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[!] Once the correct password was inserted the site would finally load [!]​


Ikigai KUERT board
What is Ikigai?
Ikigai is a anarquic dark web forum in which there are only three rules. Even though it is criminal oriented, it does not currently serve that purpose and there is space for non-criminals like KUERT. The Ikigai board is a private chat KUERT has in the online forum known as Ikigai. The chat can be used to: contact each other more easily; exchange information with less effort; organise meetings; simply talk about the group (etc).

How to log in
The password for Ikigai is
[OOC]:In order to keep people from metagaming the password, the password is Icly quoted in the page however, oocly, one must ask a me through discord what pasword is it.
and the site's link can be accessed by clicking the image down below. After that, you should go to make an account. Then you will have to accept the TOS and you will be allowed in the main channels. Once you are in the site a Council-K will request the admins to give you access to the KUERT chat. Now you are in.

Due to the board being hosted by Ikigai as of now. Agents must abide to their rules.

1.) Refrain from exposing other's identities
2.) Do not let law enforcement catch wind of this site's existence
3.) By joining this site you agree to our terms and conditions (<>)

However, you are not only subject to those rules but also the following. These rules will not be enforced by Ikigai moderators

KUERT agent's board rules
1.) Only use accounts dedicated to KUERT in here. Do not use any personal account in this board. You can use your agent's account in the main board.
2.) Do not post information such as, personal data, infohazards, or any agent's only data without proper assymetric encryption.
3.) Respect the Ikigai moderators.

Special documents

Ikigai only documents

POI-I list

GOI-I list
GOI - I - 001


DOI-I list

KUERT only documents

POI-K list

GOI-K list

DOI-K list


Activity logs quota (7/12/2024)
Dear Agents,

It might have come to your knowledge that important things have been happening in KUERT, however we must not stray from our work.

I have decided to make higher the amount of required activity logs to two per month. We want to make the team more active.

If you have any questions on how to make activity logs, I invite you to ask them on the Ikigai KUERT board. Thank you so much for your attention.

Sincerly yours,
Miss Kone.

Half October Checkpoint (16/10/2024)
Dear Agents

I will host a meeting on <t:1729188000:F>.
Our meeting place will be the Waterfall Cave, located in the mountains.
[ Coordinates: 2065 | 53 | 815 ]
-Access: Follow the mountain path towards Takagi Hut. After the first intersection, where the path takes a turn, jump over the fence. The cave entrance will be next to a bench.

We will go over **each of the October 2024 spirits**, for agents to be up to date regarding paranormal activity.
This will also be the opportunity for you to bring up any knowledge you may have forgotten to share with us.
[OOC]: (Please ensure that any information your bring up during the meeting has been acquired through IC means. Refrain from metagaming.)

This meeting is for all agents to attend.
You may come masked to keep your identity private, but this is not a requirement.

Should you wish to have a private training/meeting (regardless of your attendance to this one), do let me know and it will be arranged.

Sincerely yours,

Agent introductions & Defensive training (26/09/2024)
Dear Agents,

I will host a meeting on <t:1727531100:F>.
Our meeting place will be the Waterfall Cave, located in the mountains.
-# GPS Coordinates: 2065 | 53 | 815

After going through an introduction for our new agents, we will proceed to a basic defensive training covering how to handle an assault attempt.
As this is a training, you will **not** be physically injured in the process nor will you be required to personally take part in demonstrations.
`[OOC]: We will also briefly cover the rules regarding CombatRP, especially those which are not detailed on the forums but still enforced on the server. You may regularly face situations where your opponent will lie (intentionally or not) about a rule you are not familiar with.`

This training is open to all KUERT agents: if you consider yourself knowledgeable in the aforementioned topics, you can assist in teaching those who are less experimented.
You may come to the meeting masked should you wish to keep your identity private, but this is not a requirement. *Please wear appropriate clothing for the location and activities planned.*

Should you wish to have a private training or meeting (regardless of whether you were able to attend this one), do let me know.

Sincerely yours,

Activity propositions (14/09/2024)
Dear Agents,

Based on the fields you would like to work or get trained on, I am proposing the following activities to partake in. Contact me should any of these be of interest to you.
Mind that the Exploration activity will be available only outside of School hours.

- 1 - Research: going through some books in my library to search useful information (they're already sorted out by types)
- 2 - Research: going through historical documents, searching names/places/dates
- 3 - Research Training: I'll be giving you an Ikigai puzzle we had to solve at some point, for you to train on
- 4 - Exploration: make a sewer patrol and check on a) kidnapping locations b) spray locations c) any changes to report

Sincerely yours,

Monthly activity requirements (02/09/2024)
Dear Agents.
From now on the monthly activity will be compulsory, this means agents must be involved in at least one activity log per month. New agents might be excused if they have not been introduced properly and give time to practise and learn the process of engagin in activty. Other agents might also be subject to be exempt of this duty. If you wish to talk about it with me you can.
I hope you had a great summer.
Misstress Kone signs off.

In regards to the proposed meeting (31/08/2024)
Digo, I heard you want to meet but to keep things more private I hace decided to use this channel for communication. I assume it is related to KUERT stuff. Let's meet in the media room of the school. It is found in the east section of the building. Misstress Kone signs off!

Small rework of the KUERT website (20/08/2024)
So, as you might have noticed, there have been some slight changes in the KUERT website, we have new icons and the format for POI's and GOI's upper headline has been standarised, it sounds easy but it is not. The code language used in the website is crap, truly. Well, also, I have added more things to the agents only page. We have a list with the special documents. The ones accesible only in the dark web and for us, the KUERT agents. I am also planning on adding addendums to certain documents, text that only agents can read. They would appear at certain documents when I find them necessary. Oh, last part, I am adding the KUERT group and places classification system! I won't explain how it works in this announcement tho, it is it's own can of worms, which I am not opening here. See you around! - Misstress Kone signs off!

Research operations
on the active gangs of Karakura (13/08/2024)

Dear Agents, due to the lack of known activity from gangs, KUERT needs to go on a research operation to check on which gangs are active at the moment and how has the underworld evolved since the ascension of Black Dragons as a major force due to the heist made by them on the recent past.

It is not a deep investigation nor anything crazy that would put us in danger. In a way it is just knowing who we are sharing our room with, in this case the sewers. Our objective will be finding the names of active gangs by checking the recent graffitis from gangs and finding who they are dissing with. I will be starting the operation on a few minutes. I will see you at the POI-005 (artist's den). - Misstress Kone signs off.

Expected sewers activity. (18/07/2024)
Dear Agents,

This announcement aims to inform you that ten to twenty people are expected within Masamaru Train Station, on July 20th at 11pm CEST (UTC+2).
This will result in a higher sewer activity around the area at the aforementioned time period.

The expedition is planned by the Occult Club and, as such, is approved by both School Faculty and the Town Hall.
It will involve students — official members and applicants of the club — as well as adults: a reporter and a shrine maiden are expected.

The expedition itself is not open to regular citizens, even though the club cannot entirely forbid them from being present. If possible, avoid openly disturbing the participants.

The entities present within the station are sensitive to the presence of weapons and interactions with doors.
Do refrain from triggering the entities with these elements, as we do not wish for yet another tragedy to occur.

Please take this information into account while planning your sewer expeditions.

You may contact me should you have any further inquiries.

