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KUERT SITE DOI-001 (Exploration guide)


Level 78
Exploration guide

Welcome to the jungle.

Introduction to Urban Exploration
Urban exploration is the action of finding and exploring places, almost always abandoned in Urban or sometimes rural, areas. However it might be dangerous to explore the places of Karakura without knowing the basic information, recomendations and dangers, listed in this page.

Preparation is crucial, here is our reccomendations about preparing oneself.

The place you put as your objective will determine what set of items, time you spend, and how many people should come with you. You should always prepare yourself by checking the list of environmental threats, entities and entrances and exits of the place if they are available in the KUERT POI LIST, as you will have a better idea of what place you are dealing with.

Another thing to take into account is the weather, places found outdoors might become impossible or too risky to explore during storms and thunders, so checking the weather beforehand will be necessary sometimes.

Have someone to got your back
You are highly reccomended to tell confidants you are going to go to explore or to even bring friends along with you. Exploring along people is what ultimately makes the experience fun, and safer. Friends can help you escape risky situations, make the group feel more protected and help you access places that might be impossible to reach on solo. Having experienced friends with you is even better.

What should you bring.
Preparing oneself for going to explore is always important, it can be the difference between having a good time with friends, or getting lost in the sewers for two hours (even more). So what should I be bringing to my exploration? You may ask. Well here is a list of recommended items.

You cannot explore without a full stomach, therefore you should always bring food with you, espcially if you are going to spend a lot of time exploring. You should always bring some tasty treats for you, energy bars can be one of them. Exploring sometimes requires you to do exercise and depending on the place you will be doing a lot of work, therefore an energy bar is always good in your pockets. Water is also an important resource, most of the times, wether it be in the forest or in the sewers, all environmental water is polluted in some way, and getting thirsty when you are left with an empty bottle is no good. Hence you must always bring good amounts of water with you.

Wearing blackout attires is always done by gangs, but usually they are not made to be ripped apart or torn, they are in fact not the optimal clothing style for urban exploration. After doing a bit of research we found out that the most similar activity to urban exploration is hiking and senderism. The optimal clothes for urban exploration are hiking and senderism attires, they have lots of pockets, they are resistant, some of them are impermeable too. It might not be the most stylish option but mud, dirt and water will ruin any good outfit you have. The optimal clothes are the ones you don't care about.

We also recommend treating urban exploration as a normal sport, this means you should clean your exploration clothes, no matter if you have been in the sewers or going into some senderism trail into an sketchy cabin in the middle of nowhere. Because no matter what you do, you will stink. you. will. stink. a. lot.

There are many utilities you can bring so we will cover all of them.

Navigation utilities: Bringing items that can help you navigate is always good. You should always bring a Compass GPS with you, your phone, and a phisical map in case your phone does not work. In case you go to ochiba maps are easy to find, however the sewers lacks any official maps. So our friend an neighboor KUERT's agent Redingote has made one specific map for the sewers. This map is a bit simple but it is good enough for basic exploration.

Exploration utilities: Exploration utilities are the ones which will help you explore. The first of them is the flashlight, it is basic to go into dark rooms. Another recommendation are binoculars, perfect for open environments and spotting your objective.

Anti-paranromal utilities: Blessed lanterns, ofudas, onamoris and other protective charms, they are able to keep ghosts away from you and win you enough time to escape. But do not take for granted they can protect you forerver.

Entering and exiting
Entering is almost always, not a big day, most of the places are easy to access and don't require you to think twice before going in. However some entrances might be dangerous or harder to access. So always go for the easiest entrance or exit.

Places will have entities, all of them have. Some are human and others are not. Depending on the place you will find more entities or less entities.

Non-human entities
For all non-human entities, you should always keep a distance as they might be infectious and sick.
  • Lesser vermin: Small rats, roaches, spiders: They are usually inoffensive and won't ever hurt you. They might be disgusting but not a threat.
  • Middle sized animals: Wild dogs, foxes, stray cats: Anything stray might be too territorial for you to approach, therefore, staying away from them might be a good idea.
  • Big animals: Bears: You should never get close to one. NEVER.
Human entities
Finding humans is relatively safer and depends on the type of person you find, here is a list of people you might be able to find during your exploration.
  • KUERT agents: Masked and in outfit, they will offer you help and guidance towards the place you are looking for. We sometimes carry food or water. However do not approach masked people as you might be confusing them with not so friendly individuals.
  • Explorers: Normal people who go to places to have fun time and explore the area. Depends on the person but they will usually be friendly.
  • Masked people: They usually will be wearing blackout attires. Some of them are criminals some of them not, but they do not like random people approaching them. You should keep your distance and leave if told. Do not think of getting your phones because they might take them if you hold them, it will be seen as an act of calling KPD and they don't like that.
    They are more likely to be found in the underground or the powerplant.
    You might also see them in groups, that usually means they are from a gang and that they are meeting, therefore you should stay away from the place.
  • KPD: They will usually be distinguished by their uniform, ballistic masks and tranquiliser guns. You should also stay away from them, I assume that you, reader have nothing to hide, but still, it is always an unpleasant experience. However do not try to outrun them when they tell you to halt as they will get angrier and it is almost impossible to outrun them.
    You are unlikely to bump into them but they are much more likely to be found in the sewers.
  • Ghosts: [See DOI-002]: Paranormal and inexplicable events will warn you from the presence of a paranormal, you are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to get away from that place inmediatly. Another reccomendation is to consider all ghosts dangerous, except Paranormals like Kitsa.

Environmental threats.
There are many different environmental threats. Here is a list with all known environmental threats. Here is the list of which you can face in the underground.
  • Reduced/No signal: The place has low or no signal. You should
  • Risk of flooding: The place could be flooded easily. To counter this, don't go to the place during moonsoons.
  • Risk of collapse: The place could collapse easily. To counter this, be extremly careful, get a protection helmet and run out of the place at sight of any danger.
  • Blackout: There is no light in the place. Bring a flashlight to counter this threat.
  • Criminal hotspot: Criminals might come there to do trainings or meet. Try to come when no one is around to evade them.
  • Ghostly aspect: Ghosts usually show up at the place. Bring protective charms to defend yourself and run away at the sight of anything paranormal.
  • Wild area: There are many dangerous non-human entities in the area. Try to run away from any entity.
  • Train: The train line goes through the spot and people might be run over by it if not careful. Chooo Choo!
  • Toxic area: The air in the place is filled with toxic agents, be it mold, smoke etc. Bring a gas mask with yourself.

Place preservation
Keep the place clean and don't destroy any furniture unless it is strictly necessary, you must leave the place same way you found it. This mentality of presserving the places is what keeps the Urban exploration in Karakura so open. Internationally, places of interest are kept secret due to people being uncaring and laying waste to interesting places, which had seen the growth of friendships of explorers who came in for a fun time. You do not want that gone.

That does not meant you can't spray on walls or move furniture slightly, but outright griefing is not condoned by any proffessional.

  • Welcome to the jungle!
  • Check HowToBasic for more quality tutorials!
  • Map: If there's a place you got to go
    I'm the one you need to know
    I'm the Map
    I'm the Map, I'm the Map

    If there's a place you got to get
    I can get you there, I bet
    I'm the Map! - The map from dora the explorer
  • M.E.G. Inspired!

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