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L8tley | Revert Football..


Level 13
IGN: L8tley
DATE: 10th August 2023
Revert the football plugin.

Might catch some heat for this but its on my mind so i want to get it off. Before i go into full detail on this case i wish to say something to Tippie first (As id like to acknowledge that you are the one putting in substantial amounts of time. If there are other staff also working on these rhen this message applies to you too and apologies for not being aware of such). I have nothing but respect for you of course and i hope this entire post does not give off a rude impression. Im well aware that you put in a lot of time for this plugin rework. But please hear me and many others out.

Starting with the new stuff. The ball and skill cap has been dropped entirely. The ball moves on its own and bounces awkwardly backwards and forth when it isnt supposed to. It also curves and goes in the wrong direction many a times which i can imagine are all mc issues but i digress. The plugin was one of the greatest ones and had minimal issue other than prominent ones such as dissapearing ball, ball getting stuck etc but those were indefinitely caused by minecraft not the coding.

I know many people who have spent a ridiculous amount of time, including myself, learning how to play this plugin and perform crazy tricks which is what made the game so fun. Being able to highball and control the ball properly, learning the fundamentals and such. Even with the glitches the plugin was still very memorable and enjoyable for many. I know i taught many different people how to play and they all thought the same thing until this point. All of this time has been dropped and wasted now, as the ability to highball and control the ball has completely vanished, curves are delayed, nothing particularly matters anymore.

I’d like to re-iterate that i hold undying respect for you and the time you put in. But there are other plugins that need this work and football was not the one. Baseball is a prime example, consistently breaking and provoking many flaws throughout its presence. Whether it be broken timers broken strikes broken stations broken bases etc etc. There are also other areas that could use work such as the swim and track teams in which many have expressed distaste in due to its lack of integrity and even delays after the tourneys because there was nothing for them to do. I think that the work is great and the passion is amazing but misplaced. Many have spoken to me about this as well and of course to prevent any heat being given im not going to name anyone as i am already throwing out some rather debateable subjects and complaining about hard work can be shunned in which i understand. But there are plenty of areas that dont work. That should, that need to for the sake of others. Football was one of the best plugins we have and i really hate to be the person to rant as if its twitter but i plead we revert back to the prior versions.

As a whole, i really believe this would benefit many who have poured so much time and effort perfecting impressive skill and tricks within the plugin. As it is now the fun just isnt there anymore. Sorry again. if this came off in a poor light and sorry zinth for forgetting the format


Level 10
Neutral , leaning towards +1

I might've never often used the football field but the old plugin I do agree was better but the reason I put neutral is because it would be difficult to revert back if the original code isn't already deleted for said plugin. Writing code takes hours if not days or months to write code as it requires very specific words, numbers, etc and a lot of testing and isn't as simple as reverting it back but it would be possible but extremely difficult and time consuming but I do agree the old plugin was better.


Level 13
Thread starter
I agree 100% Again i said hold nothing but respect for those coding it of course. Ots a very impressive skillset but i really think as i said that the old plugin is something that a LOT of peoples time over YEARS was poured into.


Level 26
+1 It's not bad but I prefer the old one more. I like shooting the football higher! It is also really easy to block high shots now and it more over ruins the fun of actually playing the plugin.


Level 47
Nah it shouldn't be reverted, give it more time at least. The basketball plugin also went through the same thing, leaving people mad that hours of their time on the previous bball plugin was wasted for the newer one. A lot of the old players hated the new plugin, some still do but I actually really enjoy it and so do many other people on the bball teams. This could be the same for the current football plugin, we can't know since it's still newly implemented


Level 13
Thread starter
Nah it shouldn't be reverted, give it more time at least. The basketball plugin also went through the same thing, leaving people mad that hours of their time on the previous bball plugin was wasted for the newer one. A lot of the old players hated the new plugin, some still do but I actually really enjoy it and so do many other people on the bball teams. This could be the same for the current football plugin, we can't know since it's still newly implemented
I understand that, but as of this moment the basketball plugin still has its ways to develop skill. It still had the core aspects of the concept and its still good to play. As of right now the football plugin has many different flawsa nd the ability to learn skills and tricks to outclass oponants


Level 35
Community Team
Hey, this simply isn't beneficial for anyone outside of the football teams at the moment.

The previous football plugin was causing lag, limiting performance and bringing various other issues.

If there are enough complaints itll most likely be revised/reviewed again at some point, though bringing back the exact plugin is not an option.


Level 174

After reading Dylan's post I am on the neutral side. Personally I do prefer the old football plugin even though I'm not football team, it just was a lot better the few times I tried it. But if it's causing lag and problems then revising the plugin like Dylan said would be a better option


Level 105

u cant keep the same ol' forever, besides, this new plugin isn't even that bad when you get to learn it. i've been practicing a little with teammates and although it's got its bugs, it's actually a pretty fun football plugin, with the upsides of what DylanDeNewb mentioned about the lag from the last plugin being removed

yall gotta learn how to adapt someday!


Level 96

I appreciate Tippie's Sleep deprived nights. Developers are simply trying to refresh the game and replace something that was sitting on the server for decades. No plugins will be perfect as coders may find constant bugs in everything. Yes, a current plugin that they did is in fact... *cough* 'Crawl-Ball' should explain it. It was simply rushed, I say we should give devs some time to work on the coding on the plugin.


