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KUERT SITE DOI-002 (Paranormal list)


Level 78
Paranormal list

Believe what you want.

General description
Description: Paranormal events or magic, are events which lack a process, this means magical events lack physical explanations. Paranormals are any concieveable thing that can trigger any paranormal event. Paranormals are entities, objects, places, or complex events that that are found across Karakura. From ghosts to spirits, to cursed places. KUERT has decided to make a list out of everything found about the Paranormals. As other documents paranormals follow the next naming scheme. P-(XX) (NAME). P stand for, of course Paranormal. XX is the number distinctive and the NAME is the name of the Paranormal. Paranormals follow the same classification as groups (Safe, Keter, Thaumiel etc...). Enitites are also classified in blocks, depending on the type of entity we are talking about.

Entity list

P-01 Kitsa
Type: Entity; Kami; Yokai; Kitsune | Class: Thaumiel | Place of appearance: Shrine. | Title: Goddess of desolation | Status: Active |

Description: Kitsa is appears to be a woman of undetermined age who wears traditional Japanese cloths and a white fox mask. She seems to have fox like features such as a variable number of fox. tails. Kitsa, in reality, is a complex of nine souls, which have the physical manifestation of tails when they are with her and when they are detached, each soul manifest as one fox.

  • Shapeshifiting: Kitsa can transform into a fox.
  • Teleportation: She seems to be able to teleport herself and other entities.
  • Sealing magic: She also has a high command over sealing magic, she is able to create seals that can protect people or contain entities.
  • Soul division: She is able to divide her soul into a maximun of nine lesser souls. Those lesser souls manifest as foxes, which have a more limited amount of power. The lesser souls don't seem to be fragments of her personality at all. Each souls is named after a friend or close relative she had during her previous life time.

Objective: She guards and protects the Shrine, she has also defended and saved peoples lifes. Another duty she has as a demigod is to guide souls of the dead to Yomi. This means that in a way she is similar to Anubis (Considering that she has seen a lot of death around her, please avoid asking her about her job or about wars... I speculate it might be a touchy subject.)

Incidents: She saved someone from falling of a cliff in 15/09/2023. She guarded and helped an agents during the night of (07/10/2023).

History: Not much is known of her before the Grim October, period of time which she spent defending it from other enities. After that she left our realm in (2X/12/2023) due to personal reasons. During some point of winter of 2024, she came back to our realm. Nowadays, if you are lucky, you will find her in the shrine.

Summoning methods: Unknown.

Weaknesses: Unknown.

Possibility of true PE: 100%

P-02 Kodama
Class: ??? | Place of appearance: ???? | Type: Kami; ??? | Title: ??? | Status: Unknown |
Description: We know barely nothing about the Kodama. They just seem to be one of the three deities of Karakura.
Powers: ???
Objective: ???
Incidents: ???
History: ???
Summoning: ???
Weaknesses: ???
Possibility of true PE: 100%


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Type: Entity; Kami; Demigod | Class: APPOLLION | Place of appearance: Unknown | Title: God of desolation | Status: FUCKER HAS BEEN UNSEALED?! |

Description: His physical description is uknown to KUERT. He is the twin god of Kitsa, however he has some key differences. despises humanity. Kugutsu is also said to be an excellent trickser, just like many overlords he is able to trick even demigods into playing into his traps. He also seem to be one of the three deities of Karakura. He has the following names, Chiisiki, Kugutsu (Primordial name), Sanmyaku (God of the mountains).

Powers: Unknown.

Objective: Apart from hating humanity, he seems to have some unfinished business with the occult club. Which would explain how he appeares during the occult club activity.

  • P-3:IN-01: (The occult club incident) - (22/02/1987): This incident is more speculation. The original occult club, seemed to "worship" an spirit known as Kugutsu. During one of their usual meetings, this time in the boiler room. The members did the ritual known as Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, or One Hundred Candles. The game consisted on the group of players telling one ghoulish tale at a time. Once the tale finishes a candle would be douse, until all candles would be unlit and the darkness enveloped all of the players, it was said something was actually hiding in there.

    The bodies of the occult club memebers were found next morning by the school janitor. The state of the victim's bodies was deplorable and they were barely recognisable. To add more to the story only nine out of ten bodies of the members were found, the one who was missing was identified as Sone Takeshi.