- Redingote (030)-166-5297

Training for Class-C's. (06/03/2024)
Hello there! I would like to ask our Class-C agents to come on [OOC Time: 06/04/2024] to the artist's den. I want to have a lil fun training. Specially for the two new recent additions to the team! I will be awaiting there. Oh also, I will give your your DEV suits then, however the suits do not come with masks so remember, bring your own ones! That is all! - Mistress Kone signing out!

Quotas and activity. (04/03/2024)
To increase KUERT activity and efficiency I have decided to stablish a minimun amount of activity for each agent. This will be 2 activities per month. Most of us are students so I don't want this hobby to damage your marks and potentailly negate your access to college.

Activity means going on an operation, any type of them. However I mostly reccomend going on support operations to get used to the underground and to help people who could be lost. You need not to find or help any explorers, you just need to be there searching for them. I say this because it is extremly weird for you to find someone bleeding on the floor or who has dissapeared for a week, it just doesn't happen that commonly.

I will also be doing more trainings soon for our new agents so stay tuned for that. Mistress Kone signing off!

New agents only board. (03/03/2024)
So, uhhh Mistress Kone here! I have decided to create this board for KUERT agents only for me to give important announcements wihout depending on Onrain questionable stability. Here is where I will announce important stuff and news. This is kinda like one to many communication system, you cannot post here, I just don't know how to program that sorry "(; ω ;)". So first things! We have two new agents, Kañaloa and Variya! Say hii to them "(ᗒꇴᗕ)" ! They are Class-C for now, I hope I can be the one to give you ur training, hopefully hehe. Well see you soon!

Activity logs

Significant Changes (05/01/2025)

Significant Changes (05/01/2025)

SReport about Room 312 Change - Satomi Kato (16/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Ricordo
> ☛ Involving Ricordo
> ⎙ Research Activity

Meanwhile I was inside a certain room, trying to understand what happened inside there, I had the feeling to go check room 312. This took me back to when I checked her room once a day. Besides this, the room appeared completely different and more devasted. One of the normal doors was missing, leaving just a wooden door completely unlocked. It's pretty dangerous, I would say. It gave me access really easily.

After a deep breath, I decided to enter. I had my Ofuda on my left hand and an EMF on my right hand. As soon as I enter... COLD, the room is super cold. I immediately notice broken glass on the ground, guess for the picture frame. (See picture below).
> The tables are in a really weird position. Concentrated on the sides of the class, they seem to be on top of each other. But especially one is in the middle. This one has stab marks on it—it's terrible. Claw Marks can be found on the wall near the blackboard on the right, that's even more weird. An old PC may be found on the desk. The old poster about first aid is half torn and currently hanging down. On the same wall, we can find a portrait of who I assume to be "Matsuoka Takara" with a ~~'Loving Memory~~' sentence.

My trip was really fast, the EMF didn't capture anything. I will keep an eye on this room.

Occult Club VHS Discoveries (05/01/2025)
> ✍︎ *Narrated by Dallu*
> ☛ *Involving Dallu, REDACTED, and various members of the Occult Club*
> ## ⎙ Research Activity

After hanging out in the club room, a fellow member Mei appeared. He and a few friends had the intent to watch some old VHS tapes of the past 1980s Occult Club members. The following is a detail of what was on the tapes, of course written to the best of my abilities.

*There was an event that took place afterwards which I'll be talking about in my next report after this. If any other agents were present for this viewing, please fill in the blanks*

The tape spluttered into life, showing a few teenagers, one being identified to be called Kase. They were exploring Mount Karakura, which appeared to be the hidden tomb inside. Various observations were made, such as endlessly deep cracks, writing and incantations on the walls. It appeared that these teenagers had brought some notes and ritual equipment with them. In a further room, there was a well, that of which they attempted to climb down. The VHS recording was HEAVILY damaged, constant flickering and technical issues. The tape also .. seemed to have a supernatural effect on me and the others as we watched .. feeling very .. strange. After a sudden screech and much mechanical glitching, the ladder in the well shook and seemed to come loose? Perhaps a teenager who was climbing down might've fallen.

The tape also seemed to be recording over a home video, one detailing a happy family of four. A Father, Mother, Son and Daughter through various activities like visiting a shrine, playing at home and flying kites in fields.

After this, the tape returned to a video of these same teenagers exploring the Ochiba forest, heading up to the Takagi hut. After some establishing shots, it showed them pulling a carpet to the side, revealing an entrance to the basement of the hut. It's unclear if this is the same basement that we can access, or an entirely new one.

> Addendum: The showcasing of this VHS Tape was in the frame of an exercise to train critical spirit among club members. As such, dear agents, bear in mind that unusual properties such as EMI (Electromagnetic interference) or glitching may be the result of natural properties rather than surnatural ones: old electronics are known to disrupt EMF, regardless of paranormal presence. The event which happened later is indeed a complete other story. - Redingote

First visit to the sewers. (13/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Ricordo
> ☛ Involving Ricordo
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

After a tiring day, I finally decided to give my first visit to the sewers. I put on my waterproof clothes and decided to head toward the lighthouse entrance, nothing to say in this little trip. As soon as I got deeper, I could instantly notice 2 doors. One was weirder than the other. The first one led to nothing, literally, just a wall. It could fit just a person and seemed to be locked. The next one, instead, had something peculiar that you rarely see. A card reader. Card readers aren't even found in the Sewer Maintenance Room, for now, I'm not aware of where this door takes.

Going further deeper, I find another door, this one opens really easily, but guess what, it leads to nothing! But can fit way more people inside. I wonder why these doors are present, if they were useful in the past... or if they are gonna be useful in the future? I wonder if asking Town Hall could take us somewhere but, knowing this city, they would just tell us to not go into the sewers.

I went past POI-012 and POI-013 and, after a fast look, everything seemed in place, except for POI-013’s toilet which wasn't flushed... The smell was something indescribable...

In the last 20 min I was in, I was investigating a room I found, I believe that room to be under the Shopping District. From the outside, it has black glass that blocks the vision, but with a torch you can see the inside, at least just a bit. The room seemed to be dusty and dark, blood stains seemed to be on the ground, and I noticed a locker. After this, I had to find an exit for another business.

I will certainly investigate more on this random door and that dark room.

> Addendum: Among those first two doors, the one with the card reader is likely a sewer access from KPD, given its geographical position. The second one was not there before, it is now reported as a **change within the sewers**, along with the copper lining that I am observing in your pictures. This lining has also been noticed in other sewer locations quite recently, so we might want to keep an eye on similar structures. As for the third door, it leads to [POI-009]. - Redingote

SMasamaru Train Station - Fire extinguished (11/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Moth
> ☛ Involving Moth
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

I was doing a little sewer run and decided to check out Masamaru Train Station! .. The first thing I noticed was how a little darker the place was - I turned, and the fire to the left was not there! Seemingly extinguished or put out? I wasn't sure how long, but no one was in the station at this time.

This was very strange considering how no one touches the fires in the station..

The picture attached is taken from Masamaru Train Station!

Location of Interest 2 (07/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Ocelot
> ☛ Involving Ocelot
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

Again, as I was wandering through the forest aimlessly, I noticed a ladder leading up in to an otherwise normal looking tree. Upon closer examination, this ladder led up to a tree house. How interesting, Going inside, you find a pretty standard kids room. A small bed, some art supplies, an old radio. There's a stack of sketches on the floor, and against one of the walls a stack of paintings lies. Perhaps someone used to live here? Or perhaps a spirit of some sort did.

