may not patrol unless with another officer that is a higher rank than them.

Patrol officer.
Patrol officers are still newbies but not as much as the cadets. The patrol officers are the cadets that have passed the physical exams and evaluations. They can now go patrol without the need of a higher up accompanying them. They can now freely work as a police officer

Corporals are the ones qualified enough to do training of their own and do more things that are seen as ‘dangerous and/or complicated’.

Sergeants are promoted Corporals who are expected to control the situation when none of the other higher ups are there.

The Lieutenants, the second in command right next to the Captain. The Lieutenants are Sergeants that the Captain saw fit to become a higher up. They report directly to the Captain and are one of the highest of the high in the Main Division.

The Captain, The Captain role is one of the most important roles in the Main Division. As the role oversees the entire divisions and reports directly to the Commissioner. They can also pick their own Higher ups.

Ah, The Commissioner. The Highest of the high in the police force. The Commissioner is the highest rank in the entire Police force overseeing both the Main and the detective Division. Anything and everything goes by the Commissioner no one gets in unless the Commissioner allows them in as they have the final say in the matter.

From the detective division.

Detective Constable.
The Detective Constables are the new members of the Detective division. They are actually more closely ranked to the Corporals than the Patrol officers and Cadets.

Detective Inspector.
These are the ones typically tasked with interrogations. They are also qualified enough to train constables. They’re also more trusted with certain cases.

Detective Chief Inspector.
The Detective Chief inspector. The second in command of the Detective division, the role has almost the same power that the Captain has but a bit less of it.

Detective Superintendent.
The overseer of the Detective Division. This rank controls the entirety of the Detective division and who gets in it. This rank is more closely ranked to the Captain more Than the commissioner as they basically have the same power.

Police are also granted a bit of equipment. What a police officer is given depends on their ranking. This is all information I got from the forums.

Police Baton.
A staple of the KPD, is a close range tool that is accessible to all officers. It also requires two hits in the head to knock someone out. It may also be mugged and its range is 2 blocks.

Handcuffs are one of the most important pieces of equipment in the police force as they are used to apprehend criminals and to make sure that they can't do anything. They are also one of the tools that are accessible to all police officers. It cannot be stolen from the officer and it's a one-block range tool.

Police Radio.
A waterproof communication device, That is accessible to all officers. requires a blunt or sharp weapon to destroy it cannot be stolen from the officer and it cannot be used offensively.

Stun Blaster.
One of the staples of the Police force is the Stun Blaster. Its purpose is to stun targets and to prevent them from moving. It is also accessible to all officers; it requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out of range and also requires a successful hit to stun for 60 seconds with no rolling required! It cannot be taken from the Officers hands and it is a long range tool.

A device used by emergency units to check how drunk a person is. Its accuracy varies depending on how close the Police station is. It is one of the tools that cannot be stolen. And it cannot be used offensively. It is also accessible to all EMS and KPD workers.

Pepper spray.
3-time use device used by emergency units to temporarily blind a target. It requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out of range. It may not be stolen from the officer’s hands and requires a successful hit to the blind the target for 60 seconds unless the target happens to be wearing a Gas Mask. then no roll would be required.

A plastic device that is accessible to only Sergeants and detective inspectors or higher. It also requires an action and a successful roll to be taken out of range. A successful hit can make the target unconscious for 2 minutes with no roll required. It cannot be mugged or stolen from the officer. It's also a long range weapon.

Riot Shield.
The riot Shield is a Tempered glass shield that can be used by any police officer for protection. It cannot be stolen from the officer and cannot be used offensively unless to push a target out of the way. It is also an immediate-range weapon. Which means it can only be used if the target is within one block of the officer.

(Some additional equipment)
Two of these additional equipment are physical items, the gas mask and the crowbar. The rest are purely ItemRP.

Such as:

Luminol Spray.
A substance container used to identify blood on surfaces, mainly on weapons unless cleaned with hydrogen peroxide or bleach and water.

Disposable Latex gloves
Disposable non-fingerprint-proof gloves worn by all officers. All on-duty police uniforms carry these by default.

Fingerprint scanners
Used to scan a suspect's fingerprints. It can be used to tell if a fingerprint sample has matched a target's results.

First-Aid Kit.
A small-sized kit used when an ambulance/EMT service isn't available. When used, it will grant 5 additional minutes to the bleed-out timer.