    There are many versions of the incident.
    The first version is the official one. The school principal, Izumi Shimizu, blamed the event on actual paranormal activity, as it is mentioned in the second page of this newspaper. During his speech he explained how the students unleashed the spirits into the boiler room and got killed by them.

    Other versions of the incident blamed Sone Takeshi for the death of his peers during the game. This theory was based on the fact that his body was never found. Considering this it was especulated that he could have killed them and then ran away.

    Later on, Sone Takeshi reappeared in Karakura and made some statments in the news about the incident. He explained that he was not present during the meeting of that night, which explained why his body was never found. He also gave a normal explanation of the incident, which was that the ritual was done under a gas pipe which carried carbon monoxide. The pipe would have leaked the carbon monoxide, which resulted in said gas reacting with fire and causing an explosion.

    The statements of Sone Takeshi do align with background of Izumi Shimizu. It must be taken into account. Izumi Shimizu was found guilty of stealing funds of the school. Considering this perspective he probably thought the incident was due to the carbon monoxide gas leak, not because of an spirit. This means it is very likely his public staments were an attempt to hide the corruption which was taking place at the time.

    However the statements of both, Takeshi and Shimizu, were not based on eyewitnesses of the incident and therefore there is no way they can determine what caused the incident was caused by paranormal activity or the actual lack of manteinance of the pipe infraestructure.

    Taking into account all we know, there is no factual information that leaves out the possibility of Kugutsu having been summoned at the end of the ritual and that before the seal that kept him out of our dimension reactivated, he managed to kill the students, likely by exploding the gas pipe. However it is just a theory and it is very likely that it is not the true story.

  • P-3:IN-02 (The incident of Masamaru station) - (20/07/2024): The incident P-3:IN-01 is the true story behind the Masamaru station incident. IT IS PROHIBITED, mentioning the true nature of the events which took place in Masamaru station during (20/07/2024) to any non-personnel of KUERT. Unlike mentioned in the history section, the Paranormal entity which caused the Masamaru incident of (20/07/2024) was not P-4 nor P-5, but Chisiki. This fact was made up due to having people knowing that an evil demigod is fucking around Karakura might be too much for normal citizens, most people in Karakura do know about ghosts, but this is likely too much...
The incident happened during an expedition the Occult club did into the Masamaru station, with the intention of documenting about the Paranormals P-04 and P-05, the club was being protected by two maidens and some reporters came along with them to find some footage. During the expedition the spirit seems tricked the students into thinking he was one of the ghosts known as P-04 and P-05, by trying to act as if he were them, by imitating the previously mentioned spirit's behaviour, such as (calling for help, screaming of pain...). Once the expedition seemed to be over and the Club had reunited inside the Church, the spirit showed up and dissapeared with a maiden taking her to an unknown place. The maiden seems to have been able to survive the incident.​

History: At one point, He was sealed in another dimension by Kitsa for unknown reasons, because of him being evil. For all we know, they are thought to still be sealed in there. He recently fought against Kitsa and she almost lost. However during some time around (XX/01/2024) he freed himself. He has freed for a while and doesn't seem to have caused massive damage. Considering his Incidents record, he might be just simply have decided to jump the Shrine staff casually in order to take them down one by one.

Summoning: [DATA_EXPUGNED]

Weaknesses: ???

Possibility of true Paranormal: 100%

P-04 Kajiwara Hanako
Type: Entity; Tormented ghost | Class: Tard. | Place of appearance: POI-003 (Masamaru station) | Title: The never found | Status: Unknown |

Description: She is a eighteen year old girl.

Powers: Unknown

Objective: It is claimed that her suffering caused by her tragic death made her spirit insane and now she hurts people.

  • IN-01 (The never found are back) - (XX/06/2023): During an expedition of [REDACTED], she found herself attacked by two paranormals, later identified as P-04 and P-05. She barely even made out of the station and had her leg deeply injured. It was her who communicated KUERT about the existance of paranormal entities. She managed to recover her ability to walk later on.

History: She died in the catastrophe of the Masamaru station collapse. This traumatic event led her to become a ghost and haunt casually exaplorers who dare to enter the station.