Location of Interest (07/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Ocelot
> ☛ Involving Ocelot
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

I was doing my business, exploring the forest. I was following along the frozen river, when suddenly I saw a thawed waterfall. Climbing up it, I realized... There's a cave! Just a small little hangout spot, with some seats, nothing special. But I feel like it could be a notable spot to have, for people to relax in. There's not many spots in this hellhole of a town, where people can just relax alone for a moment.

Significant Changes (05/01/2025)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Ocelot
> ☛ Involving Ocelot
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

After being informed of the tomb's collapse by several sources, I went to go check it out. Upon trying to enter the tomb through the normal way (the well), I was met with a predicament. Apparently, the vines had fallen. The tomb was no longer accessible from the well. I had heard some voices above me, however, so I knew you could still get around somehow.

Following the mountain trail up, I managed to get up to the bridge. As seen in my picture, the bridge is falling apart now, and has some holes. Holes? Why would there be holes in the bridge? This leads me to believe someone or something does NOT like what a certain group of people are doing up here.

I proceeded inside. Looking upwards, the tomb entrance was indeed collapsed. There were vines covering a small hole that could be used to enter the tomb, but other than that it was almost completely blocked off.

Inside of the tomb itself, the contraption in the middle had tumbled. Tumbled? Quite odd. Was this due to the Order's messing around, or did this happen because of a paranormal entity? I'll be looking into this more in the future for certain.

Exiting the tomb, it looked like nothing in the vicinity had taken any significant damage.

Ocelot out.

> Addendum: Well, this does not look too good. This is the second tomb in an aggravated state within a short span of time. I request for all agents to be cautious when on duty around those areas. - Redingote

A Just two kiddos! (32/12/2024)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Moth
> ☛ Involving Moth
> ⎙ Support Activity

I was running along the sewers, masked in blackout, when two kiddos ran along. I asked if they were lost or exploring, they explained that they were looking for an exit.

I declared that I meant no harm, and could lead them out. They had a little debate on it for a second, (which, good to be wary. I am a masked individual built like a streetlight) but agreed. I led them out through the graveyard's entrance.

Gave them a little friendly warning when traversing the sewers to be careful from getting lost, said our goodbyes and parted ways.

A warning - Masamaru Train Station (29/12/2024)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Moth
> ☛ Involving Moth
> ⎙ Support Activity - Paranormal Interaction.

I was headed down Masamaru Train Station [POI-003] through the graveyard entrance. During the day, I had been going in and out of the sewers looking for anyone who might be in need of medical attention of some sorts.

However, whilst all appeared well in the station - the soft scent of roses caught my attention, as well as a flower crown that hadn’t been there when I first passed. I placed it back in its place, though turned to find a statue, standing. She gestured for me to get closer but I didn't. Only asked if the crown belonged to her.

She bowed her head.

I then stepped forward, still further than an arm's reach from her- I placed the crown atop of her head, but she looked at the station's entrance in alarm, before vanishing. I then heard her say:
> My sweet angel, please- make yourself scarce. Evil will descend upon this place. Flee, Flee.”*

And I ran out.

> Addendum: The Order of the Broken Seal [GOI-K-003] has been reported to have gathered at Masamaru Train Station, very soon after this event. - Redingote

Unmarked Grave Opened (27/12/2024)
> ✍︎ Narrated by Compline
> ☛ Involving Compline
> ⎙ Exploration Activity

As of December 2024, at some indeterminate point in time, it’s hard to say exactly when, the unmarked grave beneath the Church was discovered open. It had hitherto been closed. It is unclear what exactly caused this, but I came down to investigate after hearing rumors.

The entrance to the corridor also seems to have… broken down a little. There seems to be no actual new threats here in terms of travelling in and out of the area.
> Addendum: Investigations have been launched regarding eventual threats incurred by the present situation. For now, it is advised to take caution and respect the grave. - Redingote

Track of changes in the Spray Grounds (26/12/2024)
Narrated by: Anayoro.
Agents Involved: Anayoro.
Opeartion: Exploration.

As of this December, I noticed there was a new pathway in the sewers in the area with a lot of graffiti. The pathway led back to the same area with graffiti, but there was a small exit in it.

> Addendum: It is uncertain whether some of those openings have already been there before. For this reason, the attached pictures are thus logged as references to keep track of further changes in the area, considering the numerous openings it presents. - Redingote

Itsbyoshi Trail Encounter (30/11/2024)
Narrated by: Compline.
Agents involved: Compline and Redingnote.
Type of operation: Research.

After I concluded my search of the Itsbyoshi trail’s cavern, I made my way back out onto the trail. I encountered an entity I had no prior knowledge of. At first, I just thought it was a young woman with a red Kimono, and very pale skin. But… there was another woman, in a blue Kimono, who claimed she could not see her. Things escalated when the woman in red started seemingly teleporting around. She called me ‘silly’, asked if I was stupid, blew air into my ear, and tried to gaslight me into believing I was simply hallucinating. She expressed curiosity into the reason why I was leaving, and seemed to dance around me. I was invited to reach for her hair but found I could not grab hold of anything. I immediately reporting my findings to Redingnote.

The pair of us ventured back sometime later that day, fully expecting the spirit to no longer be there, wanting only to survey the cave. Unfortunately, it followed us into the cave without us realizing: the spirit was VERY much still there, and engaged in protracted conversation with Redingnote. Others eventually found their way into the cave, including officers of the KPD and a shrine maiden. The spirit eventually grew tired of conversation and demanded we all leave the cavern.

I will be consulting with Redingnote to hopefully gain insights into what this creature was. It appeared to me to be much too haughty for my tastes.

> Addendum: Fuck Katsumi. - Kone

Itsbyoshi Trail Caverns. (30/11/2024)
Narrated by: Compline.
Agents involved: Compline.
Type of operation: Research.

In lieu of Dallu reporting to me an incident in the cavern involving P-10, I figured I’d go investigate the cave for myself. I discovered remnants of some sort of event pertaining to P-10 in the cave, and, moreover, upon exiting, I found myself in an encounter with another unrelated entity I had never seen before. It would not be the last time I’d have the deep displeasure of interacting with it. This log however is purely to report my findings on the cave, with a separate log pertaining to the entity and my other encounter with it to follow.

The cave in question is found off from the well of the Itsbyoshi trail. I had to crawl into a dark cavern to even access it. I then had to climb up through the cave until I reached an opening with a small body of water. This is the cave where Dallu reported the P-10 incident. I found candles strewn around the dark cave, all unlit, but they clearly have seen use at some point. I discovered crystals and precious gems in the walls of the cave, and, most unusually: a rose bush. It is unclear how roses are flourishing in this cave given the lack of sunlight, water, and freezing temperature. The most striking thing I discovered in the cave was a plaque with a latin inscription reading…
> Defend nos, Mediatrix Omnium Gratiarum
I have had the time to translate the plaque. It reads:
> Defend us, Mediatrix of All Graces
My research indicates that title is likely referring to P-10 and ideas concerning their role. It is unclear who has left all of this behind here, when, or how long it has been here.
> Addendum: Hey so like this area are the remnants of the incident which happened during the activity log Dallu sent a while ago. This is just to clear things! - Kone.