Level 124

this plugin isn’t bad like most people think. It’s most certainly something you have to take time to learn and get used to. As Dylan mentioned, the old plugin was causing a butt load of lag which simply wasn’t great. After a conversation with Tippie bringing problems up that my team found, here’s what was mentioned by him.

You can’t curve it
Untrue, ask eco

Ball feels heavy..???
Get used to it

Flicking the ball with right click doesn't work / ball sinks
Find new tactics

You need to look up for wayyy too long to high ball it.
Get used to it

Both flicks and curving feel nerfed
Get new tactics


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
I understand a lot of people have put a lot of time and work into knowing the old plugin. However that plugin caused server lag and had peoples such as the ball disappearing. The new plugin will have less problems, and people will have the chance to get use to it that is why it was introduced after the tournament so people wouldn't need to adjust before


Level 5
never saw myself ever posting anything here. but its fb, gotta show myself.

im not gonna write an intro, body paragraphs and conclusion cuz aint no way im typing an essay on a roleplay server forum. ill cut straight to the chase. the old plugin is better. (my whole point is based arnd this with no balanced pov, and solely focused on the subject of reverting it. if u disagree with me step onto the pitch with me and ill prove all the points ive said below WITH evidence. fyi no evidence of fb plugin lagging the server)

Dylan's post!
brother its still lagging.

Ghostfire's post!
play a match against me and tell me u enjoy playing a plugin where the ball sinks into the ground, has a hitbox of 1.75, the ball gets stuck on the corners, the ball can go through the walls of the goalpost allowing u to score THROUGH the side.

Atoki's post!
Im not sure how the old plugin caused lag... based on my experiences at least. They even disabled the plugin and the server's lag got worse like a month ago! up until this day ive been hearing abt how it causes lag etc but theres been no proof to convince me. if there is, pls humble me

u can curve it, u can even make the ball do donuts around you which is new. quite quirky

whoever complained about it taking too long to highball, rlly is just skill issue. ive been playing fb on this server since it first came out and with bad ping + new plugin i can still highball when im getting pressured by players that are considered as one of the best in fb

Ghostfire's repost!
get on the pitch with me, try and curve it. even if u practice for years, its pointless. at least the previous plugin made curving more responsible and flexible. dont use "curving" anyhow. if u rlly wanna know what its like to get curved on, go against lqmed or desyu in the old plugin.

My own stuff
as one of the best if not the current best in the fb plugin, idm what yall say just dont diss the old plugin please. that thing was god tier and if u dont agree, try asking any of the other players who are actually good at fb (after the recent leavings in fb teams, theres only 2 good players left in all 4 fb teams! a very big contrast when u compare it with other sports. Most of the other good players are not on the teams and mostly hang around the fb pitch. feel free to hit any of us up, we're all fb junkies waiting for matches)

also i have nothing against tippie or the plugin. he is my friend, i was involved in the early stages of its development and have contributed miniscule amounts to what it is now. but this thread's subject is abt it being reverted so to see ppl refuting this thread with claims that are invalid made me write this up

but yes to sum it all up, if u want anymore info on any of the stuff ive mentioned here feel free to find me in my dms, ill give u details more elaborately cuz ive barely skimmed over them here. If u do wanna take me up on the challenge of 1v1s, IGN is Harisankar7 and RPname is Rahul Sivakumar.

even with the new unofficial rule stated by YonioTheNacho which i quote "Drag-clicking / Butterfly-clicking is also not permitted, as only a handful hardware permits such a CPS method." i think by this he meant all those ipad kids and laptop touchpad kids who dont have a mouse. but yes! new unofficial rules abt clicking... u cant jitter click either this means. so feel free to 1v1 with these revised rules and new plugins and ill show yall how frustrating a match can be in this new fb plugin and change ur mind, and make u want to revert it. if u dont wanna 1v1, 5v1 it makes 0 difference against me


Level 105
Ghostfire's repost!
get on the pitch with me, try and curve it.
i have the nastiest clip of atjayy curving it over my head then me curving it into the goal if u want to see that

Ghostfire's post!
play a match against me and tell me u enjoy playing a plugin where the ball sinks into the ground, has a hitbox of 1.75, the ball gets stuck on the corners, the ball can go through the walls of the goalpost allowing u to score THROUGH the side.
like i said, it's got its bugs but that's to be expected from a new plugin, however the general physics of it are a lot more fun - the smaller hitbox is also a lot better because football isn't a game where you can kick an area 3 meters around the ball and still hit it

either way, it's very unlikely the old plugin is gonna be put into place. they put some hard work into the last one, yet they also put a lot of testing and work into this one, and you've gotta experience change every once in a while


Level 5
just to clarify idt that last plugin was theirs. i found a bug that lets u technically go invisible within a certain range of the fb pitch and was told it cant be fixed because they didnt have the code or the plugin wasnt editable or smth. which also makes sense if its really the source of lag, they cant fix it hence they had to change it.

ok now we're on the same page, i could do the nastiest curve over ur head also if u dont hit it. ask him to reciprocate it in a match against me or u can try recreating it. i rlly dont trust any clips or stuff unless it happens to me or someone whom ive acknowledged as "good" in fb

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