Summoning: To summon her you need to be in Masamaru station and call her with a ouija. The spirit can also be alerted by: stepping into the rails, closing or opening gates, making loud sounds. Evade at all costs, doing any of these actions.

Weaknesses: Unknown

Possibility of true PE: 100%

P-05 Shibata Saburo
Type: Entity; Tormented ghost | Class: Tard. | Place of appearance: POI-003 (Masamaru station) | Title: The never found | Status: Unknown |

Description: He is an eighteen year old boy.

Powers: Unknown

  • IN-01 (The never found are back) - (XX/06/2023): During an expedition of [REDACTED], she found herself attacked by two paranormals, later identified as P-04 and P-05. She barely even made out of the station and had her leg deeply injured. It was her who communicated KUERT about the existance of paranormal entities. She managed to recover her ability to walk later on.
  • P-5:IN-02 (The incident of Masamaru station) - (20/07/2024): The incident happened during an expedition the Occult club did into the Masamaru station, with the intention of documenting about the Paranormals P-04 and P-05, the club was being protected by two maidens and some reporters came along with them to find some footage. During the expedition the spirit seems to have taken on his usual behaviour, such as (calling for help, screaming of pain...). Once the expedition seemed to be over and the Club had reunited inside the Church, the spirit showed up and dissapeared with a maiden taking her to an unknown place. The maiden seems to have been able to survive the incident.
Objective: It is claimed that his suffering caused by his tragic death made him insane and now he hurts people.
Inicidents: It is theorised that he along Kajiwara Hanako attacked the individual who told KUERT to warn explorers about ghosts (X/6/2023).

History: He died in the catastrophe of the Masamaur station collapse. This traumatic event led him to become a ghost and haunt casually exaplorers who dare to enter the station.

Summoning: To summon him you need to be in Masamaru station and call him with a ouija. The spirit can also be alerted by: stepping into the rails, closing or opening gates, making loud sounds. Evade at all costs, doing any of these actions.

Weaknesses: Unknown.

Possibility of true PE: 100%

P-06 Hwan Jabiatsume
Type: Entity; Tormented ghost | Class: Keter | Place of appearance: Ochiba forest | Title: The HWAN | Status: Sealed? |

Description: He is a boy but we have nothing more about him.

  • Soul stealer: He seems to be able to steal the souls of his victims and use them for power.

Objective: To create chaos, take revenge against the gods and feed off the souls of his victims.

Inicidents: Unknown

History: He died so many years ago. He went through a traumatic death. An imbalance in his soul, and insane amount of determination led him to become a ghost. However it is theorised he haunted humans and attacked them and therefore some time after that he was sealed by an unknown individual. Then he came back during the grim october and attacked many people, causing harms and cursing anyone who got into his path. After certain showdown against the forces of the shrine, it is thought he was sealed again.

Summoning: Unknown.

Weaknesses: Unknown

Possibility of true Paranormal:100%

P-07 Nothing
Type: Entity; Unknown | Class: Tard | Place of appearance: All city | Title: Unknown | Status: Gone |

Description: He seems to be a boy with dark hair and dark skin. A few bloodstains cover him. He is missing both of his eyes.

  • Teleportation: He can teleport himself.
  • Tripper: He seems to be able to make people fall slip, and clumsily take bad actions.

Objective: Unknown

  • IN-01 (The stalk is on point) - (11/10/2023): During the night nothing stalked a few police officers after they allegedly played with a Ouija. The officers would have called for help in the shrine and in the middle of the chaos, Asami Jabaitsume would have been thrown off the cliff by him. The group decided to flee to the hospital, however that the officers were chased by his presence all the way there. They managed to arrive midly injured, Asami survived the fall.

History: Unknown.

Summoning: Unknown.

Weaknesses: Unknown.

Possibility of true Paranormal: 100%

P-08 Ghost face
Type: Entity; Western halloween figure | Class: Keter. | Place of appearance: Ochiba forest | Title: Unknown | Status: Gone |

Description: He looks like a copy of the western character 'Ghostface' from the movie Scary movie.

  • Teleportation: He can teleport others and himself.
  • Telekinesis: He can move objects with the mind.
  • Light control: He can make lights flicker.