P-10 Notice of change - Sewer maintenance. (27/11/2024)
Narrated by: Redingote.
Agents involved: Redingote.
Operation: Exploration.

> As of November 27th, 2024, the following locations within the sewers have been registered to change.

Access to [POI-004] - Lost Complex has been reopened
  • As previously reported, the low flooded pathway between the Large Well and the Lost Complex had been blocked off during the construction of the railway, thus restricting POI-004’s access to its west path.
  • An opening has been made through the railway, consisting of broken walls and a set of ladders. Dear agents, please pay attention to passing trains, should you wish to cross here.

[POI-006] - Sewer Service Management ostensibly back in use
Formerly used as administrative quarters for sewer services, the Sewer Service Management rooms have recently received peculiar attention. **Copper structures**, akin to solder or pipes, have been observed across the area. They display little to no oxidation, which may indicate either fresh materials or regular maintenance, though the former is more plausible.
Additionally, a door which was hitherto concealed now allows us to take note of a **vertical access** leading to the surface, by the means of a ladder. Based on its location, this access could lead to the back shop of Harada Motor Parts on the surface.

Renovation of the access nearby Tōge Tunnel
Comparable to what is aforementioned, copper structures may be found within The Channel, one of which seems to act as demarcation for its exit.
The stone tunnels equally seem to have been replaced for a clean and straight corridor leading to the already known sewer access, located between Tōge Tunnel and the Saiky Estate.
As these renovations facilitate both orientation and accessibility, it is conjectured that this area would have a purpose. The digital lock by the door also suggests a use in the past.

General observation
Less graffitis have been drawn on the known sewers spraying spots. This could be the result of a cleaning process, lower criminal levels, or a lack of interest regarding sprays.

P-10 Document update suggestion. (29/10/2024)
### Narrated by: Compline.
### Agents involved: Compline.
### Operation type: Research.
Here is a reccomendation for an update on the P-10.
[!] A file would be attached [!]
Note: [This work, it is ashtounding!!! Thank you so much Compline, this work is peak!!! I am going to rank you up to class- real quick. - Miss Kone.]

The Immaculate Conception Part 1 (25/10/2024)
Narrated by Dallu.
Agents involved: Dallu.
Operation: Further Research and Exploration.

The clock struck midnight, as me, Lilthe and Symere stood by the grave in the depths of the Itsboyoshi Trail. A few minutes passed but we didn’t see the spirit return. We began looking around and discovered the small crawl space. We could hear animal noises and strange sounds emanating from the cave.

We slowly began to crawl through the cave, the noises getting louder and louder as we finally emerged into a larger cave, the statue standing there, waiting for our arrival.

She finally introduced herself as “The Immaculate Conception” but allowed us to refer to her as “Mother”. She’s explained how she believed her reputation had been tarnished due to the recent spiritual activity taking place. She believed that Karakura’s faith needed to be restored, and hope with it.

She pointed out specifically what occurred on an Occult Club field trip a few weeks ago, where the club explored the abandoned train station whilst accompanied by the priest Primrose. After a spirit began to haunt the group, Primrose was taken by this spirit to the church grounds, where Primrose was threatened with death.

It appears that Mother regards this as a pivotal moment that’s affected the churches reputation and she intends to restore that faith.

It was at this point that more students turned up, the group totalling around 12 in total. Mother then handed out more paint brushes to the group and announced that we will be attempting to paint her on a canvas, one being placed in the corner of the cave. We were given paint and flower hats to wear.

But before we began painting, Mother singled me out, asking for my hand. I gave her my right hand, at which she’d cover it with both of hers. Her hands were cold to the touch, yet somehow warm and soft.

Comparison between the original artwork and the replica.

The Immaculate Conception Part 1 (25/10/2024)
Narrated by Dallu
Agents involved: Dallu.
Operation: Supernatural Encounter.

It was a cold Tuesday night I believe, I was with a friend in the Church discussing Occult Club matters. Throughout our discussion we’d been hearing some students below, messing around with a Mary statue. After a while we began to hear bells ringing, so we decided to move outside and see what the commotion was about.

It wasn’t students making the bell noises, but it seemed to be the statue itself, the Mary statue outside the church. It was at this point the eyes of the statue seemed to stare right as me, moving its arm up and pointing at me. This spooked me quite a bit so I kept my distance, despite the students around me trying to get me to touch the statue.

After a while I turned around, checking my surrounding as I saw another statue in the churchyard. However this one seemed more mobile, more human like. This was another Mary statue, with long grey hair wearing a robe. I continued to hear bells ringing from her direction, so I walked over to investigate.

As I neared the statue, it disappeared in front of my eyes, then I heard it speak. It, or rather she, instructed me to meet her in the abandoned station below the graveyard. With hesitance, I agreed, making my way down to the sewers, following the sound of the bells ringing.

Once I arrived in the station, I saw her there. She seemed .. calm, warming .. she had the appearance of a trustworthy and kind figure. Almost motherly like. She introduced herself as “The Immaculate Conception” and that she needed my help to restore her reputation in Karakura.

W̷͑̏H̷͛̄A̷͒͂Ṫ̴̂ ̶̛́T̷̍̈́H̷̓E ACTUAL FUCK? (17/10/2024)
Narrated by Misstress Kone.
Agents involved: Kone, Dallu.
Operation type: Research.

I ran into the occult club, the last place where the meeting took place. The last bit of information i had is that the veil was weakened... It had not went according to the plan... It should have It should have... FUck IT DID NOT EVERYTHING IN HERE IS WRONG SO WRONG... FUCK-

I was going into the club and found the individual [REDACTED] in the door. Other two [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] bleeding in the floor. I got screamt to leave and I ran for my life... I know but I am I am sorry I - I SHIT I GOT TO WRITE THIS. I I ran away and... I called for the warning and Dallu showed up. and and Okay with him I went close and there was blood and not people close and I asked for something, he told me and then one of the hurt people showed up and we helped him get away and we checked the place, but like dallu was having a meltdown so I hugged him because I wanted him to not feel so bad and like he had to leave and.

I went to search for clues and ugh. I stepped on the blood... and gosh.. I held my compass norht and saw weird symbols on the walls and a trail of blood going into the occult club room... and it was... I heard some steps and then I turned back and a wax statue was behind me so I ran away and it kept following and then I reached the gate and I was safe and and ... I vomited a lot and cried and... Why did this happen... c ehiq nbycl hugym... Nbycl wfiwe cm ncwecha ypyls mywihx...

New Potential POI (17/10/2024)
Narrated by: Belladonna.
Agents involved: Belladonna.
Type of operation: Exploration.
I was exploring around town when I stumbled upon a little chill spot. I knew this spot had some doors down underneath it with a CCTV warning, but the doors were usually closed. This time, however, they were left wide open. There was, what looked like a bar, a few pool tables, and in the back there was a bunch of tattoo gear, a Katana on the wall, a big meeting room, and some framed photos. Not sure of the specifics, but the decorations felt old school.
Note: [I reccomend you to make a more detailed log. Next time use the promted format for POIs. - Miss Kone.]