Body camera.
A constantly recording and live-streaming waterproof camera is attached to the front of an officer's uniform that is stored and accessed from a cloud database. The camera is not able to be removed but can be destroyed (2 hits with blunt force / 1 stab hit). The camera has the same properties as a CCTV and can view anything from the player's point of view.

Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
The police is one of, if not the not most important faction in a city or town. Especially in Karakura, the police are important to the well-being and stability of citizens' everyday lives. If it wasn’t for them Karakura would be in absolute anarchy from which could only lead to bad scenarios. They are here to enforce the laws placed to protect the people and they have to do their best in doing so. Of course, they’re also needed to fill certain paperwork and take on reports.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, of course. I completely understand and acknowledge the fact that training is a necessary part of starting out in the KPD faction. They are most important to make sure I do qualify for the job and that I know what I’m supposed to be doing. Because of this it will be my utmost priority to show up whenever I am online.


What's your character's full name?:
Kazuya Elyon-O’Sullivan

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
"I was born and identifie as a male. He goes by he/him pronouns."

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelors degree in criminology

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
and Portuguese.

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
I'd say what makes him stand out is his always upbeat attitude. A very talkative person will always have something to talk about with other people. And on top of that, it's very social! That is just personality wise though, let's talk about what makes him stand out through description! I'd say his long hair makes him stand out and his prosthetic and the fact he doesn't really stand still a lot. You’d often find him moving endlessly, not being able to stand still whilst talking to someone. Unless it’s during professional situations of course, he does have the necessary self control to keep himself in check.

As mentioned before, here you can see his left prosthetic arm with his right prosthetic eye. As well as his long brown hair. He has a fit build and the strength to match it.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a casual situation: He would always still be on guard but not as much as when he’d be in a professional situation. He as a person is just always very cautious and aware of his surroundings and the people around him. He would be so much more calm and very talkative during casual situations.

In a professional situation: Always on guard. Very weary about the people around him and his surroundings. Always doing his best to make sure that no one will be out of sight. And if he were to be on a patrol or a mission of some sorts there would be nothing that could deter him from the situation unless it was of utmost importance. Like a family member or other co-workers being attacked or in need of treatment. During investigations or professional gatherings he’d act respectful whilst focusing mostly on his work.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
It mainly depends on the mood of my character honestly. There are sometimes situations where he’d prefer to work alone. And other times there are situations where he’d wish he had some sort of support with him. But even in these moments he knows he can’t truly do anything alone and he wouldn’t enjoy that at all either. So, if he was given the chance to think about it, I think he’d welcome teamwork with open arms in the end. Since that is the most beneficial and mature thing to do as a police officer.

What's your character's backstory?
Kazuya’s upbringing…
Kazuya grew up in the humble town of Boseong, a country in South Jeolla Province, South Korea. That place was especially famous for its green tea leaves. He didn’t have a lot to his name whilst growing up but he was still happy with what he had. But even though he was satisfied, he still yearned for more. Yes, he was happy, But he had always craved for more. No, he simply needed more. When Kazuya was in his teen years he thought of schools and colleges to go to when suddenly a name caught his eye. Karakura. Kazuya started reading more about Karakura and what lies within it. The history of the government, the city itself. And much more. After he read all about the City of Karakura he approached his parents with the idea of moving to Karakura for a better education. Whilst of course at first, his parents were quite weary of the idea of going to a random city in japan. But Kazuya was determined to prove them wrong. It took a few weeks of convincing but in the end he finally pushed them over the edge and convinced them to let him go. But there was one condition.. He would have to save up his own money and get the plane ride and apartment there by himself. After they told Kazuya this, he understood where they came from. He is going to live alone after all. He needs to be able to know how to take care of himself! Kazuya worked a few jobs to save up money but when he finally turned eighteen he had saved up enough money to go to Karakura and start his dream.