Objective: His objectives are unknown, he is only an irrational agent of chaos who craves for others suffering

  • IN-01 (The shack incident) - (06/10/2023): During the night of the incident, he partypooped a party happening at the abandonded shack of the Ochiba forest. He kidnapped a 18 year old, colaborated in injuring a proffessor and held 10 people hostages within the shack.
Summoning: Unknown.

Weaknesses: Unknown.

Possibility of true Paranormal: 25%

P-09 Headless Horseman
Type: Entity; Western halloween figure | Class: Tard. | Place of appearance: Ochiba forest | Title: Unknown | Status: Gone |

Description: He is similar to the legend of north america. He wears a Pumpkin mask and black cloths.

  • Teleportation: He can teleport others and himself.
  • Telekinesis: He can move objects with the mind.
  • Light control: He can make lights flicker.

Objective: His objectives are unknown, he is only an irrational agent of chaos who craves for others suffering

  • IN-01 (The shack incident) - (06/10/2023): During the night of the incident, he partypooped a party happening at the abandonded shack of the Ochiba forest. He kidnapped a 18 year old, colaborated in injuring a proffessor and held 10 people hostages within the shack.

Summoning: The method for summoning him is unknown.

Weaknesses: Unknown

Possibility of true PE: 25%

P-10 The statue of virgin Mary
Type: Object | Class: Euclid | Place of appearance: Currently the Church basement | Title: oh god is this a doctor who reference? | Status: Active |

Description: The statue of virgin mary is a 150cm tall stone statue of the religious christian figure of the Virgin Mary. The style of the statue seems to be realistic and the materials of the sculpture are thought to be Karakurian gray stone.

Powers: Unknown.

Objective: The statue seems to be able to move slowly towards the Masamaru station when given an open path to move towards there.

  • P-10:IN-01 (The statue is moving.) - (XX/07/2024): From time to time people would see the statue of Virgin Mary moving by itself towards the sewers, after a few incidents KPD was involved in the sitaution. The public explanation was a gas leak which would have lead to hallucinations, yet it wasn't the first time it happened and the most recent events happened after the leak has been dealt with.
History: The satue of Virgin Mary was originally located in the attic before the church's reconstruction, which was funded by the News Station. After the reconstruction P-10 was placed at the entrance of the church however the statue would later be rumored to make its visitors feel eerily watched, and to move when one would not be looking at it. Then after P-10:IN-01 the statue was moved into the basement where it is "suppossed" to be stored at, said between brackets because it tends to get out sometimes. On another note, the statue of Virgin Mary is a copy of the original.

Summoning: Not applicable.

Weaknesses: Unknown

Possibility of true Paranormal: 100%


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Type: Group, statistic anomaly | Class: EUCLID | Place of appearance: N/A | Title: KUERT | Status: Active |

Description: The paranormal is an probabilistic anomaly that is known as the group known as KUERT. The group is the Karakura Urban Exploration and Research Team. They usually go on explorations in abandoned places like sewers and other abandonded areas. The reason why they are anomalous is because of the following, groups they interact with eventually die off and lose their activity, in the end the group dissolves.

  • Group dissolution: The paranormal's anomalous properties seem to be activated once the group interacts with another group, gang, etc. Which eventually leads to the dissolution or tragic end of the group contacted by KUERT, all of the times, the cause of the dissolution of the group is unrelated to KUERT. Here are the details of the events.
Phase 1: KUERT makes contact with a group, depending on which type of contact the group makes, the anomalous effects of KUERT can activate. More closer interactions result in faster end of the group. Once the interaction takes place everything will seem normal for the group.​
Addendum: There are groups which have resisted interaction with KUERT, however they are not the mayority of the groups.​
Phase 2: After an undetermined amount of time, usually less than a month, the group contacted by KUERT suffers a great decrease in activity. This descrease is usually caused by lack of interest of the agents of said group; difficulties taking on activity; other bad interactions with groups etc. There is always a logical explanation to the end of the group.​
Addendum: Note that this might conflict with the definition of paranormal activity as the definition is an event which lacks a process, but in this case the process that is missing is not the reason why the group dissolves but how the interaction with KUERT causes the group's eventual end.​
Phase 3: After and undetermined amount of time, the group announces it's end and all activity finally comes to an end. The group becomes inactive and dies off.​

Objective: KUERT, does not specifically want to make any groups dissolve, in fact it wants to keep urban explorators safe and guide them throughout their explorations. KUERT's vast majority of agents seem to be oblivious of the paranormal events caused by their interaction with other groups.