Half October checkpoint (17/10/2024)
Narrated by: Misstress Kone.
Agents involved: Dallu, Catboy, Vicerroy, Dolphin, Redingote, Variya.
Type of operation: Research.
In order to obtain and share information regarding spirit aparitions between each other. Redingote called for a meeting. The meeting took place at the cave under the POI-015.
Redingote gave a brief introduction to the reasoning behind the meeting and what exactly was going to be done. He woud go through a handful of spirits, providing their known description and more defining traits and others would add new information or interactions they might have found out.
The meeting covered most of the known paranormals who were active during this... year. We shared information about the new paranormals, their behaviour, their way of acting, the secrets of some of them. It was a fruitful meeting with loads of participation from plentiful of agents.
Once the meeting was over everyone moved on and left the area.

Strange Kiddos.... and a dog. (26/9/2024)
Narrated by: CATBOY.
Agents involved: CATBOY.
Type of operation: Support.

I was just walking through the sewers when I went to the bathrooms down there to see four kids and, a dog? They were just chilling down there and I am currently next to them, they seem pretty chill... Ones either a girl or a femboy, I haven't asked yet. They didn't want help to the surface.

Edit: Okay later on I managed to convince them to follow me up!~

Meeting gone wrong (25/09/2024)
Narrated by: Miss Kone
Agents involved: Miss Kone, Redingote, Compline.
Type of operation: Exploration.

Before I start. This was not an exploration perse, it was just a meeting... However given that I need to input something in the operation section, I chose to classify it as an exploration operation.

During the school time, at around 9 am. Redingote and I met in the media room. The meeting's purpose was to inform me about the paranormal [REDACTED].

At that moment, eriee sounds began to be heard across the room. Cackling, rustling, those type of sounds that anyone with a good hearing would see through they come from a paranormal.

Then, flashes of someone in the distance were seen. For me it was clear it was a paranormal, but the tension in my head and the lack of physical description kept me from identifying it.

In the other hand, Redingote knew exactly what we were facing. Satomi Kato...

Redingote and I were in a disadvantageous situation and we were conscientious about us being in danger, therefore, we left the media room. Yet we would not leave until we checked on the statues source of the demon.

Just a few floors up, the door of the room 311 was open... The spiritual presence could even be breathed. I am gonna be honest, I was trembling with fear.

Suddenly, in the floor, a trail of apples shown itself in front of us. The spirit was stupidly attemping to lure us. Which singaled one thing, whatever were it's intentions, they could not be carried out without us being inside the classroom.

However, the entity did not give up just yet. It stalked us, appearing behind us constantly. The course of action that maximized our safety was putting ourselves back to back. Leaving no chance for a surprise attack from the spirit. Still, the fear was taking over.

In this moment, Redingote began to feel extremly sick, the presence of the room was affecting him and he was not able to breathe properly.

I was completly lost, Redingote could barely breath and the spirit was begining to be more agressive, appearing closer to us. I have no shame in saying I was completly uncapable of thinking, I was too scared.

At that moment, Compline showed up, she did not know she was with two KUERT members... However she had a high command in dealing with paranormals and used her knowledge and prayers to keep the presence away. She joined the position, the three of us covering each others back as we talked what should we do next.

It was clear someone would end up entering the class out of curiosity if we did not close it. But we had no means of doing that. Redingote's situation worsened significatntly therefore it was clear we had to leave inmediatly.

We skidatled, but the spirit did not let the prey get away easily. We found ourselves in a short chase through the halls until we arrived in the occult club room. We were now safe.

Just after that, i informed compline of who I was and welcomed her into the team. It was a weird way of meeting, however, we came out unharmed.

Poor Kiddos (25/09/2024)
Narrated by: CATBOY.
Agents involved: CATBOY.
Type of operation: Support.

I was walking through the sewers when I went to the boilers to see two younger kids. One seemingly was extremely scared of the room and nearly hyperventilated, so I led them out of there and to the nearest exit!

I continued to go on my nightly walk to find three kiddos. Though these ones seemed older. I'd say around 17 and 18. They were in the masamaru station so I convinced them to leave for the surface and they went onto the surface hehe!

The Strange, Ominous Tree (25/09/2024)
Narrated by: Viceroy.
Agents involved: Viceroy.
Type of operation: Exploration.

The Journey
I set out on my hike through the dense forest to the shrine, for a nice little exploration of the terrain. Following multiple trails, everything around the area seemed to remain indifferent. Except, one trail. A trail I hadn't recalled every seeing. It was tucked away, almost away from the public eye which intrigued me. Following it, I was landed up, almost atop of a mountain.

The Discovery
What truly caught my eye was an unusual tree standing within the mountain at the edge of the clearing. It wasn't large, it didn't look special. But, there was something almost otherworldly about it, a strange, ominous presence that would send you chills. I couldn't help but wonder what this ancient tree might hold . .

The hole between the tree and the mountain was rather appealing. It had these windy, clearly old and rusted steps leading down into the depths of the unknown. Claw marks on the walls caught my eye. Most likely from an animal.

Reaching the end of the stairwell, there was a room. A room of little space, as if the room had gave in and caved. It's very old, ancient features clearly untouched for quite some time now.

Notes on POI-019 (22/09/2024)
Narrated by: Redingote.
Agents involved: Redingote.
Type of operation: Exploration.

It is made known to KUERT agents that POI-019 has been subject to a renovation, as well as some paranormal events.

Paranormal events.
On August 21st 2024, a spirit contacted two students located at the Shrine, calling them down to the shack and requesting a ruby.
Later that day, the same spirit established contact with the Occult Club as they were at an impromptu meeting in Ochiba Forest. It played an eerie music on a music box, which was a subtle air full of sorrow and mourning. The audio has been recorded and can be found down below.
[OOC!]Remember, the fact that this audio comes from Minecraft should not be taken as a canonical fact, given that this shack is implicitly older than the song itself. Also credits to Lena Raine, as she is the creator of this song.[!]
The spirit, named ‘The Child’, seems to be rather harmless and to mourn someone. No articles were found on that matter, but deeper research is encouraged.

Evolution of the structure.
As of September 22nd 2024, the building seems to have been renovated. It has been already known by the past that its windows and walls seemed to be progressively rebuilding themselves over time, a process which has been accelerated after the paranormal occurrences on August 21st. The shack is now close to a completely new look.

The shack and the spirit of the Child appear to be two paranormal entities linked by the spirit's mourning. It can be assumed that, as 'The Child' mourns its lost one, the shack is slowly being repaired just as its soul would be going through a grieving process.

Paranormal incident: Mary statues spotted outside KPD (22/09/2024)
Narrated by: Dallu.
Agents involved: Dallu and Redingote.
Type of operation: Exploration.

Before I start I would like to thank Redingote for bringing this to my attention. They were the first person to raise this new discovery to the organisation.

What we have discovered is that several Mary statues have been spotted outside of the KPD, residing in the car park. There are 12 Mary statues total and one Buddha statue all facing towards the KPD building, towards the sea. Three of the statues are all in a line right outside one of the doors to the KPD building, almost blocking it off.

They appear to have very similar characteristics to a “Weeping Angel” of sorts, a mythical creature that takes on the appearance of a stone angel statue. These creatures cannot move when they’re being observed, however if not observed they can move vast distances and are considered very deadly to human life.

However despite this clear similarity, these statues have not yet been proven to have any supernatural characteristics as this may still be something as simple as an elaborate prank to scare the KPD officers.

Until more activity is logged and observed, agents should consider these statues to be safe as they appear to pose no threat currently. Although this activity does coincide with the increase in paranormal events as we near October, therefore we should continue to record, track and be wary of these statues until a conclusive explanation can be found.