The start of a dream…
He is here and he has finally made it. His dream town! Or so he thought. At first the city seemed incredible to him! The gardens were beautiful and the people were kind and welcoming but.. Something felt off. It wasn't as it looked like in the pictures and the city was full of two faced criminals. But Kazuya didn't let that deter him from his path. His life was based on his choices and actions in the end! Kazuya explored the city for a while being in awe of the beautiful scenery and the amazing buildings and structures. Things like the Shrine or the Shopping district for example. But putting all that aside, after observing all the beautiful scenery, Kazuya finally got started; he would mostly just stay at his apartment where he thought of ideas on how to make money. Until he thought of the Idea of working in a shop. He applied for many shops but none took in him. For whatever reasons he didn’t really know. But that didn't affect him no matter how much he still got denied. He tried time and time again, until he finally got the job as a waiter at Shizukesa. Kazuya was ecstatic! He finally got a job with a stable income source. When it was finally time for the training, Kazuya was the first one there. And kind of the only one there but we don't talk about that.- Of course, Kazuya completed the training with ease, with no problem whatsoever. But when the restaurant would open Kazuya could never really attend. He had a bad sleep schedule and was focused on school. Kazuya talked with the manager of Shizukesa at the time of how he couldn't attend and the manager understood where he came from but he still had to let him go. Of course Kazuya understood the standpoint of where the manager was coming from. It is a business after all! Kazuya, while understanding why they had to let him go, was still mentally drained. All that time looking for a stable job with good income to just go in an instant. Kazuya was just sitting at his apartment until he got a call from an unknown number who could it be..?

Kazuya was hesitant at first. It was a random phone number after all. But he decided to finally pick up the phone after letting it ring for a bit. As soon as he picked up the phone a male's voice would speak to him. “Hello, Kazuya.” Kazuya of course was stunned by this random man who knew his number and his name. Kazuya stayed quiet before asking “Who is this? How did you get my number?” The male on the other side would stay quiet for a few seconds before speaking once again. “You can worry about that later. But I've heard that you are looking for an organization to work for, correct?” How could he have known that? No one even knew Kazuya was in Karakura except for this man. Kazuya responded, “Yes, how do you know about this? Who told you?!” The male ignoring his question, said “That's good, I have a certain job for you then! What do you say?” Kazuya stayed quiet for a few moments not knowing how to respond. Who is this man? The male said, “Is that a no..?” Kazuya, surprised by the male immediately yelled “NO!” Kazuya would inhale deeply, speaking calmly once again. “I would love to work for your organization.. Just give me a name” The male chuckled over the phone. “Great choice. You can call me Asher or Ash for short. I think that's enough for the introductions, no? I'll call you tomorrow so you can get started. Sleep well Kazuya for we have a lot of work tomorrow.” The phone was hung up. Kazuya of course was ecstatic. He finally got a job or he thinks he did. He immediately jumped into his bed with a smile on his face ready for anything that may greet him the next day. Kazuya of course slept in like he always does but was woken up by his phone ringing. When he got up from his bed tired he looked at it noticing it was the same number that called him yesterday. Kazuya would pick up the phone speaking in a tired tone. “Hello? Dude who calls at 2 in the goddamn morning?” Asher chuckled. “I apologize for waking you up so early but we have work to do so get ready and I will text you the address to meet me at.” Kazuya still just awoke from his sleep. “Yeah, yeah, Whatever i'll meet you there.” Kazuya hung up the phone on him groaning and plopped down on his bed again saying. "Godddd, Why did I have to take this job?” Kazuya stayed in bed for a few minutes just scrolling on his phone. until he realized maybe he should stop being so lazy and go get ready for work. After finally preparing for work he went to the address. Meeting up with Asher. Turns out this wasn't an average organization. This was a gang?! Queue the drums.. Okay but back to being serious. Kazuya didn't expect this, still flabbergasted, absolutely bamboozled by this sudden surprise. But nonetheless he was determined to do this and get the job. I guess. if you can even call it that. But back to the matter at hand, Kazuya had to spar Asher and after the fight Asher would decide if he saw Kazuya fit for the gang or not. The fight went on and in the end it was a win for Asher. But he was still impressed by Kazuya's will to keep going so he let him in and introduced him to the whole crew. After all that transpired Kazuya was finally a part of something. And something big at that. The years passed until finally Adobansu met its end. It had disbanded. And all the members? Gone never to be seen again. Kazuya was lost in life, going through a few crews before finally deciding to just stop. It was time to stop being what he was before and start to become better.