  • P-11:IN-01: ([REDACTED]) - (XX/09/2024): The incident, in this case interaction happened when the agent [REDACTED], tried to contact the important group of Karakura known as [REDACTED]. The conversation aimed to offer a deal to help the group [REDACTED] fullfill their services more efficiently, which would end up significatively protecting urban explorers in general. A few hours after the conversation happened, the paranormal effects KUERT had had over the past groups were discovered by Misstress Kone, which meant that [REDACTED] was in danger. The future of [REDACTED] is unknown now.

  • You can find KUERT's history in this document, the data here is the specifics to the paranormal activity of the group.
  • "Before we knew" (27/12/2022 - 01/09/2024): In relation to the paranormal caracteristics of this group, the first interactions KUERT had were during the "The first contacts (20/03/2023-30/5/2023)" era. in that momen the groups that contacted KUERT were smaller so their activity did not decay right away. However their activity slowly faded after they were documented by KUERT. This is how it started. During the "Internationalization and professionality (30/5/2023-1/9/2023)" era, more groups had interacted with KUERT, from ASG, to Panopticon, even (an exmember of) Var gave (a cult origniating from sweden.) tried to interact with KUERT. All of the groups lost known activity within weeks.
  • "The veil has been lifted" (01/09/2024 - now): Misstress Kone noticed this anomaly.

Summoning: Not_applicable

Weaknesses: Not_applicable

Possibility of true Paranormal: 20%


Before KUERT: the Itsbyoshi rise(1956 - 1964), the Education Boom (1964-1987), Westernization (1987-2006), Before the Storm (2006-2017).
These sections will follow the alleged paranormal events that took place after the end fo the Second World War before the presence of KUERT. The sections of this part follow the eras proposed by the renowed historian Hashirama Takagi,fttin his book, the "History of Karakura". Certain periods have been omitted due to the lack of paranormal's activity. Bear in mind this section is a recopilatory of events rather than a full deep dive.

During the Itsbyoshi rise, the Karakura island suffered a notable amount of new paranormal's activity. Some of these incidents were: the dissapearance of William Richards, an american explorator who dissapeared in the areas of the Itsbyoshi forest; The Kohaku hut incident, in which some students were haunted by an spirit which resided in said hut: The last incident was the murder of Matsuoka Takara, in which a student stabbed the teacher an obscene amount of times, the student showed no indication of remembering the incident as her own actions, which was especulated to have been the result of a possesion.

The Education Boom saw no new relevant paranormal activity.


Only legends to KUERT (BEFORE-24/06/2023)

For the KUERT these stories were only tales and Urban leyends. They were ignored by the Team until one bad night. [RANK-A REQUIRED] contacted the team, claimed she was attacked by a ghost in POI-003 and that she almost lost her leg. The thruth about her injuries was confirmated. The team increased the difficulty of exploration for POI-003, but some members stood skeptical.

The first contact (15/09/2023-06/10/2023)
In that day, one of the KUERT agents saw a masked woman with a traditional cloths from the medieval Japan. She also watched her teleport an individual in mid air to the ground in order to save them from falling down a cliff. Her weird attitude caused curiousity in the agent, who asked about the weird woman to the priests. The priests confirmed she was an ancient spirit who guarded the Shrine. During 20 days no ghost was divised.

The beggining of the fall and the shack incident. (6/10/2023-31/10/2023)
During the night of the 6th of october an agent presenced anomalous entities that were very similar to Ghost face and HeadlesshorseMan. The entities appeared and dissapeared randomly, made light flicker and more anomalies. During the incident; a kid was kidnapped, someone got 2nd degree burns, and a proffessor got her toe cut off. After this event KUERT prepared for aiding anyone lost in the woods and find the thruth behind the paranormal entites.