Below is an image taken at the scene, detailing the situation.

Notice of change: Church’s basement. (07/09/2024)
Narrated by Redingote.
Agents involved: Redingote.
Type of operation: Research.

As a result of the research activity held on September 7th, 2024, the following elements have been registered concerning the Church’s basement:

The written prayers have been removed from their storage.
It is unbeknownst to us whether these have been stolen by third parties or disappeared by other means, but it has been confirmed not to be the doing of the Church. Further information on the matter is much welcomed.

A blank canvas has been hung on the wall.
This was not an act from the Church either. Besides being an odd choice to put a canvas in, it is worth mentioning that its positioning coincides with the direction the statue of the Virgin Mary is currently facing. This statue is known to have been the source of recurrent paranormal events.

Two medals bearing the figure of the Virgin Mary have been found on separate occasions.
These items were allegedly found at the feet of the statue. One individual assured that it was not there as they first entered, yet noticed it as they were leaving.

Considering these findings, it is recommended to all agents and explorers to be careful around this area. We would also like to remind you to be respectful towards the Church and its occupants.

Notice of changes across the sewers (04/09/2024)
Narrated by Redingote.
Agents involved: Redingote.
Type of operation: Exploration.

As of September 4th, 2024, the following locations within the sewers have been registered as subject to change:

Settlement underneath Komichi Road
One of the two tunnels leading to the underground Powerplant had been blocked off by the construction of the railway. Its structure has been slightly adjusted so that it is still possible to go over this obstacle and access the area beyond.

Kiken Abandoned Train Station
A door located within the station has been locked. It is now impossible to open it by standard means.
Note: While the door was open at the first discovery of the station, it was already closed by the time a report has been made on the POI.

Meeting Room
The access to the Meeting Room has been closed as it now has a closed door, impossible to open by standard means. This sudden change closely correlates in time with the awareness of the KPD towards the presence of the peculiar picture of [REDACTED :3].
Note: As much as correlation is present, this does not necessarily mean causation. Should you need a reminder about the difference between correlation and causality, you may consult this page.

(Addedum: Sowwy I ate the name cus I was hungy :(((( . Now for real, lets just keep that name secret for now, I just have funny feeling this way is better)- Misstress Kone

Unexpected encounter (03/09/2024)
Narrated by: CATBOY.
Agents involved: CATBOY.
Type of operation: Support.

I was just walking through the sewers (Totally didnt get lost-) when I found a group of three people; a girl and two guys. They requested me to help them explore. Well I was quite bored so I decided to explore with them.

Nearly an hour after that, we encountered a group of masked men in black out type attire. They threatened the four of us so I decided to quickly attempt to get the three people I was with out of there. Both boys refused to follow me but the girl followed me. I was hoping they had followed me but no. I later saw one boy sadly in a torture room, I could barely see him, as the men were blocking the view.

Area discovery. (01/09/2024)
Narrated by: CatBoy.
Agents involved: CatBoy.
Type of operation: Exploration and Research.

I decided to go to explore the new reformed metro lines, which expanded the rails enough for people to go through the sides. As I was going through the new reformed metro lines, I discovered this strange station that is in a terrible condition.

Description: The station is completely abandoned. There are two rooms; the first one has some strange blue vines and also has a file locker inside; whilst the second room is locked. There is a sign that says Kiken Station and 11/7.
Entrances and exits: There is only two ways in or out, Those being either sides of the traintracks I got here by going through the shopping district's current train lines, Other station I believe is the one at plaza.
Entities: There are lots of rats and other small vermin and nasty things. I have not found people tho.
Enviorment threats: I am unsure if the blue vines are safe. But the area could collapse if theres an extreme earth quake as the pillars are quite damaged.

Unexpected collaboration (31/08/2024)
Narrated by: Misstress Kone.
Agents involved: Misstress Kone and Redingote.
Type of operation: Exploration, Research and Support.

It was the usual evening. It had been raining outside but in the underground you would never notice the sound of the rain. I was simply checking the sewers, in search for changes in the places. At the time I was wearing the suit because of me not wanting to stain my good clothes I arrived at the bloody bathroom and decided to get some mud off my mask in the mirrors. Then out of the nowhere a steps were heard behind me. I had never felt my heart pulsate that hard, for a moment I thought I was about to get attacked or get questioned by some gangster.

Thank god it was only Redingote, whose "reccomendations" about being more aware of my environments... Well, after talking a bit we decided to check the abandoned room in the sewers which had recently been left open.

The room was hidden behind a hole in the wall of a hall close to the room we previously were in. The small room was worn and torn. The wooden floor was somewhat cracked an the walls were made both of stone bricks and concrete. There was a computer whose documents were locked, though it had a good setup. There also was a meeting table with plentiful of chairs and a picture of [REDACTED] under the table. Which was offsetting, as one would not expect finding a picture of them in such a weird place. I think the name of them is better kept redacted for now. At least until we know what were they doing at that place.

After we had fully explored the area, we moved on to go on a support operation, we went through the sewers, now in incognito (without our DeV suit) and checked for people in the sewers. Due to us not finding any lost person during an extended period of time we decided to go to POI-006 to stay there and talk about other things.

Research on active gangs. (13/08/2024)
Narrated by: Misstress Kone.
Agents involved: Misstress Kone, Redingote and Hǎiyáng.
Type of operation: Research.

The lack of known recent activity from gangs had been concerning me for a while. We usually get info on which gangs are more active by talking to friends or checking on the deep web. It is what we do usually, however due to what I would call a bit of bad luck KUERT has not had many information about what gangs are doing or which gangs are around. Even though we are not a gang nor have any intentions of collaborating with one, checking on your neighbours does no harm. It is just having the basic knowledge about the current state of the places we work at.

I decided to call for an organised research operation. The idea of this meeting was to identify the most prominent gangs in Karakura, more on how we do that later. We met at the POI-005 (Artist's den), it was a bit soon in the morning but many agents showed up. The participants of this operation were me, Redingote and Hǎiyáng. We had a chat and I explained the idea behind this operation. We would evaluate which gangs had more graffiti and what names were the most recurrent ones. Based on how many graffiti a gang had we could get an idea of how important they are. We organised ourselves in order to cover the city more efficiently. Redingote went to the sewers and Hǎiyáng covered the south. I researched in the North.

From the beginning, it was obvious a gang had more presence than others. It is called sinnerous and their graffitis look less "serious", i dont know if it makes senss but it doesnt look so dark unlike others, more like chaotic and stylish. Once we finished we talked about the data we found and we got the following information.

In the sewers the graffitis were not so much like publiciting but more "casual", it seemed some graffitis mocked gangs in general, which seems to follow the wave of anti gang culture of many karakurians, even underworld people. In contrast, at the surface, the graffities were as expected, focused in publiciting gangs, again Sinnerous had most of the graffitis in the area. It is worth mentioning there were more mocking graffitis on the beach station, again directed towards gangs.

Okay, so now lets talk about the statistics. Sinnerous has the upper hand, it has 11 graffities (around 220K) followed by kageko which has three graffities (60K) and other small gangs, like geheimer verband and woodson syndicate and samayada, all of which have only one. This means Sinnerous is the most signifcant gang and if they can afford covering in paint the town they surely can afford buying many weapons that will be covered in the blood of their enemies. Like KUERT can only afford one spray each month and they can make the town look like an splatoon map, it is mind boggling. This means Sinnerous must have a lot of members with enough money to buy that. I still wonder where do people get so much money.