The start of a new life.
Kazuya started wandering throughout the city, seeing a few old friends here and there but alas he was alone in the end. Everyone he knew was gone. Adobansu was gone. But all that only paused his progress in life. He decided that he wanted to be better. Better than this. So he started to find jobs again, until he decided to start to work at the school as a Chef. The school was nice at first, but every job is nice at first. He spent a few months at the school until he finally became the head of the department of Chef. Kazuya of course was ecstatic! He finally got to his goal. Life has its ups and downs but it seemed like it was only up from here. But of course not. While Kazuya was doing his favorite activity, bowling. He was suddenly attacked by 2 gangsters just out for his blood. He was knocked out with a pipe wrench. When he woke up he found himself waking up at the hospital next to an EMS worker. Kazuya was terrified not knowing what had happened to him and why he was even in the hospital. Until he realized he can only see from one of his eyes and that he couldn't feel his right arm. It was cut off! Kazuya was terrified not understanding what had happened. He thought he had left that old life behind him but alas I guess not. People hold their grudges. Kazuya stayed in the hospital for a few weeks. Quitting his job as the head department of Chef. After not working for a few more months he decided not to let whatever happened to him happen to other innocent people. He wanted to keep the city safe, safe from the danger that people can get themselves into. So he had to decide what he would do. Would he become an EMS and treat people? No that doesn't sound right, it didn't fit him. Maybe working as a Government figure? No, that's not it. Until he finally got the Idea of joining the Karakura police department! Yes of course! He wanted to reform change for the better! So, after all this time. He spent an unbelievably long amount of time studying for his necessary degree. Where he finally managed to actually make some friends. And after all of this, he applied to the very police department where it all began. Karakura Police Department.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife in the city of Karakura. It is one of the illegal weapons available to be bought in the black market. Buying and/or owning a pocket knife could land you up in prison up to 5 long years.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Wooden Cane,
Iron Supplements ,
Cough Syrup ,
and Paracetamol.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Well, heck I’d join in on them. Just kidding, I’d stop my fellow officers current assault on the inmate and make sure that the inmate was not too injured. Probably examine them to see if they need any treatment. Of course then, he’d check up on the co-worker who was abusing said inmate. He’d ask questions like: “Why did you do that?” “What were you hoping to achieve?” And more. To figure out a motive behind it. Before reporting it to a higher ranking officer. Hoping that there was reasoning to be found and the best for all parties involved.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
Inspect the situation and try to understand what is currently happening. how many assaulters there are and.. But, wait. I say let’s make it easier to understand. So, you know what? I'm going to guide you through the steps that I would take if this happened.

Number one:
The first thing I would do is inspect the situation and try to understand what is happening to my co-worker. How many are there? There could be others. A bunch of stuff can happen, so first I have to inspect the situation.

But what if there isn't any time to inspect the situation?
Great question! If that was the case the first thing I personally would do is immediately call for backup and try to go help out my co-worker as soon as I see the backup arriving.

Number two:
Call for backup. I would unholster my Stun Blaster and prepare for anything that might happen.

Number three:
After calling for backup I would then JUMP IN THE SITUATION HELPING OUT MY FELLOW CO-WORKER AND BECOME A HER- Woah, woah! Slow down there. I can't do that now can I? That's way too reckless! Depending on the situation and how far it may escalate, I have about two scenarios here.

Scenario A: Where my co-worker needs immediate medical attention. Then I wouldn't have the time to wait for backup to arrive.

Scenario B: Where my Co-worker can handle themselves just for a bit longer. When I can see backup arriving in the distance, then and only then would I jump in to help my co-worker deal with the assaulters.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
Hmm.. Allow me to think about this? If I join, am I getting paid? Kidding, but on a serious matter, this isn't such an easy task to deal with. Why did my Co-worker do this? How could they do this? But, of course the first thing I would do is make sure that the information that I received was correct. making sure there aren't any holes in the story.

And I have to make sure that I have the correct information. From a good source and with good evidence. After I finished doing all of that I would then go to my higher up in the Police Department and report my co-worker for being a corrupt police officer.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Wow this is a pretty sticky situation am I right? No? not funny? Okay sorry I'll stop with the jokes now. But the criminal would have to have done some pretty messed up stuff to try to bribe me. So what would I do? I'd take the money of course! Kidding again. Sorry, I know I said I’d stop. But I would let him finish what he was saying to make him think I was genuinely interested in taking the money he would be offering in return for silence. But no, I'd make sure that my body cam was on and record all that is transpiring in front of me. And to add insult to injury I would add that to the laws that he had broken beforehand.​
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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied on the basis of your applications detail & reputation.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
Try applying to other factions to improve your reputation around the server and try to include more detail within your application.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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