There were more incidents. Confirming that the Ochiba forest and the Itsboyoshi trail were presenting a concerning increase in paranormal activity.

Spontaneus finale. (31/10/2023 - XX/07/2024)
With the end of october most of the anomalous activity ceased. There are theories about some event that sealed the ghosts but KUERT was not there to report it.

With this unknown "event" most of the Paranormal activity stopped but there are still some claims about anomalous events that KUERT hasn't confirmed. We think that the ghosts that used to appear at forests have been sealed but others like the present at POI-003 and Kitsa are still be around here.

Masamaru station's parnormalities rise. (XX/07/2024 - now)
During the summer of 2024, specifically in August, paranormal activity at Masamaru Station increased. New reports emerged of paranormal events and entities. The incidents involved are P-10 and P-5

P-5:IN-02: The incident at Masamaru Station on 20/07/2024 occurred during a trip taken by the Occult Club. They were accompanied by two maidens and two news reporters. Those involved in the descent gathered at the meeting place, the church, at around 2:00 AM. The group organized their descent into Masamaru Station in two waves. The first wave descended around 3:00 AM and exited around 5:00 AM. The second group descended at around 5:15 AM and exited around 7:15 AM. During the first descent, paranormal appearances and events were minimal, but during the second one, paranormal events became more frequent, leading the maidens to call for the immediate exit of POI-003. The group reunited at the church; however, the spirit known as Hibata Saburo appeared and teleported away with a maiden. The news station reported the incident as a case involving a homeless man.

P-10:IN-01: The second incident is a series of events that culminated in a major incident. The statue of the Virgin Mary at the church was rumored to have moved by itself towards Masamaru Station. After multiple complaints from visitors who claimed they felt watched by the statue and noticed its sudden movements, it was eventually locked inside the church basement. The KPD was involved in the final part of the incident and covered it up as a gas leak that supposedly caused hallucinations. However, the statue continued to move even after the supposed gas leak had been fixed.

As a result, KUERT increased the danger ratings of POI-003. KUERT is closely monitoring Masamaru Station, and regardless of who you are - gang member, police officer, or urban explorer - we strongly advise you to stay away from POI-003.

Some notions about spirits

How are ghosts born.
Ghosts are the souls of human that are reside in the mortal realm. Not every human who dies stays in this realms. To become a ghost, the soul has to be imbalanced and hold a unbreakable will. Such will keeps you in our realm and resists the attraction of the Yomi, the realm of the deceased.

Traumatic deaths, people who die in battle etc... Are a very common way of forming a ghost. As the will to survive and the persons balance rise in it's maximum expression.

How to cleanse a person previously possessed.
After a possession incident done by an spirit and once the person has been freed from the possession. One must go to the shrine to call for a cleansing. If no shrine Maidens or Priests are available, the following ritual can be done by normal people to cleanse anyone. This ritual is highly experimental and might be incomplete, therefore, it must be done only on emergencies.

  • First step: An ofuda with the text "cleanse" must be put on the forehead of the person who is going to be cleansed.
  • Second step: A circle of salt must be made around the person.
  • Third step: Blessed water must be poured on the individual's hands, they must drop it then on their mouth and then spit it to the side.
  • Fourth step: An smudge stick must be burnt in the room, filling the air with smoke, once the air is slightly tainted with smoke, the smudge stick must be passed foward to the individual recieving the cleansing.
  • Fifth step, once the individual has breathed a bit of the smoke, the smudge stick must be stomped on and turned off. With this, the ritual is complete.

Some trivia
  • No ghosts have been seen on the surface and in the daylight. (The only exceptions are Kitsa). Meaning sunlight is a general weakness.
  • Only benign spirits can enter the shrine.
  • Onamoris and blessed lanterns can disuade weaker spirits from attacking you but stronger spirits can ignore those.
  • After being possessed by a ghost, go to the shrine to be cleansed.
Here is an small list of vocabulary related to ghosts.
  • Place of appearance: Places where a certain ghost can be wihout them being called out of the place.
  • Barrier: A theoretical barrier within rural areas that keeps ghosts outside the city.
  • The "event": A theorical event that banished most of the ghosts. Probably took place in the end of october.