So that was all, the operation worked out fine as we expected and we have the basic data we needed. With this, Misstress Kone signs off!

Addendum: More gangs have done graffiti after the operation, so, honorable mention to midonaito resanzu... Idk if I spelled that right... They should get a simpler name...

Unexpected rescue. (30/06/2024)
Narrated by: Anayoro
Agents involved: Anayoro
Type of operation: Support

This activity was done on Incognito (without mask). I had been exploring the sewers for a while, I explored POI-006 first and, then heading to POI-003. With that I thought I was ready to leave the sewers.

As I was heading to the sewers exit near the forest I saw someone struggling to swim... I was approached them slowly until they screamed for help. Then I dunked in the water and grabbed the person out, she seemed exhausted. I offered to help them get out, but they insisted on staying, she claimed someone she knew would pick her up. I stayed for a while until I saw another person walk by. The person also offered to help her get out, but thr girl insisted on staying and waiting. I finally managed to change her mind, she now decided to let me and the other person help her. She followed the other person to the exit.

Exploration of an usually closed location. (29/05/2024)
Narrated by: Redingote
Agents involved: Redingote
Type of operation: Research and Exploration

While performing patrol duties, I stumbled upon an open door which was usually closed, based on my previous patrols.
The premises consist of one large room acting as a connecting area between all five functional rooms of the place.

Central area
Contains sports and storage furniture, as well as an isolated central chair.​
Mice can be found.​
Suggested purpose: connection between the rooms.​

Room #1: Lounge
This leisure area contains a large couch, a pool table, and a bar with five seats. Graffiti of a black, white, and lightly golden pattern is displayed on the wall behind the couch.​
It has a back area which isn’t accessible but likely contains a bathroom as it is the only necessary room not present in the other areas.​
Suggested purpose: leisure.​

Room #2: Storage
Wooden shelves and boxes are scattered across the room. A ladder leading to the surface lies in a corner, suggesting a secondary entrance to the premises. There is also a wardrobe.​
Based on geographical approximations, this entrance is located within the staff room of **Uradōri Laundrette**.​
Suggested purpose: access and storage.​

Room #3: Dining room
Contains a large dining table for eleven people, with a central seat at the end of the table. Upon the wall behind that seat is graffiti of a black, white and lightly golden pattern. Banners and lamps in black and white are present.​
It has a back area which isn’t accessible but looks like a small storage room with a few shelves.​
Suggested purpose: large meetings.​

Room #4: Kitchen
Contains a fridge, an oven, a sink, and a small table with two chairs.​
It has a back area which isn’t accessible but looks like a dressing room, with boxes of hair dye.​
Suggested purpose: nourishment, disguise.​

Room #5: Office
Likely used for one to one meeting purposes with its single desk. Graffiti of a black, white and lightly golden pattern is displayed on the wall behind the desk.​
It has a back area which contains five recording screens or surveillance cameras and a suit hanging.​
Suggested purpose: private meetings, surveillance.​

The area is likely used for meeting purposes in gang activities, commonly named ‘turf’.
It holds enough capacity for about 10 to 25 people, which is the average of people moving together during gang events. The lone chair located in the central area is likely used for kidnapped victims or interrogations.
Based on the repetitive black/white/gold pattern on the walls, it is linked to the occupants’ identity. Valhalla (formerly known as Mefisuto) which used to have a white fire symbol but now uses an angel, appears to be a candidate. Man’en, using a golden butterfly, is also relevant to this case.

Civilian rescue: a surge in Karakura's criminal activities. (27/05/2024)
Narrated by: Redingote
Agents involved: Redingote
Type of operation: Support

I [Redingote] went on patrol from 5:00 am to 8:00 am, with the intent to check thoroughly upon the current state of Karakura’s sewer network.
The area thus surveyed regards the northern parts of the network, within the proximity of Entrance 9 *(1660, 780)* located along Komichi Road.

Upon reaching the meeting rooms west of POI-006, I went into its back area as a matter of merely covering the entire area.
Laying down the chair, I witnessed the unconscious yet breathing body of a young male, supposedly knocked out.
After checking his basic vitals and the surrounding areas for any additional clues or potential beings, I carried the lad out the sewers by the shortest path to the surface.
I laid him out on the ground, under the tunnel between Ochiba Forest and the Shopping District, and stood watch while waiting for him to recover his spirits.
Considering the damp weather, I covered his body with my coat, as to avoid any hypothermia or further complications.

As he woke up, I took notice of his complete physical state but he was unharmed.
Upon light interrogation, he claimed to have been knocked unconscious in the middle of the plaza by a single person wearing black clothes and a mask.
They first interacted when the masked fellow made an attempt to sell alcohol to the male (i.e., a minor crime of *Illegal Services*).
To this proposal, the male victim stated “Fuck you” which angered the masked fellow, thus resulting in the altercation and kidnapping event.
As an additional note, the male has also been extorted for ¥5,000, as per usual with that kind of event.

Additional thoughts
The above-mentioned event is concerning as it means criminal activities within Karakura are escalating in violence, manifesting tense underground circumstances. I kindly request KUERT agents to be mindful of this predicament while interacting with unknown fellows down the sewers, as their personal security may be affected over the course of their respective duties.

Additional notes
  • As a matter of protecting the victim’s identity, the only picture provided is of the area in which he had been found.

Picnic in Itsbyoshi trail. (20/04/2024)
Narrated by: Anayoro
Agents involved: Anayoro
Type of operation: Support Operation
While at the Itsbyoshi trail, I found these people following a priest, so I decided to join in. The priest led us to a picnic spot near a cave... This reminded me of the tiny cave hole that led to the Itsbyoshi remnants (The hill where these abandoned ruins and the ying yang symbol), so I led the group there into the tight enclosure into the cave and helped them get out of it. Then we had a picnic in Itsbyoshi trail!!

A little search. (16/04/2024)

Narrated by: Atlas
Agents involved: Atlas
Type of operation: Support

The sewers are dark and cold but it's the kind of environment I thrive in. It was quieter than usual, not much to report on that front. I looked around for any poor lost souls but found none. Then I decided to search for any secrets as a side mission, yet I was unable to find anything. Next time, I am going to do search throughout more of the underground. The cold of the underground doesn't really bother me anyways.

Another day, another mission.

Emergency in the night. (01/04/2024)
Narrated by: Mistress Kone
Agents involved: Mistress Kone
Type of operation: Support (Search and Rescue)

It was a cold night, I was in the artist's den, minding my own business on Ikigai. It was not my best moment, dealing with friends and stuff. I was going to lose someone's friendship and I was very stressed and sad. I was feeling sick about that situation. Then the user Athanasia, whom I had talked in the past with, complaint about his partner not answering his phone calls. I immediatly changed accounts to Compass, an account which is used by KUERT to give people information about the underground (not only is it found on Ikigai by the way.). I told Athan that he could use the co+search, a command whose purpose is to start a search party on someone who is presumably missing. Athan, pondered on his options, having to ask compass for help meant revealing his husbands identity to KUERT. Athan finally accepted, however his husband was known on Ikigai as Nona so he could not send his identity through there. I suggested him using onrain to communicate to us. In spite of me asking for Nona's identity, I already knew beforehand who he is. Since the very first moment Athan had accepted our TOS I was already searching for him. Do not ask me how I knew him.

I was now running through the sewers trying to find Nonagon, it was a hard task, however I always check some spots I suspect criminals use to well, hurt people wihout having anyone around who could "interfere". I started searching in the North of the main sewers, I ravaged through the entire POI-006 searching for anyone who could be there, after having found no one, I exited the POI-006. As I was heading to the East, JACKPOT! I found someone lying on the floor. However it was not Nonagon. She was unconscious and well, she had been horribly hurt, her eye was missing. I had not seen such grotesque scene in a while.
I knew I was meant to find Nona but I could not leave her alone. I had to think fast, and chose to first carry her out of the sewers. I communicated that I had found a girl in the sewers badly injured and had to carry her out first.

So there you had me, I had recently had some serious argument with a friend, just after that the husband of a friend had gone missing and I had to rescue him inmediatly, to add the cherry on top, now I had the task of carrying this girl out of the sewers as fast as possible. My major fear was her waking up before I could get her out. If that happened I would have to explain what happened, that I am helping her get out of the sewers, that she is also badly injured and etc.
Well that was what literally happened. She woke up and she was hella confused and uncooperative. It took me around 10 minutes to convince her to follow me. In spite of saying this kinda harsly, thruth be told she was not in her best moment and she was trying to process everything, I just can not blame her. So after I gained her trust I carried her to the nearest exit and asked her to call an ambulance for herself. I was gonna ask her more about what happened but some people saw me and were coming for me. Probably they thought I was the one who hurt her.

I was now on my way to find Nonagon again. Athan had sent a direct message to KUERT through onrain. I was fully focused on finding him. I was running at full speed through the Southern main sewers, I went into POI-004 and well, I was not prepared for what I would call the scariest moment in the past month. I found Wdigo smooching and kissy kissing with her partner.(I have completly forgetten who her partner was so imma use they/them). So basically they come up to me and try to take off my mask inmediatly. They most likely thought I was gonna rob them. So well, after trying to escape, I screamt out I was compass. W digo knew I was searching for Nona and convinced her partner to stop trying to unmask me. It may sound funny but it was hella scary. I left unharmed and my identity was unreevealed so that is cool.

So it was almost like 7:30 am and I had not found him yet. I was desesperate, but I could not keep walking. I had been searching for hours, my bones and muscles hurted, A LOT! Therfore, I went to the artist's den to communicate I had not been able to locate him. While talking through there, the user LittleRed told me that who I found injured was her friend Prinzessin, and bascially thanked me for having helped her get out of there. With that last bit of information, I passed out from exhaustion.

I woke up at 9 AM. I was late for school. I talked on Ikigai to check how everyone was. Prinzessin told me she was fine and Athan thanked me for trying to find Nonagon. I decided to sleep a bit more and at 11 AM I woke up again, this time I decided to go to school and enter through the ladder hidden in the gender neutral bathrooms, I just did not want to deal with teachers.

Oh also, Nonagon was found later by Athan, Nonagon just had some cuts and a broken arm. So well, end of the story. I hope I never have to deal with such a horrible night like this. Mistress Kone signing out.

Something secret (23/03/2024)
Narrated by: Mistress Kone
Agents involved: Mistress Kone
Type of operation: Research

Under the recent apparition of the group known as MID. KUERT inmediatly put their eyes on them. MID secrets were secret for a reason and we want to know that specific reason.

I started patrolling the area in incognito. No one would suspect that a girl having a nice walk in the woods is trying to steal classified information.

I already knew what was in the boxes, just biological samples from Karakurians and animals from the forest. Nicely stored in vials. I may look like a real vampire but well I am not interested in peoples blood.

I came there for the documents, however these people had more than two braincells and had all of the important documentation on the computer, of course sealed with a password. Dead end. With a miserable ammount of data, I left the scene.

I went to a close cabin and started my research on them. Found nothing official, just posts at onrain and a news report talking about how weird have they been acting.

Still, with all data I had on them, I started writting the GOI document. In spite of all of our documents either being completly classified or completly public, I chose to publish it only to Ikigai. No one who is gonna tell MID about KUERT being watching them.

Barely before publishing the new GOI-I-001. The MID members shown themselves at their camp. However I kept writing. Finished and published the document, I was surprised by the great support Ikigai users presented. I love u guys.

It was now time to do a different type of work. I dressed up on the DEV suit and went to a close mountain. Took a nice spot. I took my binoculars out and began stalking them from the heights. Just the way the gods eyes see every movement I tracked their routines, when they leave the area to patrol the outskirts and how they react. However even the Kami are not invisible to the sharpest eyes of the humans.
I had suddenly been spotted by a security guard. His eye penetrated into my mind like a bullet does in the flesh. In the blink of an eye I was gone. Maybe he thought I was an spy, maybe a shadow made up by his mind, but I was not risking being caught.

Satisfied by my execellent reasearch (not so much by my stalking abilities though) I left the forest.

Vår-Gave (19/02/2024)
Narrated by: Daniel Minaya
Agents involved: Daniel Minaya
Type of operation: Research

I had recieved a message from an anonymous Onrain account a long time ago. This account claimed that the temple Miss K had been exploring was a dangerous place... A lot of people tell us that thr places we explore are dangerous, so I didn't see it as a serious warning. However, curiosity took over...

I asked the account wether they could give me more details on the 'dangerous activity' that was taking place.

The danger was real. The anomymous account replied that a cult known as "Spring-Gift" has commited sacrificed people near the place. And that they are out in Karakura.

Miss K had told me that she had found certaim bloody marks at the temple, she thought it was people who fell down from the "parkour challenge" zone. But maybe it was not at all.

Then as I replied to their messages, I remembered something. Miss K had also recieved an e-mail from a "religious organization" with the same name... Religious... what a fallacy, a charade... These people contacted her to try to indoctrinate her. I was filled with rage... I am still...

It is dangerous to take precipitated actions. Not to think... I now ponder about the situation. What shall I do? Should I trust the them?


A night of exploration (14/02/2024)
Narrated by: Mistress Kone
Agents involved: Mistress Kone
Type of operation: Support

I was simply wihout anything to do. No friends aviable, nothing to study, insomnia, etc I was bored and chose to dive into the underworld for a while. I felt like spending the night on a support operation would be relaxing.

I went with no expectations of finding explorers who I could help. However I found certain people. I met a kid whose first reaction was to run away. Reasonable, kids are dumb to go wihout the basic stuff to explore but intelligent enough to run away from a masked individual.

I came across a jock who had just escaped from some dangerous person. At least he didnt run away from me when he saw me. It was very brave for him to escape from masked person and dont hold a grudge against others.

I also found some gangies. I had the pleasure not to have recieved a word from their mouth. Maybe they are just like me, good persons. Kinda hypocrite of me to consider at first glance everyone with a mask a criminal.

Well, it was a nice night. Then I met a friend. She gave me very important information about certain gangs. It is good to know what are they up to.

To end this night I decided to use my spray can to do some graffiti about kuert. Maybe next time I will paint a cat.

That was all of the operation. Miss K signing off.



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Level 89
Thread starter
How many characters does "19 characters long."? Just think about it :)

Oh also i know format is quierky now but i will fix it tommorow
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