  • We secure, we contain, we protect.
  • Sponsored by Lobotomy Corp!
  • GOC sucks!
  • Class: Keter | Place of appearance: The forest close to Tsubasa | Type: Unholy being | Title: ??? | Status: FREE AND ALIVE |
    Description: 10 Hour Burst Man (10HBM) Looks like a completly pitch black, muscular man. His completly dark skin makes it dificult to see him in the dark. He only appears at night.
    Powers: The powers of 10HBM are plentiful. He has two blades he uses to attack his victims. He can also use grand javelins and has been seen using a shotgun.
    Objective: ???
    Incidents: We only know of few incidents. The most information about him was found in this lost footage found near a path in Tsubasa. The footage is highly disturbing. It starts with a few kids going through the woods. Then suddenly, some of the streetlights black out and an ominous and horrible laugh is heard. Then 10HBM ended one by one each explorer. Here are some extractions of the footage. Viewer discretion is advised.

    Summoning: ???
    Weaknesses: Holy attack types
    Possibility of true PE: 100%
  • [OOC]:(Thank you Erik Finister for the edit suggestion!)

onrain.png[OOC: Discord]Discord.png
[OOC]:All content in the website is accessible ICLY unless stated otherwise.​
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Level 109
Community Team
Lore Team
LIVE LAUGH LOVE KUERTTTTTTTT. This has to be one of my favorite things running on SRP right now


Level 107
I love these so much especially since I know the context and I am going to drain clout from knowing who these characters are (also where is my babadookypookie)


Level 78
Thread starter
- Added new Paranormal.
- Paranormals have been redefined along paranormal events.
- Previous paranormals have been reworked and information has been reformed.
- Added the history section of Masamaru incident.
- Something might have been redacted :3

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Level 177
Still and always appreciate all your hard work in these matters!
I found a few oopsies in the text, but instead of pointing them out,
I'll just post my suggested edit for the text section in question.

o((*^▽^*))o eh hehehe

During the summer of 2024, specifically in August, paranormal activity at Masamaru Station increased. New reports emerged of paranormal events and entities. The incidents involved are P-10 and P-5

P-5:IN-02: The incident at Masamaru Station on 20/07/2024 occurred during a trip taken by the Occult Club. They were accompanied by two maidens and two news reporters. Those involved in the descent gathered at the meeting place, the church, at around 2:00 AM. The group organized their descent into Masamaru Station in two waves. The first wave descended around 3:00 AM and exited around 5:00 AM. The second group descended at around 5:15 AM and exited around 7:15 AM. During the first descent, paranormal appearances and events were minimal, but during the second one, paranormal events became more frequent, leading the maidens to call for the immediate exit of POI-003. The group reunited at the church; however, the spirit known as Hibata Saburo appeared and teleported away with a maiden. The news station reported the incident as a case involving a homeless man.

P-10:IN-01: The second incident is a series of events that culminated in a major incident. The statue of the Virgin Mary at the church was rumored to have moved by itself towards Masamaru Station. After multiple complaints from visitors who claimed they felt watched by the statue and noticed its sudden movements, it was eventually locked inside the church basement. The KPD was involved in the final part of the incident and covered it up as a gas leak that supposedly caused hallucinations. However, the statue continued to move even after the supposed gas leak had been fixed.

As a result, KUERT increased the danger ratings of POI-003. KUERT is closely monitoring Masamaru Station, and regardless of who you are - gang member, police officer, or urban explorer - we strongly advise you to stay away from POI-003.
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Level 123
Community Team
Lore Team
this is so good

mother is so regal that she is not mentioned is so funny to me


Level 177
this is so good

mother is so regal that she is not mentioned is so funny to me
Incident reports from anyone who has been up in that hut have been extremely hard to come by, even for me . . . . . (-᷅_-᷄ ๑)
As if nothing really happened up in that old hut.


Level 27
Community Team
Event Team
Sent some cool info about it to OP because sharing is caring
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Level 78
Thread starter
Still and always appreciate all your hard work in these matters!
I found a few oopsies in the text, but instead of pointing them out,
I'll just post my suggested edit for the text section in question.

o((*^▽^*))o eh hehehe

Thank you so much, the document has been updated properly. You have also been added to the trivia section.

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